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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
in the Graduate College of the
Illinois Institute of Technology

Approved _________________________

Chicago, Illinois
December 2012

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... v

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................. vi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. vii

1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1

1.1 Issue Statement ...................................................................... 1

1.2 Scope of Thesis ........................................................................... 2

2. STANDARD DESIGN PRACTICE ................................................... 3

2.1 Explanation of Tank Systems ................................................ 3

2.2 Industry Code Requirements ................................................. 8
2.3 Performance Criteria for Suspended Decks ........................... 8


3.1 Structural Dynamics Overview .............................................. 10

3.2 Outer Tank ............................................................................. 11
3.3 Inner Tank .............................................................................. 12
3.4 Suspended Deck ..................................................................... 15

4. AS-BUILT DESIGNS ........................................................................ 20

4.1 Bent Annular Suspended Deck .............................................. 20

4.2 Flat Annular Suspended Deck ............................................... 23

5. METHOD TO STABILIZE SUSPENDED DECK ............................ 28

5.1 Overview ................................................................................ 28

5.2 Braced Frame ......................................................................... 28

6. MODIFIED DESIGNS ....................................................................... 32

6.1 Bent Annular Suspended Deck .............................................. 32

6.2 Flat Annular Suspended Deck ............................................... 33

7. CONCLUSION ................................................................................... 34





BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 60


Table Page
3.1 Force Reduction Factors for Inner Tank per API Standard 620 ................ 14

4.1 Bent Annular Tank Dimensions ................................................................. 20

4.2 Bent Annular Deck Dimensions (Metric) .................................................. 21

4.3 Bent Annular Deck Dimensions (Imperial) ............................................... 21

4.4 Dynamic Properties of Bent Annular Tank (Metric) ................................. 22

4.5 Dynamic Properties of Bent Annular Tank (Imperial) ............................... 23

4.6 Summary of Displacements for Bent Annular Deck .................................. 23

4.7 Flat Annular Tank Dimensions .................................................................. 24

4.8 Flat Annular Deck Dimensions (Metric) .................................................... 24

4.9 Flat Annular Deck Dimensions (Imperial) ................................................. 25

4.10 Dynamic Properties of Flat Annular Tank (Metric) ................................. 26

4.11 Dynamic Properties of Flat Annular Tank (Imperial) ............................... 26

4.12 Summary of Displacements for Flat Annular Deck ................................. 27

6.1 Summary of Modified Bent Annular Deck Displacements ...................... 32


Figure Page
2.1 Single Containment Tank System .............................................................. 3

2.2 Full Containment Tank System .................................................................. 4

2.3 Double Containment Tank System ............................................................ 5

2.4 Cross-Section View of Suspended Deck with Bent Annular Plate ............ 6

2.5 Cross-Section View of Suspended Deck with Flat Annular Plate ................ 7

3.1 Empirical Curve for Coefficient Ci from Equation 3.3.1-1 ........................... 8

3.2 Layout of Required Tank Dimensions .......................................................... 17

3.3 Minimum Required Spacings of Top Stiffener ............................................. 19

4.1 Bent Annular Tank Design Response Spectrum ........................................... 22

4.2 Flat Annular Tank Design Response Spectrum ............................................ 26


The safe storage of natural resources, such as liquefied natural gas or propane, is

essential to the public and companies that distribute these resources. Large diameter,

double walled cylindrical storage tanks are the typical structure used to store these natural

resources. One of the design factors that commonly govern the structural integrity of the

tank is the design seismic response spectra.

A component of the tank that is not given much consideration in the industry

codes is the suspended insulated deck. The purpose of the deck is to provide a layer of

insulation just above the liquid level of the product. This helps control the release of

gases that boil off from the product. Despite this deck being made of thin plate material,

this can be a considerable mass on large diameter tanks once the insulation and deck

stiffeners are accounted for. The supports for the deck are typically one-half inch or

sixteen millimeter square rods, which do not provide much lateral resistance. The

concern this thesis investigates is what occurs to the suspended deck during an


By treating the outermost ring of rods as a moment frame, the summation of each

rod’s lateral stiffness provides the total deck stiffness and natural period of the structure

as a single-degree-of-freedom system. It is determined the standard design is likely to

collide with other vital components of the tank under certain seismic events. In order to

prevent the deck from potentially damaging these components, the conservative route is

to increase the stiffness of the deck until the displacements are within an allowable range.

This is done by installing a tank specific number of braced frames around the outer

perimeter of the deck.

The above procedure is a simple method to ensure there are no unexpected

collisions between tank components. More time consuming methods, such as finite

element analysis may show that the standard design can sufficiently withstand any

collisions. However, the ability to provide a quick, easy solution with minimal added

construction materials is a considerable advantage when ensuring the safety of the storage





1.1 Issue Statement

The safe and reliable storage of natural resources is an essential part to any

company’s ability to distribute to civilians for everyday use or production facilities for

manufacturing. The failure of a storage facility can cause dangerous hazards to the

public by either leaking toxic gases to the atmosphere or stopping the distribution of

natural gas to houses during the winter. A tank failure can also cause expensive delays in

production for a company. This is particularly the case for cryogenic and low

temperature storage tanks that store such products as natural gas (methane), propylene,

ethylene, propane, anhydrous ammonia, and butane in a liquid state. A substantial upfront

investment is required to construct these storage facilities, so the owners expect to receive

a final product from the engineering and construction firms that will last for the duration

of the production facility. The engineers must design the tank to withstand extreme

weather conditions or probable seismic activity without causing a catastrophic failure.

With these large, cylindrical tanks storing massive amounts of liquid product,

seismic activity is naturally a major design consideration. A variety of industry code

checks are required to certify that the tank can withstand expected seismic activity.

However, one commonly used tank component, a suspended insulated deck, does not

have clear code requirements that specify what behavior is acceptable during a seismic


1.2 Scope of Thesis

This thesis will provide a method for tank designers to determine whether or not

the standard design of a suspended insulated deck is sufficient for a given site specific

seismic requirement. The process utilizes simple structural dynamic methods so the

designer can perform quick and reliable hand calculations instead of requiring expensive

and time consuming finite element analysis computer programs. Since the suspended

decks hang from long, thin steel rods or bars, lateral displacement is expected. However,

if the deck sways too much, it could potentially cause damage to the primary containment

of the tank. The bottom line of the calculations is to ensure that the lateral displacement

of the suspended deck during a seismic event is within a determined limit.

In the situation that the standard design of the suspended deck allows for an

unacceptable level of lateral displacement, there is a simple way to stabilize the

suspended deck. This would entail installing simple braced frames around the perimeter

of the suspended deck to act as the seismic force resisting system. The intent of this

solution is to make the supporting elements of the deck stiffer, so lateral displacements

are limited to prevent tank components from colliding. This thesis will go through the

calculations required to determine the size and quantity of cross bracing needed to

stabilize the deck from collisions.




2.1 Expla
anation of Tank
T System

2.1.1 nment. Therre are a varieety of orienttations possiible for a

Typess of Contain

crryogenic or low temperaature storagee tank. It is aall dependennt on the neeeds of the ow

nd what prod
duct is being
g stored. Acccording to thhe Americann Petroleum Institute (A

he storage op
ptions are sin
ngle, doublee, or full conttainment. A single conttainment tankk is

ypically a sin
ngle-wall tan
nk that is liqu
uid and vapoor-tight as shhown in Figuure 2.1.

H a siingle contain
nment tank may
m also havve a similar design to thee full

ontainment tank
t shown in
i Figure 2.2
2. The diffe rence betweeen a single aand full

gure 2.1. Sin
ngle Containm
ment Tank S

ontainment tank
t is that the
t outer con
ntainer for a single contaainment tankk is only desiigned

o contain pro
oduct vapor and not prod
duct liquid inn an event of a leak. Onn the other haand,

he full containment tank must be dessigned so thee outer shell is able to coontain both tthe

prroduct liquid
d and vapor (API Standaard 625 5-6).. A double ccontainmentt tank is basiically

a single contaainment tank

k surrounded
d by an addittional liquid container. A
As an exampple,

Figure 2.3 sho

ows that thiss secondary containmentt does not coontain any of the producct

vapor and is designed

d to only
o contain
n any leakagee of product from the primary contaiiner

API Standard
d 625 5-4). In the case of
o the doublee and full coontainment taanks, the

seecondary liq
quid containm
ment may bee design as loow temperatture or cryoggenic steel orr

prre-stressed concrete.

Fiigure 2.2. Fu
ull Containm
ment Tank Syystem

gure 2.3. Dou
uble Containnment Tank System

2.1.2 Required Insulattion. An inttegral part off these storagge tanks are the insulatioon

ystems used. The insulaation is requiired to preveent excessivee amounts off the liquid

prroduct from boiling off and

a being veented away ffrom the tankk. Boil off ggases are alw

xpected and accounted for
f in the plaant design, buut cost savinngs can be suubstantial byy

having an effficient insulaation system.. Varying tyypes of insullation are plaaced around the

prrimary liquid
d container. Layers of cellular
c glasss blocks are placed undeerneath the taank

bottom. For a single conttainment tan

nk with a sinngle shell, theere is typically a foam-inn-

place insulation sprayed on

o the outsid
de of the sheell. For any ddouble-walled tank, therre are

wo insulation
tw n options to be used in th
he annular sppace dependding on the aallowable ratte of

boil off. The annular spaace is the parrt of the tankk that is in beetween the innner and outter

hells. The fiirst and mostt commonly
y used insulattion in the an
annular spacee for cryogennic,

ull containm
ment tanks is perlite fill in
nsulation. T
This is a lighttweight perliite ore insulaation

hat is blown into the ann
nular space as
a shown in F
Figure 2.2. F
For low tem
mperature tannks

w double-w
walls, it is more
m common
n to use the ffoam-in-placce on the ouutside of the

prrimary contaainer. The final

fi area thaat requires innsulation is aabove the liqquid product.. It

iss necessary to
t have fiberrglass blankeet insulation on the deckk suspended ffrom the rooof

sttructural mem

2.1.3 n. The suspended deck is a relativelly simple

Suspeended Deck Orientation

sttructure as sh
hown in Figu
ure 2.4. It iss a flat, circuular plate noormally madee of aluminuum or

caarbon steel that

t can be as
a thin as threee-sixteenthss of an inch.. There are ccircumferenttial

plate stiffenerrs spaced inttermittently across the deeck. Carbonn or stainlesss steel rods aare

hen attached
d from deck stiffeners
s to the roof girdders or rafterrs. The susppended deckss

reequire a deck
k annular plaate to provid
de a vapor seeal between tthe liquid prroduct and thhe

vapor space above

a the priimary contaiinment.

There are two diffferent orientations for thhis deck annuular plate. T
The first is shhown

n Figure 2.4 for a full containment taank. This is a plate bentt at a right anngle in

Figure 2.4. Cross-S

Section View
w of Suspendded Deck with Bent Annnular Plate

orrder to lap over

o the top shell
s stiffeneer of the prim
mary containnment. The flange of thee

deck annular plate is not welded

w to th
he web of thee top shell sttiffener, whiich allows foor

hermal contrraction of thee deck and sh
hell withoutt inducing a ttransfer of looads. The siize

of the top inn

ner shell stifffener is sized
d to intentionnally allow ffor some relaative

displacement between thee suspended deck and innner shell.

The seecond deck annular

a platee orientationn shown in F
Figure 2.5 is primarily foor a

d tank but can
n be used on
n a double-w
walled tank iff the foam-inn-place

nsulation is used
u inside the
t annular space
s insteadd of the perliite fill insulaation. This ssetup

siimply has a flat

f annular plate that is lap welded tto the deck pplate and is llapped withoout

w over a bar stiffenerr on the shelll. Similarly to the previoous examplee, by not wellding

he annular pllate to this bar
b stiffener, the suspendded deck is aallowed movvement due too

hermal contrraction and expansion
e alo
ong with seiismic events.

The reequired behaavior during a seismic evvent will be considered ffor both of thhese

uspended deeck orientatio
ons througho
out this thesiis. Henceforrth, the susppended deck

orrientations with
w the bentt annular plaate and the fllat annular pplate will be referred to aas the

bent annularr deck” and “flat
“ annularr deck”, resppectively.

Figuree 2.5. Cross-Section View

w of Suspennded Deck w
with Flat Annnular Plate

2.2 Industry Code Requirements

API Standard 620 has performance criteria for how storage tanks should be

affected by seismic events. The two seismic events that are of concern for the suspended

deck are the Operating Level Earthquake, referred to as OLE or OBE, and the

Contingency Level Earthquake, referred to as CLE or SSE. In Appendix L of API

Standard 620, it is stated that after an OLE “the tank system will remain operational with

only minor repair required” (API Standard 620 L-4). It is also required that after a CLE

event, “the primary liquid container will survive and contain the liquid (with only minor

leaks permitted) to protect the public but extensive damage may occur and the tank

system may not be repairable after this event” (API Standard 620 L-4). These

requirements need to be taken into consideration when analyzing the suspended decks

behavior during an earthquake.

2.3 Performance Criteria for Suspended Decks

By following the industry code requirements, the two suspended deck orientations

will have different performance criteria during a seismic event. The bent annular deck

from Figure 2.4 will require calculations to be based on an OLE event while the flat

annular deck from Figure 2.5 requires the CLE event to govern.

The OLE basis for the bent annular deck is in order to ensure that the suspended

deck will not cause damage to the deck seal at the bent annular plate to inner shell top

stiffener junction. The seal is a vital component to the prolonged operation of the tank.

To consider this, the design of the suspended deck must restrict the amount of lateral

displacement enough to prevent impacts with the inner shell or flange of the top stiffener.

The required spacing between the bent annular plate and the flange of the top stiffener is

a function of the seismic induced displacement of the inner shell, sloshing liquid product

and suspended deck. The spacing between the bent annular plate and inner shell is only

based on the displacement of the suspended deck and inner shell. This neglects the

product because the sloshing liquid causes the inner shell to displace away from the

suspended deck. The CLE event is not considered for the bent annular deck because the

tank no longer needs to be operational afterward. This being the case, damage to the

inner shell and deck seal is acceptable.

The flat annular deck is limited to the CLE event because damage to the outer

shell induced by the suspended deck is not desired in any situation. Although the outer

shell can withstand a certain magnitude of impact from the suspended deck, the

conservative approach is to prevent any impact from occurring. This will be done by

limiting the lateral displacement of the deck such that it will not impact the outer shell

under a CLE event.




3.1 Structural Dynamics Overview

3.1.1 Assumptions. The dynamic properties are required for the outer tank, inner tank,

and suspended deck, so the behavior of the tank and interaction between each component

can be estimated in the event of an earthquake. In order to maintain the simplicity of

these methods, there are a few assumptions that must be made when calculating the

natural period of the components. These assumptions are as follows:

 The shell and suspended deck are considered to have a single-degree-of-

freedom (SDOF).

 All insulation between components is neglected, so the free vibration of each

component can be considered independently. (i.e. perlite fill insulation

between the inner and outer shells and the fiberglass blanket in between the

bent annular flange and inner shell)

 The tank is on a rigid base.

 The outer shell is considered rigid.

3.1.2 Design Response Spectrum. There are many different ways in which seismic

requirements can be determined. A seismologist can provide site-specific ground

motions for a site that is within close proximity to a fault. The American Society of Civil

Engineers Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures code, referred to as

ASCE 7-10, may be used to create the design response spectrum if the code is specified

or the site is located within the United States. The minimum information required in this

case is the short period spectral acceleration, SS, and the spectral acceleration at a one-

second period, S1. Another option is to use section E.4.3 of API Standard 650 when just

the peak ground acceleration is given. A response spectrum shape can be determined by

multiplying the peak ground acceleration by two-and-a-half for the short period

acceleration and one-and-a-quarter for the acceleration at a one-second period.

The examples used for this thesis will use the methods provided in Chapter 11 of

ASCE 7-10 to determine the design short period spectral acceleration, SDS, and one-

second period spectral acceleration, SD1, for the response spectra. Appendix L of API

Standard 620 determines the suggested levels of earthquake the response spectra must

represent. For the OLE case, the two spectral response accelerations are based on a five

percent damped earthquake with a ten percent probability of exceedance in fifty years.

This is also known as an earthquake with a 475-year mean return period.

For the CLE case, the accelerations are based on a five percent damped earthquake with a

two percent probability of exceedance in fifty years. This is a considered a 2475-year

return period earthquake (API Standard 620 L-7). This is equivalent to the maximum

considered earthquakes in ASCE 7-10 and API 650, Appendix E.

These design response spectra are plotted such that the accelerations are a

function of the natural period of any structural system. The accelerations imposed on the

tank and suspended deck will be determined by finding the acceleration that is related to

the natural period of the respective tank component.

3.2 Outer Tank

The outer tank is assumed to be a rigid structure. There are two primary reasons

for this assumption. First, the combination of the outer shell and roof is a very stiff

structure with a natural period typically less than one second. The outer containment is

even stiffer when it consists of prestressed concrete. The other reasoning is that it will

make the problem more complicated for hand calculations if the movement of the outer

tank is taken into account. Since the suspended deck is hanging from the roof, the

response of the outer shell and the roof directly impacts the movement of the suspended

deck. By considering the outer shell rigid, the seismic movements at the roof level are

considered equivalent to those at ground level. This removes any need of considering a

multi-degree-of-freedom system for the outer shell to suspended deck interface.

3.3 Inner Tank

3.3.1 Period Calculation. The sloshing of the liquid product and the movement of the

shell must be considered when calculating the dynamic properties of the inner tank. This

can be very difficult to calculate by hand, so an empirical formula can be used from API

Standard 650 to calculate the impulsive and convective periods. The impulsive period is

an estimate of the period of the tank system using equation E.4.5.1-1b of API Standard


 
 
 1  Ci  H   
Ti    (3.3.1-1)
 27.8  tu  E 
 
 D 

The required information for equation 3.3.1-1 is the maximum design liquid level (H),

tank diameter (D), liquid density ( ), Young’s Modulus of the shell material (E), and the

equivalent uniform shell thickness (tu). The coefficient Ci is determined by the empirical

curve shown in Figure 3.1, which originates from Figure E-1 of API Standard 650.

gure 3.1. Em
Fig mpirical Curv
ve for Coeffiicient Ci from
m Equation 33.3.1-1

T convectiv ode sloshingg wave periood” (API Stanndard 650). The
ve period is “the first mo

quation from
m API Standaard 650 is ass follows:

Tc  K s D (3.33.1-2)


Ks  (3.33.1-3)
 3.68
8H 
tanh  
 D 

3.3.2 Displa alculation. The

acement Ca T spectrall accelerationn and naturaal period are the

nly factors required

on r to calculate the maximum ddeflection in a SDOF sysstem. The

mpulsive accceleration for the inner taank is calcullated using tthe followingg function frrom

A Standard
d 650.

 I 
Ai  S DS   (3.33.2-1)
 R wi 

T convectiv
ve acceleratiion from thee liquid is callculated usinng the follow
wing set of

quations from
m section E..4.6.1 of API Standard 6650.

When TC ≤ TL

 1  I  (3.3.2-2)
Ac  S D1   
 TC  Rwc 

When TC > TL

 T  I  (3.3.2-3)
Ac  S D1  L2  
 TC  Rwc 

According to API Standard 650, the value of TL shall be four seconds unless specified

otherwise. For the cases of this thesis, TL will be used as four seconds (E-11).

The above equations are utilized differently for an OLE and CLE case.

According to L.4.2.2 of API Standard 620, “the OLE design forces shall not be adjusted

by an importance factor, I, or force reduction factor, R.” For a CLE case, the importance

factor is also set to one. The force reduction factor is dependent on the product

temperature and whether or not the tank is self-anchored or mechanically-anchored.

Table 3.1 summarizes the force reduction factors for an inner tank from API Standard

620 Appendix L. In both the OLE and CLE cases, the two-thirds factor used to calculate

the SDS and SD1 in equations 11.4-3 and 11.4-4 of ASCE 7 shall be neglected (API

Standard 620 L-5).

Table 3.1 Force Reduction Factors for Steel Inner Tank per API Standard 620

Self-Anchored Mechanically-Anchored
Rwi Rwc Rwi Rwc

-60oF to +40oF 2.25 1.5 2.5 1.5

-325oF or warmer 1.5 1.0 1.75 1.0

With the equations determined for the spectral accelerations, the maximum

spectral displacement of the inner tank can be calculated. The equation to calculate

maximum displacement of a SDOF system in response to an earthquake ground motion is

Equation 3.3.2-4 (Chopra 210). This is applied to both the impulsive and convective


T 2
D  A n  (3.3.2-4)
2 

3.4 Suspended Deck

3.4.1 Period Calculation. The only information required to determine the period of a

suspended deck is the lumped mass, which includes the deck and deck stiffeners, and the

lateral stiffness of the hanging rods. The mass of the system is simply based on the size

and material of the deck and stiffeners. The calculation for the lateral stiffness is more


The hanging rod system is going to be treated as a moment frame resisting

system. The outermost ring of rods is treated as vertically oriented cantilever beams with

a fixed connection at the roof rafter and a pinned connection at the deck stiffener. All of

the remaining rings of rods are treated as the gravity system to hold the remaining weight

of the deck and insulation. The stiffness of a rod is the lateral force required to induce a

unit of deflection at the level of the deck. The equation for this can be determined by

different methods of structural analysis, such as the Moment Area Method, but a quick

reference is Table 3-23 of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Manual

for Steel Construction (3-220). Case 22 provided in this table shows that the deflection at

the end of the cantilever is as shown in Equation 3.4.1-1, which can be rearranged to be

the stiffness of the member.

 (3.4.1-1)

KP  3 (3.4.1-2)
 L

The total stiffness of the system will be determined in the direction of ground

motion. The total stiffness is the summation of the stiffness for each individual rod in the

specified direction. Since the angle of rotation of the rod axes with respect to the

direction of motion is different for each rod, the rod stiffness will not necessarily be

constant. This is accounted for by transforming the moment of inertia of the rod for the

corresponding amount the rod has rotated with respect to the direction of motion. The

moment of inertia transformation equations are provided below. Since the rotation is

about the centroid of the rods, the Ixy terms will be set equal to zero.

Ix  Iy Ix  Iy
I x   cos 2  I xy sin 2 (3.4.1-3)
2 2

Ix  Iy Ix  Iy
I y   cos 2  I xy sin 2 (3.4.1-4)
2 2

The remaining values required to calculate the stiffness are the Young’s Modulus

(E) and member length (L). The Young’s Modulus will vary according to the material

used for the rods. It will be 29000 and 28000 kips per square inch for carbon steel and

stainless steel, respectively. The length is a function of the height from the deck to the

bottom of the roof (Hdeck), the roof radius (Rr), tank diameter (Do), the outermost deck

stiffener radius (RSO), and the deck stiffener thickness (tDS) and depth (dDS) as shown in

quation 3.4.1-5 and Figu
ure 3.2. Sincce all of the rods are at thhe same radius from thee

ceenterline of the
t tank, theey will have the same lenngths.

D 2
L  Rr2  RSO
 Rr2   o   H Deck  t DS  d DS  (3.4.1-5)
 2 

Figure 3.2 Layou

ut of Requireed Tank Dim

Now that
t all necessary variables have beeen determineed to calculatte the stiffneess of

he suspended m, the natural period cann be calculatted. Since thhe suspended
d deck system

deck is being treated as a SDOF, undamped systeem, the naturral period eqquations is ass


Tn  2 (3.44.1-6)

3.4.3 Displacement Calculation. The suspended deck displacement will be calculated

identically to Equation 3.3.2-4 above. The natural period of the suspended deck is used

to determine the horizontal acceleration from the response spectrum. However, the

acceleration is not reduced for the suspended deck as it was for the inner tank. This is

because the structure does not have any redundancy. Using a force reduction factor of

one ensures that the structure will not come close to any inelastic behavior since

reduction factors greater than three mean inelastic deformations are expected.

Since the three components under consideration typically have varying natural

periods, the maximum displacements of all components will not occur at the same time.

Because of this, the individual maximum displacements cannot be directly added to each

other. This would be overly conservative. Instead, a common practice is to take the

square-root-of-sum-of-squares (SRSS) of the displacements. This provides a more

accurate estimate for the peak total displacement (Chopra 563). Equation 3.4.3-1

provides the combined displacement of the suspended deck, inner shell impulsive, and

convective displacements, which must be less than the spacing between the deck annular

flange and the top stiffener flange. Equation 3.4.3-2 combines only the suspended deck

and inner shell impulsive displacements for the minimum spacing from the inner shell to

the deck annular flange. The two displacement calculations are shown in Figure 3.3. The

deck annular flange to the inner shell spacing excludes the convective displacement

because sloshing of liquid counteracts the impulsive displacement of the shell, which

would actually increase the gap between the deck annular flange and inner shell. The

total required width of the top stiffener web is the summation of DSDtoTSF, DSDtoIS, and the

thickness of the deck annular flange.


D SDtoTTSF  Di2  Dc2  D SD2 (3.44.3-1)

DSDtoIIS  Di2  D SD2 (3.44.3-2)

Figure 3..3 Minimum

m Required S
Spacings of T
Top Stiffenerr



4.1 Bent Annular Suspended Deck

4.1.1 Tank Design. The first tank example is a full containment tank that stores

liquefied natural gas at -168oC (-270oF). The cryogenic temperatures require the annular

space to have perlite insulation, so the deck annular plate is bent and rests on the top

stiffener of the inner shell. The suspended deck material is five-millimeter thick

aluminum plate with square stainless steel rods of sixteen millimeters thick each way.

The inner shell top stiffener is a “T” with a 586 millimeter web and a 200 millimeter

flange. Also, the flange of the deck annular plate is ten millimeters thick. The remaining

tank dimensions required are provided in Table 4.1. As shown in Table 4.2 and Table

4.3, there are six deck stiffeners required for this tank.

Table 4.1. Bent Annular Tank Dimensions

Description Variable
Metric Imperial

Product Density ρ 480 kg/m3 29.97 pcf

Outer Tank Diameter Do 80000 mm 262.5 ft
Outer Tank Height Ho 39500 mm 129.6 ft
Inner Tank Diameter Di 78000 mm 255.9 ft
Inner Tank Height Hi 35784 mm 117.4 ft
Maximum Design Liquid Level H 34300 mm 112.5 ft
Equivalent Uniform Thickness tu 19.88 mm .7825 in
Roof Radius Rr 56000 mm 183.7 ft
Deck to Roof Height HDeck 2971 mm 9.75 ft
Radius to Outer Stiffener RSO 37500 mm 123.0 ft

Table 4.2. Bent Annular Deck Dimensions (Metric)

Deck Stiffeners
Description Variable
1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Rods Nr 14 48 72 90 105 105
Radius to Stiffener (mm) RS 2137 10346 18333 25921 32944 37500
Thickness (mm) tDS 12 12 12 12 15 25
Depth (mm) dDS 150 150 150 150 230 400
Width (mm) wDS N/A N/A N/A N/A 230 400

Table 4.3. Bent Annular Deck Dimensions (Imperial)

Deck Stiffeners
Description Variable
1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of Rods Nr 14 48 72 90 105 105
Radius to Stiffener (ft) RS 7.00 33.94 60.15 85.04 108.08 123.03
Thickness (in) tDS 0.472 0.472 0.472 0.472 0.591 0.984
Depth (in) dDS 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 9.06 15.75
Width (in) wDS N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.06 15.75

4.1.2 Seismic Accelerations and Displacements. Since the suspended deck for this

tank is a bent annular deck, an OLE event is the required seismic event for which the

suspended deck design must be analyzed. The tank is located on a Site Class D site with

OLE spectral response accelerations of 0.417g at a 0.2 second period and 0.155g at a one-

second period. Using the methods discussed previously, the design response spectrum

can be created as shown in Figure 4.1.

With all of the required information summarized, the impulsive and convective

acceleration; lateral displacement for the inner tank; and stiffness, horizontal acceleration

and displacement of the suspended deck can be calculated. The calculations for

determining the design response spectrum and the dynamic response of the tank are

provided in Appendix A. Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 provide a summary of the natural

periods, accelerations, and displacements for the inner tank and suspended deck. Table

4.6 shows the displacement components required to design the web width of the inner

shell top stiffener. For the current design, the required web width is 821 mm, which

exceeds the existing web width by 235 mm.


Spectral Response Acceleration (g)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Period (s)

Figure 4.1 Bent Annular Tank Design Response Spectrum

Table 4.4. Dynamic Properties of Bent Annular Tank (Metric)

Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) 0.49 9.17 49.4
Acceleration (g) 0.349 0.016 0.0006
Maximum Displacement (mm) 21 336 336

Table 4.5. Dynamic Properties of Bent Annular Tank (Imperial)

Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) 0.49 9.17 49.4
Acceleration (g) 0.349 0.016 0.0006
Maximum Displacement (in) 0.82 13.22 13.22

Table 4.6. Summary of Displacements for Bent Annular Deck

(mm) (in)
Required Top Stiffener Flange to Deck Annular Flange Spacing 336 13.22
Required Inner Shell to Deck Annular Flange Spacing 475 18.69
Deck Annular Flange Thickness 10 0.39
Web Width of Top Stiffener 586 23.07
Amount of Excessive Displacement 235 8.84

4.2 Flat Annular Suspended Deck

4.2.1 Tank Design. The second tank example is a full containment tank that stores

liquefied propane gas at -50oC (-58oF). This tank does not have perlite in the annular

space, so the deck annular plate is flat and extends over the inner shell to outer shell. The

suspended deck material is five-millimeter thick carbon steel plate with rectangular

carbon steel rods of six millimeters thick by fifty millimeters wide as the support rods.

The deck insulation is 500 millimeters thick. The edge of the deck annular plate is

spaced 264 millimeters from the outer shell of the tank. The remaining tank dimensions

required for the calculations in Appendix B are provided in Table 4.7. As shown in Table

4.8 and Table 4.9, there are five deck stiffeners required for this tank.

Table 4.7. Flat Annular Tank Dimensions

Description Variable
Metric Imperial

Product Density ρ 590 kg/m3 36.83 pcf

Outer Tank Diameter Do 68600 mm 225.1 ft
Outer Tank Height Ho 34430 mm 123.0 ft
Inner Tank Diameter Di 66000 mm 216.5 ft
Inner Tank Height Hi 32900 mm 107.9 ft
Maximum Design Liquid Level H 32300 mm 106.0 ft
Equivalent Uniform Thickness tu 19.6 mm 0.773 in
Roof Radius Rr 68600 mm 225.1 ft
Deck to Roof Height HDeck 1354 mm 4.44 ft
Radius to Outer Stiffener RSO 33634 mm 106.3 ft

Table 4.8. Flat Annular Deck Dimensions (Metric)

Deck Stiffeners
Description Variable
1 2 3 4 5
Number of Rods Nr 15 50 75 90 90
Radius to Stiffener (mm) RS 2134 10349 18414 26214 32410
Thickness (mm) tDS 10 10 10 10 20
Depth (mm) dDS 127 127 127 127 330
Width (mm) wDS N/A N/A N/A N/A 330

Table 4.9. Flat Annular Deck Dimensions (Imperial)

Deck Stiffeners
Description Variable
1 2 3 4 5
Number of Rods Nr 15 50 75 90 90
Radius to Stiffener (ft) RS 7.00 33.95 60.42 86.00 106.33
Thickness (in) tDS 0.394 0.394 0.394 0.394 0.787
Depth (in) dDS 5 5 5 5 13
Width (in) wDS N/A N/A N/A N/A 13

4.2.2 Seismic Accelerations and Displacements. Since the suspended deck for this

tank is a flat annular deck, a CLE event is the required seismic event for which the

suspended deck design must be analyzed. The tank is located on a Site Class D site with

OLE spectral response accelerations of 0.56g at a 0.2 second period and 0.22g at a one-

second period. Using the methods discussed previously, the design response spectrum

can be created as shown in Figure 4.2.

Since the outer shell is considered to be rigid, the only displacement calculation

required is that of the suspended deck. The calculations for determining the design

response spectrum and the dynamic response of the tank are provided in Appendix B.

Table 4.10 and Table 4.11 provide a summary of the natural periods, accelerations, and

displacements of suspended deck. Table 4.12 shows a comparison of the current spacing

of the outer shell to suspended deck and notes how much the spacing is exceeded by the

amount the suspended deck displaces. For the current design, the spacing is exceeded by

128mm (5.06in).


Design Spectral Acceleration, (g) 0.70







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Period, (seconds)

Figure 4.2 Flat Annular Tank Design Response Spectrum

Table 4.10. Dynamic Properties of Flat Annular Tank (Metric)

Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) N/A N/A 26.8
Acceleration (g) N/A N/A 0.0024
Maximum Displacement (mm) N/A N/A 428

Table 4.11. Dynamic Properties of Flat Annular Tank (Imperial)

Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) N/A N/A 26.8
Acceleration (g) N/A N/A 0.0024
Maximum Displacement (in) N/A N/A 16.87

Table 4.12. Summary of Displacements for Flat Annular Deck

(mm) (in)
Outer Shell to Suspended Deck Relative Displacement 428 16.87
Allowable Relative Displacement 264 10.39
Amount of Excessive Displacement 164 6.47



5.1 Overview

It was discovered in the previous chapter that the top stiffener design was not

wide enough to prevent the suspended deck from interacting with the inner shell or the

flange of the stiffener. In the case of the flat annular deck example, the annular plate and

outer shell were spaced too closely to each other. In some instances for the bent annular

deck, the web size for the top stiffener could be increased to facilitate the larger deck

displacements. However, the top stiffener can only get so large before it becomes

uneconomical to provide the required bracing around the tank. The next option is to

consider how to reduce the horizontal displacement.

As discussed, the three components that determine the required top stiffener web

width for the bent annular decks are displacements from the impulsive, convective, and

the suspended deck displacement. Since the inner tank design and the liquid levels are

set, the impulsive and convective displacements cannot be modified. The only remaining

option is to reduce the displacement of the suspended deck. Likewise, the allowable

displacement of the flat annular deck is only based on the suspended deck displacement.

To reduce the displacement of the deck, the design must be modified to make the

structure stiffer. The most economical option described below is a braced frame system.

5.2 Braced Frame

A braced frame is the preferred method when a substantial decrease in

displacement is required. This would primarily be required for high seismic risk areas to

significantly reduce the displacement. The design is a relatively straight forward but

iterative process for cross bracing the suspended deck. The cross brace consists of bars

used for the tension only members. The sizes would be similar to those used for the

hanging rods. Since the brace typically will have an effective slenderness ratio greater

than 200, the compressive strength of the brace is neglected. The vertical members of the

brace are standard wall thickness pipe. All other vertical members on the deck stiffener

are the same deck hanger rods used on the other deck stiffeners.

The first step in designing the cross bracing is to ensure the suspended deck

displacement limitations are met. In order to have the tensile stiffness of the cross braces

act in a more horizontal direction, the width of the braced frames is the chord length of

every other hanging rod on the deck stiffener, as shown in Equation 5.2-1.

 360 
Wbf  2 R SO sin   (5.2-1)
 Nr 

With the width of the brace frame determined, the length of the tension brace and the

angle it is from horizontal can be easily calculated. This allows for the tensile stiffness of

the rod and the lateral stiffness of the brace frame to be calculated as in equations 5.2-2

and 5.2-3, respectively, with α being the angle of the tension brace from the horizontal


Er Ar
T (5.2-2)

Kb  T cos2 ( ) (5.2-3)

The initial design begins with eight equally spaced cross braces around the

outermost deck stiffener with cross members equal in size to the deck hangers. The total

deck stiffness is simply the summation of the brace stiffness with a directional

component parallel to the direction of ground motion. For example, with eight braces

around, there are two braces that provide their full stiffness; two that provide zero

stiffness; and four that provide √2⁄2 of the brace stiffness since they are rotated forty-

five degrees from the ground motion.

Calculating the natural period and spectral acceleration of the deck is the same as

before. If the calculated displacement of the suspended deck meets the requirements,

then further design of the braced frame members is required. Following the guidelines of

the Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure found in Section 12.8 of ASCE 7-10, the base

shear load will be the spectral acceleration times the weight of the deck. To check the

design of the braced frames, the ratio of a single brace to the total deck stiffness

multiplied by the base shear load provides the maximum lateral force into a single brace.

The dead load on each vertical member of the brace is the same as all of the other

hanging rods. The dead load is simply the equally divided weight of the deck stiffener

along with the deck and insulation in the tributary area between the edge of the deck and

midpoint between the outermost and second outermost deck stiffener.

The load combinations used for the member design are the Allowable Stress

Design combinations five and eight from ASCE 7-10. Since the dead loads are carried by

the vertical members, the tension brace only needs to be designed for the horizontal

seismic load based on Section of ASCE 7-10, where = . The provisions

for , the redundancy factor, are found in 12.3.4 of ASCE 7-10, and QE is the horizontal

seismic force. The vertical pipe must be designed for compression and tension. The

compression is governed by load combination eight because the amount of dead load

opposing the compression induced by the tension rod is reduced.

0.6 − 0.14 ) + 0.7 (5.2-3)

The tension in the vertical pipe is then governed by load combination five. This provides

the maximum dead load acting downward on the pipe. The vertical member considered

here is the one connected to the inactive brace.

1.0 + 0.14 ) + 0.7 (5.2-4)

The allowable strength of the members is calculated per the Steel Construction

Manual as shown in the appendices. The tension brace is the first member to be

designed. If the initial design of the tension brace is not sufficient, there are two options.

The bar size may be increased, but that may become uneconomical at a certain point.

The ultimate goal is to purchase the tension brace out of bar stock instead of having to cut

them to size. If a bar stock size is not sufficient, the next option is to increase the number

of brace frames around the suspended deck. This will decrease the maximum lateral

force for the individual brace design, which may allow for more reasonable member sizes

to be used. Once the tension brace is sized with the specified number of braced frames,

the vertical pipe can be sized to meet the loading requirements as discussed above.



6.1 Bent Annular Suspended Deck

This suspended deck example was successfully modified to prevent the deck from

clashing with the inner shell or flange of the top stiffener. As shown in Appendix C, the

modified design requires twelve braced frames equally spaced around the outer deck

stiffener. Each tension brace needs to be a 100mm by 16mm bar made of stainless steel

material. The hanging columns of the braces must be at least standard weight NPS 4 ½

made of ASTM A312 304 stainless steel pipe.

The new design increased the stiffness significantly enough to change the natural

period of the deck to 0.2 seconds. The new spectral design spectral acceleration is the

design short period acceleration of 0.611g. Although this causes a substantial increase in

the lateral force to be resisted by the braces, the maximum lateral displacement of the

deck decreased to seven millimeters. This equates to a total required top stiffener web

width of only 368 millimeters, which is approximately 225 millimeters less than the

existing design.

Table 6.1 Summary of Modified Bent Annular Deck Displacements

(mm) (in)
Required Top Stiffener Flange to Deck Annular Flange Spacing 336 13.22
Required Inner Shell to Deck Annular Flange Spacing 22 0.86
Deck Annular Flange Thickness 10 0.39
Minimum Web Width Required 368 14.47

6.2 Flat Annular Suspended Deck

The modification of the flat annular suspended deck was also successful. This

design required a braced frame every twenty degrees around the outer deck stiffener for a

total of eighteen. The maximum deck displacement was calculated to be only four

millimeters with a natural period of 0.14 seconds and a design spectral acceleration equal

to the short period acceleration of 0.757g.

More braced frames were required not to reduce the displacement further, but to

be able to withstand the seismic forces. Considering the high spectral acceleration and

the added weight of carbon steel opposed to aluminum, the horizontal forces are expected

to be higher. The final design required 100mm by 12mm tension braces made of A36

carbon steel. Since the height of the braced frames are only 1384 millimeters, compared

to 4944 millimeters in the bent annular deck design, the compressive capacity of the

vertical pipe increased. This made it so only a standard weight NPS 3 ½ A53 carbon

steel pipe is required for the compression and tension loads.




This thesis has given a method in which a tank designer can quickly determine

whether or not a suspended deck can sufficiently withstand a seismic event without

causing potential damage to other tank components, such as the inner shell, deck seal, or

outer shell. It has been determined that providing multiple braced frame systems around

the outermost deck stiffener can sufficiently stiffen up the structure so displacements are

no longer a concern. A finite element analysis could conclude that the impacts from the

initial designs do not cause failure to the tank components, but that would be a time

consuming, expensive process to run for each tank design. The procedure provided in this

thesis lays out a straightforward method that ensures a safe suspended deck design with a

small increase in the overall weight of the tank.





Determination of Bent Annular Suspended Deck

Design Response Spectra
Ss = 0.417 g Short Period Spectral Acceleration
S1 = 0.155 g 1-s Period Spectral Acceleration
SC = D Site Class

Table 11.4-1 of ASCE 7-10 for Site Coefficient, Fa

Site Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period
Class 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1 1 1 1 1
C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1 1
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9

Table 11.4-2 of ASCE 7-10 for Site Coefficient, Fv

Site Spectral Response Acceleration at 1-s Period
Class 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1 1 1 1 1
C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
D 2.4 2 1.8 1.6 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4

Fa = 1.466 Site Coefficient for Short Period Acceleration

Fv = 2.180 Site Coefficient for 1-s Period Acceleration

Site Class Adjusted Spectral Accelerations

Short Period Spectral Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn. 11.4-1)
Sms = 0.611 g

1-s Period Spectral Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn. 11.4-2)

Sm1 = 0.338 g

Design Spectral Accelerations. 2/3 factor neglected per Section 3.3.2

of thesis
Design Short Period Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn 11.4-3)
Sds = 0.611 g
Design 1-s Period Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn. 11.4-4)
Sd1 = 0.338 g

Periods of Interest for Response Spectrum

To = 0.11 s = 0.2*Sd1/Sds
Ts = 0.55 s =Sd1/Sds
TL = 4s Long-Period Transition (As discussed in 3.3.2)

(sec) (g) Equations
0 0.245 11.4-5
(To) 0.11 0.611 (Sds)
(Ts) 0.55 0.611 (Sds)
0.60 0.563 11.4-6
0.7 0.483 11.4-6
0.8 0.422 11.4-6
0.9 0.375 11.4-6
1 0.338 (Sd1) 11.4-6
1.5 0.225 11.4-6
2 0.169 11.4-6
3 0.113 11.4-6
(TL) 4 0.084 11.4-6
5 0.054 11.4-7
6 0.038 11.4-7
7 0.028 11.4-7

Bent Annular Deck Design Response Spectrum


Design Spectral Acceleration, (g)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Period, (seconds)

Dynamic Properties of the Inner Tank

Material Properties
ρ_liq = 480 kg/m3 Product Density 29.97 lb/ft3
E= 196.8 GPa Young's Modulus of Shell 28550 ksi
Material (9% Ni)
Tank Geometry
Hi = 35784 mm Inner Tank Height 117.40 ft
H= 34300 mm Max Design Liquid Level 112.53 ft
Di = 78000 mm Inner Tank Diameter 255.91 ft

Shell Dimensions
Ring Thickness Width
no. (mm) (mm)
Bottom 1 34.98 2982
2 31.18 2982
3 28.15 2982
4 25.72 2982
5 23.4 2982
6 20.95 2982
7 19.08 2982
8 14.75 2982
9 11.7 2982
10 9.53 2982
11 9.53 2982
Top 12 9.53 2982
Equivalent Uniform Shell Thickness
tu = 19.9 mm = sumproduct(T,W) / Hi 0.7825 in

Impulsive Period Calculation per Equation 3.3.1-1 using Imperial Units

H/D = 0.440
Ci = 6.54 From Figure 3.1

Ti = 0.49 s Impulsive Period (Eqn. 3.3.1-1)

Impulsive Acceleration per Equation 3.3.2-1

I= 1
Product is colder than -60degF and tank is mechanically anchored
Rwi = 1.75 Reference Table 3.1.
Ai = 0.349 g Impulsive Accleration

Calculation of Lateral Displacement due to Impulsive Acceleration

Di = Ai*9806.65mm/s^2*(Ti/2*pi())^2
= 20.9 mm (Eqn 3.3.2-4) 0.8221 in

Convective Period Calculation

Ks = 0.573 Eqn. 3.3.1-3 using Imperial Units

Tc = 9.17 s Convective Period (Eqn 3.3.1-2)

Convective Acceleration
Since Tc>TL, then Equation (3.3.2-3) must be used.
I= 1
Rwc = 1 Reference Table 3.1.
Product is colder than -60d
Ac = 0.016 g Convective Acceleration

Calculation of Lateral Displacement due to Convective Acceleration

Dc = Ac*9806.65mm/s^2*(Tc/2*pi())^2
335.7 mm (Eqn 3.3.2-4) 13.22 in

Dynamic Properties of the Suspended Deck

Tank Geometry
Do = 80000 mm Outer Tank Diameter 262.5 ft
Di = 78000 mm Inner Tank Diameter 255.9 ft
Rr = 56000 mm Roof Radius 183.7 ft
Hdeck = 2971 mm Height from Suspended Deck to top of Outer S 9.75 ft

Suspended Deck Properties

Mat'l_Deck = AL Deck Material
ρ_dp = 2771.2 kg/m3 Density of Deck Plate Material 173 pcf
= 2.771 kg/m2/mm 14.42 psf/in
t_deck = 5 mm Deck Thickness 0.1969 in
m dp = 66209 kg Deck Plate Mass 145966 lb
t_ins = 800 mm Thickness of Insulation 31.50 in
ρ_i= 16.02 kg/m3 Density of Insulation 1 pcf
m_i = 61234 kg Mass of Insulation 134997 lb

Deck Stiffener Dimensions

Stiff_No = 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stiffener Number

Mat'l = AL AL AL AL AL 9Ni Stiffener Material
2771.2 2771.2 2771 2771 2771.2 7849 kg/m3 Density of Material
Rs = 2137 10346 18333 25921 32944 37500 mm Radius to Stiffener
t_DS = 12 12 12 12 15 25 mm Stiffener Thickness
d_DS = 150 150 150 150 230 400 mm Stiffener Depth
w_DS = 0 0 0 0 230 400 mm Stiffener Width
A_DS = 1800 1800 1800 1800 6900 20000 mm 2 Area of Stiffener
m_DS = 67.0 324.3 574.6 812.4 3958 36988 kg ener Mass

m_td = 170166 kg Total Deck Mass = m_DS + m_i + m_dp 375153 lb

Rod Properties and Dimensions

Mat'l_Rod = SS Rod Material
Er = 193.1 GPa Young's Modulus of Rod Material 28000 ksi
Nr = 105 Number of Rods around at Outer Stiffener
Rso = 37500 mm Radius to Outermost Stiffener 123.0 ft
tr = 16 mm Thickness of Rod 0.6299 in
wr = 16 mm Width of Rod 0.6299 in
Ar = 256 mm 2 Area of Rod 0.3968 in2
4 4
Ix = 0.546 cm Moment of Inertia about Major Axis = wr^3*tr/12 0.0131 in
4 4
Iy = 0.546 cm Moment of Inertia about Minor Axis = tr^3*wr/12 0.0131 in

L= 4944 mm Length of Rod (Eqn. 3.4.1-5) 16.22 ft

KT = 2.75 N/mm Total Stiffness 15.69 lbf/in
Tabulated Rod Stiffness Calculations provided at the end of this Appendix

Deck Natural Period, Design Spectral Acceleration and Deflection

Tn = 49.4 s Suspended Deck Natural Period. (Eqn 3.4.1-6)

A = 0.000553 g Design Spectral Acceleration (11.4-7 of ASCE7-10)

2 2
g = 9806.65 mm/s Acceleration due to Gravity 386.1 in/s
Dsd = 336 mm Deck Maximum Lateral Displacement (Eqn. 3.3.2-4) 13.22 in

Top Stiffener Required Spacings

w_ts = 586 mm Web Width of Inner Shell Top Stiffener 23.07 in

D_SDtoTSF = 336 mm Minimum Spacing between Suspended Deck Annular Plate 13.22 in
Flange and Top Stiffener Flange (3.4.3-1)

D_SDtoIS = 475 mm Minimum Spacing between Suspended Deck Annular Plate 18.69 in
Flange and Inner Shell (3.4.3-2)

t_flange = 10 mm Thickness of Deck Annular Flange 0.3937 in

w_min = 821 mm Min Required Width of Top Stiffener Web 32.31 in

Δ = 235 mm Excessive Displacement 9.23 in

Maximum Acceptable Deck Displacement

Dsd_all = 196 mm Maximum Acceptable Suspended Deck Displacement in 7.71 in

order to have zero Excessive Displacement
Δr = 0.00 mm Revised Excessive Displacement 0.00 in


Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) 0.49 9.17 49.4
Acceleration (g) 0.349 0.016 0.0006
Maximum Displacement (mm) 21 335.7 336

Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) 0.49 9.17 49.4
Acceleration (g) 0.349 0.016 0.0006
Maximum Displacement (in) 0.82 13.22 13.22

(mm) (in)
Required Top Stiffener Flange to Deck Annular Flange Spacing 336 13.22
Required Inner Shell to Deck Annular Flange Spacing 475 18.69
Deck Annular Flange Thickness 10 0.39
Web Width of Top Stiffener 586 23.07
Amount of Excessive Displacement 235 9.23

Rod Stiffness Calculations

Rod Angle Rod Angle
No (3.4.1-4) (3.4.1-2) No (3.4.1-4) (3.4.1-2)
deg cm 4 N/mm deg cm 4 N/mm
1 0.0 0.546 2.62E-02 54 181.7 0.546 2.62E-02
2 3.4 0.546 2.62E-02 55 185.1 0.546 2.62E-02
3 6.9 0.546 2.62E-02 56 188.6 0.546 2.62E-02
4 10.3 0.546 2.62E-02 57 192.0 0.546 2.62E-02
5 13.7 0.546 2.62E-02 58 195.4 0.546 2.62E-02
6 17.1 0.546 2.62E-02 59 198.9 0.546 2.62E-02
7 20.6 0.546 2.62E-02 60 202.3 0.546 2.62E-02
8 24.0 0.546 2.62E-02 61 205.7 0.546 2.62E-02
9 27.4 0.546 2.62E-02 62 209.1 0.546 2.62E-02
10 30.9 0.546 2.62E-02 63 212.6 0.546 2.62E-02
11 34.3 0.546 2.62E-02 64 216.0 0.546 2.62E-02
12 37.7 0.546 2.62E-02 65 219.4 0.546 2.62E-02
13 41.1 0.546 2.62E-02 66 222.9 0.546 2.62E-02
14 44.6 0.546 2.62E-02 67 226.3 0.546 2.62E-02
15 48.0 0.546 2.62E-02 68 229.7 0.546 2.62E-02
16 51.4 0.546 2.62E-02 69 233.1 0.546 2.62E-02
17 54.9 0.546 2.62E-02 70 236.6 0.546 2.62E-02
18 58.3 0.546 2.62E-02 71 240.0 0.546 2.62E-02
19 61.7 0.546 2.62E-02 72 243.4 0.546 2.62E-02
20 65.1 0.546 2.62E-02 73 246.9 0.546 2.62E-02
21 68.6 0.546 2.62E-02 74 250.3 0.546 2.62E-02
22 72.0 0.546 2.62E-02 75 253.7 0.546 2.62E-02
23 75.4 0.546 2.62E-02 76 257.1 0.546 2.62E-02
24 78.9 0.546 2.62E-02 77 260.6 0.546 2.62E-02
25 82.3 0.546 2.62E-02 78 264.0 0.546 2.62E-02
26 85.7 0.546 2.62E-02 79 267.4 0.546 2.62E-02
27 89.1 0.546 2.62E-02 80 270.9 0.546 2.62E-02
28 92.6 0.546 2.62E-02 81 274.3 0.546 2.62E-02
29 96.0 0.546 2.62E-02 82 277.7 0.546 2.62E-02
30 99.4 0.546 2.62E-02 83 281.1 0.546 2.62E-02
31 102.9 0.546 2.62E-02 84 284.6 0.546 2.62E-02
32 106.3 0.546 2.62E-02 85 288.0 0.546 2.62E-02
33 109.7 0.546 2.62E-02 86 291.4 0.546 2.62E-02
34 113.1 0.546 2.62E-02 87 294.9 0.546 2.62E-02
35 116.6 0.546 2.62E-02 88 298.3 0.546 2.62E-02
36 120.0 0.546 2.62E-02 89 301.7 0.546 2.62E-02
37 123.4 0.546 2.62E-02 90 305.1 0.546 2.62E-02
38 126.9 0.546 2.62E-02 91 308.6 0.546 2.62E-02
39 130.3 0.546 2.62E-02 92 312.0 0.546 2.62E-02
40 133.7 0.546 2.62E-02 93 315.4 0.546 2.62E-02
41 137.1 0.546 2.62E-02 94 318.9 0.546 2.62E-02
42 140.6 0.546 2.62E-02 95 322.3 0.546 2.62E-02
43 144.0 0.546 2.62E-02 96 325.7 0.546 2.62E-02
44 147.4 0.546 2.62E-02 97 329.1 0.546 2.62E-02
45 150.9 0.546 2.62E-02 98 332.6 0.546 2.62E-02
46 154.3 0.546 2.62E-02 99 336.0 0.546 2.62E-02
47 157.7 0.546 2.62E-02 100 339.4 0.546 2.62E-02
48 161.1 0.546 2.62E-02 101 342.9 0.546 2.62E-02
49 164.6 0.546 2.62E-02 102 346.3 0.546 2.62E-02
50 168.0 0.546 2.62E-02 103 349.7 0.546 2.62E-02
51 171.4 0.546 2.62E-02 104 353.1 0.546 2.62E-02
52 174.9 0.546 2.62E-02 105 356.6 0.546 2.62E-02
53 178.3 0.546 2.62E-02




Determination of Flat Annular Suspended Deck

Design Response Spectra
Ss = 0.56 g Short Period Spectral Acceleration
S1 = 0.22 g 1-s Period Spectral Acceleration
SC = D Site Class

Table 11.4-1 of ASCE 7-10 for Site Coefficient, Fa

Site Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period
Class 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1 1 1 1 1
C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1 1
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9

Table 11.4-2 of ASCE 7-10 for Site Coefficient, Fv

Site Spectral Response Acceleration at 1-s Period
Class 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1 1 1 1 1
C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
D 2.4 2 1.8 1.6 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4

Fa = 1.352 Site Coefficient for Short Period Acceleration

Fv = 1.960 Site Coefficient for 1-s Period Acceleration

Site Class Adjusted Spectral Accelerations

Short Period Spectral Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn. 11.4-1)
Sms = 0.757 g
1-s Period Spectral Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn. 11.4-2)
Sm1 = 0.431 g

Design Spectral Accelerations. 2/3 factor neglected per Section 3.3.2 of thesis
Design Short Period Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn 11.4-3)
Sds = 0.757 g
Design 1-s Period Acceleration (ASCE 7 Eqn. 11.4-4)
Sd1 = 0.431 g

Periods of Interest for Response Spectrum

To = 0.11 s = 0.2*Sd1/Sds
Ts = 0.57 s =Sd1/Sds
TL = 4s Long-Period Transition (As discussed in 3.3.2)

(sec) (g) Equations
0 0.245 11.4-5
(To) 0.11 0.611 (Sds)
(Ts) 0.57 0.611 (Sds)
0.60 0.563 11.4-6
0.7 0.483 11.4-6
0.8 0.422 11.4-6
0.9 0.375 11.4-6
1 0.338 (Sd1) 11.4-6
1.5 0.225 11.4-6
2 0.169 11.4-6
3 0.113 11.4-6
(TL) 4 0.084 11.4-6
5 0.054 11.4-7
6 0.038 11.4-7
7 0.028 11.4-7

Flat Annular Deck Design Response Spectrum


Design Spectral Acceleration, (g)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Period, (seconds)

Dynamic Properties of the Suspended Deck

Tank Geometry
Do = 68600 mm Outer Tank Diameter 225.1 ft
Di = 66000 mm Inner Tank Diameter 216.5 ft
Rr = 68600 mm Roof Radius 225.1 ft
Hdeck = 1354 mm Height from Suspended Deck to top of Outer Shell 4.44 ft

Suspended Deck Prop

Mat'l_Deck = SS Deck Material
rho_dp = 7849.0 kg/m3 Density of Deck Plate Material 490 pcf
= 7.849 kg/m2/mm 40.83 psf/in
t_deck = 5 mm Deck Thickness 0.1969 in
m dp = 187528 kg Deck Plate Mass 296005 lb
t_ins = 500 mm Thickness of Insulation 19.69 in
16.02 kg/m3 Density of Insulation 1 pcf
m_i = 38271 kg Mass of Insulation 60409 lb

Deck Stiffener Dimensions

Stiff_No = 1 2 3 4 5 Stiffener Number

Mat'l = CS CS CS CS CS Stiffener Material
7849.0 7849 7849 7849 7849 kg/m3 Density of Material
Rs = 2137 10349 18414 26214 33634 mm Radius to Stiffener
t_DS = 10 10 10 10 20 mm Stiffener Thickness
d_DS = 127 127 127 127 330 mm Stiffener Depth
w_DS = 0 0 0 0 330 mm Stiffener Width
A_DS = 1270 1270 1270 1270 13200 mm 2 Area of Stiffener
m_DS = 133.8 648.2 1153.3 1641.9 21895.2 kg Stiffener Mass

m_td = 251271 kg Total Deck Mass = m_DS + m_i + m_dp 553959 lb

Rod Properties and Dimensions

Mat'l_Rod = CS Rod Material
Er = 199.9 GPa Young's Modulus of Rod Material 29000 ksi
Nr = 90 Number of Rods around at Outer Stiffener
Rso = 26214 mm Radius to Outermost Stiffener 86.0 ft
tr = 6 mm Thickness of Rod 0.2362 in
wr = 50 mm Width of Rod 1.9685 in
Ar = 300 mm 2 Area of Rod 0.465 in2
Ix = 6.250 cm 4 Moment of Inertia about Major Axis = wr^3*tr/12 0.0131 in4
Iy = 0.090 cm Moment of Inertia about Minor Axis = tr^3*wr/12 0.0131 in4

L= 4989 mm Length of Rod (Eqn. 3.4.1-5) 16.37 ft

KT = 13.79 N/mm Total Stiffness in Global X Direction 78.72 lbf/in
Tabulated Rod Stiffness Calculations provided at the end of this Appendix

Deck Natural Period, Design Spectral Acceleration and Deflection

Tn = 3.9 s Suspended Deck Natural Period. (Eqn 3.4.1-6)

A = 0.11235 g Design Spectral Acceleration (11.4-7 of ASCE7-10)

2 2
g = 9806.65 mm/s Acceleration due to Gravity 386.1 in/s
Dsd = 428 mm Deck Maximum Lateral Displacement (Eqn. 3.3.2-4) 16.87 in

Required Spacing of Flat Annular Plate to Outer Shell

Only based on Deck Displacement since Outer Shell is considered rigid and is not influenced
by the convective acceleration of the liquid
w_ts = 264 mm Distance from edge of flat annular to outer shell 10.39 in

D_SDtoOS = 428 mm Minimum Spacing between Suspended Deck Flat Annular 16.87 in
Plate and Outer Shell

Δ = 164 mm Excessive Displacement 6.47 in


Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) N/A N/A 3.9
Acceleration (g) N/A N/A 0.1123
Maximum Displacement (mm) N/A N/A 428

Inner Tank
Dynamic Components Suspended Deck
Impulsive Convective
Periods (s) N/A N/A 3.9
Acceleration (g) N/A N/A 0.1123
Maximum Displacement (in) N/A N/A 16.87

(mm) (in)
Outer Shell to Suspended Deck Relative Displacement 428 16.87
Allowable Relative Displacement 264 10.39
Amount of Excessive Displacement 164 6.47

Rod Stiffness Calculations

Ro I' Kx I' Kx
Angle Rod Angle
d (3.4.1-4) (3.4.1-2) (3.4.1-4) (3.4.1-2)
No deg cm 4 N/mm deg cm 4 N/mm
1 0.0 0.090 0.20 46 180.0 0.090 0.20
2 4.0 0.120 0.27 47 184.0 0.120 0.27
3 8.0 0.209 0.47 48 188.0 0.209 0.47
4 12.0 0.356 0.81 49 192.0 0.356 0.81
5 16.0 0.558 1.26 50 196.0 0.558 1.26
6 20.0 0.811 1.84 51 200.0 0.811 1.84
7 24.0 1.109 2.51 52 204.0 1.109 2.51
8 28.0 1.448 3.28 53 208.0 1.448 3.28
9 32.0 1.820 4.12 54 212.0 1.820 4.12
10 36.0 2.218 5.02 55 216.0 2.218 5.02
11 40.0 2.635 5.97 56 220.0 2.635 5.97
12 44.0 3.063 6.94 57 224.0 3.063 6.94
13 48.0 3.492 7.91 58 228.0 3.492 7.91
14 52.0 3.915 8.87 59 232.0 3.915 8.87
15 56.0 4.324 9.79 60 236.0 4.324 9.79
16 60.0 4.710 10.67 61 240.0 4.710 10.67
17 64.0 5.066 11.47 62 244.0 5.066 11.47
18 68.0 5.386 12.20 63 248.0 5.386 12.20
19 72.0 5.662 12.82 64 252.0 5.662 12.82
20 76.0 5.889 13.34 65 256.0 5.889 13.34
21 80.0 6.064 13.73 66 260.0 6.064 13.73
22 84.0 6.183 14.00 67 264.0 6.183 14.00
23 88.0 6.242 14.14 68 268.0 6.242 14.14
24 92.0 6.242 14.14 69 272.0 6.242 14.14
25 96.0 6.183 14.00 70 276.0 6.183 14.00
26 100.0 6.064 13.73 71 280.0 6.064 13.73
27 104.0 5.889 13.34 72 284.0 5.889 13.34
28 108.0 5.662 12.82 73 288.0 5.662 12.82
29 112.0 5.386 12.20 74 292.0 5.386 12.20
30 116.0 5.066 11.47 75 296.0 5.066 11.47
31 120.0 4.710 10.67 76 300.0 4.710 10.67
32 124.0 4.324 9.79 77 304.0 4.324 9.79
33 128.0 3.915 8.87 78 308.0 3.915 8.87
34 132.0 3.492 7.91 79 312.0 3.492 7.91
35 136.0 3.063 6.94 80 316.0 3.063 6.94
36 140.0 2.635 5.97 81 320.0 2.635 5.97
37 144.0 2.218 5.02 82 324.0 2.218 5.02
38 148.0 1.820 4.12 83 328.0 1.820 4.12
39 152.0 1.448 3.28 84 332.0 1.448 3.28
40 156.0 1.109 2.51 85 336.0 1.109 2.51
41 160.0 0.811 1.84 86 340.0 0.811 1.84
42 164.0 0.558 1.26 87 344.0 0.558 1.26
43 168.0 0.356 0.81 88 348.0 0.356 0.81
44 172.0 0.209 0.47 89 352.0 0.209 0.47
45 176.0 0.120 0.27 90 356.0 0.120 0.27




Deck Hanger Rod Redesign as Brace Frame

The braced frames are oriented such that there is a frame at every 45
degrees around the outermost deck stiffener. Each brace frame spans the
distance of two normally spaced rods. The same gravity resisting rods used
on the inner deck stiffeners are used on the outer deck stiffener where the
braced frames are not located.
Rod Properties and Dimensions
Mat'l_Rod = SS Rod Material
Er = 193.1 GPa Young's Modulus of Rod Material 28000 ksi
Fy = 206.8 MPa Yield Strength of Rod 30000 psi
Nr = 105 Number of Rods around at Outer Stiffener
tr = 16 mm Thickness of Tension Rod 0.63 in
wr = 100 mm Width of Tension Rod 3.94 in
Ar = 1600 mm 2 Area of Tension Rod 2.48 in2

Brace Frame Dimensions & Properties

Hbf = 4944 mm Height of Brace Frame (Eqn. 3.4.1-5) 16.22 ft
Rso = 37500 mm Radius to Outer Deck Stiffener 123.03 ft
Wbf = 4485 mm Width of Brace Frame. (Eqn 5.2-1) 14.72 ft
Ltr = 6676 mm Length of Tension Rod 21.90 ft
α= 48 deg Tension Rod Angle from Horizontal
T= 46270 N/mm Tensile Stiffness of Rod (Eqn 5.2-2) 264207 lbf/in
Kb = 20887 N/mm Lateral Stiffness of Individual Brace 119270 lbf/in
Nb = 12 Number of Braces around
There are a total of 12 braces located at every 30 degrees of the suspended deck.

KT = 155906 N/mm Total Stiffness of Braced Frame System 890246 lbf/in

Determine the Spectral Acceleration and the Displacement of the Deck

Sds = 0.611 g Design Short Period Acceleration from Appendix 1
Sd1 = 0.338 g Design 1-s Period Acceleration from Appendix 1

To = 0.11 s = 0.2*Sd1/Sds
Ts = 0.55 s =Sd1/Sds
TL = 4s Long-Period Transition (As discussed in 3.3.2)

m_td = 170166 kg Total Deck Mass = m_DS + m_i + m_dp 375153 lb

Tn = 0.2 s Suspended Deck Natural Period. (Eqn 3.4.1-6)

A= 0.611 g Design Spectral Acceleration (11.4-7 of ASCE7-10)

g= 9807 mm/s Acceleration due to Gravity 386.1 in/s 2

Dsd = 7 mm Deck Maximum Lateral Displacement (Eqn. 3.3.2-4) 0.26 in


Check Web Width of Top Stiffener

Di = 20.9 mm See Appendix 1 0.822 in

Dc = 335.7 mm See Appendix 1 13.22 in
D_SDtoTSF = 22 mm Minimum Spacing between Suspended Deck Annular 0.86 in
Plate Flange and Top Stiffener Flange (3.4.3-1)
D_SDtoIS = 336 mm Minimum Spacing between Suspended Deck Annular 13.25 in
Plate Flange and Inner Shell (3.4.3-2)
t_flange = 10 mm Thickness of Deck Annular Flange 0.3937 in
w_min = 368 mm Total Required Web Width 14.50 in
w_ts = 586 mm Web Width of Inner Shell Top Stiffener 23.07 in

w_min <= w_ts Displacement is OK

Calculate Loading for an Individual Brace
The horizontal seismic shear is calculated as the ratio of the stiffness of an individual to
the total system stiffness.

Cs = 0.611 g Seismic Response Coefficient (Sect 12.8 of ASCE7-10). Same as A.

W_td = 1668762 N Total Deck Weight 375153 lb
α= 48 deg Tension Rod Angle from Horizontal
V= 1020429 N Seismic Base Shear (12.8-1 fo ASCE 7-10) 229402 lb

Pr = 136712 N Lateral Load on Single Brace = V/2 30734 lb

Tr = 203475 N Required Tensile Load on Tension Rod 45743 lb

= Pr / cos α

Pc = 150705 N Vertical Member Compression Induced by Seismic 33880 lb

= Tr * sin α

Calculate Dead Load on Each Vertical Member or Rod of Outer Deck Stiffener
The dead load for each rod is based on the the tributary area from halfway between the outermost and second
outermost deck stiffener and the outer edge of the deck.

Rso = 37500 mm Radius to Outermost Deck Stiffener 123 ft

Rs2o = 32944 mm Radius to Second Outermost Deck Stiffener 108 ft
Ro = 39000 mm Outside Radius of Deck / Inner Shell Diameter 128 ft

Mat'l_Deck = AL Deck Material

ρ_dp = 2771.2 kg/m3 Density of Deck Plate Material 173 pcf
t_deck = 5 mm Deck Thickness 0.1969 in
P_deck = 13.86 kg/m2 Uniformly Distributed Pressure of Deck 2.84 psf

ρ_i= 16.02 kg/m3 Density of Insulation 1 pcf

t_ins = 800 mm Thickness of Insulation 31.50 in
P_i = 13 kg/m2 Uniformly Distributed Pressure of Insulation 2.62 psf

m_di = 23495 kg Load of Deck and Insulation at Outer Stiffener 51798 lb

= (P_deck+P_i)*(Ro^2-((Rso+Rs2o)/2)^2)*pi()/1000^2
m_DSo = 36988 kg Mass of Outermost Deck Stiffener 81544 lb

DL_rod = 576 kg Dead Load on a Single Rod 1270 lb

= (m_DSo+m_di) / Nr

Calculate Loading for an Individual Brace

The horizontal seismic shear is calculated as the ratio of the stiffness of an individual to
the total system stiffness.

Cs = 0.611 g Seismic Response Coefficient (Sect 12.8 of ASCE7-10). Same as A.

W_td = 1668762 N Total Deck Weight 375153 lb
α= 48 deg Tension Rod Angle from Horizontal
V= 1020429 N Seismic Base Shear (12.8-1 fo ASCE 7-10) 229402 lb

Pr = 136712 N Lateral Load on Single Brace = V/2 30734 lb

Tr = 203475 N Required Tensile Load on Tension Rod 45743 lb

= Pr / cos α

Pc = 150705 N Vertical Member Compression Induced by Seismic 33880 lb

= Tr * sin α

Calculate Dead Load on Each Vertical Member or Rod of Outer Deck Stiffener
The dead load for each rod is based on the the tributary area from halfway between the outermost and second
outermost deck stiffener and the outer edge of the deck.

Rso = 37500 mm Radius to Outermost Deck Stiffener 123 ft

Rs2o = 32944 mm Radius to Second Outermost Deck Stiffener 108 ft
Ro = 39000 mm Outside Radius of Deck / Inner Shell Diameter 128 ft

Mat'l_Deck = AL Deck Material

ρ_dp = 2771.2 kg/m3 Density of Deck Plate Material 173 pcf
t_deck = 5 mm Deck Thickness 0.1969 in
P_deck = 13.86 kg/m2 Uniformly Distributed Pressure of Deck 2.84 psf

ρ_i= 16.02 kg/m3 Density of Insulation 1 pcf

t_ins = 800 mm Thickness of Insulation 31.50 in
P_i = 13 kg/m2 Uniformly Distributed Pressure of Insulation 2.62 psf

m_di = 23495 kg Load of Deck and Insulation at Outer Stiffener 51798 lb

= (P_deck+P_i)*(Ro^2-((Rso+Rs2o)/2)^2)*pi()/1000^2
m_DSo = 36988 kg Mass of Outermost Deck Stiffener 81544 lb

DL_rod = 576 kg Dead Load on a Single Rod 1270 lb

= (m_DSo+m_di) / Nr

Load Combinations
Following ASCE 7-10 Section Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Load Combinations

Tension Rod
Load Combination 5 & 8 will provide the same demand on the tension rod.
Only Horizontal Loads need to be considered for the Tension Rod. All vertical loads go
directly to the vertical members
Eh = ρ*0.7*Qe
ρ= 1.3 Redundancy Factor
per of ASCE 7-10 for Seismic Design Category of D
Qe = Tr = 203475 N Tension in Rod from Horizontal Seismic Factors (Tr) 45743 lb

Eh_tr = 185162 N Required Tensile Load in Tension Rod 41626 lb

Vertical Member in Compression

Load Combination 8
Pcr = 140048 N Required Compression in Vertical member 31484 lb
= (0.6-0.14*0.611)*DL_rod+1.3*0.7*Pc

Vertical Member in Tension

Load Combination 5
The vertical member not connected to the brace under tension during an earhquake will be in tension.
Therefore, the lateral loads will not affect the load
Ptr = 6133 N 1379 lb
= (1.0+0.14*0.611)*DL_rod

Check Capacity of Members

Using AISC 360-10, Steel Construction Manual
Tension Rod
Section D2.
Yielding of Gross Section
2 2
Ag = 1600 mm Gross Area of Tension Rod 2.48 in
Fy = 206.8 MPa Yield Strength of Plate 30000 psi
Ω_t = 1.67

Pny / Ω_t = 198172 N Allowable Tensile Yield Strength of Rod 44551 lb

Tensile Rupture of Net Section

Ae = 1600 mm2 Effective Net Area 2.48 in
Assume the flat rod will be welded sufficiently to the deck stiffener such that U=1.0
Fu = 517 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength of Plate 75000 psi
Ω_t = 2.0

Pnr / Ω_t = 413685 N Allowable Tensile Rupture Strength of Rod 93000 lb

Pn_tr / Ω_t = 198172 N Allowable Tensile Strength of Tension Rod 44551 lb

Pn_tr / Ω_t >= Eh_tr. Therefore, tension rod is OK


Vertical Member in Compression

Design vertical member of brace as a STD 40 304 SS pipe.

Ep = 193.1 GPa Young's Modulus of Pipe 28000 ksi

Fyp = 206.8 MPa Yield Strength of Pipe 30000 psi
Fup = 482.632138 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength of Pipe 70000 psi
OD = 127 mm Outer Diameter 5.00 in
t= 6.274 mm Wall Thickness 0.25 in

D/t = 20 Width-to-Thickness Ratio

0.11*E/Fy = 103 Width-to-Thickness Ratio Limit per Table B4.1a

The pipe is not slender, so use Section E3 of AISC 360-10.

L= 4944 mm Height of Brace Frame 194.66 in
K= 1.0 Recommended Effective Length Factor 1
r= 43 mm Radius of Gyration 1.682704 in
KL/r = 116 Effective Slenderness Ratio (using English Units)

Fe = 142.4 MPa Elastic Buckling Stress (E3-4) Using English units 0.98 psi

Fyp / Fe = 1.5 <= 2.25

Fcr = 112.6 MPa Critical Stress (E3-2)

2 2
Ag = 2380 mm Gross Cross Sectional Area of Pipe 3.69 in
Pn = 267947 N Nominal Compressive Strength (E3-1) 60237 lb
Ω_c = 1.67

Pn_c / Ω_c = 160447 N Allowable Compression in Vertical Pipe 36070 lb

Pn_c / Ω_c >= Pcr. Therefore, vertical pipe is OK in compression

Vertical Member in Tension

Section D2.
Yielding of Gross Section
2 2
Ag = 2380 mm Gross Area of Tension Rod 3.69 in
Fyp = 206.8 MPa Yield Strength of Pipe 30000 psi
Ω_t = 1.67

Pn_ty / Ω_t = 294726 N Allowable Tensile Yield Strength of Rod 66257 lb

Tensile Rupture of Net Section

U= 0.68 Table D3.1. Case 5. Assume weld length equals the pipe diameter
Ae = 1622.1 mm2 Effective Net Area 2.51 in

Fup = 483 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength of Pipe 70000 psi

Ω_t = 2.0

Pn_t r/ Ω_t = 391443 N Allowable Tensile Rupture Strength of Rod 88000 lb

Pn_t / Ω_t = 294726 N Allowable Tensile Strength of Tension Rod 66257 lb

Pn_t / Ω_t >=Ptr. Therefore, vertical pipe is OK in tension

4.5" Diameter STD 304 SS Pipe is Acceptable





Deck Hanger Rod Redesign as Brace Frame

The braced frames are oriented such that there is a frame at every 45 degrees around the
outermost deck stiffener. Each brace frame spans the distance of two normally spaced rods. The
same gravity resisting rods used on the inner deck stiffeners are used on the outer deck stiffener
where the braced frames are not located.

Rod Properties and Dimensions

Mat'l_Rod = CS Rod Material
Er = 199.9 GPa Young's Modulus of Rod Material 28000 ksi
Fy = 248.2 MPa Yield Strength of Rod 36000 psi
Nr = 90 Number of Rods around at Outer Stiffener
tr = 12 mm Thickness of Tension Rod 0.47 in
wr = 100 mm Width of Tension Rod 3.94 in
Ar = 1200 mm 2 Area of Tension Rod 1.86 in2

Brace Frame Dimensions & Properties

Hbf = 1384 mm Height of Brace Frame (Eqn. 3.4.1-5) 4.54 ft
Rso = 33634 mm Radius to Outer Deck Stiffener 110.35 ft
Wbf = 4692 mm Width of Brace Frame. (Eqn 5.2-1) 15.39 ft
Ltr = 4892 mm Length of Tension Rod 16.05 ft
α= 16 deg Tension Rod Angle from Horizontal
T= 49046 N/mm Tensile Stiffness of Rod (Eqn 5.2-2) 280059 lbf/in
Kb = 45123 N/mm Lateral Stiffness of Individual Brace (Eqn. 5.2-3) 257658 lbf/in
Nb = 18 Number of Braces around
There are a total of 18 braces located at every 20 degrees of the suspended deck.

KT = 519704 N/mm Total Stiffness of Braced Frame System 2967588 lbf/in

Determine the Spectral Acceleration and the Displacement of the Deck

Sds = 0.757 g Design Short Period Acceleration from Appendix 1
Sd1 = 0.431 g Design 1-s Period Acceleration from Appendix 1

To = 0.11 s = 0.2*Sd1/Sds
Ts = 0.57 s =Sd1/Sds
TL = 4s Long-Period Transition (As discussed in 3.3.2)

m_td = 251271 kg Total Deck Mass = m_DS + m_i + m_dp 375153 lb

Tn = 0.1 s Suspended Deck Natural Period. (Eqn 3.4.1-6)

A= 0.757 g Design Spectral Acceleration (11.4-7 of ASCE7-10)

g= 9807 mm/s2 Acceleration due to Gravity 386.1 in/s 2

Dsd = 4 mm Deck Maximum Lateral Displacement (Eqn. 3.3.2-4) 0.14 in

Check Spacing from Deck Annular Plate to Outer Shell

w_SDtoOS = 300 mm Wdith of Spacing from edge of flat annular to outer shell 11.81 in

D_SDtoOS = 4 mm Minimum Spacing between Suspended Deck Flat Annular 0.14 in

Plate and Outer Shell

D_SDtoOS <= w_SDtoOS Displacement is OK


Calculate Loading for an Individual Brace

The horizontal seismic shear is calculated as the ratio of the stiffness of an individual to
the total system stiffness.

Cs = 0.757 g Seismic Response Coefficient (Sect 12.8 of ASCE7-10). Same as A.

W_td = 2464130 N Total Deck Weight 553959 lb
α= 16 deg Tension Rod Angle from Horizontal
V= 1865642 N Seismic Base Shear (12.8-1 fo ASCE 7-10) 419413 lb

Pr = 161983 N Lateral Load on Single Brace = V/2 36415 lb

Tr = 168877 N Required Tensile Load on Tension Rod 37965 lb

= Pr / cos α

Pc = 47761 N Vertical Member Compression Induced by Seismic 10737 lb

= Tr * sin α

Calculate Dead Load on Each Vertical Member or Rod of Outer Deck Stiffener
The dead load for each rod is based on the the tributary area from halfway between the outermost and second
outermost deck stiffener and the outer edge of the deck.

Rso = 33634 mm Radius to Outermost Deck Stiffener 110 ft

Rs2o = 26214 mm Radius to Second Outermost Deck Stiffener 86 ft
Ro = 34300 mm Outside Radius of Deck / Outer Shell Radius 113 ft

Mat'l_Deck = CS Deck Material

ρ_dp = 7849.0 kg/m3 Density of Deck Plate Material 490 pcf
t_deck = 5 mm Deck Thickness 0.1969 in
P_deck = 39.25 kg/m2 Uniformly Distributed Pressure of Deck 8.04 psf

ρ_i= 16.02 kg/m3 Density of Insulation 1 pcf

t_ins = 500 mm Thickness of Insulation 19.69 in
P_i = 8 kg/m2 Uniformly Distributed Pressure of Insulation 1.64 psf

m_di = 41722 kg Load of Deck and Insulation at Outer Stiffener 91982 lb

= (P_deck+P_i)*(Ro^2-((Rso+Rs2o)/2)^2)*pi()/1000^2
m_DSo = 36988 kg Mass of Outermost Deck Stiffener 81544 lb

DL_rod = 875 kg Dead Load on a Single Rod 1928 lb

= (m_DSo+m_di) / Nr

Load Combinations
Following ASCE 7-10 Section Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Load Combinations

Tension Rod
Load Combination 5 & 8 will provide the same demand on the tension rod.
Only Horizontal Loads need to be considered for the Tension Rod. All vertical loads go
directly to the vertical members
Eh = ρ*0.7*Qe
ρ= 1.3 Redundancy Factor
per of ASCE 7-10 for Seismic Design Category of D
Qe = Tr = 168877 N Tension in Rod from Horizontal Seismic Factors (Tr) 37965 lb

Eh_tr = 153678 N Required Tensile Load in Tension Rod 34548 lb


Vertical Member in Compression

Load Combination 8
Pcr = 47700 N Required Compression in Vertical member 10723 lb
= (0.6-0.14*0.611)*DL_rod+1.3*0.7*Pc

Vertical Member in Tension

Load Combination 5
The vertical member not connected to the brace under tension during an earhquake will be in tension.
Therefore, the lateral loads will not affect the load
Ptr = 9486 N 2132 lb
= (1.0+0.14*0.611)*DL_rod

Check Capacity of Members

Using AISC 360-10, Steel Construction Manual
Tension Rod
Section D2.
Yielding of Gross Section
2 2
Ag = 1200 mm Gross Area of Tension Rod 1.86 in
Fy = 248.2 MPa Yield Strength of Plate 36000 psi
Ω_t = 1.67

Pny / Ω_t = 178355 N Allowable Tensile Yield Strength of Rod 40096 lb

Tensile Rupture of Net Section

Ae = 1200 mm2 Effective Net Area 1.86 in
Assume the flat rod will be welded sufficiently to the deck stiffener such that U=1.0
Fu = 517 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength of Plate 75000 psi
Ω_t = 2.0

Pnr / Ω_t = 310264 N Allowable Tensile Rupture Strength of Rod 69750 lb

Pn_tr / Ω_t = 178355 N Allowable Tensile Strength of Tension Rod 40096 lb

Pn_tr / Ω_t >= Eh_tr. Therefore, tension rod is OK

Vertical Member in Compression

Design vertical member of brace as a STD 40 304 SS pipe.

Ep = 193.1 GPa Young's Modulus of Pipe 28000 ksi

Fyp = 248.2 MPa Yield Strength of Pipe 36000 psi
Fup = 400 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength of Pipe 58000 psi
OD = 101.6 mm Outer Diameter 4.00 in
t= 5.74 mm Wall Thickness 0.23 in

D/t = 18 Width-to-Thickness Ratio

0.11*E/Fy = 86 Width-to-Thickness Ratio Limit per Table B4.1a

The pipe is not slender, so use Section E3 of AISC 360-10.

L= 1384 mm Height of Brace Frame 54.47 in
K= 1.0 Recommended Effective Length Factor 1
r= 34 mm Radius of Gyration 1.336706 in
KL/r = 41 Effective Slenderness Ratio (using English Units)

Fe = 1147.4 MPa Elastic Buckling Stress (E3-4) Using English units 7.91 psi

Fyp / Fe = 0.2 <= 2.25

Fcr = 226.7 MPa Critical Stress (E3-2)

Ag = 1729 mm 2 Gross Cross Sectional Area of Pipe 2.68 in2

Pn = 391920 N Nominal Compressive Strength (E3-1) 88107 lb
Ω_c = 1.67

Pn_c / Ω_c = 234683 N Allowable Compression in Vertical Pipe 52759 lb

Pn_c / Ω_c >= Pcr. Therefore, vertical pipe is OK in compression

Vertical Member in Tension

Section D2.
Yielding of Gross Section
Ag = 1729 mm 2 Gross Area of Tension Rod 2.68 in2
Fyp = 248.2 MPa Yield Strength of Pipe 36000 psi
Ω_t = 1.67

Pn_ty / Ω_t = 256923 N Allowable Tensile Yield Strength of Rod 57759 lb

Tensile Rupture of Net Section

U= 0.68 Table D3.1. Case 5. Assume weld length equals the pipe diameter
Ae = 1178.4 mm2 Effective Net Area 1.83 in2

Fup = 400 MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength of Pipe 58000 psi

Ω_t = 2.0

Pn_t r/ Ω_t = 235615 N Allowable Tensile Rupture Strength of Rod 52968 lb

Pn_t / Ω_t = 235615 N Allowable Tensile Strength of Tension Rod 52968 lb

Pn_t / Ω_t >=Ptr. Therefore, vertical pipe is OK in tension

3.5" Diameter STD CS Pipe is Acceptable



American Institute of Steel Construction. Steel Construction Manual. 14th ed. Chicago:
American Institute of Steel Construction, 2010.

American Petroleum Institute. API Standard 620: Design and Construction of Large,
Welded, Low-pressure Storage Tanks: Addendum Two to Eleventh Edition: 2008-
2010. Washington, D.C.: API Publishing Services, 2010. PDF file.

American Petroleum Institute. API Standard 625: Tank Systems for Refrigerated
Liquefied Gas Storage. 1st ed. Washington, D.C.: API Publishing Services, 2008.
PDF file.

American Petroleum Institute. API Standard 650: Welded Tanks for Oil Storage:
Addendum One to Eleventh Edition: 2007-2008. Washington, D.C.: API
Publishing Services, 2008. PDF file.

American Society of Civil Engineers. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010. Print.

Chopra, Anil K. Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake

Engineering. 4th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2012. Print.

Hibbeler, R. C. Mechanics of Materials. 6th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2005. Print.

Kramer, Steven L. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,

1995. Print.

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