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Cancer Prevention

Estrogen Receptor B Polymorphism Is Associated with

Prostate Cancer Risk
Camilla Thellenberg-Karlsson,1 Sara Lindström,1 Beatrice Malmer,1 Fredrik Wiklund,1
Katarina Augustsson-Bälter,3 Hans-Olov Adami,3 Par Stattin,2 Maria Nilsson,4
Karin Dahlman-Wright,4 Jan-Åke Gustafsson,4 and Henrik Grönberg1

Abstract Purpose: After cloning of the second estrogen receptor, estrogen receptor h (ERh) in 1996,
increasing evidence of its importance in prostate cancer development has been obtained. ERh is
thought to exert an antiproliferative and proapoptotic effect. We examined whether sequence
variants in the ERh gene are associated with prostate cancer risk.

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Experimental Design: We conducted a large population-based case-control study (CAncer
Prostate in Sweden, CAPS) consisting of 1,415 incident cases of prostate cancer and 801
controls.We evaluated 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) spanning the entire ERh gene
from the promoter to the 3V-untranslated region in 94 subjects of the control group. From this, we
constructed gene-specific haplotypes and selected four haplotype-tagging SNPs (htSNP:
rs2987983, rs1887994, rs1256040, and rs1256062). These four htSNPs were then genotyped
in the total study population of 2,216 subjects.
Results: There was a statistically significant difference in allele frequency between cases and
controls for one of the typed htSNPs (rs2987983), 27% in cases and 24% in controls (P =
0.03). Unconditional logistics regression showed an odds ratio of 1.22 (95% confidence interval,
1.02-1.46) for men carrying the variant allele TC or CC versus the wild-type TT, and an odds ratio
of 1.33 (95% confidence interval, 1.08-1.64) for localized cancer. No association of prostate
cancer risk with any of the other SNPs or with any haplotypes were seen.
Conclusion:We found an association with a SNP located in the promoter region of the ERh gene
and risk of developing prostate cancer. The biological significance of this finding is unclear, but it
supports the hypothesis that sequence variation in the promoter region of ERh is of importance for
risk of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is a large global health problem with as many The estrogen receptor h (ERh) gene is highly expressed in the
as half a million new cases each year (1). Genetic susceptibility prostate epithelium, suggesting a direct effect of estrogen on the
is of major importance in the etiology of prostate cancer and prostate (4, 5). Deletion of ERh in mice lead to hyperplasia in
may account for as much as 40% of all cases (2). A recent the ventral prostate, indicating that ERh has an antiproliferative
segregation analysis (3) suggests that multiple low-penetrant role in this tissue (6), a notion that was later confirmed (7). A
genes account for a major part of the genetic susceptibility of number of studies on the expression pattern of ERh in both
prostate cancer and that only a small fraction can be explained normal and malignant prostate tissue have been done. In most
by dominant inheritance of highly penetrant genes. studies of cancer, expression of ERh diminishes with increasing
Gleason score but may reappear in metastatic lesions (8 – 11).
Epigenetic regulation, for example, methylation of the
Authors’ Affiliations: Departments of 1Radiation Sciences/Oncology, and promoter region seems to cause down-regulation of downstream
Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, University of Umeå, Umeå, 3Department of genes. It also seems to be a reversible event in tumor progression
Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, and because methylation is more common in high-grade compared
Department of Medical Nutrition and Biosciences, Karolinska Institutet, Novum, with low-grade prostate cancer and normal prostate tissue, and
Huddinge, Sweden
Received 2/4/05; revised 11/8/05; accepted 12/15/05. then decreases again in metastatic lesions compared with
Grant support: Lion’s Cancer Research Foundation (Umeå, Sweden), Swedish localized high-grade tumors (9, 12, 13). Intense staining with
Cancer Society, and Spear grant fromthe Umeå University Hospital (Umeå, Sweden). Ki-67 in the prostate of ERh knockout mice, together with high
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page expression of the androgen receptor, suggests the regulatory role
charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance
with18 U.S.C. Section1734 solely to indicate this fact.
of ERh in the androgen receptor. A proposed ligand to ERh,
Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Clinical Cancer Research 5a-androstane 3h, 17h-diol (3hAdiol) inhibits the growth of
Online ( prostate epithelium in wild-type mice but not in ERh knockout
Requests for reprints: Henrik Grönberg, Department of Radiation Sciences/ mice, via down-regulation of androgen receptor (6, 14). Other
Oncology, Umeå University, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. Phone: 46-90-785-1982;
Fax: 46-90-127-464; E-mail: Henrik.Gronberg@
studies of prostate cancer cell lines have shown the antiprolifer-
F 2006 American Association for Cancer Research. ative and anti-invasion properties of ERh as reintroduction of the
doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-05-0269 gene inhibits growth and invasion and triggers apoptosis (15).

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ERb Polymorphisms Associated with Prostate Cancer Risk

Our hypothesis is that genetic variation in the ERh gene subjects and therefore excluded from further analysis, as were 10 SNPs
might alter the expression of the gene and thus affect the risk of with assay failure. From the remaining 22 SNPs, haplotypes were
prostate cancer. We tested this hypothesis in a large population- estimated using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach as imple-
mented in the PHASE software package (
based epidemiologic study.
Four SNPs (rs2987983, rs1887994, rs1256040, and rs1256062),
Patients and Methods which captured 99.6% of the haplotype variation among the 94
controls, were selected as htSNPs using the htSNP2 package (http://
Briefly, the cases and controls studied came from a large-scale, for the STATA soft-
population-based case-control study (CAncer Prostate in Sweden, ware. These four htSNPs were genotyped under the same conditions
CAPS). A detailed description of the CAPS study is presented elsewhere and with the same equipment as described above for all 1,415 cases and
(16). The study population consisted of 1,415 patients with prostate 801 control subjects. For all of the htSNPs, three htSNPs in each group
cancer and 801 control subjects. The case participants were recruited of homozygous and heterozygous subjects were sequenced to produce
from four of the six regional cancer registries that cover the entire internal controls. The primer sequences used to amplify the target DNA
population of Sweden. Each of these registries serves one health care are available on request. PCR conditions were as follows: deoxynucleo-
region (Northern, Central, Stockholm, and Southeastern) and altogether tide triphosphate 200 Amol/L, 10 PCR buffer, 3 mmol/L MgCl2,
encompasses f6 million inhabitants (67% of Sweden’s population). 0.5 Amol/L primer, 1 unit Taq Gold enzyme, 50 ng of DNA, cycling at
The cases were linked to the National Prostate Cancer Registry and 94jC for 20 seconds, 50jC for 30 seconds, 72jC for 30 seconds,

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clinical information such as Gleason sum, PSA level at the time of repeated 35 cycles. For optimizing the PCR for SNP rs1256040, the
diagnosis, tumor-node-metastasis stage, means of diagnosis and following changes were made: increased MgCl2 to 4.5 mmol/L and
primary treatment were obtained for 95.3% of the cases. The cases addition of 5% DMSO, annealing temperature 50jC ! 43jC for 14
were thereafter classified as either localized (n = 772); (T1-2 and N0/NX cycles and 40jC for 20 cycles. Sequencing was carried out using the ABI
and M0/MX and grades 1-2/Gleason sum 2-7, and PSA <100) or
advanced (n = 568; prone to progressive disease); (T3/4 or N+ or M+ or
grade 3 or Gleason sum 8-10 or PSA >100). For cases and controls
who reported at least one family member with prostate cancer, a more
detailed family history of prostate cancer was obtained through
additional questionnaires and record linkage to the Swedish Cancer
Registry or through medical records. After retrieving these supplemen-
tary data, a total of 177 cases were classified as familial prostate cancer.
Control subjects were randomly selected from the continuously
updated Swedish Population Registry, frequency-matched according
to the expected age distribution (within 5 years) and geographic origin
of the cases. Mean age (age at diagnosis for case patients and age at
inclusion for control subjects) for the cases and controls were 66.6 and
67.9 years, respectively.
The study was approved by the Ethical Committees at the two
participating academic institutions, Umeå University and Karolinska
Institutet. Written informed consent was obtained from each subject.
Selection of ER-b single nucleotide polymorphisms. To make a
thorough evaluation of sequence variation in the ERh gene, we used
a haplotype-tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (htSNP) method.
The ER-h gene is located on chromosome 14 q23.2, and is f61.2 kb
including eight exons, together with two untranslated first exons, ON
and OK (Fig. 1). Five isoforms are presently known (17) and even more
mRNA splice variants of unknown importance seem to exist (18). We
conducted a search for known SNPs in the data bases http:// and and selected a
subset of SNPs from the promoter region (15 kb), introns, exons, and
3V-untranslated region (UTR) covering a total length of 68.5 kb. There
are three SNPs in the coding regions, all synonymous. At the time of
selection, not many SNPs in ERh were validated and even fewer had
frequency data, so the main criteria for selection were that the SNPs
were evenly spread throughout the gene.
In total, 37 SNPs were chosen with a mean distance between SNPs
of 1,800 bp (Table 1). The SNP genotyping assays were designed by
using the Assay-by-Design and Assay-on-Demand service (Applied
Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The 37 SNPs were then genotyped in 94
randomly selected control subjects using a 5V-nuclease TaqMan assay
together with fluorescently labeled Minor Groove Binders probes. All
reactions were done in a 25 AL volume consisting of 10 ng of genomic
DNA, 900 nmol/L of each primer, 200 nmol/L of each probe and
12.5 AL of TaqMan universal master mix. PCR cycling conditions
were: 50jC for 2 minutes, 95jC for 10 minutes followed by 40 cycles
of 92jC for 15 seconds, and 60jC for 1 minute. The samples were
analyzed on an ABI 7700 sequence detection system. Five of the Fig. 1. Structure of ERh gene. Position of htSNPs. Shaded boxes, exons; thin line,
genotyped SNPs were monomorphic in the 94 randomly selected introns, promotor, 3V-UTR. 1937 Clin Cancer Res 2006;12(6) March 15, 2006

Cancer Prevention

Table 1. Initially selected 37 SNPs for genotyping and construction of haplotypes

dbSNP no. Position Exchange Region Minor allele frequency P

in 94 subjects (%)
rs2987983 13950 T/C Promotor 25.5 0.03
rs1271572 12214 G/T Promotor 49.5
rs1887994 10908 G/T Intron 1 11.7 0.94
rs1952586 9716 A/G Intron 1 Assay failure
rs1256028 7446 A/G Intron 1 Assay failure
rs1256029 5454 A/G Intron 1 Assay failure
rs1256030 2533 C/T Intron 2 50.0
rs1256031 3524 C/T Intron 3 50.0
rs960070 4524 C/G Intron 3 0
rs2776606 5558 C/T Intron 3 45.7
rs1256037 6402 C/T Intron 3 49.5

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rs1256038 8964 A/G Intron 3 Assay failure
rs1273196 10198 C/T Intron 3 0
rs1256040 11309 C/T Intron 3 50.0 0.93
rs2026086 12348 C/T Intron 3 0
rs1256042 15136 C/T Intron 4 0
rs1256044 15676 G/T Intron 4 49.5
rs1256045 19943 G/T Intron 4 48.4
rs1256048 21423 G/T Intron 4 Assay failure
rs1256049 25652 A/G Exon 6 3.7
rs1256050 28264 C/T Intron 6 Assay failure
rs1977487 31573 A/G Intron 6 Assay failure
rs1256053 32748 G/T Intron 6 3.7
rs1256054 33390 C/G Exon 7 0
rs1256055 35530 A/G Intron 7 3.7
rs1952585 37348 A/G Intron 7 3.2
rs953592 38954 A/G Intron 7 Assay failure
rs2776608 40532 A/T Intron 7 Assay failure
rs1256060 41653 A/G Intron 7 3.8
rs944461 44563 C/T Intron 7 3.7
rs1256062 46385 A/G Intron 7 6.9 0.81
rs1256063 47486 C/T Intron 7 Assay failure
rs944045 48257 A/G Intron 8 3.2
rs944050 9 -3 A/G Intron/exon boundary 3.2
rs1256065 50771 A/C 3V-UTR 48.9
rs1152577 52218 G/T 3V-UTR 48.9
rs1152579 54616 A/G 3V-UTR 48.9

NOTE: htSNPs in boldface. Position is relative to the ATG start codon according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information genomic contig NT___026437.

Prism Big dye terminator kit v1.1/3.1 from Applied Biosystems and stratified by each combination of age (5-year age groups) and
following the manufacturer’s instructions. When genotyping the whole geographic region to adjust for the matching conducted in collecting
study group, we placed two positive controls for each genotype and two control subjects.
negative controls on each plate. In addition, 29 blind duplicates were Tests for association between haplotypes and prostate cancer risk
spread among the plates. were done using a score test developed by Schaid et al. (19), using the
Statistical analysis. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium tests for each HAPLO.STAT program ( for the
sequence variant and pair-wise linkage disequilibrium tests for all R programming language. This method, based on the generalized
sequence variants were done using a replication method as imple- linear model framework, allows adjustment for possible confounding
mented in the GENETICS package ( variables and provides both global tests and haplotype-specific tests.
index.html) for the R programming language. For each test, 10,000 In these analyses, age and geographic region were adjusted
permutations were done. Associations between genotypes and prostate for through indicator variables representing each combination of
cancer were assessed by the score test in unconditional logistic age category (5-year age groups) and geographic region (northern and
regression assuming a dominant genetic model. Genotype-specific risks central part of Sweden versus southeastern part of Sweden and the
were estimated as odds ratios with associated 95% confidence intervals area of Stockholm). Haplotypes with estimated frequencies <0.005
by unconditional logistic regression. When testing for association and were pooled into a single group. Empirical P values were based
estimating odds ratios, the unconditional logistic regression was on randomly permuting the trait and covariates and computing

Clin Cancer Res 2006;12(6) March 15, 2006 1938

ERb Polymorphisms Associated with Prostate Cancer Risk

haplotype statistics adjusted for the covariates as described in ref.

(20). Precision criteria for the P values were set to a sample SE of one
fourth of the estimated P values but at least 1,000 permutations were To test our hypothesis that sequence variation in the ERh gene
run for each simulation. All P values are two-sided.
is associated with prostate cancer risk, we did a systematic
and comprehensive analysis of the promoter, introns, exon, and
Results 3V-UTR region of the gene in a large population-based study. To
our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating sequence
Four selected htSNPs (rs2987983, rs1887994, rs1256040, and variations in ERh and risk of prostate cancer. In a previous study
rs1256060) were genotyped in all study subjects, 1,415 cases on ERh and risk of breast cancer, we found no significant
and 801 controls. All SNPs were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium association (21), whereas a larger study found an association
among both cases and controls (P > 0.05). The pair-wise linkage with sequence variants in ERh (22). Our finding that one SNP in
disequilibrium between these SNPs was 0.05 between the promoter region (13950 C/T) is associated with prostate
rs2987983 and rs1256062 and 0.61 to 0.99 for the other SNP cancer risk, suggests that genetic variation in the promoter of
combinations. No genotyping error was detected among the ERh plays a part in the etiology of prostate cancer.
duplicates, corresponding to an estimated error rate of 0.0%. The increased risk of 23% overall and 35% for localized
The promoter SNP C/T 13950 (rs2987983) differed signif- cancer may seem modest but is not unexpected, in a complex
icantly in genotype frequency among cases and controls (P = disease such as prostate cancer. Multiple genes in different

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0.03). The genotype frequency of TC or CC was 47.6% in cases pathways are probably involved and each contributes to a small
and 42.2% in controls. The difference was more pronounced increase in risk. Our view is consistent with metaanalysis of
among heterozygous carriers. The frequency for the C allele was association studies in other complex diseases (23). For most of
27% in cases and 24% in controls. For the other three htSNPs, the diseases (seven of eight) where genetic associations were
no significant difference was found in genotype frequencies. replicated, the excess risk was in the range of 7% to 76%. The
Logistic regression analyses revealed a 23% increased risk of strengths of our study include its large size and strictly
prostate cancer (odds ratios, 1.23; 95% confidence interval, population-based design. In addition, the population in
1.02-1.49) among men with the TC or CC compared with the Sweden is genetically homogenous, reducing the risk of
genotype TT (adjusted for age and geographic region). confounding due to population stratification. The multiple
Subgroup analysis based on localized or advanced cancer testing problems are common in genetic association studies
revealed an increased risk of 35% (odds ratios, 1.35; 95% and is difficult to adjust for when SNPs are in strong linkage
confidence interval, 1.09-1.68) for being diagnosed with disequilibrium. Using false-positive report probability is one
localized cancer (Table 2). Subgroup analysis by age (<65 or approach to accommodate this problem (24). In our study, the
z65 years) or family history did not indicate any heterogeneity prior probability must be considered high for the ERh gene due
(data not shown). No significant association was found for the to its documented importance in the progression of prostate
three other analyzed htSNPs and risk of prostate cancer in cancer and in the regulation of proliferation (12, 15). Assuming
subgroup analyses. Seven haplotypes with a frequency of z1% a prior probability of 0.05 to 0.1, the false-positive report
were found in this population, based on the four htSNPs. We probability is 0.24 to 0.40 if the ERh confers an odds ratio of
found no evidence of association with any of the haplotypes. 1.5 to prostate cancer risk. The range of false-positive report
The overall global test gave P = 0.10 (Table 3). probability is then below the suggested criterion of 0.5.

Table 2. Genotype frequencies and odds ratios for prostate cancer among ERh SNPs

SNP and position Genotypes Frequencies, n (%) Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
All cases Controls All cases Localized Advanced
13950 T/C rs2987983 TT 692 (52.4) 445 (57.8) 1.00 1.00 1.00
TC 536 (40.6) 277 (36.0) 1.23 (1.02-1.49) 1.35 (1.09-1.68) 1.14 (0.90-1.45)
CC 92 (7.0) 48 (6.2) 1.16 (0.80-1.69) 1.22 (0.79-1.87) 1.18 (0.75-1.86)
TC/CC 628 (47.6) 325 (42.2) 1.22 (1.02-1.47) 1.33 (1.08-1.64) 1.15 (0.92-1.44)
10908 G/T rs1887994 GG 1,082 (78.3) 619 (78.0) 1.00 1.0 1.0
GT 287 (20.8) 166 (20.9) 1.01 (0.81-1.25) 1.0 (0.77-1.28) 1.08 (0.83-1.41)
TT 13 (0.9) 9 (1.1) 0.75 (0.31-1.79) 0.63 (0.23-1.75) 0.77 (0.25-2.32)
GT/TT 300 (21.7) 175 (22.0) 0.99 (0.80-1.23) 0.97 (0.76-1.25) 1.07 (0.82-1.39)
11309 A/G rs1256040 AA 365 (26.8) 205 (26.2) 1.0 1.0 1.0
AG 699 (51.3) 400 (51.2) 1.0 (0.81-1.24) 0.99 (0.77-1.26) 1.02 (0.78-1.33)
GG 298 (21.9) 177 (22.6) 0.97 (0.75-1.25) 0.85 (0.63-1.15) 1.09 (0.80-1.49)
AG/GG 997 (73.2) 577 (73.8) 0.99 (0.81-1.21) 0.94 (0.75-1.19) 1.04 (0.81-1.34)
46385 C/T rs1256062 CC 1,124 (80.8) 629 (80.6) 1.0 1.0 1.0
CT 255 (18.3) 148 (18.9) 0.97 (0.77-1.22) 0.98 (0.75-1.27) 0.90 (0.68-1.20)
TT 13 (0.9) 7 (0.9) 1.01 (0.39-2.57) 1.45 (0.53-3.94) 0.55 (0.14-2.21)
CT/TT 268 (19.2) 155 (19.8) 0.97 (0.78-1.22) 1.00 (0.77-1.29) 0.89 (0.67-1.17) 1939 Clin Cancer Res 2006;12(6) March 15, 2006

Cancer Prevention

Table 3. Haplotypes in prostate cancer cases and controls

13950 T/C 10908 G/T 11309A/G 46385 C/T All cases, haplotype Controls, haplotype Haplotype Simulated
frequency (%) frequency (%) score P values
T G G C 45.4 46.7 0.54 0.56
C G A C 23.9 21.4 1.68 0.11
T T A C 11.4 11.6 0.16 0.88
T G A C 9.0 9.9 1.24 0.23
T G A T 4.6 6.0 1.81 0.06
C G A T 3.5 2.7 1.34 0.16
T G G T 2.0 1.6 0.72 0.46

NOTE: Estimated haplotype frequencies in all cases and controls and association with prostate cancer. Global statistical test (P = 0.10).

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The 13950 T/C polymorphism is located upstream in the to belong to one haplotype block. The first one (rs2987983)
promoter region and it might be disputed if it has any functional located in the promoter, lies in a breaking point, between two
implication. Previous studies on methylation of ERh receptor blocks (Fig. 2). This may explain why we do not see any
have investigated CpG islands in the region of the untranslated significant association with our haplotypes in the ERh gene and
exon 0N and the foregoing promoter (9, 12). There is no prostate cancer. The weak linkage disequilibrium (0.05)
detailed study of the more distant region of the promoter 0K. between rs2987983 and the other genotyped htSNPs further
However, that distant region harbors several potential transcrip- supports this interpretation. The ERh gene is a strong candidate
tion factor binding sites (25). As shown by Zhao et al. (26), the with respect to the proposed function. With the results that we
promoter 0K lies f44 kb upstream from the ATG of exon 1 and now present, genetic variation in the intron and exon regions of
gives another possible implication as the 13950 T/C polymor- ERh is unlikely to be of importance for the risk of prostate
phism is then actually located within an intron and might be cancer. In contrast, the promoter region and the region further
located at and affect the binding site for a transcription factor. upstream need more evaluation.
The 0K promoter is GC-rich with f65% GC and encompass In summary, we found an association between prostate cancer
several CpG sites but otherwise it is not yet well characterized. and a SNP located 13950 from the initiating codon of ERh with
Alternatively, the polymorphism is a mere marker, which is in unknown functional implications. Additional genetic analysis of
strong linkage disequilibrium with the functional polymor- this region is necessary, with more densely positioned markers as
phism or even another gene. The gene closest upstream to the well as further characterization of the upstream region with
ERh located at a distance of 41.5 kb, is a hypothetical gene which respect to its function. Preferentially, functional/expression
has not been further characterized (hypothetical gene supported studies in cell lines with the variant allele versus the common
by BX247957). Recently, a study on lactase non-persistence one should be done. Also, more studies in independent
found a segregating noncoding polymorphism, 13910 bp 5Vof populations that could replicate our findings are warranted.
the initiation codon of the gene for lactase-phlorizin hydrolase
(27). This promoter variant affected the binding site of a Acknowledgments
transcription factor. The lactase-phlorizin hydrolase variant is
now used clinically for diagnosing the condition. We thank all study participants in the CAPS study, Ulrika Lund for skillfully coor-
The HapMap project has just published haplotypes and dinating the study center at Karolinska Institute, all urologists including their patients
in the CAPS study, and all urologists providing clinical data to the national registry of
haplotype blocks together with frequency data of a substantial prostate cancer; Karin Andersson, Susan Lindh, Gabriella Thore¤n, and Margareta
number of SNPs in the ERh region ( Åswa«rd at the Regional Cancer Registries; and Sören Holmgren and the personnel
index.html.en). Three of the four htSNPs we identified seem at the Medical Biobank in Umeå for skillfully handling the blood samples.

Fig. 2. Haplotype blocks over ERh region

spanning 200 kb, from the HapMap project.
Position of ERh outlined.Vertical arrow,
location of rs2987983 in the breaking point
between haplotype blocks. Blocks are
constructed by the confidence interval
method according to ref. (28).

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