Ultimate Challenger Ornn Matchups Sheet 100+ Matchups

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Ultimate EUW Challenge


ULTRA SIGMA MALE DISCORD https://discord.gg/tzWjU7MUum

Items Mythics - When and Why?

Sunfire Aegis: When you are
ahead of your laner and are looking
for extended fights, preferably
against melee
Frostfire Gauntlet: Against ranged
or you're not far ahead and not
looking to 1v1 your enemy laner
and just looking to be a good tank
and peel
Locket of the Iron Solari: Against
comps that do a lot of damage to
your squishies and/or if you have a
hyper carry and want to protect
Evenshroud: If you're only looking
to teamfight and against a lane
where your goal is to survive until
teamfights happen
Turbo Chemtank: MORE LIKE
TURBO TRASHTANK.... It's a really
really bad mythic do NOT build this
ever. It is troll and you're losing LP.
Masterwork Upgrade Priority
Enchanter Items
Lethality/Magic Penetration items
Mage Items
Bruiser Items
ADC Items
Tank Items
Tank Support Items

Matchups Win|Lose|Skill|Even,
If you see anything Ability Max
wrong with the matchups W > E > Q: Into bruiser melees or if
sheet or want Ornn they enemy top seems to have
Coaching my discord is really good movement
Makkro0 #1691 3/5 Points into Q > W > E | Take
Double AD when Q Maxing: Into
squishy ranged champs, squishy
melees, or lanes where you need to
stay safe and poke

Akali Skill | W > E > Q |

Aatrox Skill | W > E > Q | IGNITE TP

Ahri Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Akshan Skill | 3 Points into Q > W > E >

Finish Q

Anivia Even | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Annie Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Aurelion Sol Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Azir Skill Azir Favoured | 5 Points

into Q > W > E

Brand Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Camille Lose After Divine Skill Before

Divine | W > E > Q | Ignite TP

Cassiopeia Lose | 3 Points into Q > W > E >


Cho'Gath Skill | W > E > Q

Corki Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Darius Skill Darius Favoured | 5 Points

Into Q > W > E

Dr. Mundo Skill | W > E > Q | Take Ignite


Ekko Skill | W > E > Q

Fiora Lose | W > E > Q | Ignite TP

Fizz Even | W > E > Q | Exhaust TP

Galio Win | W > E > Q

Gangplank Skill GP Favoured | 5 Points into

Garen Q > W| W
Even > E> E > Q | Ignite TP

Gnar Skill | W > E > Q

Gragas Skill | W > E > Q

Graves Skill | W > E > Q

Gwen Skill(Gwen Favoured) | W > E >


Heimerdinger Skill | 3 Points into Q > W > E >

Finish Q

Illaoi Lose Lane Win Game Don't die /

Irelia Dodge
Skill nobody
Irelia plays| illaoi
Favoured W > you're

Janna With Smite Kill Tower ASAP - Rotate to bot |


Jax Skill | 5 Points Into Q > W > E |

Jayce Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Kaisa Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Kalista Skill | 3 Points into Q > W > E >

Finish Q

Karma Even | W > E > Q

Kassadin Even | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Katarina Skill | W > E > Q

Kayle Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E |

Ignite TP

Kennen Even | 3 Points into Q > W > E

Kled Skill | W > E > Q

LeBlanc Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Lee Sin Skill | W > E > Q

Lilia Lose | Q > W > E

Lissandra Even | W > E > Q

Lucian Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Lulu Skill | W > E > Q

Lux Skill | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Malphite Win | W > E > Q

Malzahar Even | W > E > Q

Maokai Even | W > E > Q | Ignite TP

Mordekaiser Skill Lose After 6 If Morde is

Good | W > E > Q | Exhaust TP

Nasus Skill Lose After 6 | W > E > Q

Neeko Lose | 3 Points into Q > W > E

Nocturne Skill | W > E > Q

Olaf Skill Lose After 6 | W > E > Q

Orianna Even | 5 Points Into Q > W > E


Pantheon Skill Very Pantheon Favoured | 5

Points Into Q > W > E

Poppy Lose | W > E > Q

Qiyana Skill | W > E > Q | Exhaust TP

Quinn Win | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Renekton Even | W > E > Q | Ignite TP

Rengar Lose | W > E > Q | Ignite TP

Riven Skill | W > E > Q | TAKE

Rumble Skill | W > E > Q

Ryze Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Sejuani Skill | W > E > Q

Sett Skill | W > E > Q

Shaco Win | W > E > Q

Shen Even | W > E > Q

Shyvana Skill | W> E > Q

Singed Skill | W > E > Q

Sion Skill | W > E > Q

Skarner Win | W > E > Q

Soraka Skill | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Swain Skill | W > E > Q | Ignite TP

Sylas Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E |


Syndra Skill | 3 Points into Q > W > E >

Finish Q

Tahm Kench Skill | W > E > Q

Talon Win | W > E > Q | Exhaust TP

Teemo Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Tristana Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Trundle Skill Trundle Favoured | W > E >

Q | Exhaust TP

Tryndamere Skill | W > E > Q | TAKE


Twisted Fate Even | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Urgot Win | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Vayne Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E |

Ignite TP

Veigar Even | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Vel'koz Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Vex Even | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Vi Skill | W > E > Q

Viego Skill | W > E > Q | Ignite TP

Viktor Skill | 3 Points Into Q > W > E

Vladimir Skill | W > E > Q | IGNITE TP

Volibear Skill | W > E > Q

Warwick Skill | W > E > Q | Exhaust TP

Wukong Win | W > E > Q

Xerath Win | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Yasuo Skill | W > E > Q

Yone Skill | W > E > Q

Yorick Skill | W > E > Q

Zac Win | W > E > Q

Zed Win | 5 Points into Q > W > E |

Exhaust TP

Zeri Skill | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Ziggs Even | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

Zilean Even | 5 Points into Q > W > E

Zoe Skill | 5 Points Into Q > W > E

EUW Challenger Ornn Match
🥶🥶🥶 Written by Makkro0 😎😎😎
Youtube Channel | CLICK HERE For Youtube

Steelcaps: build when your enemy has 3+ AD
Merc's: build into 3 ap+ users or very heavy CC Comps
Sorcerer's Shoes: build vs heavy tanky comps but it's
not needed if your team has enough damage.
Ionian Boots: build these when you don't need
resistances and are the only one left to carry
Swifties: Good vs slows and some matchups like Sion,
Mundo, Illaoi, Malphite
Mobility Boots: When you need to run it down mid


Grasp: into Melee matchups
Glacial/Unsealed Spellbook: into ranged and certain
melee matchups

Attack Speed Double Defenses: matchups where you're

autoing a lot
Double AD 1 Defense: matchups where you're spamming Q
it will do a lot of damage
AD 2 Defense: Matchups where you're
spamming Q it will do a lot of damage

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Attack Speed, Double MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
AD, 2 MR

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
AD,Double Armor

Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic

Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Double AD, Magic Resist

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Armor, HP

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Unflinching

Sorcery: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Attack Speed, MR, HP

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
AD, Magic Resist, Armor

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Conditioning
AD, 2 Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Ability Haste, Armor, MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching

Inspiration: Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Attack Speed, Double Magic Resist
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching
Inspiration: Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed > MR > HP
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double MR
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Sorcery: Transcendence, Manaflow Band
Attack Speed, Armor, HP

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Resolve:Haste, Double
Grasp, ArmorSecond Wind, Unflinching
Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Attack Speed, Double MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bo, Unflinching
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Armor, HP

Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic

Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Resolve: Biscuits,
Grasp, CosmicBone
Demolish, Insight
Plating, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Attack Speed, MR, HP
Inspiration: Unsealed Spellbook, Stopwatch, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Bone Plating
AD, Armor, HP
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
AD, Double Armor

Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic

Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
AD, Magic Resist, Armor

Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic

Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, Armor
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Attack Speed,
Resolve: Grasp,Double MR Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Armor, Magic Resist
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
AD, Armor, MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Resolve:AD, MR Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic

Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, Glacial,
Inspiration: MR Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, Armor
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Attack Speed,2 MR
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Sorcery: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Attack Speed, Double MR
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Sorcery: Transcendence, Manaflow Band
Attack Speed, Double MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Unflinching

Sorcery: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Attack Speed, Double MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Attack Speed, Armor, HP

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching

Sorcery: Transcendence, Manaflow Band
Attack Speed, Armor, HP
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic

Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Boneplating, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Armor, HP

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double MR

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching

Sorcery: Manaflow, Transendence
Attack Speed, MR, Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching

Inspiration: Cookies, Boots
Attack Speed, MR, Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Unflinching

Sorcery: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Attack Speed, Armor, HP
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Cookies, Boots
Attack Speed, MR, Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Attack Speed, Double MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Unflinching
Sorcery: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching
Sorcery: Manaflow, Transendence
Attack Speed, MR, Armor
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Ability Haste, Double MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Double AD, MR
Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD,
Resolve: MR Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching
Sorcery: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Attack Speed, Double MR

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed > Double Armor
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, MRSpellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
AD, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Unflinching
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth

Inspiration: Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Attack Speed, Armor, HP
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
AD, Magic
Resolve: Resist,
Grasp, Armor Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Double AD, Armor
Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic AD,
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Boots
Attack Speed, 2 Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor

Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic

Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, MR

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Attack Speed, Armor, MR
Inspiration: Unsealed Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Cookies, Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Conditioning
Ability Haste, Double MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Resolve:AD, MR Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Magical Footwear, Biscuits
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
Attack Speed, Double Armor
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Sorcery: Manaflow Band, Transcendence
Attack Speed, Double MR
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuits, Magical Footwear
AD > Double Armor

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Conditioning
Double AD, Armor

Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, Glacial,
MR Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic
Resolve: Unflinching, Second Wind
Double AD, Spellbook,
Inspiration: MR Magical Footwear, Biscuits,
Cosmic Insight
Resolve: Overgrowth, Second Wind
Double AD, MR
ger Ornn Matchups Sheet
by Makkro0 😎😎😎
My Ornn MOBAFIRE IN DEPTH Guide CLICK THIS For Other https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=TwTv%20Makk

Armour 4th Items - adapt to

Thornmail: into bruisers and/or need to cut healing comps
Force of Nature: into mages and AP heavy champs Randuin's Omen - into crit
Anathema's Chains: to stop enemy top or ADC from and AD heavy champs, like
carrying assassins
Warmog's Armour: when you have enough resistances Knight's Vow - To protect
and trying to take fights and carry. Also good into ranged your squishy damage dealers
Frozen Heart - To slow
lanes as a tech
enemy fast attackers
Frozen Heart: Into fast champs with quick attack speeds
like tryndamere, Yasuo, Yone, etc. (except Master Yi) Frozen Heart does not
Winter's Approach: Okay into tank heavy matchups and counter Master Yi because
comps, but underwhelming he can ignore all types of
Abyssal Mask: For when your team is AP heavy slows. Instead build
Randuin's Omen vs. Crit and
Thornmail vs on-hit as your
go-to items against Master Yi.

Tips for Camille and Mordekaiser ult interactions Post level 6:

Basically you use your ult as bait. Your opponent is Pretty much all of ornn
gonna think 'oh he's gonna hit the ram and R2 me so I matchups after 6 go like
gotta get close and interrupt him' but you don't bother this: if hit q then ult
hitting the ram and you get a brittle proc vs morde. you instantly and e and put
let the ram run him over and then you W his ult, which them in a true combo and
makes you unstoppable and cancels his ult and you get beat the fuck out of them.
the ram damage and slow plus a brittle same thing vs
camille you just let the ram run her over then she will ult
you and dodge nothing.

Starting Item> 1st buy > 2nd Buy Difficulty

Doran's Shield: For poking matchups. Start refill and
farm first wave with Q to get your Doran's Shield if its a
matchup where you cant contest level 1. If you tend to
miss cs buying 2 health potions is a safer option.
Cloth Armour and Refillable Potion/Ruby 2 Pot: into
AD heavy champions and Riven and Kled
Cull: You can go Cull into boring lanes where you're just

Buy Farsight Alteration at lvl 9 to help with your ults

where fog of war may be a problem

On first back, buy Bramble Vest if they can heal a lot.

Doran's If they> auto
Shield a lot
Bami's or Buy
Cinder Bami's Cinder
> Frostfire Gauntlet > Hard
Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Medium
Aegis > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Hard
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Frostfire Gauntlet > Medium
Frozen Heart

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Medium
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Warmogs > Null Magic HARD
> Frostfire Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Double Cloth > Wardens > Giants Belt Hard
> Thornmail > Mythic

Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor > Null-Magic Mantle > Hard
Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis > Medium
Abyssal Mask

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Medium
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Anathema's Chains > Frostfire Gauntlet Medium

or Evenshroud > Gargoyle Stoneplate

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Boots of Swiftness > Medium
Frostfire Gauntlet Or Sunfire Aegis if you wanna 1v1

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Medium
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Frozen Heart > F
Frostfire Gauntlet > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Gargoyle Easy

Doran's Shield > Anathema's Chains > Plated Steelcaps Medium

> Frostfire
Ruby Crystal > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis Easy

Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor > Bami's Cinder Medium

>Frostfire Gauntlet or Evenshroud if team is fine

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder >Frostfire Gauntlet Easy

Doran's Shield >Bramble Vest(For Fleet footwork and Above Medium

vamp scepter otherwise you never have kill potential) >
Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Randuin's Omen
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null-Magic Mantle > Hard
Bami's Cinder > Bramble Vest > Frostfire Gauntlet
>Swifties > Force of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Medium
Force of Nature

Doran's Shield > Swifties/Plated Steelcaps > Anathema's Medium Annoying

Chains >Shield
Doran's Thornmail > Evenshroud
> Bramble if teamCinder
Vest > Bami's is good
> Sunfire Hard
Aegis > Thornmail

Cull > Hullbreaker(sell when you start grouping) Hard

Ruby 2 Pots > Tabis > Ruby > Cloth > Bami's Cinder > Hard
Sunfire Aegis if you wanna fight 1v1 Frostfire for
teamfight > Thornmail
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Hard
Randuin's Omen

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature If AP > Frozen Heart if AD

Doran's Shield > Wardens- Frozen Heart - Frostfire Medium

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet Easy

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Medium
Gauntlet > Bramble when she finishes Divine

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force Of Nature > Medium
Frozen Heart

Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor > Bami's Cinder > Medium
Frostfire Gauntlet > Force of Nature

Cloth & Refillable > Bami's Cinder > Bramble Vest Medium
>Sunfire Aegis

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet Medium

>Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Thornmail Medium

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force of Nature Hard

Doran's Shield > Bamis > Frostfire > Force of Nature Easy

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's Cinder > Medium
Frostfire Gauntlet > Frozen Heart

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Medium
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Easy
Swifties or Merc's if they have CC

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Cull > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis Easy

Doran's Shield > Anathema's Chains > Frostfire Gauntlet Medium

> Gargoyle Stoneplate

Ruby & 2 Pots > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis > Medium
Bramble Vest > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor > Frostfire Gauntlet Hard

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Medium
Frostfire Gauntlet > Thornmail
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Medium
Aegis > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail or Bramble > Bami's Medium

Cinder > Cloth > Sunfire Aegis > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Hard

Cloth Refillable > Kindlegem > Wardens > Locket > Medium

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's Cinder > Easy
Frostfire Gauntlet

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Medium High

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Hard
Frostfire Gauntlet > Thornmail
Cloth & Refillable > Ruby > Bami's Cinder > 2 Cloths > Medium
Sunfire Aegis > Bramble Vest Or Wardens > Thornmail
or Randuin/Frozen Heart

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Medium
Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet Hard

Doran's Shield > Sunfire > Abyssal Mask Easy

DShield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Medium

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force Of Nature Easy

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis Medium

Doran's Shield > Bamis > Frostfire > Anathema Medium

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Medium
Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis > Medium
Swifties > Anathema's Chains

Doran's Shield > Mercs > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force Of NaEasy
Doran's Shield > Executioner > Ruby Crystal > Null Medium
Magic > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bamis > Null Magic Mantle > Mercs > Medium
Sunfire > Force Of Nature

Executioner (Veigar V2 Tech Use at your own discretion) Easy

> Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet Medium

>Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Merc's > Sunfire Aegis Hard

Doran's Shield > Wardens Mail > Frostfire Gauntlet > Medium

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet > Easy-medium
Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Wardens Mail > Frozen Heart > Medium

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Medium
Aegis > Thornmail

Cloth & Refillable > Warden's Mail > > Steelcaps > Annoying Wave
Randuins > Frostfire Gauntlet > Anathema's Chains Management Heavy

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Gargoyle

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's Cinder >Sunfire Medium
> Steelcaps

Doran's Shield > Frozen Heart > Frostfire Medium High

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Hard
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Thornmail Easy

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Easy
Aegis > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force of nature Medium

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Executioners Culling > Medium
Null-Magic Mantle > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force of Nature

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Medium
Aegis > Thornmail

Ruby & 2 Pot > Thornmail > Locket or Evenshroud for Hard
Teamfights or Frostfire for 1v1

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder > Medium
Sunfire Aegis > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's Cinder > Medium
Frostfire Gauntlet > Frozen Heart

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's Cinder > Medium
Frostfire Gauntlet > Frozen Heart
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest(If he goes Divine Medium high(annoying)
Sunderer) > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire Aegis > Thornmail

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire Gauntlet Easy

>Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Wardens Mail > Frostfire Gauntlet > Medium

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Anathema's Chains Hard

> Frozen Heart

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Medium
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature

Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force Of Nature Medium

Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic > Frostfire Easy
Gauntlet > Force Of Nature
s Sheet

Must learn Q R E R Auto W auto Combo

So you wanna bully her as much as you can lvl 1-5 with you are stronger than
her with grasp as soon as she walks up to cs you auto and run her down as
for the lvl 6 if you catch her with a Q your combo (Q-R-E-R-Auto-W-Auto)
should insta kill her or just win the lane for you because it is a true combo if
she is away from your e just back off and keep farming. You never want her
to Q and auto you because that gives her energy back just let her Q and you
run away and bully her when she procs it on minions

Rush Bramble Vest and combo him sidestep his w or just facetank it and
trade with him easy matchup and walk forward everytime he does 1st q and
walk away when he 2nd Qs don't try to walk back in it UNLESS you're sure
about reading the E dash. Try to all in when you have Sunfire and Thornmail
you're stronger than him at that point. Make sure you healcut him in
Teamfights and EZ Win.
She hard abuses early. Dodge Her Q and E away from her E. Hold your ult
until she uses all 3 dashes

Dont stay near walls and walk away from him when he has his passive
stacks up. Wait for his shield to drop before damaging him and fight him at 6
by doing q r e r w combo when he goes for cs or just straight up ult him to
win the trade hard. Don't use Ult Straight Up when he has E up because he
can just E away so be wary of the CD,

Dont get E'd by her when youre slowed. Your E can Destroy her wall and
knockup people because it counts as terrain. All In her at 6 with jungle and
free kill.

Poke Her down and all in with ult. Care for her 4 stack stun it can interrupt
your R, Wait out her shield
Stay inside him like a Darius Matchup and bully him hes weak in melee.

He has very heavy poke stay away from soldiers. You Can E his Ult to
knockup or W to avoid his knockback

Dont let him proc his passive on you, stay behind minons and wait his

You just wanna let her shove and farm her poke isn't that strong when you
have Doran's Shield second wind she won't even tickle your hp with her w
and runaway trades. Watch out for her using e from your pillar and if she
doesn't get fed you should just win fights later on if your team plays
accordingly but pretty much all of ornn matchups after 6 go like this: if hit q
then ult instantly and e and put them in a true combo and beat the fuck out of
Her whole kit counters yours with her grounded you can't move nor cast your
E. Try to poke her and dodge her Q. Don't let her perma spam E on you
because she can after she either hits Q or W. When you Ult look away from
her when the ram comes because she will try to either Ground or Stun you
with her R.
You both scale really hard but cho'gath does fuck you up with his silence so
you can't properly combo him so either ult and just let it go through and auto
attack with the brittle or just walk away and wait for the ram it's like a second
w and then w his q that's how your fights lvl 6 should go.If cho'gath fucks up
his w timing well great just ult him
Boring farm matchup. Blow his W and look for all in with Ult.

I personally love this matchup it's very fun. As all darius matchups let the
wave push to you and you can begin comboing him after lvl 3 you gotta q w
and e away that's your bread and butter or when he's chasing you or just
melee range w his e so you deny his E Q guaranteed heal. You outscale him
so it's not a problem if you don't try to fight him
Just farm and punish him when he goes for cs you're much stronger lvl 1-5
after that it's tough to kill him

Just dont get hit by his third attack

Lvl 1 trades aren't worth it unless in minion wave walk away to reset her vital
rush Bramble Vest 1st back use your w and pretend to auto to bait her parry
then sidestep and now combo the shit out of her. Hug walls when she ults
she will outscale you in the split but youre a team fighting tank machine so
just shove the waves and wait for a tp teamfight
Get prio with grasp you can W his ult knockup. E away as soon as he E's to
damage you or all ins with ult.

W his E and poke him down. Ping his level 6 Roams and you free scale

Don't get hit too much from his q hide in bushes and make sure your Doran's
Shield passive
Just farm regenyou
and scale stays upkill
can't thehim.
whole time won't eat his q endlessly. Farm

Your W can deny his ult. BE careful from his poke and look to punish when
he uses E. Sidestep his Q when he throws it and comes back, dont let him
get the three auto W on you.
W his e and if he has it up don't engage he cancel it and run away. This
matchup is just a farm fest buy cull and chill. Also wait for him to use his q
and then brittle because if he holds his q he doesn't get the damage
Don't let him push you in and trade a lot with Dorans Shield and second
wind. Stay behind minions and stay away from walls he will q you.

Dangerous lvl 1 focus on short trades and sidestepping her q dont w when
her stacks are full because she will melt you. Dueling her after 1st item is
almost impossible due to her insane damage but shes useless in teamfights
so you just focus on team fighting and pushing the wave and roaming. The
champion is way
He will perma overtuned
push just farm til 6 and wait for your jungler or full all in him

Stay behind minions and poke her with q and e then walk back to the wave if
you to
Try w dodge
she es her
or wwins thebully
it and tradethe
also her
fuck ultofdoesn't
out her lvl make
1 and your
off into
tower when she has 5 stacks if she's good you just perma farm or all in her
at lvl 7
Push tower and take it asap. Ping her roams everytime and ping with the
danger ping every time she does something. Take tower and go bot and take
bot tower or sell hullbreaker and get Frostfire Gauntlet/evenshroud.
When he pops counterstrike at lvl 1 q and walk away with the slow when you
w him he will activate it again so just e out of it it's not worth taking that trade.
Trade by using Q W and E either away or terrain to proc brittle. Always have
wave near you tower because jax kills you if you start trade on his side.
He will try to phase rush and do short combos but to be honest you win by
just not dying and you're stronger than him but spam out your qs as fast as
you can when he engages he will run away with e+ phase rush so just q w ult
him to win the trade and give up prio lvl 1

Stay Behind minions let her push in and throw Q at her. She will use her ult
to dodge yours so walk away when you ult.

Very cheesy lane just wait til level 6

Just Farm

Just spam Q and try to bully him with your grasp autos and Q

Dont stay near her daggers punish when she uses E without her daggers
since it will be on cooldown just wait for her to trade with you and keep her in
lane and CC her in teamfights,
Force an all in at lvl 6 your ult has lower cd then hers and wait out until you
can proc brittle

Stayin bushes and farm with q look for short trades q and e and walk away.
Try to bait his E after 6 and when its down punish with your ult combo or just
straight up ult him, don't let kennen hit you with all 3 electric balls or he stuns
you keep that in mind when you try to ult him. Don't let him hit you with his
electric shuriken it will shine you will know,
Your lvl 1 is stronger dont give prio when he qs and connects keep fighting
and get all the damage you can and dismounted mode will be up when your
cooldowns are down you won't have enough damage. Focus on sidestepping
his e q.
E away from her E dont let her proc Her Q it will do a lot of damage

Fight behind minions do deny his Q. Save W to deny his R after 6 you will
know he's casting because it will root you first. Don't trade too much level 1 if
he starts E since it does Magic Damage. Slowly Poke him down

Save your brittle to deny her W if you can pre-6. After that save it to deny her
ult but you have to use it at the last second. Trade with grasp right next to
her so she doesnt get more damage from outer Q. Sidestep her E and you
should be fine
Sidestep her Q's and poke her with Q W combos. Interrupt her when shes casting E

Wait until he uses his e forward then you flash all in him and hope for the
best his lvl 1 is very strong so you fight lvl 6 and if you fight earlier make sure
to keep the trades short
Walk away when you ult She Can polymorph you and not allow you to cast
or ult herself and knock you up

All in her at 6. E away from her Q and poke her with your Q. Dont allow her
to proc her passive from her autos

Easy matchup just farm and murder him, you can W his R, dont let his
passive come back up

Just beat the shit out of him and outscale

You win pre 6 and there's one trick to this matchup when you ult he's gonna
try to ult you right well you can just not press ult and press w instead you
deny him his r and you have the advantage of doing damage with both
abilities 2>0 and he has a brittle proc or walk away until the ram catches up
and your trades before lvl 5 should look something like q e auto run away
he's gonna E and you w back at him and auto and you keep running.
This is a wave management lane. If you push too deep he gets free farm and
you lose if you freeze and use spells to break freeze you lose. Try your best
to fuck him up early as much as possible don't let him free farm and keep
wave on your side and make sure the spells hit as little of the wave as
possible. Don't let him turn into a monster and watch out for his level 6 sheen
power spike. Just repeat 3 Points into Q > W > E > Finish Q combos until
Verylow enough
strong poketodont
all in.
stay in front of minions very annoying matchup try
looking for all ins with your q. Always dash away when she casts her root
your dash will not get interrupted

Poke and poke and poke do not trade too many autos near wave because
his heal increases the more minions he hits with his passive. He can't W your
Ult Or E properly if you hit all knock up radiuses so feel free to use them next
to walls.
Abuse him before lvl 6 keep trades short and let him push lvl 1. After that its
a stat check battle

Dont stay on her ball she can W or Return it with E for damage.


Just poke with q w dont proc the brittle and bait his E. After you bait his E
look for a combo

Only poke only poke stay away from walls if you ult her and she has w up
just don't press the 2nd r and proc the brittle. Try to survive the matchup

Poke her and trade hard with her level 1. Your W can ignore her ult and take
sweeper at 6 to look where she goes in invisibility

Farm til 6 and full combo her W her e so you don't get knock backed and you
damage her if she's hitting you fight with the wave

Very easy matchup tbh just build Bramble Vest and outscale prefered
counter pick against renekton. Do not engage with autos until level 4. Farm
and play safe if he has pta hard stack armor and build your mythic if he has
conq take Bramble Vest and play a little more aggressive.

Stay away from bushes just farm and poke your minions that are low
because he will try to cs them. Do this over and over until he is low. Stick to
walls and freeze
Her Level 1 is dangerous so don't be too close and just stack armor and she
does nothing. Use your W on Her Q3 and space correctly. Dont engage with
E when she has ult up save it as escape tool or kiting tool.

Beat the fuck out of him and just poke him to death. Make sure to play a little
safe until lvl 4 or 5 and try not to get poked out of lane. Use e to get out of his
q or dodge his e. Keep an eye on his rage bar and fight him when he's at 70
he can't use that many spells then

Short trades and farming stay in bushes if he has phase rush and distances
properly you won't kill him catching him with a good q combo can snowball
the lane use the bushes and farm

W her Q. Dont let her get 4 stacks of autos on you or it stuns. E her Ult.

Go for short trades and sidestep his w keep in mind your w cancels his ult its
not consistent but you can do it just farm and kite him away with q e walk
away combos A good sett will shield the brittle proc so just don't hit him

Dont turn your back to him he deals extra damage. Take Sweeper.

Hes much stronger than you pre 5 when you w him don't auto attack
because he will dodge it with his w so just walk away or e terrain so you
prock your brittle

Her Ult denies yours she gets it instantly at 6.

Farm and w his e thats the whole matchup if you w his e singed loses

Don't w his q walk out of it as soon as you can and punish him when he goes
for cs pretty simple matchup just don't w or he will fully charge his q

Dont let him ult you under tower thats it.

Dodge her Q it heals her. Walk away when you Ult she can silence you and
stop you. Hide in bushes to get away from her poke

Dodge his E and bully with grasp and ignite when he ults.

W his e doesn't matter that much but you can do it this matchup is just a
brawl to the death. Step to the side of his Q to dodge it and always space
yourself so sylas isn't in W range

Dodge Her Q's and be wary of her E it can stop your ult and E. Poke with Q
and W and punish her with glacial and ganks

Try to survive and fight behind minions w his w if you can't dodge or even
better if you're fast enough w his ult. Short trades and poking will win you the

HE CAN KILL YOU LEVEL 2. After that easy matchup dont let him get 3
bleeds on you and you should be ok.

Farm til 6 then combo if you catch him with a q use the bushes buy sweeper
at 6 for mushrooms. Try to hit him when he's csing with your W and then
follow with q and E and walk away. Really evasive matchup its all dependent
on hitting your skillshots,
Be careful of her level 1 and 2 she is really strong early on. Play from a
distance and let her engage on you then do your combos and trades. Dont
fight her in an extended trade she wins it
Don't fight lvl 1 never let him melee after you use your 1st q and you're good
rush Steelcaps if you want

Dont get poked level 1. Do short trades and ping his roams.

Short trades w his e and make sure to poke him with qs

You won't really have kill potential until lvl 6 just try to punish her by staying
in bushes so she wastes a ward to auto to farm and punish her offensive qs
by doing your bread and butter combo and focus her down in teamfights but
E awaythe bushes
when is the most
he cages important
and look partwith
for all ins of the
ULT lane
Dont get hit by his 3 part passive it will do true damage

Dodge her Q it takes very long to cast. Watch out for her fear it can cancell
your E and your Ult.

Be aware of her E poke. W her Q.

Build Bramble Vest and pretty much just stat check him

When he Qs wait for his shield to drop do not stay still when Ulting he will W
and stop you. Play around bushes and you should be fine

You have to play super aggressive and don't let him farm or scale like youre
gonna be out of your comfort zone aggressive lvl 1 try to run him down with
autos and Sunfire Aegis you have to never let him heal or cs safely or he will
murder your team.

Never let him get his w off and always kite and short trades.

NEVER BE IN MELEE always kite back and make your combos short so he
doesn't heal from you

RUSH Bramble Vest AVOID LEVEL 1 TRADE and you just win. Short trades
only dont all in him at lvl 6 if you're both full he wins it Just poke and ult him
at 60%
This is a dodgeball matchup. Whoever dodges the poke more wins. Spam Q
and be aggressive and force your ult at 6 for his cooldowns (flash).

His windwall completely negates your ult. Try to get prio lvl 1 and push and
punish his early. Don't use your ult until he uses windwall. Stay near the
walls for e CC

W his Q3 or QW it to win short trades. If he ults you W backwards because

when he ults he appears behind you like jax Q so he gets hit by brittle. Kite
away when he uses E and stick to walls for a knockup. Look to Q R E R
combo if he Q3 into you after 6.
Your e destroys his cage make sure to side step his skill shot very
oppressive champion

Never played this assume you just win

Be wary of his level 3 damage. Side step his Q,s and his level 6 All in. Dash
instantly away after he ults you and create distance. If you ult him know that
he is gonna try to go to one of his shadows so predict that

Poke her with Q and play around her dash to try and combo her. You don't
really have kill potential so just scale and walk away when her energy bar
thing is charged up because it will do magic damage. Take Armor and HP in
runes and build HP she does mixed damage so HP is the best way to
counter her. And frozen heart works really well too. Don't Chase her when
she ults or in general keep trades short with Q and Peel Back.
Just farm and poke dont get hit by his Q on minions. Your W denies his W

Just Farm and poke with Q and dont stay near minions he will double bomb
them and stun you. Walk into him when he Q's he will assume youre running
away so you run into him to dodge the bombs.
YOUR W STOPS DROWSY. Right when its at the end of the drowsy
duration you press W and it doesnt work. Stay behind minions and poke from
Ultimate EUW Challenge
ULTRA SIGMA MALE DISCORD https://discord.gg/tzWjU7MUum

Mythics - When and Why?

Masterwork Upgrade Priority
Enchanter Items
Lethality/Magic Penetration items
Mage Items
Bruiser Items
ADC Items
Tank Items
Tank Support Items

Matchups Spell Order Max / Runes

Ability Max Grasp: into Melee matchups
W > E > Q: Into bruiser melees or if Glacial/Unsealed Spellbook: into ranged
and certain melee matchups
they enemy top seems to have really
good movement Attack Speed Double Defenses: matchups
3/5 Points into Q > W > E | Take where you're autoing a lot
Double AD when Q Maxing: Into Double AD 1 Defense: matchups where
squishy ranged champs, squishy you're spamming Q it will do a lot of damage
melees, or lanes where you need to
AD 2 Defense: Matchups where
stay safe and poke you're spamming Q it will do a lot of damage

Akali W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Aatrox W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Overgrowth Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Ahri 5 Points into Q Inspiration:
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Akshan 3 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Anivia 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Annie 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Grasp,
Insight Second Wind,
Aurelion 5 Points Into Q Resolve:
Azir 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Brand 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Camille W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating,
Cassiop 3 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Grasp,
Insight Conditioning,
Cho'Gat W>E>Q Resolve:
Unflinching Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Corki 5 Points Into Q Inspiration:
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Darius 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Dr. W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Ekko W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Fiora W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Fizz W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Galio W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,
Gangplan 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Garen W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,

Gnar W>E>Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, CosmicDemolish,
Insight Second Wind,
Gragas W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp,
Graves W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Gwen W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bo, Unflinching
Inspiration: Biscuits, MagicalFootwear,
Heimerdinge 3WPoints into Q
Glacial, Magical
Insight Second Wind,
Illaoi >E>Q / Resolve: Grasp,
Irelia W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating,
Janna w W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,
Jax 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Unsealed Spellbook, Stopwatch,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Jayce 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Kaisa 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Kalista 3 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Karma W>E>Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Kassadi 5 Points Into Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Katarina W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Kayle 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Kennen 3 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Kled W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,

LeBlanc 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, CosmicDemolish,
Insight Second Wind,
Lee Sin W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp,
Lilia Q>W>E Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Lissandra W>E>Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Lucian 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Lulu W>E>Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Lux 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Malphite W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Malzahar W>E>Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, Cosmic Insight Conditioning,
Maokai W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish,

Mordeka W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Nasus W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,

Neeko 3 Points into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
W>E>Q Overgrowth
Olaf W>E>Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Orianna 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Pantheo 5WPoints Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Poppy W >> EE >> QQ /

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Quinn W > E > Q /
5 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Boneplating,
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,
W > E > Q / Ignite Overgrowth
Riven W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,

Rumble W5 Points
>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Ryze into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Sejuani WW >> EE >> QQ

Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating,

Shaco W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Shen W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating,

Shyvana W> E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Singed W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Sion W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,

Skarner W5 Points
>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Soraka W > E > QInto Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Swain 5 Points Into Q / Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight Second Wind,
Resolve: Grasp, Demolish,

Syndra 3 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, CosmicDemolish,
Insight Second Wind,
Tahm W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp,
Talon W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Teemo 55 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Tristana WPoints into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, CosmicDemolish,
Insight Bone Plating,
Trundle >E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp,
Tryndam W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating,

Twisted 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, Cosmic Insight Second Wind,
Urgot 5 Points Into Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish,

Vayne 55 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear, Biscuits,

Veigar 5 Points into Q

Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Vex 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, CosmicDemolish,
Insight Second Wind,
Vi W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp,
Viego W>E>Q/ Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,
Viktor 3 Points Into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Vladimir W>E>Q/ Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,

Volibear W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Warwick W>E>Q/ Inspiration: Unsealed Spellbook, Magical

Footwear, Cookies, Cosmic Insight
Wukong W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Bone Plating,

Xerath 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,

Biscuits, Cosmic Insight Second Wind,
Yasuo W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish,

Yone W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Yorick W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Zac W>E>Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning,

Zed 5 Points into Q Resolve: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind,

Overgrowth Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Zeri 5 Points into Q Inspiration:
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Ziggs 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Zilean 5 Points into Q Inspiration: Glacial, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
Zoe 5 Points Into Q Inspiration: Spellbook, Magical Footwear,
Biscuits, Cosmic Insight
llenger Ornn Matchups Shee
🥶🥶🥶 Written by Makkro0 😎😎😎
Youtube Channel | CLICK HERE For Youtube

Tips for Camille and Mordekaiser ult interactions
Basically you use your ult as bait. Your opponent is
gonna think 'oh he's gonna hit the ram and R2 me so I
gotta get close and interrupt him' but you don't bother
hitting the ram and you get a brittle proc vs morde. you
let the ram run him over and then you W his ult, which
makes you unstoppable and cancels his ult and you get
the ram damage and slow plus a brittle same thing vs
camille you just let the ram run her over then she will ult
you and dodge nothing.

Starting Item> 1st buy > 2nd Buy

Doran's Shield: For poking matchups. Start refill and farm first wave with Q to get your Doran's S
if its a matchup where you cant contest level 1. If you tend to miss cs buying 2 health potions is a
Cloth Armour and Refillable Potion/Ruby 2 Pot: into AD heavy champions and Riven and Kled
Cull: You can go Cull into boring lanes where you're just farming

Buy Farsight Alteration at lvl 9 to help with your ults where fog of war may be a problem

On first back, buy Bramble Vest if they can heal a lot. Wardens If they auto a lot or Buy Bami's
Cinder otherwise.

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire

Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Warmogs >
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Double Cloth > Wardens >
Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor > Null-
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Anathema's Chains >
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Boots of
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Frozen
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet >
Doran's Shield > Anathema's Chains >
Ruby Crystal > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire
Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder >Frostfire
Doran's Shield >Bramble Vest(For Fleet
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null-Magic
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Swifties/Plated Steelcaps >
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Cull > Hullbreaker(sell when you start
Ruby 2 Pots > Tabis > Ruby > Cloth >
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Wardens- Frozen Heart -
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force
Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor > Bami's
Cloth & Refillable > Bami's Cinder >
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet >
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force
Doran's Shield > Bamis > Frostfire > Force of
Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Cull > Bami's Cinder >
Doran's Shield > Anathema's Chains >
Ruby & 2 Pots > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire
Doran's Shield > Warmog's Armor >
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic

Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail or Bramble

Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Cloth Refillable > Kindlegem > Wardens >
Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Cloth & Refillable > Ruby > Bami's Cinder >
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Sunfire > Abyssal Mask
DShield > Bramble Vest > Bami's Cinder >
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force O
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire
Doran's Shield > Bamis > Frostfire > Anathe
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Sunfire
Doran's Shield > Mercs > Frostfire Gauntlet >
Doran's Shield > Executioner > Ruby Crystal
Doran's Shield > Bamis > Null Magic Mantle
Executioner (Veigar V2 Tech Use at your
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Merc's >
Doran's Shield > Wardens Mail > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Wardens Mail > Frozen
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Cloth & Refillable > Warden's Mail > >
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Frozen Heart > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Thornmail
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder >
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Ruby & 2 Pot > Thornmail > Locket or
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Warden's Mail > Bami's
Doran's Shield > Bramble Vest(If he goes
Doran's Shield > Bami's Cinder > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Wardens Mail > Frostfire
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet >
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Doran's Shield > Frostfire Gauntlet > Force
Doran's Shield > Ruby Crystal > Null Magic
Matchups Sheet
by Makkro0 😎😎😎
My ORNN MOBAFIRE - In depth guide Must learn Q R E R Auto W auto Combo

Armor / Magic Resistance 4th Items - adapt to

Must learn Q R E R Auto W auto Combo Post level If6:Pretty
you see anything
much all of ornn matchups afte
wrong with the
matchups sheet or
want Ornn Coaching
my discord is

Comments Win|Lose|Skill|Even
s. Start refill and farm first wave with Q to get your Doran's Shield
t level 1. If you tend to miss cs buying 2 health potions is a safer

Ruby 2 Pot: into AD heavy champions and Riven and Kled

s where you're just farming

p with your ults where fog of war may be a problem

ey can heal a lot. Wardens If they auto a lot or Buy Bami's

So you wanna bully her as much as you can lvl 1-5 with you are Skill
Rush than her
Bramble Vest with
andgrasp as soon
combo as she walks
him sidestep his w up to cs you
or just Skill
She harditabuses
and trade with
early. him easy
Dodge Her Q matchup and walk
and E away fromforward
her E. Skill
Hold your ult until she uses all 3 dashes
Dont stay near walls and walk away from him when he has his Skill
Dont getstacks
E'd byup.
his shield
slowed.to drop
E can damaging
Destroy her Even
wall and
Poke Herknockup
down and people
all in because it counts
with ult. Care as terrain.
for her 4 stack All In ither
stun Win
can interrupt
Stay inside him your
her shieldand bully him hes weak in Win
He has very heavy poke stay away from soldiers. You Can E his Skill Azir Favoured
Dontto let
knockup or W
him proc histopassive
avoid his
on knockback
you, stay behind minons and Win
wait his cooldowns
You just wanna let her shove and farm her poke isn't that strong Lose After Divine
when you have
Her whole Doran'syours
kit counters Shield second
with wind sheyou
her grounded won't even
can't move Lose
nor cast
You bothyour
Try tohard
her and dodge
cho'gath doesher Q.you
fuck Don't
uplet her Skill
his silence
Boring farmso you can'tBlow
matchup. properly
his Wcombo himfor
and look soall
either ult Ult.
in with and just Win
I personally love this matchup it's very fun. As all darius Skill Darius Favoured
matchups let the wave push to you
Just farm and punish him when he goes for cs you're much and you can begin comboing Skill
Just dontlvl get1-5hitafter
by his that it's attack
third tough to kill him Skill
Lvl 1 trades aren't worth it unless in minion wave walk away to Lose
Get prio herwith
rush Bramble
you can W Vest his1st
ult back
knockup.use yourE away w andas soon Even
as he E's to damage you or all ins
W his E and poke him down. Ping his level 6 Roams and you with ult. Win
free scale
Don't get hit too much from his q hide in bushes and make sure Skill GP Favoured
Just farmDoran's andShield
scale you passivecan'tregen stays up the whole time won't Even
kill him.
Your W can deny his ult. BE careful from his poke and look to Skill
punish when he uses E. Sidestep his
W his e and if he has it up don't engage he cancel it and run Q when he throws it and Skill
Don't Thishimmatchup
push you is in
justanda farm
tradefesta lotbuy
with cullDorans
and chill. Alsoand Skill
second wind.
Dangerous lvlStay
1 focus behind minions
on short tradesandand staysidestepping
away from walls her qhe Skill(Gwen Favoured)
dont w when her stacks are full because she
He will perma push just farm til 6 and wait for your jungler or full Skill will melt you.
Stay in behind
him minions and poke her with q and e then walk back Lose Lane Win Game Don't
to the
Try to wave
dodgeifher youeworshe w ites andyou andthe
bully wins fucktheout
trade alsolvlher
of her ult Skill Irelia Favoured
1 and
back off
Push intoand
tower tower take when she Ping
it asap. has 5her stacks
roams if she's
everytimegood andyou ping
just Kill Tower ASAP - Rotate to
with the danger ping every time she
When he pops counterstrike at lvl 1 q and walk away with the does something. Take bot
slow when you w him he will activate it again
He will try to phase rush and do short combos but to be honest Skill so just e out of it
you win
Stay by just
Behind not dying
minions let herandpush you're stronger
in and throwthan Q athimher.but Shespamwill Win
Veryher ult tolane
cheesy dodge justyours
wait tilso level
walk 6 away when you ult. Skill
Just Farm Even
Just spam Q and try to bully him with your grasp autos and Q Even
Dont stay near her daggers punish when she uses E without her Skill
Force ansince all in itatwill
lvl 6beyour
on cooldown
ult has lower just cd wait for hers
then her toandtradewait Skill
out until you can proc brittle
Stayin bushes and farm with q look for short trades q and e and Even
Your away.lvl 1 isTry to baitdont
stronger his Egiveafter 6 and
prio when whenhe qs itsand
down punish
connects Skill
E away fighting
from her andEget dontall let
theher damage
proc Her youQcan anddodismounted
it will a lot of Skill
Fight behind minions do deny his Q. Save W to deny his R after Skill
Saveyou yourwill know
brittlehe's casting
to deny herbecause
W if you itcan willpre-6.
root you first.
After thatDon't
save Lose
to deny her her Q's
ult but you have to use it at the last
and poke her with Q W combos. Interrupt her w Even second. Trade
Wait until he uses his e forward then you flash all in him and Skill
hope away
Walk for thewhenbest you his lvl
ult1Sheis veryCanstrong
polymorphso youyou fight
6 and allowif Skill
you to cast or ult herself and knock
All in her at 6. E away from her Q and poke her with your Q.you up Skill
Dont allow her to proc her passive from
Easy matchup just farm and murder him, you can W his R, dont Win her autos
let his passive come back up Even
Just beat the shit out of him and outscale Even
You win pre 6 and there's one trick to this matchup when you ult Skill Lose After 6 If Morde is
This gonna
is a wave try to ult you rightlane.
management well you
If you can justtoo
push notdeep
presshe ultgets
and Good
Skill Lose After 6
Veryfarm strongandpokeyou dontlose ifstay
front of and use spells
minions very to break
annoying Lose
matchup try looking for all ins with your q. Always dash away
Poke and poke and poke do not trade too many autos near Skill
wave because his heal increases the more minions
Abuse him before lvl 6 keep trades short and let him push lvl 1. Skill Lose After 6 he hits with
After that its
Dont stay onaher statball
she battle
can W or Return it with E for damage. Even
Just poke with q w dont proc the brittle and bait his E. After you Skill Very Pantheon Favoured
OnlyhispokeE look
onlyfor a combo
poke stay away from walls if you ult her and she Lose
has wher
Poke up just
and don't
hard with the 2nd r and1.
her level proc
Your theWbrittle. Try toher Skill
can ignore
ult andtiltake
Farm 6 and sweeper
full combo at 6 herto look
W her wheree soshe yougoes don'tingetinvisibility
knock Win
backed and you damage her if she's
Very easy matchup tbh just build Bramble Vest and outscale hitting you fight with the Even
prefered counter pick against renekton. Do
Stay away from bushes just farm and poke your minions that are Lose not engage with
low because
Her Level 1 ishe will try to cs
dangerous so them.
don't be Dotoo thisclose
overand andjust
until he Skill
Beat and sheout
fuck does
of himnothing.
and just Usepoke yourhim W on to Herdeath.Q3Make
and space
sure Skill
Short trades and farming stay in bushes if he has phase rushof Skill
play a little safe until lvl 4 or 5 and try not to get poked out
W her distances
Q. Dont properly
let her get you 4 won't
stackskill of him
autos catching
on youhim or itwith
stuns.a E he Skill
Go for short trades and sidestep his w keep in mind your w Skill
Dont turnhis ult its
your backnottoconsistent
him he deals but you
extracan do it just
damage. farmSweeper
Take and Win
Hes much stronger than you pre 5 when you w him don't auto Even
attack because he will dodge it
Her Ult denies yours she gets it instantly at 6. with his w so just walk away or e Skill
Farm and w his e thats the whole matchup if you w his e singed Skill
Don't w his q walk out of it as soon as you can and punish him Skill
Dont lethehimgoes ultfor
prettytowersimple matchup
thats it. just don't w or he will Win
Dodge her Q it heals her. Walk away when you Ult she can Skill
Dodge his youEand andstopbullyyou.withHidegrasp in and
bushes igniteto when
get away from her Skill
he ults.
W his e doesn't matter that much but you can do it this matchup Win
is just aHer
Dodge brawlQ'stoandthebe death.
waryStep of her to Ethe sidestop
it can of his Q to
your ultdodge
and E.it Skill
Try towith
surviveQ andandWfightandbehind
punishminionsher withwglacialhis w and if you ganks
can't Skill
evenYOU betterLEVEL
if you're 2. fast
that easy w his ult. Short
matchup dont trades
let Win
Farmget til 3
6 bleeds
then combo on you and catch
if you you should
him with be aok. q use the bushes Win
buy sweeper at 6 for mushrooms.
Be careful of her level 1 and 2 she is really strong Try to hit him when
Play Skill
from a distance and let her engage
AVOID LEVEL 1 AUTO ATTACK TRADES WITH LETHAL on you then do your combos Skill Trundle Favoured
Don't fightDO lvl NOT
1 never USE letEhim UNTILmelee HEafter
use yourBACK 1st q OFFand Skill
Dont get good
1. Do short if youtrades
want and ping his roams. Even
Short trades w his e and make sure to poke him with qs Win
You won't really have kill potential until lvl 6 just try to punish her Skill
by staying
E away whenin bushes
he cages so andshe look
wastes for aallward to auto
ins with ULTto farm and Even
Dont get hit by his 3 part passive it will do true damage Skill
Dodge her Q it takes very long to cast. Watch out for her fear it Even
can cancellofyour
Be aware her E E poke.
and your W her Ult.Q. Skill
Build Bramble Vest and pretty much just stat check him Skill
When he Qs wait for his shield to drop do not stay still when Skill
Ulting he will W and stop you. Play around
You have to play super aggressive and don't let him farm or bushes and you Skill
scale like youre gonna be out of your comfort
Never let him get his w off and always kite and short trades. zone aggressive Skill
NEVER BE IN MELEE always kite back and make your combos Skill
short so he doesn't heal from you
RUSH Bramble Vest AVOID LEVEL 1 TRADE and you just win. Win
This istrades only dont
a dodgeball all in him
matchup. at lvl 6 dodges
Whoever if you'retheboth full more
poke he wins
His Spam Qcompletely
windwall and be aggressive
negates yourand ult.
force your
Try to getult at 6 for
prio lvl 1his
W push
Q3 and punish
or QW his early.
it to win Don't use
short trades. your
If he ultsultyou
Whe usesSkill
backwards because when he ults he appears
Your e destroys his cage make sure to side step his skill behind youshotlike jax
played thischampion
assume you just win Win
Be wary of his level 3 damage. Side step his Q,s and his level 6 Win
All in. her
Poke Dash instantly
with Q and away after heher
play around ults youto
dash and
trycreate distance.
and combo her. Skill
You don't really have kill potential so just scale and
Just farm and poke dont get hit by his Q on minions. Your W walk away Even
denies his W knockback
Just Farm and poke with Q and dont stay near minions he will Even
double W
YOUR bomb
and stun you.RightWalk
itshim when
at the endhe
the he Skill
drowsy duration you press W and it doesnt work. Stay behind



g Wave

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