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Prophecy and Dreams: The Science of Precognition and the

Unconscious Mind
Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Dr. Julia Mossbridge
Hosted by Theresa Cheung

Many seemingly precognitive dreams wouldn't be classified as precognitive by a scientist.

However, some dreams would and those are very intriguing to scientists like Dr. Julia
Mossbridge. She wants to better understand precognition in all its forms. She'll discuss what
controlled laboratory studies tell us about precognitive, premonitory, and prophetic dreams.
You'll learn how these types of dreams work and why you should care about the distinction
between real and apparent precognition.

In this session, you’ll understand how: 

 Spontaneous precognitions, like precognitive dreams, can be studied scientifically in a

controlled setting
 Not all experiences that seem like premonitions are strictly precognitive 
 True precognitive dreaming can support connection with yourself in mystical
and practical ways

The Nocturnal Meditations

Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Dr. Andrew Holecek
Hosted by Athena Laz

Five nocturnal practices are available to you every night: liminal dreaming, lucid dreaming,
dream yoga, sleep yoga, and bardo yoga. With Dr. Andrew Holecek, explore the physical,
psychological, and spiritual benefits of engaging in these practices, how to start them, and how to
manage the obstacles.

In this session, you’ll understand:

 The five nocturnal meditations

 How they are at the edge of human evolution
 How to practice them

Indigenous Dreaming in the Contemporary World

Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Dr. Barbara Bain
Hosted by Kelly Sullivan Walden

Dr. Barbara Bain will focus on the significance of dreaming to pre-contact Indigenous
societies, particularly those of California Native Americans. She'll explain how traditional dream
practices remain important to developing a new social and spiritual blueprint for the human and
non-human worlds. This blueprint, built on Indigenous dream approaches, may offer
contemporary humans a direct method for restoring the balance between the material and sacred

In this session, you’ll explore:

 Greater understanding of the traditional significance of Indigenous dream practices

 Dream's significance to restoring personal and global wellbeing in the contemporary
 A shift in consciousness by understanding how dreams can create material and spiritual

How to Transform Nightmares into Right-mares

Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Kelly Sullivan Walden
Hosted by Athena Laz

According to Kelly Sullivan Walden, since the COVID breakout, there have been more
nightmares than ever. Nightmares are the unsung hero of our subconscious mind. Nightmares
reveal what's in our blind spot and how we've given away our repressed power. In this
presentation, Kelly reveals a formula for transforming nightmares into right-mares.

In this session, you’ll get:

 The inspiration to more actively participate in dreams

 A tool for transforming dreams from nightmares to right-mares
 A dreamwork practice to quickly interpret dreams

Dreaming with the Departed: Continuing Your Eternal

Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Julie Beischel, Ph.D. & Mark Boccuzzi
Hosted by Theresa Cheung
Mark Boccuzzi and Julie Beischel share that after-death communication experiences (ADCs)
are a normal and natural part of grieving. Dream contacts with departed loved ones are a
common form of ADCs.

In this session, you’ll:

 Be comforted by how scientists demonstrate how normal these experiences are

 Learn about the features common to dream ADCs
 Be inspired by different techniques to preserve your dream ADC and share with friends
and family

Journey to the Land of Dreams: Change Your Inner and

Outer World
Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Sandra Ingerman, MA
Hosted by Athena Laz

In shamanism, dreamwork has been used to predict times of trouble and give the community
time to prepare. Shamans believe that this world is all a dream. Sandra Ingerman will share the
power of using dreams to create a roadmap in life. She will lead a guided journey to the “Land of
Dreams,” explain how to interpret dreams, and show how to consciously use daydreaming.

In this session, you’ll:

 Discover how dreams can be used to predict the future

 Learn how to interpret dreams
 Learn how to use conscious daydreaming to change your inner and outer world

Simplify and Empower Dreamwork with DreamSynergy™

Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Justina Lasley
Hosted by Kelly Sullivan Walden

Explore the process of DreamSynergy™ with Justina Lasley, MA. DreamSynergy™ is an

innovative, step-by-step process to understand and use dreams to facilitate lasting change. Easily
access personal insight and wisdom by focusing on three key aspects of dreams: emotions,
characters, and beliefs. Individuals, coaches, spiritual directors, and therapists will benefit from
an effective and simplified approach to dream interpretation and personal transformation.
In this session, you’ll:

 Explore the three main components of the DreamSynergy™ approach to dreamwork:

emotions, characters, and beliefs
 Go through a dreamwork exercise with your personal dream during the conversation
 Understand how dreams are an effective avenue for personal transformation
 Explore innovative dreamwork exercises, which lead to your interpretation of your

Dreams, Inner Voice Experiences, and Synchronicities:

Finding Gems When Life Gets Rough
Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Jane E. Carleton, MA, GG
Hosted by Kelly Sullivan Walden

Jane E. Carleton, MA, GG, will look at how dreams and signs around us can bring sparkling
light when we need it most. According to Jane, sometimes we must surrender to our experience
in difficult times. If we watch for surprising moments of magic, we can find hope. By noticing
even the smallest glimmer of light in the dark... like peeking into a microscope to find hidden
secrets... the simplest things can make all the difference in healing.

In this session, you’ll:

 Learn if we cultivate patience, receptivity, and awareness, surprising moments of insight

and inspiration will appear when we need them most
 Expand the concept of what dreaming is and see that the power of dreams goes beyond
what happens spontaneously in the night
 Practice stepping instantly into a healing dream locale that you can visit whenever you
like, where dream helpers are always available

Sweet Dreams! Roundtable with Athena, Kelly, & Theresa

Broadcast on April 19, 2022
With Athena Laz & Theresa Cheung & Kelly Sullivan Walden

This fun roundtable with our summit hosts; Athena Laz, Kelly Sullivan Walden, and Theresa
Cheung, discusses the highlights of this year's Dreamwork Summit 2022. They will share their
experiences on learning new perspectives from other experts — while already being dream
experts themselves. You'll learn the importance of knowing how to sleep and dream better, and
how to accept your nocturnal wisdom's guidance.
In this session, you’ll explore:

 Key lessons learned form the Dreamwork Summit 2022

 How your nocturnal wisdom can teach you new things through sleep
 Dreaming in different perspectives for different people (how dreaming is an experience
that can be different for everyone)

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