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TPACK Template

Subject Math

Grade Level 4

Learning Objective 4.9 The student will solve practical problems related to
elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 12-hour
Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the students will draw the hands of a clock to
Pedagogy Planning

dictate what time it is and practice elapsing time by 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, and 30-minute

Activity Describe what the This activity will review SOL 3.9-A from third grade, which is
learning activity will be. What will
the students and the teacher be
telling time to the nearest minute, using analog and digital
doing? (This includes what they are clocks. They will also be reviewing and building their skills and
doing with the technology).
knowledge of SOL 3.9-B which is elapsing time in one-hour
increments. SOL 4.9 teaches students how to elapse time in
hours and minutes within a 12-hour period. This activity focuses
on elapsing time by 30 minutes or less.

The teacher will start the smart board activity and will ask the
students to volunteer to write down what time is on the clock in
digital form. Then she will ask another student to draw the
elapsed time and to write the time in digital form. After the
students write down the answer, the teacher will check to make
sure if it is correct or incorrect. Regardless of whether the
student got the answer right, the teacher will review how to tell

time on an analog clock and how to solve for elapsed time. This
will help teach and review the content for the students who did
not understand how to solve the problem(s).
Technology Please provide the Elapsed Time to the Minute (
direct link to the IWB lesson.

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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