Practice 1.3 - Makinga A Timeline.

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Languages Academy – Académie des langues – Academia de idiomas

(Major’s logo)


Unit: I Major: Group: B Grade: 2

Practice’s name: Making a timeline. (speaking)

Practice’s number:1.3

Topic: Description

Student’s name: Victoria Rubit Castillo Silva

Teacher’s name: Karina Guadalupe Valencia Cruz

Practice’s objective: The students will be able to identify present simple and present continuous
differences to talk about his / her timeline events through a listening exercise.

● Pre- Task
INSTRUCTIONS: Watch the video and take notes. Then, click on the link to do your
quiz. Paste your score here for grading.
● While Speaking*
INSTRUCTIONS: Go to your assignment on Richmond Platform about Unit 3 of your
eBook ID 1.
1. Answer page 37.
2. Answer page 38.
3. Answer page 39.

Take notes about vocabulary, exercises or doubts in your notebook.

● Post Task
INSTRUCTIONS: Write your timeline events. Follow the example, answer the
questions and write about it in the space provided.
● What your name is.
● What you are studying now.
● What you usually do during the week.
● What you are doing now.

Hello! I'm Gerardo Allende Castro. I'm studying at the university of Tecamachalco. I
usually take classes online in the morning and in the afternoon I do my homework.
but now I'm attending to my stationery at home. That's all for me. Thanks for

My timeline

Hello! I am Victoria Rubit Castillo Silva. I am studying at the University of

Tecamachalco, in the Food Processing career. I almost always take online classes
in the morning and in the afternoon I do my homework, but now I am helping
my mom with her business. That's it for me. Thanks for your attention.
Finally, record yourself using, name it [My Timeline]. Then
share the link in your document for grading.


● Checklist
INSTRUCTIONS: download your checklist from Moodle platform to test yourself.
Finally paste it in your document or upload it.
Activity: Practice 1.3 Making a timeline. (Writing & Speaking)
Student’s name: Victoria Rubit Castillo Silva
Group: B Date: 25/02/22 Time:

INSTRUCTIONS: Read carefully each one of the following items before delivering
your practice to be sure you fulfill with all the requirements. Mark with an X if it is
YES or NO. Total Marks (5)
Making a timeline.
Criteria Yes No Observations
1.-In English, I can answer the questions accurately. X

2.-In English, I can write a short paragraph ranging from 60-80 X

words using present simple and present continuous.

3.-In English, I can use appropriate vocabulary in context. (verbs) X

4.- In English I can write with no spelling or grammar mistakes . X
5.-In English I can record myself with appropriate pronunciation at X app.

6. I deliver my activity on time. X

Grading Table

Equivalence Grading Judgement

6 10 AU

5-4 9 DE

3 8 SA

1-2 7 NA

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