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iOS 15.

6 Accessibility
Julianne Werner
Accessibility < noun >

As according to the ADA, accessibility refers to the design of products,

devices, services, vehicles, or environments so as to be usable by people
with disabilities. Accessibility can be viewed as the "ability to access" and
benefit from some system or entity. The concept focuses on enabling
access for people with disabilities, or enabling access through the use of
assistive technology; however, research and development in accessibility
brings benefits to everyone
What is an accessibility feature?
An addition to an already existing piece of technology that helps those
with a disability or impairment be able to access the technology
without aid of another person.
iPhone & iPad Accessibility Features
1. Text Size
2. Voice Control
3. Sound Recognition
4. Subtitles and Captioning
Text Size
Text Size (Continued)
Being able to adjust the size of the size and display on the device helps
those with visual impairments be able to read and see their device
Voice Control
Voice Control (Continued)
Voice control always enable you to use your voice to navigate your
phone.You can use your voice to open apps, control the volume or
brightness on your device, tap pictures of buttons for you, and edit text
without having to click on the screen.
Sound Recognition
Sound Recognition (Continued)
Sound recognition is a hearing aid that detects and alerts you when
different sounds happen.
For example is can alert you when emergency sirens are going off
or when a baby is crying.
Subtitles and Captioning
Subtitles and Captioning (Continued)
Subtitles and captioning uses word recognition to display what a sound
is saying.
If a video said “The sky is blue” the subtitles would recognize it and
caption the video with “the sky is blue” in text.
RTT (Continued)
RTT stands for real-time-text is helps those who are hard of hearing or
deaf be able to read what someone is saying to them over the phone in
“real time”. RTT means that the text is displayed in real time.
If someone said “I will be over in five minutes” over the phone, that will
be displayed in text right at the time they speak.

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