Bài tập so sánh

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Bài tập 1: Chia động từ

1. Last year my brother (spend) ___________ his holiday in Đà Lạt.

2. It (be) ___________ really great.
3. I (travel) ___________around by motorbike with three friends and we visited lots of interesting
4. In the evening I usually (go) ___________to a bar.
5. One night she even (learn) ___________some Ailen dances.
6. They (be) ___________very lucky with the weather.
7. It (not/ rain) ___________yesterday.
8. But we (see) ___________some beautiful rainbows.
9. Where (spend/ Lan) ___________her last holiday?
Bài tập 2: Hoàn thành câu

1. Linh ___________her maths homework yesterday. (to do)

2. Tuan ___________to Taiwan by plane? (to go)
3. We ___________a farm three weeks ago. (to visit)
4. Tuan and Tu ___________their brother. (not/to help)
5. The children ___________at home last sunday. (not/to be)
6. When ___________you ___________this wonderful dress? (to design)
7. My father ___________into the truck. (not/to crash)
8. Tuan ___________the basket of his bicycle. (to take off)
9. ___________you ___________your uncle last weekend? (to phone)
10. She ___________milk at class. (not/to drink)
Bài tập 3: Sử dụng tổng hợp các thì trong quá khứ để hoàn thành câu

1. I ( go)___________to the school last week.

2. A bird defecated on the window that I ( clean)___________only five minutes before.
3. Yesterday at ten she ( sit) ___________in front of her computer.
4. When their dad got home, the boys ( watch)___________TV for three hours.
5. A postman (come) ___________to my house yesterday.
6. He (want) ___________to repair my dishwasher that (break) ___________a few days before.
7. Before she (ring) ___________at my door, she (look) ___________for a parking space for about five
8. While the plumber (repair) ___________the dishwasher, I (watch) ___________the smartphone.
9. Suddenly, my brother (realise) ___________that they (show) ___________our house on TV.
10. The reporter (say) ___________that a motorbike (crash) ___________into a pole just before
reaching the crossroads.
11. While he (listen) ___________carefully to what (happen) ___________, someone (knock)
___________at his door.
12. I (open) ___________the door and (see) ___________my teacher standing there.
13. She (ask) ___________for the plumber.
14. As it (turn) ___________out, it (be) ___________ my neighbor’s car that (roll) ___________down
the street.
15. In his haste, the electrician (forget) ___________to put the handbrake on.
Bài 1: Điền đúng dạng động từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống trong câu

1. He promises he (finish) ....... the report on time.

2. Be quiet or the teacher (kick) ….. you out of the class
3. I think Spiderman (appear) …… when we are in danger.
4. ….. I (carry) ..... that big package for you, Mom?
5. If Andy follows the rules, they (not be) ...... able to harm him.
6. Are you stuck there? I (run) …. there right away.
7. …. you (take)..... a stroll with me?
8. I have a stomach ache. What …. I (do) ….?
Bài 2: Lựa chọn đáp án đúng nhất và điền vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau

1. If Jim steals that necklace, the police …. him.

1. arrest B. will arrest C. is going to arrest D. have arrested.
2. I cannot contact my daughter. I …. to the university to find her.

1. will go B. goes C. go D. will have gone

3. I think she …. these.

1. is not ignore B. have not ignored C. will not ignore D. will have not ignore
4. …. I ….. for the party tonight?

1. Shall….prepare B. Have….. prepared C. Is …. prepare D. Had….. prepared

5. Go out or he…. mad.

1. is going to get. B. is getting C. have been getting D. will get

6. ….. you….. our group?

1. Will…join B. Had…joined C. Have….joined D. Is….join

7. Robbert says he….the conflicts by conciliation when something similar happens.

1. has settled B. will settle C. is settling D. have settled

Bài 3: Điền đúng dạng động từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống

1. I (not support) …. you with your physics homework, if you want.

2. Be careful! You (injure).... yourself.
3. If John doesn’t get a computer, he (not be)..... able to surf the Internet.
4. Look out! You (hit)...... the boy who is running across the street.
5. Her brothers (leave)..... the town center in 30 minutes.
6. These PhDs (complete)..... their project next year.
7. ….you (discuss)..... this topic with us?
8. The conflict (end)..... with a conclusion of an armistice.
1/ SO SÁNH BẰNG: So sánh bằng là khi chúng ta so sánh cái này như cái kia, cái này bằng cái kia.
Công thức so sánh bằng: as + ADJ/ADV + as hoặc so + ADJ/ADV + as
💡 S+ TO BE/ V + as + ADJ/ADV + as hoặc so + ADJ/ADV + as (ít dùng hơn)
Ví dụ:
 Lan is 18 years old. My younger sister is also 18 years old. Lan is as young as my younger sister.
Lan 18 tuổi. Em gái tôi cũng 18 tuổi. Lan trẻ tuổi bằng em gái tôi.
 She sings as beautifully as a singer.
Cô ấy hát hay như ca sĩ.
2/ SO SÁNH HƠN: So sánh hơn là khi chúng ta so sánh cái này hơn cái kia.
 Nếu từ chỉ có 1 âm tiết: S + V/ TO BE + ADJ/ADV + đuôi -er + than+N/ Ving
 Nếu từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên: S+ TOBE/ V + more + ADJ/ADV + than+ N. Ving
Ví dụ:
 Nam is taller than me.
Nam cao hơn tôi.
→ tall là tính từ ngắn nên dạng so sánh hơn là taller.
 This problem is more difficult than that one.
Vấn đề này khó hơn vấn đề kia.
→ difficult là tính từ dài nên dạng so sánh hơn là more difficult.
 He worked harder than the others. 
Anh ấy làm việc chăm chỉ hơn những người khác.
→ hard là trạng từ ngắn nên dạng so sánh hơn là harder.
 My father drives more carefully than I do. 
Bố tôi lái xe cẩn thận hơn tôi.
→ "carefully" là trạng từ dài nên dạng so sánh hơn là more carefully.

 Question A is more difficult than question B. = Câu hỏi A khó hơn câu hỏi B.

 Ta có thể so sánh ít hơn, nhưng câu này sẽ nghe không được tự nhiên lắm:
 Question B is less difficult than question A. = Câu hỏi B ít khó hơn câu hỏi A.

3/ SO SÁNH NHẤT So sánh nhất là khi chúng ta so sánh một cái gì đó là hơn tất cả những cái khác.

 Nếu từ chỉ có 1 âm tiết:  S + to be + the + ADJ/ADV + -est+ N/…

 Nếu từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên: S + to be+  the + most + ADJ/ADV + N/….

Ví dụ:

 Nam is the tallest student in his class.

Nam là học sinh cao nhất trong lớp.
→ tall là tính từ ngắn nên dạng so sánh nhất là the tallest.
 This is the most difficult problem in the book.
Đây là vấn đề khó nhất trong sách.
→ difficult là tính từ dài nên dạng so sánh nhất là the most difficult.
 Who jumps the highest will win. 
Ai nhảy cao nhất sẽ chiến thắng.
→ high là trạng từ ngắn nên dạng so sánh nhất là the highest.
 He drives the most carelessly. 
Anh ấy lái xe ẩu nhất.
→ carelessly là trạng từ dài nên dạng so sánh nhất là the most carelessly.
Bài tập 1: Chọn từ cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống

Fun     popular    delicious    talented    developed   succesful

1. Was the party as ……….. as she expected?

2. Apple is as………………………..as Samsung
3. Pham Nhat Vuong’s career is…………………………as many billionaires’ career in the world
4. Saigon used to be as………………….as several countries in Asia
5. My mom’s dishes are as…….………………as food served at restaurants
6. Many people believe that Quang Hai is not as…………… as many famous footbal players in the
Bài tập 2: Chia theo câu so sánh phù hợp
1. Many people would argue that robots are ………………..… (intelligent) than humans.
2. The price in the countryside is………………..… (cheap) than that in big cities.
3. Canada is far …………………..… (large) than Vietnam.
4. My garden is a lot more colorful……………… (colorful) than this park.
5. My friend is quieter…………..(quiet) than me.
6. Art-related subjects are ……………… (interesting) than science classes.
7. My current apartment is…………… (comfortable) than the one, I rented 2 years ago.
8. The weather this autumn is even ………….. (nice) than last autumn.
9. These products in this grocery are ………….. (natural) than these in the near one.
10. A holiday in the mountains is more memorable……………(memorable) then a holiday in the sea
Bài tập 3: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc
1. Who is the ………….. (tall) person in your family?
2. My mum is the ………….. (good) cook in the world.
3. Saigon is the…………..(big) month of the year in my country.
4. Cutting down trees could be considered to be one of …………..(dangerous) reason leading to
5. Goods is going to be………….. (expensive) during Tet holiday.
6. Where are the…………..(nice) beaches in your country?
7. I bought the TV with the………….. (reasonable) price ever.
8. Who is the most famous…………..(famous) singer in your country?
9. Internet is one of (important)________________inventions that changes humans’ life.
10. He was a (creative) _______ student in the class.
11. I prefer visitting Hongkong, one of (vibrant) ________city in the world.
12. I feel (encouraged) _________whenever I talk to my dad.
Bài tập 4: Chọn đáp án đúng
1. That was the funniest/ most funny thing to do.
2. My sister is the most prettiest/prettiest in the family.
3. It’s one of the best/ most better center in the North West.
4. She is by far the most rich/ richest woman in the world.
5. School days are supposed to be the most happy/ happiest days of your life but I don’t agree.
6. What is the most popular/ popularest sport in your country?
7. That was a really good meal, probably one of the healthiest/ most healthy I have ever eaten.
8. I’m surprised I didn’t fall asleep. I think that he is one of the most boring/ boringest people in the
Bài tập 7 : Chọn đáp án đúng

1. I think London is more expensive/expensiver than New York.

2. Is the North Sea more big/bigger than the Mediterranean Sea?
3. Are you a better/good student than your sister?
4. Crocodiles are more dangerous than/as dolphins.
5. Physics is badder/worse than chemistry.
6. Cars are much more safer/much safer than motorbikes.
7. Australia is far/further hotter than Ireland.
8. It is strange but often a coke is more expensive/ expensiver than a beer.
9. Non-smokers usually live more long/longer than smokers.
1. The price in the countryside is………………..… (cheap) than that in big cities.
2. Canada is far …………………..… (large) than Vietnam.
3. My garden is a lot more colorful……………… (colorful) than this park.
4. My friend is quieter…………..(quiet) than me.
5. Art-related subjects are ……………… (interesting) than science classes.

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