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CIVN2016A: Engineering Economics and Infrastructure Planning


There are five strategies that drive the Compact Polycentric Urban model proposed in the
current IDP review of the City of Johannesburg.

1. To strengthen the inner city as the metropolitan core

2. To introduce efficient, safe and affordable public transport
3. To densify and diversify development along defined development corridors
4. To intensify mixed-use high-density residential development around economic nodes
5. To introduce centres of economic activity in previously marginalised high-density
residential areas (former ‘townships’)

Read p55-67 of the Integrated Development Plan 2019/2020 review (in the Resources
folder) for background on these strategies.

Choose one of the strategies and discuss how it will help to alleviate poverty and narrow the
economic gap between rich and poor in the City. Look at the direct and the indirect factors,
especially those that are a result of engineering activity.

Present your work in the format of a professional report of maximum 5 pages of body text,
fully referenced (the page count excludes a cover page and your list of references). Please
do not include an abstract or executive summary.

Please note that plagiarism is an offence that may result in your mark being reduced to zero
and/or your being referred to disciplinary processes. You need to get a Turnitin score of 13%
or less to avoid this. You have 3 resubmission attempts, so please correct your own work
and resubmit if you have a score above 13%. Please have a look at the powerpoint on
plagiarism and referencing to guide you.

Submission date: 27 September at 11:55 pm on Ulwazi Assignments.

Comment Mark
Context /20
Analysis /40
Recommendations /20
Style and references /20

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