Stephen Hawkink

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Stephen Hawking

was a British theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, cosmologist and scientific popularizer.

His most important works consisted of contributing, together with Roger Penrose, theorems
regarding space-time singularities in the framework of general relativity and the theoretical
prediction that black holes would emit radiation, known today as Hawking radiation. He became
famous for speaking in scientific debates. Among the many distinctions he was awarded, he
received twelve doctorates and many prizes for his contribution to science.

He married twice and just before his first marriage he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis at the age of 21, a very serious degenerative disease with a life expectancy of 14 months,
over time it got worse, so he was almost paralyzed, this disease prevented him from talking,
walking, anything of daily life, and even gave him difficulty swallowing his food, so he needed a
special diet and help from someone for everything. One of the greatest achievements he obtained,
for people who had his disease was to be the longest living person with amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, having lived 55 years with the disease, apart from all the great contributions he gave to
science, being recognized as one of the most intelligent people in the world.

He was also the author of very important books for science in which he talks about his theories
and cosmology as (A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes) or (A Briefer History
of Time) where he tried to explain in a simple way the history of the universe.

With his condition he was able to finish his doctorate, become famous, win awards and contribute
significantly to science.

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