2 Webinar On International Conference of Midwifery Update (Icmu)

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Continuity OF
of Maternal Care MIDWIFERY
And Its

Continuity of Maternal Care and Its Implication on

Global Burden of Malnutrition:
The Early Maternal Care Recommendations

Held by
Prodi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
September 2022

Many developing countries now face the triple burden of malnutrition,

define as the coexistence of stunting, wasting, and overwight child at the same
time. Maternal care have been shown to induce long-term effect in later health of
child. Good maternal health care and nutrition are important contributors to child
survival; maternal infection and other poor conditions often contribute to indicates
of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Lack of adequate antenatal and postnatal care
would lead to neonatal death which reflect inequities in availability of emergency
obstetric care. Beyond these, organizations can take role to make a positive
impact. Here Midwifery of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta stand to educate
people around the world the importance Continuity of Maternal Care And Its
Implication on Global Burden of Malnutrition through Second Webinar on
International conference of Midwifery Update (ICMU) 2022.

The purpose of International Conference Midwifery Update 2022 are as following:

1. Increasing the existence and role of Sebelas Meret University (UNS) toward
Wolrd Class University.
2. Higher awareness among participants of the importance Continuity of Maternal
Care And Its Implication on Global Burden of Malnutrition
3. Better understanding among participants on how to empower woman to have
comprehensife maternal care.
4. Establish a platform where researcher can meet together and presentation their
paper to be published at Placentum Journal of UNS

The conference will be held on September 2022 time of Surakarta,


Our best speaker that we invite in this occassion are:
1. First Speaker from Indoensia
The assigned presentation topic is “Triple Burden of Malnutrition on Child in

2. Second Speaker from Aboard

The assigned presentation topic is “Maternal health care and it’s implication on
Global Burden of Malnutrition”.
September 2022

08.30-09.00 (UTC+7) Registration

09.00-09.10 (UTC+7) Welcome Remarks – Dean of FK UNS

09.10 – 09.15 Keynote Speker – Chief of IBI Surakarta

09.15-10.15 (UTC+7) First Speaker
1st- Invited Speaker “Triple Burden of Malnutrition on Child in Indonesia”
10.15-11.15(UTC+7) Second Speaker
2nd- Invited speaker “Maternal health care and it’s implication on Global
Burden of Malnutrition”.

11.15 – end (UTC+7) 1. Speaker -1

Paper prasentation 2. Speaker -2
3. Speaker -3 and so on

 Participants are all midwifery student, midwifery lecturer,

and all healthcare around the world with at least 100
 The media conference is Zoom Meeting.


Thus, we convey this Term of Reference, hope that we can work together for
successly this event. Thank you to whom that have helped and supported us
with efforts and prayers, may Allah SWT be pleased us as always.

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