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Mean, Median, Mode, Range

T'awnna Morris
Fourth Grade/ Math (accelerated)

Common Core Standards:

Statistics and Probability 6.SP
● Develop understanding of statistical problem solving
● Summarize and describe distributions.

Lesson Summary:

The purpose and goal for this lesson will be to introduce the class to mean, median, mode concepts and
familiarize what importance these ideas hold.

Estimated Duration:
Five 50 minute lessons. Each session will be broken up for introductions, guided practice, independent work,
and extra activities.

This lesson will be introduced to students as learning statistics. Teacher will introduce the words mean,
median, mode, and range. Each student will be given four post it notes. Teacher will write the four word’s
definitions on the board. Each student will write mean, median, mode, and range on each post it note and stick
it under which definition they think defines the word. This activity will transition into the introduction of the
lesson and so forth.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
● Music video of mean median and mode and range (may be watched 2x)
● Teacher will write a line of numbers and show how to discover mean, median, mode, and range.
● Class will be split into groups and given poster boards to create organized displays of the topic words
and their definitions (which will be posted in each corner of the room).
● Posters will be shared to class.
Day 2:
● Teacher will begin by writing 5 rows of different series of numbers out of order.
● Teacher needs to use real life scenarios of when mean, median, mode, and range can be used.
● First row of numbers will be done together as a class by putting numbers in numerical order from least
to greatest. After, we will find the number that shows up the most (MODE), then the number that is the
middle number (MEDIAN), then add all the numbers together and divide by the amount of number
provided (MEAN), and lastly find the RANGE by subtracting the lowest value number from the
highest value number.
● Students will be split into new groups and work together on the remaining 4 rows of numbers. They
will have 10 minutes to finish all 4 remaining rows.

Day 3:
● Teacher will hand out a practice worksheet of JUST mean, median, and mode.
● 15 minutes will be given to finish the front side. Each section of the paper will be tied to the specificity
of each word. Section one is to find the mean. Section two is to find the median. Section three is to find
the mode.
● Remainder of time, Together as class, we will play Kahoot.

Day 4:
● Review day
● Together as a class, for 10 minutes we will
● Students have the option to practice what they've learned independently.
● Teacher needs to have; a card game (if some students want to work together) , a mean, median, mode
code deciphering color sheets, computer escape room set up, practice problem worksheets. This all
needs to be set up before lesson begins

Day 2 and 3 is partner work, BUT after partner work, each student will be called up to play a card game with
the teacher. The teacher will review the definition while the student will be given a row of random cards. The
student will have to find the mean, median, and mode out of the stack of cards given to them.

Scoring Guidelines:
This game will ensure the students' knowledge will and can be reinforced in a fun way. It can also be
modified to smaller numbers by the teacher in case the student is struggling to comprehend with such a
wide range of numbers.

As a warm up, the teacher will have each student blindly pull a stick with a set of random numbers to find the
mean, median, and mode. Students will have to write down their numbers on a white board and find the mean,
median, and mode.
Teacher will give students a worksheet asking for the definition of the four terms. On the same side, the
teacher will provide three true or false questions to determine if the given mean, median, and mode is correct.
On the backside, students will have 5 extra questions to find the mean, median, mode AND the range of a line
of numbers. Total of 12 questions.

Scoring Guidelines:
Students who take longer than 5 minutes or cannot get the correct answers on the warm up, will have to
set their boards aside and start the assessment worksheet.

Students who get 80% of the worksheet correct, will be considered to have mastered material. Students
who get 70% will need to either have one on one instruction or mini group instruction. Students with
more than 6 answers incorrect, will be considered to have not mastered the material and will need to
have an individual teacher-student review session.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated for students learning needs
● For students who have shown clear understanding of material, they will be able to excel on their
knowledge by receiving extra worksheets. Examples are worksheets that will include word problems of
real life statistics that ask them to find the mean, median, mode, and range. Their reading
comprehension will be challenged alongside of their math comprehension

● Students who have shown signs of struggle will have the opportunity to revisit answers gotten wrong
on worksheets and the post assessment with a peer tutor session. They will also have the choice to visit
different games and websites that are interactive to their learning process. Once concept is more than
70% grasped, they will need to show their skills to the teacher and they will be able to move on.

This website will be a great use of time for practice to find each individual term concept
This website is a very fun and interactive game that will keep the student engaged. It gives hints and will give
reminders of what each term means.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Students will not be provided homework BUT family involvement will be encouraged. Student work will be
uploaded each day to the student profile to correct any mistakes on worksheets given. Family help at home will
be encouraged if available.
Interdisciplinary Connections
In this the lesson given, students used artistic skills to create posters with groups on the subject terms.
(Visual Arts)

Students were asked to use computers to practice. (Technology)

Due to the many group interactions, students are expected to use collaborations. Working with others to create
and solve problems together and playing interactive games. This included listening to one another and making
sure everyone is included.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers Macbook, white board, dry erase markers, timer

For students white board, dry erase markers, Poster board, markers, crayons, colored pencils,
writing utensil, glue sticks, chromebooks

Key Vocabulary
Mean, Median, Mode, Range

Additional Notes

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