All Drugs Should Be Legalized

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All dru gs s ho uld be

oza, Lu is C an o , Johnny
Members: Lau ra Esp in
M a rc o A pon te
Ballesteros &
What are drugs?

They are any substance (other than food) used to prevent,

diagnose, treat, or relieve disease or abnormal condition
symptoms. Drugs can also affect how the brain and the
rest of the body work, causing changes in mood,
awareness, thoughts, feelings, or behavior. Some types of
drugs, such as opioids, can be abused or addicted.

Why drugs should be legalized?

With the legalization of drugs this would put an end to the exaggeratedly lucrative
part of the drug trafficking business, bringing to the surface the existing black
market and with the disappearance of the underground drug trade dramatically
decreases the problem that arose from drug trafficking.
in a survey conducted in mexico, more than half (58%) said they agreed with
legalization, and more than (63%) thought that if some drugs were legalized, this
would lead to a decrease in crime because the market and price would be controlled, as
in the case of alcohol.
the disadvantages of its legalization. regardless of the effect it would have on drug
trafficking, its legalization would not affect positively, it would drastically increase
cases of drug addiction, family disintegration, school failure, among others.

Legalization would put an end to the lucrative part of the drug trade, by bringing to
the surface the existing black market. And with the disappearance of clandestine drug
trafficking, the social problems linked to said activity dramatically decrease. The
current prohibition of drugs does not stop the market, it has simply submerged it
under the cloak of illegality, and when a business is a crime, the criminals will take
part in it, it would also end an important focus of corruption, which increases in all
levels of government due to the fact that a substantial number of police officers,
customs officials, judges and all kinds of authorities have been bought, bribed or
extorted by drug traffickers, creating a great atmosphere of distrust on the part of
the population towards the public sector in general


Luis Johnny Laura Marco

Legalization of drugs is an In my opinion they should
not legalize all of them but Reasons to legalize drugs: Drugs should not be
option in the fight against
only some that are addictive -It allows to know drugs legalized in their entirety,
drug trafficking, the act of
to a lesser extent, this would that are consumed, and their because although it is true
legalizing addictive drugs
reduce although not quality, in such a way that that in this way drugs will
that are currently
prohibited would drastically if something adulterations are avoided. be used recreationally,
inevitably produce an remarkable the situation of -It ends drug trafficking, people will be free to
increase in their drug trafficking. to prevent since it suppresses the flow access them and thus open
consumption and, society from falling into drug of money and the power of hundreds of miles of
therefore, an increase in addiction should be instilled the mafia groups that have it addicts. I agree with the
the number of users and enough in that drugs are bad today. legalization of drugs for
drug addicts. and addictive. at home and at -The corruption that exists medicinal use, but not for
school since childhood. make today is limited or avoided. recreational use.
it very clear

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