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Philosophies of Education: Their Implications to Teaching and Learning

Philosophy What to teach (Content) How to teach(Strategies) Why teach (Rationale) Related

1. Essentialism *Academic content *Mastery of the subject matter

*Walk the talk”-Teachers are expected to be moral
*To help learners acquire “Values are both
and intellectual models of their students; “fountain basic knowledge, skills taught and caught.”
William Bagley(1874-1946) *Fundamental r’s—reading, of information and paragon of virtue” (Social and values and have
Learning Theory)
American educator ’riting, ‘rithmetic, right In Social Learning Theory , it is said that people disciplined, practical “Children need
conduct learn through observing others’ behavior, attitudes, minds capable of applying models rather than
and outcomes of those behaviors. According to
It holds that our culture has a Bandura, “Most human behavior is learned schoolhouse lessons in critics.”(Joseph
core of common knowledge *Traditional disciplines— observationally through modeling: from observing the real world Joubert)
others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors
that the schools are obligated math, natural science, are performed, and on later occasions this coded
to transmit to students in history, foreign language, information serves as a guide for action.” Social *To transmit the traditional “The teacher is
learning theory explains human behavior in terms
systematic, disciplined way. literature of continuous reciprocal interaction between
moral values and engaged, not simply
According the essentialist cognitive, behavioral, and environmental intellectual knowledge in the training of the
influences. Necessary conditions for effective
philosophy, schooling should *Values hailed and modeling:
that students need to individual but in the
be practical and provide considered important by 1.Attention -Includes distinctiveness, affective become model citizens formation of the
children with sound instruction society valence, prevalence, complexity, functional value.
One’s characteristics (e.g. sensory capacities,
proper social
that prepares them to live life. arousal level, perceptual set, past reinforcement) *To propagate and life.”(John Dewey)
In education, it is a philosophy affect attention. perpetuate long-cherished
2.Retention — remembering what you paid
holding that certain basic ideas attention to. Includes symbolic coding, mental cultural traits to make “The future of the
and skills or disciplines images, cognitive organization, symbolic students “culturally nation is on the
rehearsal, motor rehearsal
essential to one’s culture are 3. Reproduction — reproducing the image. literate” shoulders of
formulable and should be Including physical capabilities, and self- teachers and how
observation of reproduction.
taught to all alike by certain 4.Motivation — having a good reason to imitate. *To instill students with they teach kids; the
time-tested methods. The Includes motives such as  past (i.e. traditional the essentials of future of the world is
behaviorism), promised (imagined incentives) and
educational institutions as far vicarious (seeing and recalling the reinforced
academic knowledge and in the classrooms
as essentialism is concerned model) character development where the teachers
are the agencies for the are….”(Richard
*Observance of core requirements, longer school
propagation and perpetuation day, a longer academic year
Reginald Green)
of these long-cherished *Use of prescribed textbooks
cultural traits and not an entity *Drill method/ Exercise(Law of Exercise)
*Enhanced lecture method
to oppose such values. *Memorization and discipline

2. Existentialism
*Wide variety of options *Learner-centered methods *To help students “The essence of
Jean Paul Sarte *Learning is self-paced and self- understand and education is not to stuff
you with facts but to help
*Humanities-given directed. appreciate themselves as you discover your
It is a philosophical doctrine which emphasis to provide *Strategies encouraging individual unique individuals uniqueness, to teach you
emphasizes the freedom of vicarious experiences to creativity and imagination accepting complete how to develop it, and
human beings to make choices in help unleash students’ *Individual contact with students responsibilities for their then to show you how to
a world where there are no give it away.” (Leo
creativity and self- *Values clarification strategy thoughts and actions Buscaglia)
absolute values outside man
himself. It focuses on the
experiences of the individual. *To help students define “Education is to allow the
*In History, focusing on *Teachers believe that the their own essence by good in every person to
It emphasizes creative choice, the actions of historical figures classroom should be a market exposing them to various break through the rock
to give models to students of free ideas that would paths they take in life and that imprisons it and
subjectivity of human experiences bring it into the light
and concrete acts human guarantee complete individual by creating an where it can blossom and
existence. Education for the *Vocational education to freedom. The student must be environment giving them give off its radiance.”
existentialists should enable man discover students’ allowed to decide for himself and freedom to choose their
to make choices for his life. potentials undertake activities which he own way “I am the captain of my
believes are significant and fate and the master of my
The decisions that man makes soul.”
*Arts to encourage beneficial in his life, whereas, the *To educate the whole
will enable him to realize what individual creativity and teacher should only act as a person-promoting holistic
kind of a person he will be and . “ It is the supreme art of
imagination guide, a resource person or development of students the teacher to awaken joy
will make him distinct from other
people, and if a person has facilitator of learning and must not in creative expression
developed and is aware of his interfere in the decisions of the and knowledge.” (Albert
student. The teacher has “the Einstein)
own identity, he will find meaning
and purpose for his existence. It right to teach his students how
“In teaching, we do not
should be a means to open his to think but not what to think.” impose our wills on the
very eyes to the naked truth of his student, but introduce
existence and be aware of his *Methods promoting MIs and LS him to the many
status quo and in so doing of students “A teacher’s purpose is not to mansions of the heritage
education serves as a guiding create students in his own in which we ourselves
*Academic freedom is strive to live, and to the
spirit for him in making prudent image, but to develop
encouraged. students who can create their improvement of which we
decisions and wise actions.
own image.”--Unknown ourselves dedicated.”
(Israel Scheffler)

“Every student can learn,

just not on the same day,
or the same way.”(George
3. Progressivism
*Needs-based and relevant *Experimental methods The aim of education is to “Learning is not attained
John Dewey(1859-1952) curriculum teach students to think by chance, it must be
(Learning by doing) sought for with ardor and
American educator *Problem solving methods rationally so that they may attended to with
*Curriculum that responds *Hands-on-minds-on teaching become intelligent, diligence.”(Abigail Adams)
It claims that the child’s growth to the students’ needs and contributing members of
methodology—field trips,
that relates to students’ the society. . “Teaching is more than
and development as an
personal lives and
thought-provoking games and imparting knowledge, it is
individual depend on his experiences puzzles *To develop learners into inspiring change.
*Principle of self-activity becoming enlightened
experiences and self-activity. stimulating thinking and Learning is more than
*Skills that help students and intelligent citizens of absorbing facts, it is
It emphasizes that cope with change reasoning a democratic society acquiring
*Use of MIs and LS of students understanding.” (William
educational concern must be Arthur Ward
*Processes in gathering and in devising learning activities *To teach learners so they
on the child’s interests, desires evaluating information and may live life fully Now
“We learn by example
in problem solving *It stresses group discussion and by direct experience
and the learner’s freedom.
and group activities as effective because there are real
It asserts that learning is a *Natural and social means of self- expression and limits to the adequacy of
sciences verbal instruction.
dynamic or active process and development. “(Malcolm Gladwell)
a learner learns best if he is an *New scientific,
technological, and social
Effective teaching takes into “That one is learned who
active participant in the has reduced his learning
developments account the whole child, his to practice.” Proverb
learning process. interests and needs in regard to
cognitive, affective and “The greater the time
Progressive education begins psychomotor areas. pupils work together and
the greater the
with the child. Human kind is a responsibility they take
constant state of change, and for their work, the greater
the learning.”
education makes possible a
“What I hear, I forget.
future that is better than the What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand.
past. (Confucius)

4. Perennialism
*Universal curriculum *The classroom is centered *The aim of education is
to ensure that students
Perennial means everlasting. around teachers.
Perennialism views truth as constant *Humanities acquire knowledge of “If we neglect the
or perennial. The perennialist *Applying creative techniques and these unchanging students’ reasoning
philosophy emphasizes the rational *General education principles or great ideas. skills, we deprive
thinking of human beings; the other tried and true methods
them of the ability to
cultivation of the intellect that makes
human beings truly human and *Arts and sciences believed to be the most conducive *To help students use their higher
differentiates them from other forms discover those ideas faculties to control
to disciplining the students’ minds
of animals. *The classics in the fields of most insightful and their passions and
It emphasizes on teaching the things knowledge *Socratic dialogues or mutual timeless in understanding appetites.” (Aristotle)
that one deems to be of everlasting
human condition
importance to all people everywhere. inquiry sessions to develop an
Since the distinctive characteristic of The curriculum, according Learning is,by
humans is the capacity to reason out, to the perennialists, should understanding of history’s most *To impart knowledge that nature,
education should concentrate on stress intellectual growth in has withstood the test of curiosity.”(Philo)
building up rationality. timeless concepts
the arts and sciences. time.
Developing intellectual and moral
qualities is a must. Students should encounter *cultivation of the intellect You can teach a
Perennialists believe that the main in these areas the best, student a lesson for
*HOTS-centered activities
focus of education rest upon the most significant works that *To teach students to a day; but if you can
ideas and lessons that have lasted humans have created. In *Focus on principles not on facts think deeply, analytically, teach him to learn by
over centuries. They believe that
these lessons are relevant today as regard to any area of the flexibly, and imaginatively. creating curiosity, he
when they were written. The curriculum, only one will continue the
educator also uses techniques that question needs be asked: learning process as
have been tested by time and are long as he lives.”
also believed to be most beneficial in
Are students acquiring (Clay P. Bedford)
disciplining a students’ minds. The
perennialists recommend that the content that represents
students learn from studying the the human races’ most
works of history’s finest thinkers and lofty accomplishments in Curiosity is the wick in
writers. that area? the candle of learning.
Perennialists recommend that
schools spend more time teaching (William A. Ward)
concepts and explaining why it is
important that the pupil learn these

*Behaviorists teachers “ought to
5.Behaviorism arrange environmental conditions so
John Watson that students can make the responses *To modify and shape
to stimuli. students’ behavior by
Behaviorism is described providing for a favorable
as a developmental theory that Physical variables like light,
*Techniques on how to environment since they “We are what we are
measures observable behaviors temperature, arrangement of
respond favorably to furniture, size and quantity of visual are a product of their and we do what we
produced by a learner’s response various stimuli in the environment. do, not because of
to stimuli. Responses to stimuli aids have to be controlled to get the
environment desired responses from the learners. any mysterious
can be reinforced with positive or
negative feedback to condition *To help students to power of human
desired behaviors. Punishment is *Coping mechanisms Teachers ought to make stimuli clear develop and exhibit volition, but because
sometimes used in eliminating or and interesting to capture and hold desirable behavior in the outside forces over
reducing incorrect actions, the learners’ attention. society which we lack any
followed by clarifying desired semblance of control
actions. Educational effects of They ought to provide appropriate have us caught in an
behaviorism are key in developing incentives to reinforce positive inflexible web.
basic skills and foundations of responses and weaken or eliminate Whatever else we
understanding in all subject areas negative ones.
may be, we are not
and in classroom management. Typical classroom instruction
the captains of our
According to behaviorism, consistent with the behaviorist
knowing is giving the correct fate, or the masters
theory includes; classroom
response when exposed to a of our soul.”
management, rote memorization,
particular stimulus. The and drill and practice. The
behaviorist is not concerned with
behaviorist approach to teaching
how or why knowledge is
obtained, but rather if the correct has practical applications in
response is given. education. In particular,
( understanding basic skills and
behaviorism%20theory.htm? core subject knowledge. The
pagewanted=all8/3/11) approach of using positive and
negative reinforcements to elicit
It is based on the principle that
desirable human behavior can be the
desired behaviors of students is
product of design, rather than also useful in establishing and
accident. maintaining classroom
According to behaviorists, it is an
illusion to say that humans have free

will. Although we act as if we are
free, our behavior is really determined
by forces in the environment that
shape our behavior.
*Effective communication skills- To develop the
sending and receiving and Communicative competence communication skills of
understanding messages
6. Linguistic Philosophy approach the learner
*Ways of communication: verbal,
“Communication is
Answers questions related to nonverbal, paraverbal Dialogues To mold persons as to not only the essence
speech, the language of thought, Verbal-in words their very essence of being human, but
semantics of the human mind content(semantics) syntax, Journal writing/reflection writing (beings who can also a vital property
diction-oral or written articulate/voice out their of life.”
Nonverbal- through actions/body
Linguistics deals with phonetics, language Group discussion feelings and thoughts) --John A. Piece
phonology, morphology, syntax, Paraverbal- how we say-tone,
semantics pacing, volume Reporting To train students to send To succeed, you will
and receive messages soon learn, as I did, the
Of all creatures of God, only *Proper use of language-correct Exploring the verbal/linguistic correctly
human beings have received the grammar, precision, coherence
importance of a solid
and accuracy, wide vocabulary
intelligence of learners through foundation in the basics
gift of speech. According to the
Nativist Theory of Language varied linguistic activities of education-literacy,
Acquisition, speech is innate in *Competence in many languages- both verbal and
human beings. It is a natural being multilingual
numerical, and
make-up in them to be capable of
*Communicative competence communication skills.”
learning a language and of “The art of communication is the “Regardless of the changes in
speaking. To exist as a human
It is a linguistic term which refers
language of leadership.” technology, the market for well --Alan Greenspan
to a person’s L2 ability. It not only
being means to employ the gift of refers to the ability to apply and —James Humes crafted messages will always
speech, that is, to be a use grammatical rules, but also to have an audience.”
communicator. This gift is form correct utterances, and know —Steve Burnett “Take advantage of
essential for human beings to be how to use these utterances every opportunity to
appropriately Communicative
“Communication—the human
social being—beings with and for “Precision of communication
competence has four connection—is the key to personal practice your
others. is important, more important
Communication stems from a components: grammatical and career success.”—Paul J. communication skills so
than ever, in our era of hair
Latin root communicare which competence(words and rules), Meyer that when important
sociolinguistic trigger balances, when a
means ‘to make common’. Its competence(appropriateness), false or misunderstood word occasions arise, you will
effectiveness is measured by the discourse competence (cohesion may create as much have the gift, the style,
similarity between the idea and coherence) strategic “If you improve a teacher’s self- disaster as a sudden the sharpness, the
transmitted and the idea received. competence (appropriate use of esteem, confidence, communication thoughtless act.”—James clarity, and the emotions
Communication is more than communication strategies) Thurber
skills or stress levels, you improve to affect other people.”
speaking. Linguists claim that
spoken words are only 7% of that teacher’s overall effectiveness —Jim Rohn
communication and that body across curriculum.”
language, facial expression, —Elaine MacDonald
tonality, and style constitute the
rest of the 93% .

*How to learn-learning skills

7. Constructivism and processes such as To develop intrinsically
Constructivist learning is searching, critiquing and motivated learners “Learning is
based on students' active evaluating, relating, *Providing data as basis for adequately equipped with something students
participation in problem- generalizing, reflecting, learning skills to be able do, NOT something
solving and critical thinking discussion, prediction, hypothesis,
posing questions, to construct knowledge done to students.”
regarding a learning activity researching and investigation, invention, questions, and make meaning out of --Alfie Kohn
which they find relevant and constructing new them
engaging. It potentially has research
knowledge Learning
profound implications for how *Dialogue/Interaction requires active
current `traditional' instruction participation of the
is structured, since it fits with *Reflection
They are "constructing" student in a given
several highly touted their own knowledge by *Journal/Reaction Paper writing learning situation. It
educational trends, for testing ideas and can be proactive or
example: *Problem-solving and inquiry-
approaches based on their reactive. The student
*the transition of the prior knowledge and based learning activities has to prepare for the
teacher's role from "sage on experience, applying these next learning situation
the stage" (fount/transmitter of *Hands-on activities
to a new situation, and or he/she has to
knowledge) to "guide on the integrating the new *Group activities/performances actively respond to the
side" (facilitator, coach); knowledge gained with pre- learning situation at
* teaching "higher order" *Concept factory
existing intellectual hand. The degree of
skills such as problem-solving, constructs. participation of the
reasoning, and reflection The art of teaching is the student in any learning
art of assisting discovery. situation, in a way,
*enabling learners to --Mark Van Doren determines the degree
learn how to learn; of reception and
retention of the
*more open-ended concepts being
evaluation of learning learned.

*and, of course,

cooperative and collaborative


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