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Bài thi môn: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 – BẢNG A

Thời gian làm bài 150 phút (bao gồm cả phần nghe)

Điểm Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Số phách

Bằng số: Giám khảo 1: …………………………….
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Bằng chữ: Giám khảo 2: …………………………….
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Question 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. Very often the chocolate inside is not as exciting as its ____.
A. coat B. wrapper C. cover D. paper
2. The area is roped off because the water is seriously polluted or ____ in other words.
A. contaminated B. disappeared C. purified D. endangered
3. ____, our manager is an honest and kind man, though he is not perfect.
A. As the whole B. As a result C. On the whole D. Without doubts
4. “Our parents do not want us to buy one.” ~ “That’s beside the ____. The real problem is we can’t afford one.”
A. question B. issue C. argument D. point
5. He doesn’t smoke ____, but he likes a good cigar occasionally.
A. for good B. as a rule C. in practice D. now and then
6. I love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful ____ smile.
A. childhood B. childish C. childless D. childlike
7. Hello. Is that 0921031612? Please put me ____ to the manager.
A. across B. up C. over D. through
8. It always pays to buy high-quality goods. In the long ____ it is cheaper.
A. race B. rush C. run D. way
9. Jenny’s hopes were ____ when she wasn’t selected for the team.
A. lowered B. smashed C. dashed D. dimmed
10. My father is getting old and forgetful. ____, he is experienced and helpful.
A. Be that as it may B. Regardless of C. In as much as it is D. Consequently
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Question 2 (10 points). Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some
have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number. If a line has a word which
should not be there, write it in ‘Your answers’ part. Number 0 and 00 have been done for you.
0. Today bird watching is a very easy hobby enjoyed by ...√...
0. many people around Britain. My friend is a very keen on bird watching ...a...
1. and often spends one weekends in the countryside where bird watching ….....
2. is very popular. Last year, he invited me and some other our friends to ........
3. spend a weekend in a small country cottage perfectly been located for him ........
4. to watch birds and for us to enjoy the countryside. We were very excited and ........
5. left from the city early one Saturday morning and arrived at the cottage around ........
6. lunchtime. The weather it was beautiful, the sun was shining brightly ........
7. and it was very warm. But after an hour or so much a storm broke. The wind howled ........
8. around the cottage, shaking all the windows and when the rain came to down we ….....
9. discovered out that the roofs leaked terribly. The water went through the windows. ….....
10. That the electricity went off what was the last straw and we packed up and left ........
without seeing a single bird, and promised never to go back there.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Question 3 (10 points). Read the text below. Use the word given in capital letters at the end of each line to form a
word that fits in the space in the same line. Number (0) has been done for you. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
I think the computer is such a (0) … useful…invention. Take e-mail, for example. 0) USE
It’s such an easy and (1) ____ way to write letters. When I was younger, I rarely ever 1) PAIN
put pen to paper, not even to say “thank you” for presents sent by (2) ____relatives. 2) THINK
They must have thought I was so (3) ____. Now, though, you can’t keep me away from 3) GRATITUDE
the keyboard. I can (4) ____ spend hours typing away on my computer, all types of 4) CHEER
messages to all types of people. One of the worst (5) ____ for me of writing by hand 5) ADVANTAGE
was always the (6) ____ of knowing that people would be able to see and criticize my 6) EMBARRASS
untidy handwriting and (7) ____ spelling. Now, of course, thanks to the spell-check, I 7) CARE
can edit what I’ve written quickly and (8) ____ before I send it off. I just can’t get over 8) EFFORT
how (9) ____ fast everything is. Teenagers nowadays take all this for granted, but 9) WONDER
when I was their age, none of this existed. Young people should realize how (10) ____ 10) FORTUNE
they are.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Question 1 (5 points). Complete this conversation using sentences marked by A-J. There are 5 extra sentences
which you do not need to use. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.

Tom: So, Sally, we should probably start thinking about our winter vacation plans. A. I’m always too busy with work at
Sally: Yeah, I think we should fly down to Florida for a couple of weeks. that time of year.
Tom: Uh, I’d really prefer not to. (1) ________ B. It seems quite interesting.
Sally: Well, how about postponing our vacation until spring?
Tom: I don’t think that’s such a good idea. (2) ________ C. Let’s just stay home for two weeks!
Sally: I guess you’re right. Oh, I know. Let’s go skiing up at Sky Valley Resort for a week. D. I don’t have any more ideas.
Tom: (3) ________ We went skiing last year. Remember? E. What are you thinking about?
Sally: And we had a really good time. Do you have any suggestions? F. I’d rather not.
Tom: Uh … you know … I never have any good ideas. G. Do you know that?
Sally: Ok. (4) ________ How about going to the New Year’s Eve party in New
York City? We’ve always wanted to do that. H. Those holiday travel packages
Tom: You’ve always wanted to. I don’t really like big parties. cost too much.
Sally: You’re driving me crazy, Tom! All right. (5)________ I. Here’s something different.
Tom: No way! That sounds too boring! Can’t you think of anything else? J. I haven’t done it before.

Your answers:
1.  2.      3.  4.  5.    

Question 2 (5 points). Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question. Write it in ‘Your
answers’ part.
Most sore throats are caused by an infection which treatment with antibiotics cannot cure. But with simple
remedies the patient normally gets better in 4 or 5 days.
Tonsillitis, however, usually starts with a sore throat which causes pain on swallowing. With children - and some
adults - there may be a fever and the patient is obviously not feeling well. It may be possible to see white spots on
the back of the throat. The neck may also swell, both of which are the normal responses to the infection.
Sometimes a sore throat may occur with the common cold, and with influenza there may be dryness of the
throat, pain on coughing and loss of voice. It is troublesome.
Aspirin: To help relieve the pain on swallowing and (if there is one) the fever. Use aspirin tablets dissolved in
water so that the patient can gargle before swallowing. Repeat the treatment every 4 hours.
Drink: Encourage the patient to drink plenty.
Food: Food should not be forced on a patient who does not want to eat.
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Steam: If there is pain in the throat on coughing, breathing in steam may help.
Young children, who may not be able to gargle, should be given aspirin dissolved in water every 4 hours in
the right dose for their age.
At one year: A single junior aspirin.
At five years: Half an adult aspirin.
At eight years: One whole adult aspirin.
If the sore throat is still getting worse after 2 days.
If the patient complains of earache.
If the patient’s fever increases.
If the parents of the patient are worried.

1. According to the passage, it would appear that most sore throats ________.
A. require an immediate visit to a doctor B. respond quickly to treatment with an antibiotic
C. rarely turn out to be serious illnesses D. result in tonsillitis even when treated
2. One of the signs of tonsillitis can often be ________.
A. difficulty in swallowing food and liquid B. pain in the chess when coughing
C. white spots appearing on the neck D. earache during the first four or five days
3. In order to treat a sore throat, one should ________.
A. prevent the patient from eating too much B. give the patient up to 4 aspirin tablets every hour
C. make certain the patient takes in plenty of liquid D. help the patient gargle with hot liquid
4. What difference is there in the way adults and young children should be treated with aspirin?
A. Young children should not be allowed to gargle with it.
B. Adults should be given tablets to swallow whole.
C. Young children should be given aspirin more often than adults.
D. Adults should be given larger doses of aspirin than children.
5. You should call the doctor if ________.
A. the fever spreads to another member of the family B. swelling occurs in the region of the ears
C. the patient’s throat is still the same after two days D. the patient’s condition continues to worsen

Your answers:
1.    2.     3.  4.       5.      
Question 3 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
The Winterthur Museum is both a collection and a house. There are many museums devoted to the
decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States (1) ____ a great collection displayed in a
great country house. Passing through successive generation of a single family, Winterthur has (2) ____ a private
estate for more than a century. Even after the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931, the house
remained a family residence. This fact is (3) ____ importance to the atmosphere and effect of the museum. The
impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms look as if they were vacated only a short time ago
(4) ____ by the original owners of the furniture or the most recent residents of the house can be a matter of personal
interpretation. Winterthur remains, then, a house in which a collection of furniture and architectural elements (5) ____
been assembled. (6) ____an English country house, it is an organic structure. The house, as (7) ____ as the
collection and manner of displaying it to the visitor, has changed (8) ____ the years. The changes have coincided (9)
____ developing concepts of the American arts, increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students, and a
progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur have
followed this current, yet (10) ____ retained the character of a private house.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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Question 1 (10 points). Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given. Write 2-5 words in total.
1. People have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease. MADE
 A lot of effort ............................................................................................................ to find a cure for this disease.
2. “Can anyone cook eel-soup?”, she asked. HOW
 She asked if anyone ................................................................................................................eel-soup.
3. Sarah might not bring her camera to the party, so I’ll bring mine. IN
 I’ll bring my camera ...........................................................................................................bring hers to the party.
4. Mr. Smith hasn’t decided whether to move or not. MIND
 Mr. Smith hasn’t ................................................................................................................. whether to move or not.
5. It was already too late when Tom knew the truth. OUT
 Tom didn’t ............................................................................................................................................ enough.
Question 2 (10 points). Imagine you are Hoa and you are visiting a place of interest in Vietnam. Write a postcard to
your pen pal, Laura. You should write about 70-80 words.

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Question 3 (20 points). Write about 180-200 words to give your opinion on the following topic:
“Advantages and disadvantages of organizing village festivals”

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Question 1 (5points). Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. Phong uses ______ every day in the summer camp.
A. Vietnamese B. English C. French
2. The summer camp is being held here in ______.
A. Canada B. the USA C. Singapore
3. There are ______ members in Phong’s team.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4
4. The girl in Phong’s team is ______.
A. American B. Australian C. English
5. Phong will be home on ______.
A. July 15th B. July 16th C. July 17th

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Question 2 (5 points). Listen to the dialogue and fill in each of the blanks. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. In Singapore, people can be fined or arrested for spitting or ______.
2. Hundreds of ______ in plain clothes blend into the crowd and spot anyone who breaks the law.
3. If you spat out your chewing gum in the street, you would be fined ______ dollars.
4. Singapore uses the ______ to tell people what they shouldn’t do in public places.
5. Both the school and the family are responsible for teaching children how to ______ in society.

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

___The end___

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Question 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the
following sentences.
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
6. D 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. A

Question 2 (10 points). Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some
have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number. If a line has a word which
should not be there, write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. one 2. our 3. been 4. √ 5. from
6. it 7. much 8. to 9. out 10. what

Question 3 (10 points). Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word
that fits in the space in the same line. Number (0) has been done as an example .
1. painless 2. thoughtful 3. ungrateful 4. cheerfully 5. disadvantages
6. embarrassment 7. careless 8. effortlessly 9. wonderfully 10. fortunate


Question 1 (5 points). Complete this conversation using sentences marked by A-J. There are 5 extra sentences
which you do not need to use.
1.  H 2. A 3. F 4. I 5. C
Question 2 (5 points). Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.
1. C    2.  A   3. C 4.    D    5.    D  
Question 3 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank.
1. is 2. been 3. of 4. whether 5. has
6. Like 7. well 8. over 9. with 10. still

Question 1 (10 points). Using the word in brackets, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first one. Do not change the word given. Write 2-5 words in total.
Mỗi vế đúng được 1 điểm, mỗi câu đúng được 2 điểm.
1. A lot of effort HAS ][ BEEN MADE to find a cure for this disease .
2. She asked if anyone KNEW ][ HOW TO COOK eel-soup.
3. I’ll bring my camera IN CASE ][ SARAH DOES NOT bring hers to the party.
4. Mr. Smith hasn’t MADE UP ][ HIS MIND whether to move or not.
5. Tom didn’t FIND OUT ][ THE TRUTH EARLY enough.

Question 2 (10 points). Imagine you are Hoa and you are visiting a place of interest in Vietnam. Write a postcard to
your pen pal, Laura. You should write about 70-80 words.
Yêu cầu: HS hiểu cách viết bưu thiếp khi đang đi du lịch. Ngữ pháp đúng: 2 điểm.
Các ý cần có: Địa điểm/ Con người/ Việc đã làm/ Kế hoạch = 8 điểm.
Question 3 (20 points). Write about 180-200 words to give your opinion on the following topic:
“Advantages and disadvantages of organizing village festivals”
HS phải thể hiện rõ những mặt tích cực + tiêu cực/hạn chế của các buổi lễ hội.
Ngữ pháp + Từ vựng: 10 điểm; Các ý hợp lý + diễn đạt rõ ràng: 10 điểm.

Question 1 (5points). Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A
Question 2 (5 points). Listen to the dialogue and fill in each of the blanks.
1. littering 2. officer(s) 3. 200 4. poster(s) 5. behave

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Tổng: 100/5 = 20 điểm.

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Tapescript - Question 1

Nick: How’s your international summer camp going, Phong?

Phong: Awesome, just awesome.
Nick: You sound so happy. What do you like about it?
Phong: It’s hard to say. Everything’s wonderful: the friends I’ve made, the places I’ve visited, the activities, …
Nick: Oh…Your English has improved a lot!
Phong: Absolutely. I use English every day, with people from different countries.
Nick: Where are they from?
Phong: Everywhere! Places like India, Canada… English is also an official language here in Singapore.
Nick: Right. Have you made any friends from English speaking countries?
Phong: I’m in a team with two boys from Australia and a girl from the USA.
Nick: Do you have any difficulty understanding them?
Phong: I found it difficult to understand them at first. Perhaps it’s because of their accent, but it’s ok now.
Nick: It’s great that you can practice English with native speakers. When are you back?
Phong: Our camp closes on July 15th and I take the night flight home the same day.
Nick: Looking forward to seeing you then. Enjoy!
Phong: I will. Thanks. Bye.

Tapescript – Question 2

Nguyen: Is Singapore really as clean as it’s advertised?

Phong: Yes, it is.
Nguyen: How can they do that?
Phong: They have a very strict policy on keeping the environment clean.
Before we started our tour, the tour guide warned us that we could be fined for spitting or littering.
Nguyen: But how would they know?
Phong: There are hundreds of officers in plain clothes. Their job is to blend into the crowd and spot anyone
who breaks the laws.
Nguyen: What would happen if you did break the law?
Phong: Well, for example, if you spat out your chewing gum in the street, you would be fined two hundred dollars.
Nguyen: Really? But how could you know about it?
Phong: There are posters in public places to tell people what they should or shouldn’t do.
Nguyen: That’s a good idea.
Phong: And from a young age, children are taught how to behave at school and in the family.
Nguyen: Habits start early, right?
Phong: Yes. Once you’ve learnt them, they become lifetime habits.

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