Activity 1 and 2

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Activity 1a:

1) Intrusive and extrusive rocks are a type of igneous rock. The differences between these rocks is
that an intrusive rock is formed when magma cools beneath the Earths surface, it cools at a slow
pace forming large crystals, while an extrusive rock forms when magma cools above or on the
earths surface, it cools quicker then underground hence forming smaller crystals, example. Example
of intrusive rocks are granite and diorite. Example of extrusive rocks are basalt and obsidian.

Activity 1b:

Section B

Question 3:

a) The differences between quartz and calcite is that calcite is composed of calcium carbonate, while
quartz is composed of silico dioxide. These minerals also differ in cleavages, such that the cleavage
in quartz is weak in 3 directions while the cleavage is perfect in 3 directions for calcite. Lastly in
terms of hardness, calcite has a hardness of 3 on the Moh’s scale as opposed to 7 on the Moh’s scale
for quartz. The best way to identify these minerals in field is based on their shape calcite is
rhombohedron while quartz is a hexagonal prism.

b) The differences between silicates and non-silicates are that silicate minerals contain a silicate
oxyanion, while non silicates include oxides, sulphides and carbonates. Also, silicate minerals have
very complex atomic structures while non silicates have simpler atomic structures. Lastly, non-
silicate minerals are ore type of minerals while silicate minerals are considered rock forming

c) Felsic and mafic rocks are silicate minerals, the differences between these rocks are that mafic
rocks contain more magnesium and iron as compared to felsic rocks. Also, mafic rocks are general
more darker in colour, as felsic rocks are lighter in colour. Felsic rocks contain more silicon as
compared to mafic rocks. Mafic rocks have a higher density compared to felsic rocks who has a
lower density. Lastly felsic rocks have a high viscosity, unlike mafic rocks that has a low viscosity
because of the high temperature of lava.

d) Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling down of the magma as it rises towards the surface. As
the magma cools it begins to crystallize, this crystallization takes place either underground within
the earths crust or on the surface. Magma that cools beneath the surface is called intrusive igneous
rocks while magma cooled on the surface is called extrusive igneous rocks. In terms of metamorphic
rocks, these rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks, which have been subjected to an increase in
temperature and pressure or both of these, as a result the rock undergoes changes forming a
metamorphic rock.

e) The 3 types of textures for sedimentary rocks are roundness, sphericity, and grain sorting. The
degree of roundness the distance of transportation. As a result, angular clasts indicate a short
distance travelled from the source, while rounded clasts indicate a long distance travelled from the
source. In terms of sorting, well sorted sediments travel the longest distance while poor sorted
angular grains travel the shortest distance.
Question 4:

a) The earth is composed of several different structures, starting from the center, that is the core,
broken into the inner core and the outer core, next is the mantle, also broken into the inner and
outer core, then the crust.

b) The temperature increases with depth due to the geothermal gradient, as a result as depth
increase you reach the mantle that contains magma and high amounts of pressure causing the
temperature to increase.

c) Weathering, erosion, deposition, transport

d) Rivers and groundwater, ocean currents and waves, winds, Ice, humans, gravity.

e) Solar energy and gravitational forces


a) Geology is the study of earth and is a branch of natural science. This deals with earth and its
structure, composition and materials which are all important to civil engineers. This is all important
to civil engineers because, these engineers need to take into consideration the land where testing
and building will take place. To ensure all buildings and constructions are safe and will not collapse
due to bad surface grounds.

b) Minerals and rocks are important for civil engineers because these materials are used in the
construction of buildings and roads. It is important for civil engineers to know the differences
between these minerals to ensure strong and appropriate materials are used for construction, to
prevent structures from collapsing and breaking and strong enough to last for many years after
being built.

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