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Student Name Student ID

Module Name

[Designing and Developing a Website ]

Assignment Title

[Save our Oceans]

Submitted To:

[ Dr. Myat Mon Aye ]

Submitted By:

[ Shine Wunna Htun ]

[ Student ID – 00184405 ]

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NCC Education

Level 4 Diploma in Business Information Technology


Centre Name : Shine Wunna Htun

Assignment Title : Save our Oceans

Exam Cycle : Winter 2019

Candidate Name : Your Name

NCC Education ID No. : 00184405

Submission Date : 13.11.2019

Marker’s Comment :

Moderator’s Comment :

Mark: Moderated Mark : Final Mark :

Statement and Confirmation of Own Work

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A signed copy of this form must be submitted with every assignment.

If the statement is missing your work may not be marked.

Student Declaration
I confirm the following details:

Candidate Name: Shine Wunna Htun

Candidate ID Number: 00184405


Centre: Strategy First University

Qualification: Level 4 Diploma in Business IT

I have read and understood NCC Education’s Academic Misconduct Policy. I confirm
that this is my own work and that I have not colluded or plagiarized any part of it.

Candidate Signature: Shine Wunna Htun


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Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 5
Acknowledgement....................................................................................................................... 6
Task 1......................................................................................................................................... 8
Usability in Two Browsers and Mobile Devices.......................................................8
Task 2....................................................................................................................................... 10
.................................................................................................................................................. 10
Task 3....................................................................................................................................... 11
Task-4....................................................................................................................................... 16

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My name is Shine Wunna Htun and I'm studied Business IT Major at Strategy First
University Mandalay. And it's the branch of UK Oxford Brookes University. We must take
three years to get degree, B.Sc. (Hons).We have to study 4 subjects in first year first semester
called Designing and Developing Website, Computer Network, Database and E-business.

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The subject, Designing and developing website is one of the subjects of our first year first
semester and we had a lot of experiences by doing this assignment. We had some difficulties to
design the Website with Css file to be responsive but not so much because we learned about
this major from the first period time of class. But this assignment: let us known many more ideas
for this subject. The fact that why can we do assignment easily is the good guidance of Website
Teacher Daw Myat Mon Aye. We shared the knowledge of this subject with the classmates. So
we became to know more. And I really would like to thank to my teacher.

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Task 1

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Task 1

Usability in Two Browsers and Mobile Devices

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Task 2

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Task 2

Task 3

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Task 3

1. Index.html

At first we had 5 errors. The first error is from line 1, column 16: to line 2, column 6. The second
error is meant that the character encoding was not declared. Third error is from line 22, column
3; to line 22, column 36 and that is meant not put <a></a>tag between <button></button>tag.
The fourth error is warning to space between attributes. The fifth error is also the same as their
error. So firstly, we fixed the error number 3. We put out the <a></a> tag from
<button></button>tag. We also fixed the error number 5 as the way of error number 3. We fixed
the error number 4 by spacing between the attributes.

2. Blog.html

In Blog Page, there are 8 errors when we checked with the validation. The errors revealed in
error number 2 is from line 30, column 1; to line 30,column 4. They meant that there is no need
to put <tr></tr> tag in <form></form>tag. So we fixed it by pulling out the <tr></tr>tag from
<form></form>tag. The error number 3, number 4 and number 5 is also the same as the error
number 2.The sixth error is to space between the attributes. And so we fixed it by spacing
between attributes. Error number 6 described that the text is not allowed in the <ul></ul>tag. So
we rewrite the text from out of the <ul></ul>tag. The error number 8 is from line 1, column 16; to
line 2, column 6.

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3. Register.html

In Register Page, there are three errors and we had fixed two errors which are the same. The
errors are meant not to put <h2></h2>tag within the <table></table>tag.

4. About.html

In About Page, there are 5 errors. And we fix 3 errors of them. Firstly, we fix the error number 2
by spacing between attributes. The third error and the fourth error is from line 82,column 3;to
line 83,column 52 and that errors are meant to put “alt” within <img>tag.

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5. Plasticfree.html

6. Dosome.html

7. Dosomeimage.html

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8. Event.html

9. Donate.html

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Two Different Browsers

For Chrome

For Firefox

As you see, the two of these figures are different in the video file.

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Critical Evaluation
Accessibility issues means that your website is comfort and suitable for all users and even
disable persons can still use easily. And your website can be used in all devices not only for the
laptop and also for the mobile phone users and tablet users. So the website that you created
can be accessed by all devices users and also for the disable users. For blind persons, adding
text to speech function is completely useful and effective and for the deaf persons and also who
can't read the words, body language videos can be added and ease for the deaf users.
Nowadays people from all over the world do many things like playing games, watching
movies, using social media and many other activities by using their mobile phones. So this
process is included in an important part of designing a website.
And design and colors of the website have to be suitable for the phone users because most of
the mobile phone user use their phone for a long time and that can damaged the users' vision.
So we have to use light colors for the website.
For me, the effectiveness of using CSS makes the design of the website much better like
mixing colors, fixing the images and also animation and many other designing functions. By
using only one external CSS file can be controlled for all Html files from this CSS file and that’s
made me to control and design my own website easily. If we have more enough time to develop
our website, we can create a better design than that of the present website. The present
website is not satisfying in design. If we have a chance to fix and replace the images and also
the words, the website will be much better.
The advantages of using user-centered web design
 It can earn more users by using user-customized
 Get users' satisfaction
 Website's reputation get better
The disadvantages of using user-centered web design
 Time duration of designing and creating of customized website can be delayed
 Time limit can be exceeded and get lost user's satisfaction
 Cost will be higher than other readymade websites
We choose the Shwe Web Hosting and it is the Myanmar and England based web hosting
company and it is the reliable web hosting company for all.
 Reliability percent to recover and data backup is 99%
 Monitoring the servers 24 hours


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 Cannot customize the hosting service.

 Limited to an aggregate 30-Gb space

As we got one month to design the website, we did the best to be accessed by all devices and
for all the disable person especially Blind persons. Furthermore, we can create our website
better by functionally and also in designing. We could develop a forum as a community that
whoever interested in our website. And that could help us to develop better our website from
their feedback and discussions. We can develop a dynamic website and will be more
responsive than the old one.

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