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Good morning/afternoon/evening honored audiences. May the love of Jesus Christ,
our Lord, always be with you.

On this honored event, I am Emily Mongdong will present a speech.

Do you know that on April 2021 the air condition in Jakarta, the capital of
Indonesia, was categorized unhealthy and was ranked as the worst air condition in
the world? Based on the data form IQAir, the air quality index of Indonesia is at
159. The united Nation (UN) explained that 9 of 10 people inhale contaminated
air. It leads to the global health crisis which contributes to the death of 7 million
people every year. Air pollution kills about 800 people every hour or about 13
people every minute. Those number are three times bigger compared to the death
caused by Malaria and AIDS. 93% of children in the world live in the area where
the air pollution exceeds the guideline set by WHO. It causes the death of 600.000
children under 15 because of respiratory tract infection.

There are many factors which contribute to the air pollution, such as home
industries, garbage and carbon emission. Air pollution affects the life and the
health of many people from the small to the big scale. On the small scale, it causes
the lack of oxygen that leads to the suffocation or even death. On the big scale, the
air pollution accelerates the depletion of ozone layer. Based on the fact and the risk
presented before, I want to urge you, us as the nation’s next generation to make a
change for ourselves, our parent, our friends and for our nation, Indonesia.

So, let us be wiser: wiser in living our life, wiser in leading the people
around us to take care of the world as the God’s gift for us. That our lives and that
of God's living creatures may be meaningful and valuable for the future.
Daniel 12:3, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and
those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever”.

That's all I can say, thank you and God Bless

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