Social Issues 1301 Presentation

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Social Issues

Everyone is impacted by

 What is a social issue?

 Defined,
General & Specific
 Who does it impact?
 Groups-Main categories
 What are the far-reaching
 Your understanding of the issue
 Anissue is a concern or problem which
impacts society: in general, at large, near
and far from you.
 Religion
 Healthcare
 Crime
 Education
 TheEconomy
 Global Warming
 World Hunger
 Poverty
 Childcare

 Elder-care
o Tuition costs

 Transportation o Financial assistance

CLOSER oPublic assistance
 Cost of food
TO o Movies
HOME: o Music Videos

o Eating habits
The Ripple Effect
Far-reaching effects- For
example: World Hunger
 The World: The production of food is at an all-time high, yet people are
not well-fed and are under-nourished in many countries, including the
 For the US, importing food has become a staple, but product quality is
questionable with various outbreaks of food-borne illnesses.
 Many Houston area food-banks are experiencing record numbers of
families seeking healthy food choices because shopping at a grocery
store usually means that healthy choices are not an option.
 You: Coming from a household where one parent lost a job, many
can relate to the issue of buying inexpensive food just to survive.
Obesity is an issue that stems from poor eating habits brought about
by financial constraints within a family. At the end of the day, it is
typical for a young adult to suffer from hunger because eating cheap,
sugar-laden food cannot substitute for a high-protein, nutrient-dense
diet where meat and vegetables are preferred but not likely choices
due to the high cost of such foods. Add to that factor the ever-
changing economic environment of the US today, and stressors keep
adding up to poor choices in food and nutrition. In the past, hunger
and poverty were not as publicized as they are today because
people were ashamed of their circumstances. Now, however, so
many are preoccupied with them that shame has been replaced by
the pangs of hunger necessitating a loud cry from those of us forced
to make choices that are neither healthy nor filling.
 The methods by which we communicate the things
that concern us depend entirely on the emphasis we
place on those things, issues, ideas, problems and/or
 How do you emphasize your concerns and the far-
reaching effects the issues have on you and the
varying aspects of society, both close to and far from
your immediate environment, circumstance and
situation? Think about it!
 Social issues are not far-removed; rather, they strike us
near and in our homes. The issues to which we can
relate are the issues we will discuss most effectively.
Read critically to determine social issues that are
relevant and interesting to You!

 A summary is not the order of the day.

 Review the section ‘Far-reaching effects’ in slide#7, section “You”,
to see that a specific group has been discussed: a family in which
one parent has lost employment. The family circumstances are
inferred: two parents are included in the discussion because of the
word choice that implies that, of the two, one has lost employment.
 Notice that a source is not mentioned in the discussion. I do not
refer to a particular reading selection to discuss the issue of interest.
 The writing is presented in 3rd person point of view; no use of “I
think”, “I believe”, or language to imply that this is my viewpoint. By
discussing the issue in my paper, it is obviously my opinion.
Therefore, the need to repeatedly include myself in the writing with
personal pronouns and personal references “I”, “me”, “my”, is
 SEE:
 Writing is Fun!

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