Research 12

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region 1

Asbury College Incorporated

High School Department

S.Y. 2020 – 2021

The Impact of Modular Learning among the students of Grade 12 – Job

In Asbury College Incorporated

A Research Paper presented

to Mrs. Liza Corpuz

Our adviser in this research

Presented by:

Aaron Mark Caracas

Micah Vee Nario

Table of Contents

Chapter I

 Background of the Study………………………………………………………………………….2

 Statement of the Problem….................................................................................................2
 Significance of the study ………………………………………………………………………….2
 Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………………………3
 Definition of terms………………………………………………………………………………….3
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………………….4
Chapter III
3.1 Research Design…………………………………………………………………………………..5
3.2 Research Method………………………………………………………………………………….5
3.3 Population of the Study……………………………………………………………………………5
3.4 Treatment/Procedure……………………………………………………………………………...5
3.5 Survey………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Chapter IV
Data Analysis and Interpretation…………………………………………………………………….6-10
Chapter V
5.1 Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………..11
5.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………11
5.3 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………………11

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have been our source of
inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide their
moral, spiritual, and financial support
And lastly, we dedicated this to the almighty God thank you for the guidance, strength, power of
mind, protection and skills and for giving us healthy life. All of this we offer to you.

Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

This study is about Asbury College Inc. students in Grade 12 Job, will help to
find out and confirm whether the modular learning modality of this student has
reached the required quality knowledge that a Grade 12 should acquire. This study
will help not only the within the school of Asbury College Inc. but also in the wider
community of Pangasinan. This study aims to see and provide a solutions to Asbury
College Inc. students to address the shortcomings in the educational process that
students acquire in Modular Learning Modality

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The researchers conducted a study on the impact of modular learning among

the Grade 12 section Job in Asbury College Inc. to manually check and monitor their
learning system to see if modular learning has a negative or positive impact on the
students of Grade 12 Job in Asbury College Incorporated. If this is seen as a bad
result, it indicates that there is a high probability that other students at Asbury
College Inc. are experiencing this problem simply because of the Learning System it
has. If the problem can be seen if we observe a small number of students first, so
the Researchers will ask some questions as to what are the benefits that the
modular learning system has helped the students from Grade 12 Job in Asbury
College Inc.

1.3 Significance of the Study

This research will inform everyone if the current type of learning modality
which is modular learning of a student is really working. If students surpassed those
main challenges that they have encountered like self studying, poor internet
connection, lack of sleep and time to answer all the modules due to great number of
activities ,distractions and lack of focus If we will spend sometime to look at the
smaller pieces of what modular learning does to a student we will know the
advantages and disadvantages of it. By that we can finally resolve and think what we
should do next to fix things up.

1.4 Scope and Delimitations

The focus of this study is to determine the difference of the Educational

performance in Asbury College Inc. This involves a survey among those Grade 12
Job students in Asbury College Inc. . This research is designed to have a through
knowledge of problems of a student with modular learning modality

1.5 Definition of Terms

Learning - is the process of acquiring new things.

Teacher - is a person with commendable skills for helping others learn, guiding, and
helping solve a problem.
Modules - are used to organize course content by weeks, units, or a different
organizational structure.
Student - denoting someone who is studying in order to enter a particular profession.

Chapter 2

Review of Related literature

The objective of democratic education is the optimum development of the

individual. To meet this end it is imperative that greater attention should be given to the
needs of individual learners – thus the demand for individual instruction. Individual
instruction is backed by the philosophy that every child is unique. People develop at
different rates. Development is relatively orderly and development takes place gradually.
Students are encouraged to question, criticize and argue their point of view. It also
develops one’s self concept by recognizing the desirability of individual differences.
The Philippine Education Quarterly reported that modules can take the place of a
teacher. These self-learning devices helps pupils to learn or acquire skills, knowledge,
and information in thee absence of a teacher. These materials provide sufficient
reinforcement, enrichment, and source materials. They allow also the learner to work at
a rate style and level situated to his capacity.(Rillo, 1995)
Among the forms of individualized instruction modules are effective and
economical in developing specific knowledge and skills. Modules induce learning with
minimum teacher direction and supervision. Furthermore these develop learning and
grading strategies, improve classroom management techniques, and encourage
achievement for greater use of educational resources through the establishment of
realistic obtainable learning goals within an individualized program of studies.
(Salandanan, 2001)
Lockwood(1998) differentiated the characteristics of textbook and modules and
pointed out the advantages of the latter, to a wit: modules arouse interest, written for
learner; give estimate of study time; are designed for a particular audience m; always
gives aims and objectives, may have many ways through it, provide study skills advice;
require active response; and aimed at successful teaching.

Chapter III

3.1 Research Design

The present study utilize quantitative research design. It employed the use of
questionnaire as the research instrument. The goal is to aware learners as well as
teachers in Asbury College who are handing the Grade 12 Job, if the knowledge that is
required when entering college is already within them or we should extend the allotted
year for Grade 12.

3.2 Research Method

We will use a survey through questionnaire to find out how many are affected and
not affected by modular learning in Grade 12 Job at Asbury College Incorporated

3.3 Population of the Study

This study was done by questioning using messenger in the date of March 28,
2021. This study focused on 25 students in the Grade 12 Job at Asbury College

3.4 Treatment/Procedure

The data gathered from the respondents were analyzed for the purpose of
answering the research question. The questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive
statistics in order to collect the frequency count and percentage.

3.5 Survey

This study is done by the Researchers and to be answered by the respondents.

Yes or No
1. Do the modular learning in you academic performance?
2. Do you finish answering your modules all of your modules sue to time and date?
3. Is the 2 weeks of answering all of your modules is enough?
4. Are you having a hard time answering your modules?
5. Have you experience passing your modules late due to time and date?
6. Do you answer your modules based on the schedule that the adviser?
7. Do you read the lessons in your modules?
8. Do you spend money on your modules?
9. Is it stressful for you to be on modular learning during in this pandemic?
10. Do you need a good access in internet and gold device on modular learning?

Chapter IV
Data Analysis and Interpretation

The researchers will use a pie chart to know the percentage of the answers of
respondents from the survey and also the data interpretation.

1. Do the modular Learning effective for your academic performance?

In this question 44% of the respondents answered yes that is effective, while the 56% of
the respondents answered no because it is not effective.

2. Do you finish answering all of your modules due to time and date?

In this question 64% of the respondents answered yes that they finish it their modules
due to time and date, while 36% of the respondents are not.

3. Is this 2 weeks of answering of your modules is enough?

In this question 68% of the respondents answered yes that it is enough, while 32% of the
answered no that it is not enough.

4. Are you having a hard time answering your modules?

In this question 88% of the respondents answered yes that they having a hard time,
while 12% answered no that they’re not having a hard time.

5. Have you experience passing your modules late due to time and date?

In this question 44% of the respondents answered yes that they experienced to pass the
module late, while 56% answered no that they did not experience it.

6. Do you answer your modules based on the schedule that the adviser gave?
In this question 28% of the respondents answered yes that they answering their modules
based on the schedule, while 72% answered no because they have their own schedule.

7. Do you read the lessons in your module?

In this question 76% of the respondents answered yes that they reafd the modules while
24% of them was not.

8. Do you spend money on your modules?

In this question 80% of the respondents answered yes that they spend money, while
20% of them was not.

9. Is it stressful for you to be on modular learning during in this pandemic?

In this question 96% of the respondents answered yes that it is stressful while 4% says it
is not stressful.

10. Do you need a good access in internet and good device on modular learning?
In this question 96% of the respondents answered yes that they need good access in the
internet and good device, while 4% of them answered no because they don’t need it.


Chapter V

5.1 Summary

To sum up the study there are many factors that affecting the students to do their
modules and the main point of this study is to know if the students have leaned in
modular learning modality. The researchers used a descriptive-method on order to
determine and answer the research problem. Data gathering was dome through online
survey. The respondents of this study are composed of 25 students from Grade 12 Job
of Asbury College Incorporated

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the data gathered all students disagreed with modular learning. They
learn nothing in modular learning. In conclusion the researchers found out that there are
many factors that affecting the students like playing online games and etc.
5.3 Recommendation

We recommend that they need to do their part as a students, the most important
might give to you is being graduated to a school and having diploma. For teachers we
recommend that they should encourage their student, put some video representation to
make it easier for students to understand



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