30k Ruinstorm Army List

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DAEMONS OF THE RUINSTORM FUNG AS pre! reeled us G Wendetis 431 bales te DAEMONS OF THE RUINSTORM ARMY List ‘With the ending ofthe great empyreal storms that had sealed Terr away from the res ofthe galaxy for generations there had been an extended calm amid the vast unseen oceans ofthe Warp. An invsble le had rolled back scros reality, the powers of those ephemeral creatures known to some ss Daemons waning, and fling inthe face ofthis change. It wa signal for which the Emperor bad long awaited, the sign that ‘would precede His Gres Cradle and the taming of wild gala, an attempr ro suppress once and forall the dark berween the stars that threatened the fare of Mankind. By the power of His armies, both of warriors armed wth blade and bolter nd thot armed with stylus and picte unt the Empezor sought erase all trace ofthe Daemon and its power, to bury the legends and fears of Old Night beneath the burdensome weight of His Truth. It would not lst. Horus and his allies let slip all ofthe guards and locks placed on the Warp andits powers, giving new strength tothe creatures that lay waiting in that ephemeral realm. By means ofthe gret ritual performed on Calth, and the many bloody serifices made on the altar of war, they broke the Emperor’ fragile grip on the Warp and its cruel masters: The Ruinstorm wes loosed upon a galaxy utterly unready for ins fury and Daemons ran wild on uncounted worlds, each left lone amid the 0 die forgotten and unnoticed, playthings fora malignance that took a perverse pleasure in the suffering it caused, Indeed, the madness ofthe war that engulfed the Imperium seemed onl forces that appeared across the galaxy, sending them into frenzies of violence and destruction feed the Daemons In Forms Uncounted and Foul “These creatures were a new and unknown curse upon the galaxy, no codex or archive held any mention o them, for the Emperor had seen to their destruction ot concealment. None were ready for them, | force that paid no heed to military logic or any sane patter of war, force whose wespons obeyed ‘of known physics a force whose only desire was for death and destruction. Though they swept across the 0 lw galaxy like a tide of ruin such was the foul variety of their forms that none saw in them force, but rather a swarm of disparate warbands, Many assumed them tobe some new xenos menace, and ‘even those who saw some fragment ofthe truth could hardly guess at the true scale oftheir peril There are many reports from that dark era, each detailing an incursion by the creatures we now know as Daemons, and each spoke of creatures so vastly different that it seems almost impossible tha they might be aligned. Some were bestial and foul, bronze-furred beasts of war, while others stood tall and beautiful "upon the blood-soaked fields of brie. Few accounts agreed on anything save the sheer vicious savagery of thera xckets,and those who ventured forth found nothing but ruins in their wake, This was a new foe that refused to hold ground, sought no advantage from war save its red bounty of death and lee no clue as to thei final goal. Those who sought to plan tactics o deal with sucha foe found litle help in the reports of their soldiers and less from the ords of the Great Crusade, for these creatures laughed in the face of ‘A Daswow AnworListzox Barris 1 Tie Ace oF DARuNEss ‘This section details the Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm for use as an army list in your The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness games. Furure Forge World products and releases will add to and combine withthe rules and units presented here. Using the Daemons of the Ruinstorm Army List Te Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm army isis a supplementary army list presenting 2 new Faction for The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rules, representing the Daemonic incursions thar were loosed upon the Imperium by the chaos of war and the sorcery of those that fought init, and may be used as the Primary or Allied Detachment of an army. The unit rules, profiles and army lst presented here serve as the basis for the army ist and wil be expanded upon in future books in Forge Worlds Horus Heresy range. In terms of Faction and Allegiance levels,the Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm army list must always be used to represent a force ofthe Traitor Allegiance, and are treated as Agents of the Watmaster for purposes ofthe Allies chart. Designer's Note: The Perils of Infinite Variety | The Daemons of the Rainstorm army lis which is presented over the following pages contains all of | the rules and profiles required in order to field it i any game played using The Horus Heresy: Age of| Darkness rules owever; it remains an unusual and exotic force when compared tothe regimented ranks ofthe Legiones Astartes and other Imperium armies. In play, it operates in a manner quit different from most armies in order to ref Eilts ranks, adit «will pose a tnigue chal cde uniqu aed inhunn news ofthe rears that ng thatwe hope wl nop play | sd cst Lacs sets Ged hapa nce woke vrai 1 to field new opportunities i presents. players to make use of Games Workshop's wide ranges of Daemonic and bestia models in order to bail unique army. This can lead ou numberof nteresing conversions und other modeling roe, stich spr and peel ofthe fn of building noch an ur but can be confining to opponents unfamiliar with it in that unit, and players should avoid using the same models to represent differently equipped units As such, all Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm units should clearly display any options selected on each mode! sir play,and the enjoymer from game to game. Inthe interests ofall involved, take a moment to be certain that your opponent knows what each of your units is and which options you have taken, Dasaons ao Bases The units nd char + listed as part ofthis army list should be represented by models chosen from Games Workshop's larger available to repre cof Daemons and monstrous creatures. Given the wide range ofchoices | hese units, as well asthe wealth of conversion opportunites, players should tse the lst presented here as a guide for basing models appropriately ot to decide ifa given Games ‘Workshop model or unit is appropriate to represent the unit in question. As such, when building conversions or utilising different models to represent units from this army lst the base sizes of the |_ various models should be kept to the guidelines listed here: + Ruinstorm Daemon Lord 30mm base | + Ruinstorm Greater Daemon rj0mm base + Ruinstorm Daemon Chosen. 32mm base + Ruinstorm Daemon Brute somm base + Ruinstorm Lesser Daemons. 32mm base + Ruinstorm Daemon Beasts. 4omm base + Ruinstorm Daemon Swarms, 4gomm base + Ruinstorm Possessed. 32mm base (Legionary) | 25mm base (Auailiary) + Ruinstorm Daemon Cavalry 70 mm x25 mm oval bases + Ruinstorm Daemon Shrikes. ‘60mm base + Ruinstorm Greater Daemon Beasts, 100 mm base + Ruinstorm Daemon Behemoth. 170mm x 105 mm oval base a rE a ‘The following special rules are used by models inthe Daemons of the Ruinstorm army lis as noted on their profiles Daemon of the Ruinstorm Brought forth by the waxing power of he Rusnsorm and the dark magicks of Horas, the Daemons ofthe Rusnstorm were a far dfeent bred than that calle ot by simple tual of summoning. Their power was hei own, the naked might ofthe Warp set loos by its own will and desire without the constraint of mortal laws. ‘Models with this special rule have «s+ invulnerable save and gain the Fear special rule. In addition, they are {immune tothe effects ofthe Fear special rule themselves and automatically pass Pinning, Fear and Regroup tests, and cannot choose to fail a Morale check due to the Our Weapons are Useless rule. When a Morale check taken by s unit with cis special rule is failed, they do not Fall Back as per the standard rules, but Instead suffer Perils of the Warp. ‘Any effector rule that rargets models withthe Daemon special rule also targets and affects models with this special rule as though they had the Daemon rale. {All models with this special rule that suffer Perils ofthe Warp for any reason use the table below instead of the one supplied as part ofthe core rules. (Note that some effects only occur during the Psychic phase — ‘when rolling on this table in other phases, ignore all references to Warp Charges. Wounds inflicted by rolls on this table are allocated by the contr ing playa Ruinstorm Perils of the Warp Table D6 Result x Cross-tide Flux: The mode//unit must reduce its WS, BS and to x until the end ofthe controlling player's next rurn and the unit/model suffers D3 aut ves of any kind allowed, including Feel No Pain rolls. In addition, ifthis result occurs during the Psychic phase then that phase ends immediately and all remaining Warp Charges are discarded, atic wounds with no: 25 the Tides Becalmed: The unit/model suffers Ds automatic wounds wath no saves of any kind allowed, including Feel No Pain rolls. In addition ifthis result occurs during the Psychic phase then roll Der. Both players gain a number of Warp Charges equal to the result 6 Warp Bloom: The model/anit player's next turn. In addition, if this result occurs during the Psychic phase then roll a D3. The Daemons of the Ruinstorm player gains a number of Warp Charges equal tothe result. ts WS, BSand Iby +4 until the end of the controlling Parting the Veil (Realspace Tear) Rarely dos a Daemon hot exist long enough to merch into battle; more often they simpy fing apart the vel between this world and the next before fallin upon those unfortunates in ther path For merely mortal armies such an assault Tf litle real means of defence, for no wall. des of he Wap at bay. 1 fortress could hee the ‘A Daemonic horde cares nothing for deployment zones or military logic. All units in the army with this special rule begin play in Reserve, and no model with ths special rule can be deployed before turn one. At the beginning of the game, after Deployment but before any Infiltrators are deployed ot rolls to Seize the Initiative have been made, the Daemon player must deploy a number of Warp Rift markers as follows: + Each marker must be deployed atleast 6" away from any table edge, and 12" away from any enemy unit and any other Warp Rift marker or objectv + No Warp Rift marker may be placed within difficult terrain, impassable terrain or dangerous terrain o {inside « Building or Fortification * Once deployed, no enemy unit may be placed within 12° of one of these templates during the deployment of nfilteators or other units that deploy outside ofthe normal order. as = a em ‘Wow Rurr anaes ‘A Warp Rift marker shouldbe represented by as" diameter circular template exacly the same as those used to represent Large Blasts. While a spare Large Blast (s") marker will serve «admirably in this role, players may wish to model a solid ‘hemisphere to more accurately show the space filled by the ‘portal ~even better if this is then peinted ina pattern of swirling Warp energy! Ifthe Dscmons ofthe Ruinstorm Detachment is your Primary Detachment, then three Warp Rift markers are deployed. Ifthe Daemons of the Ruinstorm Detachment forms an Allied Detachment ‘or other secondary Detachment then only a single Warp Rift marker is deployed. Should two Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm armies meet in ‘arte then each player may only us those Warp Rift markers they have placed to indicate where they wll deploy models from their ‘own army, while their opponent must use those that they have placed. Each side should mark their Warp Rifts o they can be quickly and ‘These markers ae treated as impassable terrain by both sides, and the edges ofthe markers count asthe table edge forthe Daemons player that placed them for purposes of Flling Back or any other rule ‘requiring them to move towards their own table edge. Any shooting attacks that draw line of sight through 2 Warp Rift marker count as shaving drawn line of sight through another unit and granta cover save tw the target as per the Intervening Models rule. Any models with the Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm special rule that are within 6" of a Warp Rift marker may reroll failed invulnerable saves, " During she controling player's fist urna Reserves oll(see page 1147 of The Honus Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook) of 3+ is made for all models in Reserve withthe Dsemon ofthe Ruinstorm special rile. ‘Any models that pas this test may move onto the table rom any point ‘on the edge of one ofthe Warp Rift markers placed bythe controlling player: Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm units entering play from Ongoing Reserves enter play inthe same fashion. Units that have moved into phi using this method may Run or Shoot without restriction (but count as having moved) but may not declare a charge on the same tur, | atany pointin the game a Diemon ofthe Ruinstorm unit cnnot enter play through a Warp Rift due to other models occupying the space then it must remain in Reserve and cannot enter play by any other method. ‘ales that place modifiers of any kind on Reserves rolls made to see hich Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm units enter play have no effect on ‘models entering pay viaa Warp Rift marker. The vagaries of the Warp pay no heed tothe tactics or technology of Mankind. ‘Tides of Madness (Transient Phenomenon) A Daemon incursion cannot long exist inthe physical realm without a huge ‘expenditure of energy, o the existence of aberrant physical conditions previously ‘thought impossible by Imperium science. As such, the longer an incursion lasts theless powerful it becomes and the easier to obliterate iis, ‘All models with this special rule ae directly affected by the shifting tides ofthe Warp and have their base statistics modified based on the ‘current game rurn as shown on the table below Tum ‘Toughness Strength x s a sé x ” oa wena eg Eanamions oF Hotton (Asexnat TAxoNouY) Infinite in ther foul and ens variety, Daemons cannat be placed into neat brackets like moral trops fr even amongst those of sila clades there were few simulates. Each and every one held some unique cus or bizare ‘mutation, each a new weapon tobe plied in battle against moral man. ‘Any unit with the option to select one or more Emanations of Horror may select options from this list. ‘These are intended to represent the vast panoply of mutations and manifestations of Chaos evidenced by the minions of the Warp, and as such the descriptions given are not intended to enforce the actual appearance of these features but are rather intended as inspiration. Crushing Claws might represent a Dsemonic blade that slices through armour ora set of barbs that teurs at the foe as easly as do armour crunching claws. However, no matter what models or conversions are used to represent options from th lista Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm player should always make it obvious to their opponent which options are represented by what among their collection. Emanations marked with an * are only available to units in Detachments with a specific Aetheric Dominion, Refer to the Aetheric Dominions section that follows for more details on which forces may make use of these Emanations. Note chat ifan Independent Character joins a unit then it does not gain the benefit of Emanations possessed by the unit unless that model also posses likewise Emanations possessed by the Independent Character are not passed on tothe unit unless the ‘unit already possesses that Emanation. In cases where both the character and unit possess the ssme Emanation and its effects are based on the total numberof models in the unit then the characteris included in cha total while itis part ofthe unit. For exam Js with the Flaming Ichor Emanation is joined by an Independent Character with the same Emanation, then itis considered he same Emanation, ‘unit of sx and may make two attacks with that Emanstion in the Shooting phase. Ifthat joined by an Independent Character that did not possess the Flaming Ichor Emanation, only make a single attack in the Shooting phaze ‘The points costs paid for any given Emanation of Horror are ordered into several brackets in each option, with more powerful Daemons paying more for certain Emanations. Note that acost of means that units from that bracket may not select that Emanation, The unit pes in each bracket are shown below. Please bear in mind that every model ina unit of Daemons of the Ruinstorm must have the same Emanstions ‘of Horror, and so ifan Emanation is bought for one model in a unit it must be bought for ll of them. However, separate units of the same type may ha nt arrays of Emanations Bracket One: Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes, Ruinstorm Lesser Daemons, Ruinstorm Beasts Ruinstorm Swarms, Ruinstorin Cava Bracket Two: Ruinstorm Daemon Lords, Ruinstorm Greater Daemons, Ruinstorm Daemon Shrike Ruinstorm Daemon Chosen Bracket Three ster Ruinstorm Daemon Beast, Ruinstorm Daemon Behemoth For example: Ifa player wishes to add Crushing Claws toa unitof Leer Daemons then the costs listed as 5/15/10. As the Leser Ducrons fit in Bracket One, the costo pay iss points per model Aber E BmanationsofHorror ; , ‘Lord of Sorcery (-/25/- points): This unit gains the Peyker special ‘rule and a single level of Psychic Mastery. Additional levels of Mastery ay be purchased ata cost of 25 points per additional level. Only Daemon Lords, Chosen and Greater Daemons may purchase this -Emanation and only Daemon Lords may purchase more than two levels of Mastery Psychic powers may be selected fom any of the disciplines presented in The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook ‘except Malefic or Sanctic Daemonology. ‘Daemonic Wings s/25/- points per model in the unit):"The unit's type is changed from Infantry to Jump Pack Infantry or Jump Pack Monstrous Creaure. ‘Crushing Claws (5/15/10 points per model in the unit): The unit ‘gins the Rending special rule onal close combat attacks it makes. ‘lensing Talons (3/10/s points per model in the unit): The unit ‘gains the Shred special rule om all close combat atacks it makes. ‘Sundering Fangs (5/15/s points per model in the unit): Any aodel inthe unit may choose to make a single attack during the Fight hase, in Initiative tp 1, instead oftheir standard number of atacks “This single attack s made at twice the normal Strength ofthat model (Goa maximum of to) and gins the Sunder special rule. ‘Miasma of Rot? (3/10/15 points per model in the unit): Any enemy unit locked in combat with a nit with this Emanation reduces its Toughness by-1, 05 fit hes an Armour Value instead of « Toughness characteristic, reduce the Armour Value of all facings by-1 while it remains locked in combat or otherwise in base-to-base contact. This cffect is not cumulative, and is applied only once regardless of the ‘numberof units with this Emanation in contact witha given unit. In addition, any reduction to unit's Toughness characteristic imposed by this Emanation does not affect the victims’ Instant Death threshold. [Brass Collars (5/0/15 points per model in the wnit The unit sins the Adamantum Wil special rule and an Armour Save of 3 ‘Stupefying Musk (3/10/ro points per model in the unit): Any ‘unit charged by, or locked in combat with, a unit with this Emanation ‘ust take a Morale check a the beginning of any Fight sub-phase.F the check is failed then chat unit must reduce its Initiative by «for the duration ofthat sub-phase. ‘Warp Scions*(3/,/- points per model in the unit): The unit gains the Brotherhood of Psykers special rule and a Mastery Level of. It _may choose to use any one ofthe following powers: Smit, Flame Breath, [Awa or Pychic Shrek. This must be chosen at the start of the game ‘before deployment and may not be changed. Corrosive Vomit (3/10/15 points per model in the unit): For every three models in the unit (rounding up), one model may attack during the Shooting phase using the following weapon's profile. The range tnd lin of sight forthe attack may be messed from any models inthe unit, burif multiple anacks ae made ina single Shooting phe thea they mrt each be meaared fom seperste model The fools Cen pero these tac maybe changed neck ‘Shooting phase: “ ‘Str AP. oa” Teniplnd Unet 5 ‘Molten Blood (3/s/s points per ‘units locked in combat with it suffer a single Ste (User), Homed Crown (3/10/15 points per model inthe unit): Grant the nit the Hammer of Wrath special rule. f the unit already has this pecial rule then the number of hits inflicted is increased fom 110 D3 (rllonce per unit to determine the number of hits inflicted permodel) ‘Warp- sealed Hide (5/15/25 points per model in the unit): A unit ‘with this Emanation increases its Armour Save to 3+. ‘Quicksilver Speed (3/10/15 points per model in the unit): The unit guins the Fleer and Move Through Cover special rules Flaming Ichor (3/15/20 points per model in the unit) For every five models in the unit (or faction thereof) one model may attack during the Shooting phase using the following weapon's profile (this ‘counts asa flame type weapon). The range and line of sight ofthe artack may be measured from any models inthe uni, but if multiple attacks are made ina single Shooting phase then they must cach be ‘measured from separate models: Weapon Range Str AP Type Flamingichor 13" User. 5 Assault 1, Blast (3"), Soul Blaze, é (Crawling Fire Ey Spine Volley (3/5/10 points per model inthe unit: All models in the unit may attack during the Shooting phase using the following weapon's profile Weapon Range Spine woley 2 Ste AP Type Userx 5 Assault Bone Shard Harpoons (3/5/10 points per model in the wnt): All — models in the unit may atack during the Shooting phase using the following weapons profile: Weapon Range Bone shard harpoon 12" Ste AP Type User 4 Assault 1, Pinning rel Ephemeral Terror (1/s/-points per model in the unit): Models ‘with this Emanation do not suffer the penalty for ane Initiative in the ensuing combat. Shroud of Darkness (5/15/20 points per modelin the ‘Models charging «unt with this Emanation donot gui be from charging. sé Cl ‘AETHERIC DoMINIONS ¢ ‘Though mortal man might see the forces of the Warp as a unified host of monsters, this was far from the truth, Within the depths ofthe Warp there sted a numberof powers each with its own agenda and desires, and each with ts own hosts. ‘Aaemonsof the Ruinstorm army may selectasingle Aetheric Dominion. As ong ast forms the Primary Detachment ofthe army, the strictures ofthe chosen Dominion apply tall unis and models inthe Primary Detachment with the Daemon of the Ruinstorm special ul. 1 the Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm army forms an Aled Detachment, it may seleta Dominion, but the army may not choose to make use of ts Special Objective or Warlord Tait able Resplendent Terror (Chaos mits purest form sa teror that few an stand before and remain sane t hungers only for destruction, that all ‘things moral meet their predestined end and crumble into dust ob forgotten. formless and eternal hated whore only goal isthe end ofall that Lives. ‘An army with this Dominion may select any Emanation of Hate, including those usually restricted to any of, the other Aetherie Dominions. ‘Warlord Trait - When sin this Aetheric Dominion, a Warlord Trait may be generated from any one of the Aetheric Dominion Warlord Trait tables. {In addition, an army whose Primary Detachment has this Dominion may choose to replace all other Primary (Objectives in any mission with the following Primary Objective their opponent’ objectives remain unchanged, as doany Secondary Objectives in play): End of Days: Each enemy unit destroyed, removed from play or forced to flee from the battlefield scores the Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm player Victory point. ay tb Wt. ae Crimson Fury “The dark fury of bate and the red jy fbf fnal end. For some among the hordes ofthe Warp, the only goal was to {ight and to di— it mattered not where or why as ong as blood flowed. For such vile warriors, the result of bate was Counted i sells and death, whether friend or foe. Al models in the Detachment withthe Infantry Jump Pack Infantry, Beasts or Cavalry unit type gun the Rage special rule. Models with the Monstrous Creature, Flying Monstrous Creature, Gargantuan Creature or GGargantuan Flying Creature uni type instead gain the Rampage special rule. All models in the Detachment must declare a charge fable when they begin the Assault phase within 12° ‘ofan enemy unit. If there is more than one eligible target, the controlling player chooses the target of any charges made ‘Any unitin this Detachment may take the Brass Collars Emanation; ifthe unit consists of multiple models then all models in the unit must take this upgrade, ‘A Daemon Lord with this Dominion may choose to generate a Warlord Trait from the following table instead of any of those found in The Honus Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook D6 Warlord Trait 12 Skull Keeper: This Warlord and any friendly unit with the Daemon of the Ruinstorm special rule within 6 of the Warlord may add +D3 to the Wounds value calculated to see if they win combat in the Assault phase. 3-4 Aegis of Rage: Each time this Warlord, or any friendly unit with the Daemon of the Ruinstor special rule within 12°,i targeted by a Psychic Power, the Warlord may attempt ro Deny the Witch as though they were Psyker ofa higher Mastery Level than the Psyker manifesting the power and a part ofthe unit being targeted (fegardless of actual Mastery Levels). Ifthe Deny the Witch attempt is failed, the Psychic Power is resolved as normal and affects only its original target 5-6 Path of Blood: Whenever this Warlord decatesa charge it may rolla number of dice equal tits Attacks value to determine the distance oved, keeping the two highest results and discarding all other dice In addition, an army whose Primary Detachment has this Dominion may choose to replace all other Primary (Objectives in any mission with the following Primary Objective (their opponent's objectives remain anchanged, as do any Secondary Objectives in play The Blood must Flow: The Daemons of the Ruinstorm player gains 1 Victory point for every unit (friendly or enemy) that has been destroyed either in combat, due to the results of an Overwatch attack or as pat of Sweeping Advance SS SS ES Creeping Scourge ‘Aavenlessufering, sow and unfit no fn reese in death Among the hss of Chas there were thse who cared nothing for victory or defeat oly that fering was spread oa many as pose. For sh rate twas bythe ‘spread of thr vile gifsthal they measured sce, nat by sch paltry measure as mle death. ‘All models inthe Detachment with the Infantry, Jump Pack Infantry, Beasts or Cavalry unit type gain the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule. Models withthe Monstrous Creature, Flying Monstrous Creature (Gargantuan Creature or Gargantuan Flying Creature unit type instead gain the It Will Not Die special rule. Units included as part ofthis Detachment rol an additional Dé when making Run moves or Sweeping ‘Advances and use the lowest rolled dice to determine the distance moved. ‘Any unit inthis Detachment may take the Miasma of Rot Emanation; ifthe unit consists of multiple models then all models in the unit must take this upgrade. ‘A Daemon Lord with this Dominion may choose to generate a Warlord Trait from the following table {instead of any of those found in The Horus Heresy: Age of Derknes Ruleboole Dé Warlord Test 2 Blight Walker: This Warlord andal iendly unis with the Diemon ofthe Ruistorm special rule within 6 are considered to always roll 6 when called upon to take Dificalt Terrain tests and Dangerous Terrain ters 3-4 Monolith of Rot: This Warlord may re-rollall failed Feel no Pain or It Will Not Die tests. 5-6 Pestilent Cloud: All units within 3" of this Warlord at the end of any Fight sub-phase that do not shave the Daemon of the Ruinstorm special rule suffer Dé Str 2, AP-hits. These hits and any casualties caused do not count for combat resolution, In addition, an army whose Primary Detachment has this Dominion may choose to replace all other Primary ‘Objectives in any mission with the following Primary Objective (their opponent’ objectives remain unchanged, as do any Secondary Objectives in play) ‘Torment without End: At the end ofthe game, after the final turn has been played, the Daemons of the Ruinstorm player gains 2 Victory points for every table quarter that has a Warp Rift marker init,no enemy units within 6 of that Warp Rift marker and a least one friendly Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm unit within 6” of that Rift marker. Lurid Onslaught [Armaddening ech ofsesation and wild impulis. Lf deat, victory and defeat ~all one andthe same. For ome among the ends tide of msanity it tray mateed not the outcome of the fighting, merely that they were thee to take part and io experence is vicissitudes to force that lurid dream upon the fe, that was the ony goal All models in the Detachment gain the Hitand Run special rule ‘No unit included as pat of this army may benefit from a cover save, except one provided by the Jink special rule. ‘Any unit in this Detachment may take the Stupefying Musk Emanation; ifthe unit consists of multiple ‘models then all models in the unit must take this upgrade. ‘A Daemon Lord with this Dominion may choose to generate a Warlord Trait from the following table instead of any of those found in The Horus Heresy: Age of Dareness Rulebook: Dé Warlord Trait 4-2 Inhuman Grace: When fighting ina Challenge against « model with s higher Initiative value, the [nivative vale of this Warlord is increased to he equal to that ofits opponent. Flickering Gait: This Warlord, and any friendly unit with the Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm special rule within 6 do not rol dice when choosing to Run in the Shooting phase, but instead always move the maximum amount possible for that unit “Loping Charge: This Warlord, and any friendly unit with the Daemon of the Rainstorm special rale within 6 add +1 to the distance moved when making a Charge in the Assault phase ~ this makes the ‘maximum possible Charge distance for these units 13°. In addition, an army whose Primary Detachment has this Dominion may choose to replace all other Primary (Objectives in any mission with the following Primary Objective (¢heic opponents objectives remain unchanged, as do any Secondary Objectives in play): A Twisted Dream: The Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm player scores Victory point whenever an enemy unit fails Morale check (this does not include ests made to Regroup, but does include Pinning test, Fear tests and checks made due othe Stupefying Musk Emanation). However, ny enemy unit that succeeds at any ‘of these checks due toa result of Insane Heroism (a double 1) reduces the total numberof Victory points scored by this army by D3. Maddening Swarms “Twisting changing and pervring, the raw power of Chaos was a power tobe reckoned with, power tha the Emperor ‘Himsef had tried and failed to contain. Some of its servants saw no higher purpose than the promulgation ofthat power, of ts profligate use onthe bales of the mortal real. By the demonstration of its power dd they count their vcore. ‘All models inthe Detachment may select an additional Emanation of Hortor. ‘Any unit capable of manifesting a psychic power, which does not attempt to do so during the controlling player's Peychic phase, must roll an extra die for ll Morale checks and Leadership tests for the remainder of the game turn and use the two highest dice rolled to calculate the result ofthat test. ‘Any unit that consists of more than one model may select the Warp Scions Emanation, ‘A Daemon Lord with this Dominion may choose to generate a Warlord Trait from the following table instead of any of those found in The Horas Hevesy: Age of Darkness Rulebook: D6 Warlord Trait x2 Font of Madness: In each Psychic phase, this Warlord generates Warp Charge points equal tots Mastery Level +1. Ifthis Warlord does not have the Psyker special rule then it generates D3 Warp ‘Charge points per Psychic phase (this does not allow them to manifest Psychic Rowers) 34. Aetheric Lightning Rod: For each unit with the Psyker special rue within 6" ofthis Warlord during ‘given Assault phase, it gains an additional attack in close combat. 56 Oracle of Chaos: When making any rolls to determine when friendly Reserves srrve in play or for ‘which table edge friendly Oueflanking units arrive on, the dice may be reolled while this Warlord is both alive and deployed upon the battlefield In addition, an army whose Primary Detachment has this Dominion may choose to replace all other Primary ‘Objectives in any mission with the following Primary Objective (their opponent’ objectives remain ‘unchanged, as do any Secondary Objectives in play) ‘Warp Conflagration: Each cnemy unit destroyed, removed frm play o forced to flee the table by a rychic Power or by wounds caused by a Prychic Power scores x Victory pint forthe Daemons of the Ruinstorm player Inaddltion, if «or more Warp Charge pints were allocated toa power tat destroys ot ctherwise removes from play an enemy unit then it scores x additional Vetory point forthe Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm player. a a Mirror of Hatred Such isthe hated that suis within the Warp that it encompase al things, and like the dragon of ett that fasts ds ld 1b foi, for Chaos was both its name and nature. Yet in ts self destructive hated there was no all tobe found, only a atonal and sane loge from creatures such as these upon ts oum al this hated to stlf To expe nw and more unpredictable foe {ll models in the Detachment gain the Hatred (Daemons, Daemons of the Ruinstorm & Psykers) special rule. ‘An army using this Aetheric Dominion for its Primary Detachment may not include an Allied Detachment. ‘A Daemon Lord with this Dominion may choose to generate a Warlord Trait from the following table instead of any of those found in The Horus Heresy: Ageof Darkness Rulebook D6 Warlord Trait 4-2 The Allis One: When this Warlord is involved in a Challenge against a model with any of the Psyker; Daemon or Daemon of the Ruinstorm special rues, he controlling player may choose to use the Weapon Skill and/or Initiative characteristics ofthe opposing model forthe duration ofa given Fight phase. This does not alter the characteristics of the opposing model 3-4 Avatar of Hatred: This Warlord gains the effects of Hatred (Daemons, Daemons of the Ruinstorm and Peykers) ducing any Fight Sub-phase, not just the first. 5 Inimitable Recursion: When a Warlord with this rat is reduced to 0 Wounds, roll a D6, On the ned instead of roll ofa 6, the model is placed into Ongoing Reserves with al ofits Wounds re being removed from play This Warlord Trait may b snonce in a given battle, and there {sno limit to the number of times a model may be returned to Ongoing Reserves. However, once this rolls failed, the model may not be returned to play by any other means. Ifthe Slay the Warlord Secondary Objective isin play, then it may be scored each time this Warlord is reduced to 0 Wounds. In addition, an amy whose Primary Detachment has this Dominion may choose to replace all other Primary Objectives in any mission with the following Primary Objective (their opponent’ objectives remain unchanged) ‘The Infinite Cycle: The Daemons of the Ruinstorm player scores 1 Victory point foreach enemy unit with. any of the Psyker, Daemon or Daemon of the Ruinstorm special rules thats destroyed, removed from play unit with any of the Psykey, tlefeld a cot forced to flee from the loses x Victory point for each friend Daemon or Daemon of the Ruinstorm special rules tat is destroyed, removed from play ot forced to flee from the battlefield. fat the end of the game, Victory points then they are considered to have won, regardless of the number of Victory points scored by their opponent le Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm player has scored exactly e70 ret 2a o-1 RutnstorM Damon Lorp 200 POINTS Ruinstorm Daemon Lord Ruinstorm Daemon Brute Unit Composition Ruinstorm Daemon Lord Unit Type Ruinstorm Daemon Lord: Monstrous Creature (Character) Ruinstorm Daemon Brute: Infantry Wargear + Close combat weapon (claws, Daemonic blades, horns, etc) Special Rules Daemon of the Ruinstorm Tide of Madness Parting the Veil Vanguard of Hell Lord of Chios (Ruinstorm Daemon Lord only Eternal Warrior (Ruinstorm Daemon, Lord only) Hammerof Wrath (Ruinstorm Daemon, Brutes only Guardian Daemon (Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes only) Bs me Ming Cs hasta See 5 eee Ok bh ls 3a Meee ee yak Far, 3 8 ae Options + “The Ruinstorm Daemon Lord may select up to of Horror. These do not need tobe the same as those taken by any Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes included inthis unit. + May change its type to: Flying Monstrous Creature (Char +30 poin This option may not be selected if any Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes, axe part ofthe unit, Emanations + The unit may include: Upto three Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes 50 points ech + The Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes inthis unit may tke upto two Emanations of Horror, All ofthe Rusnstorm Brutes must have the same Emanations of Hortor Lord of Chaos ‘ARuinstorm Daemon Lord must always be the armys Warlord. | Guardian Daemon When a unit that includes one or more model with this special rule suffers hits duting the Shooting phase, those hits must be allocated to models with this special rule frst, before any other | model, regardless of position or line of sight ‘Vanguard of Hell On the firs turn ofthe game, ifs unit is composed entirely of models with this special rule, then no rol is made to see fit enters ply. Instead, the controlling player may choose whether it comes into play without rolling If the unit remains in Ongoing Reserves, or re-enters, (Ongoing Reserves, then it must be rolled for as normal on Flying Monstrous Creature When entering play, a Ruinstorm Daemon Lord upgraded to erplay Gliding ot Swooping in its initial movement. The movement «Flying Monstrous Creature may choose to ether e mode used must be declared before the Reserves rll forthe unit ismade, “= oe Ka’BANDHA, DAEMON GENERAL OF SicNUS 460 POINTS ws BS Ss ate 1 A id wv Kabandha ay dS m8 fed 74, Fr a Unit Composition Wargear Special Rules + (Unique) + Close combat wespon + Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm (zemonicaxeand whip) + Tides of Madness Unit Type + Molten Blood * Farting the Veil + Hing Monstrous Crete Emanation of Horror + Vanguard of Hell (Character) + Bras Collars * Lord of Murder Eneartion of Hoarce + Mises ofBage + Homed Crown » Sunder Ems Lord of Murder Katbandha may only be selected as part ofan army using the Crimeon Pury Aetheric Dominion, and must be the army's Warlord. Kelbhanda uses the | skull Keeper Warlord Tit fom the Crimson | Fury Aetheric Dominion Warlord table, and gains | the Eternal Warrior special rule Miasma of Rage Katbandha,and any models within 12", adds +x tothe result of any rolls made to determine how ‘many attacks itis granted by the Rampage special rule (granted to iby the Crimson Pury Aetheric Dominion). In addition, Kabandha gains 4+ ‘invulnerable save a long a itis currently locked {in combat or involved in a Challenge. ‘Vanguard of Hell ‘On the frst turn ofthe gume,ifa unit is composed entitely of models with this special rule then no rolls made to se iit enters play Instead, the controlling player may choose whether it comes into play without rolling Ifthe unit remains in Ongoing Reserves or re enters Ongoing Reserves, then it must be rolled for as normal on subsequent rurns. ation of Horror IeWill Not Die Scythe of Hatred + Eternal Rivalry Scythe of Hatred Atthe end of any Assault phase after the results ofany combats have been worked out and Sweeping Advances and Consolidations have been completed, Katbandha may release its fury a tremendous strike that damages any who are caught in ts path, To resolve this attack, the controlling player should place a Hellstorm template angled in any dizection of their choice and with the narrow end in contact with Kabandha’s base. Any units underneath the template numberof wounds Kabandha caused during the preceding Assault phase, each a Str 6, AP 1 a number of hits equal t the Bternal Rivalry Ifany enemy army includes Sanguinius abandha gains the Preferred Enemy (Sanguinius) and Hatred (Sanguinius) special rules and the following Secondary Objective is phiced into effec: Eternal Rivalry: IfSanguinius is removed as 2 casualty while iis fighting in a Challenge against Karbandha, the Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm player scores 2 Victory points ~ ths sin addition to any points scored for Slay the Warlord. However, if Kabandha is removed as a casualty while itis fighting in a Challenge against Sanguinius, then the Daemons of the Ruinstorm player instead loses x Victory point. Flying Monstrous Creature When entering play, Kebandha may choose to either enter play Gliding or Swooping ints initial movement. The movement mode used must be declared before the Reserves roll fr the unit ismade, 248 Samus UNBOUND, DAEMON Lor OF THE RUINSTORM 415 POINTS ws BS s Ree 1 A ld Sv ‘Samus Unbound 9 s 8 7 Zz 9 6 10 ‘Unit Composition Special Rules + 1 (Unique) + Daemon ofthe Ruinsorm + Tides of Madness Unit Type + Parting the Veil + Monstrous Creature + Lord of Marder (Character) + Amourbane + Murderous Strike Wargear + Wil Not Die + Close combat weapon (claws, * Born of Murder fangs and Daemonic blade) ‘+ Whispers of Madness ‘+ Molten Blood mansion of Horor + Brass Collars ‘Emanation of Horror + Quicksilver Speed Emanation of Horror Lord of Murder ‘Samus Unbound may only be selected a pert fan army using the Resplendent Terror Aetheric Dominion, and must be the army's Warlord. Samus Unbound uses the Pah of Blood Warlord Trait fom the Crimson Fury Aetherc Dominion Werlord Trait able and gains the Eternal Warrior special rule Born of Murder ‘fa model with the Character type fs killed on any turn before Samus Unbound is deployed, place ‘counter or other marker within 3" of where they died. On the controlling player's next urn, this ‘marker is treated asa Warp Rift matker for this turn ony, following all che standard rules for Warp Rifts as detailed inthe Parting the Veil rule with the exception that no Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm ‘model other than Samus Unbound may be deployed using this Warp Rift marker. After the controlling players rur, the Warp Rift markers removed. ‘When being deployed in this manner, Samus Unbound does not need to pass Reserves roll. Instead, | Samus Unbound is automatically deployed. “This special rule does not prevent Stmus Unbound being deployed earlier in the game using the standard Parting the Vei ule. ‘Whispers of Madness 1fSamus Unbound is part of your army, all enemy Reserves rolls ate made at-1, regerdless of whether or ‘not Samus isin play. In addition, enemy models placed in Ongoing Reserves will fil to appear on any particular turn on a D6 roll ofr. 1fSamus Unbound is part of your army, the Warp Charge cost of any blessing type Paychic Power used during the game (by either side) is increased by + ‘Models in combat with Samus Unbound, as well as those taking Fear tests in order to charge Samus Unbound, have their Leadership value halved unless they have the Stubborn or Fearless special rules. Designer's note: This profil doesnot imualidate previously released profiles forthe Daemon Lord Samus, rather ‘his specif profile represents the unbound incarnation ofthat ancient Daemonic entity intended tbe wsed as part of Daemons ofthe Runstom army. = eee: age SEES SEL Con’Bax UTTERBLIGHT UNBOUND, DAEMON Lorb oF THE RUINSTORM 425 POINTS ws 8 Ey, Adee Caayae Cor'bax Utterblight 6 3 7 8 8 3 s ro 4 ‘Unit Composition ‘Special Rules + (Unique) + Lord of Decay ‘+ Daemon of the Ruinstorm Unit Type + Tides of Madness + Monstrous Creature + Parting the Veil (Charactet) + Payker (Mastery evel) + Gaping Maw ‘Wargear + Noisome Tide of Flesh * Close combat weapon (talons, fetid bulk, fanged maw) +” Shroud of Darkness ‘Emanation of Horror + Miasma of Rot Emanation of Horror + Crushing Claws Emanation of Horror Lord of Decay Corbax Utterblight Unbound may only be selected a part of an army which uses the Creeping Scourge ‘Actheric Dominion, and must be the army’s Warlord. Cor’bax Urterblight Unbound uses the Festilent ‘Cloud Warlord Trait from the Creéping Scourge Aetheric Dominion Warlord Trait table, and gains the Eternal Warrior special rule. Psyker (Covbax Utterblight Unbound has the Payker special rule and two levels of Paychic Mastery, it may _generate powers from the Biomancy discipline only. Gaping Maw When fighting agains Infantry models any To Hit rolls fs or 6 made in the Assault phase by Corbax have the Instant Death special rule. Roll To Wound and save with these attacks separately. Noisome Tide of Flesh Coc bax Urterblight Unbound inflicts D3 Hammer of Wrath hits when charging It ignores all dangerous terain and dificult terrain. Itcounts as being armed with assault grenades when cherging, {In addition if iis destroyed replace its model with the Massive Blast (7°) template. All models under the template that do not have the Daemon of Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm special rule suffer a single Poisoned (4+) AP 4 hit—if this affects Vehicle model, teat the Strength of any hits inflicted as 2 Designer's note: This profil does nat invalidate previously released profiles for the Daemon Lord Cor bax, rather this specifi profile represents he unbound incarnation ofthat ancient Daemonic entity intended tobe used as pat of Daemons ofthe Runstorm army. RuinsTorM Greater DAEMON (HQ) 160 POINTS fwoiast hese wit A. Ido RuinstormGreaterDaemon 5 4 7 6S 4 t Unit Composition Special Rules + Ruinstorm Greater Diemon + Daemon of the Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness ‘Unit Type. + Parting the Veil + Monstrous Creature (Character) Options + The unt may select upto three options from the Emanations of Wargear Horr list, + Close combat weapon (claws, ‘Daemonic blades, horns, etc.) RumnstorM DagMon CHOSEN (HQ) 50 POINTS We 6 tT wor A om RuinstormDaemonChosen 5 4 = $$ 3H STO te ‘Unit Composition ‘Special Rules ‘+ 1Ruinstorm Daemon Chosen + Daemon of the Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness Unit Type + Parting the Veil + Infantry (Character) + Independent Character + shepherd of Malign Intent Wargear + Close combat weapon (claws, Options Daemonic blades hornsetc) _» The unit may selec upto thre options from the Emanatons of ‘Horror list. Shepherd of Malign Intent ‘At the start of the game, before any models are deployed, this model may be given one special rule fom the list presented below Once chosen, this special rule may not be changed forthe duration of the game: + Preferred Enemy (Infantry) «Preferred Enemy (Bike, etbike and Cavalry) «Preferred Enemy (Monstrous Creature and Fying Monstrous Creare) a6 eS SSS = = SPER Fe RutnstorM Daemon Brutes 150 POINTS ws (380s) or wi oT Reese Ruinstorm Daemon Brute 4 Unit Composition + 3 Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes Unit Type + Infantry Wargear *+ Close combat weapon (claws, Daemonic blades, horns, etc.) Special Rules + Daemon of the Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness + Parting the Vell + Hammerof Wrath + Vanguard of Hell 4 6 Si 3 ee Options + The unit may take: - Upto 3 additional Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes..#S0 points each “The unit may select up to two options from the Emanations of Horror list. Vanguard of Hell On the first tur ofthe game, ifa unit is composed entirely of| ‘models with this special rule, then no rol is made to see ifit enters pay. Instead, the controlling player may choose whether it comes into play without rolling 1f the unit remains in Ongoing Reserves, or re-enters ‘Ongoing Reserves, then it must be rolled for as normal on subsequent rurns. RuinstorM Lesser DaEMoNs (TROOPS) 60 POINTS ws Bo os T W I A Wd wv RuinstormLesserDaemon 4 4 4 0 4 24g ‘Unit Composition Options ‘+ SRuinstorm Lesser Dsemons + The unit may take: = Upto 15 additional Ruinstorm Lester Daemons ..112 points each Unit Type + The unit may select up to three options from the Emanations of + Infanery Horror list. Wargear *+ Close combat weapon (claws, Daemonic blades, horns, tc.) Special Rules + Daemon ofthe Rainstorm + Tides of Madness «Parting the Veil RutnstorM DAEMON Beasts (Troops) 75 POINTS ws s tT WIA Ww RuinstormDaemonBeass 4 4 = $$ 2H Rt ‘Unit Composition Special Rules + 4 Rulnstorm Daemon Beasts + Daemon of the Runstorm + Tide oF Madness, ‘Unit Type. + Parting the Veil + Beasts Options Warpear Theunir may tke: + Close combat wespon (laws, = Upto 7aditional Ruinstorm Daemon Beasts... pints each ‘Daemonic blades,horns,ete.) + The unit may select up to two options from the Emanations of Horror lis. RutnstorM DAEMON SWARMS (TROOPS) 60 POINTS ws Bos T W I A Wd ov Ruinstorm Diemon Swarms 22-23 #3 DS Unit Composition Special Rules ‘+ }Ruinstorm Daemon Swarms + Daemon of the Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness Unit Type + Parting the Veil + Infanery + Support Unit + Swarms Wargear + Close combat weapon (claws, Options Daemonicbladeshorns.etc) + The unit may take: = Upto additional Ruinstorm Daemon Swarms....+20 points each + The unit may select one option from the Emanations of Horror list. RuinstorM PossesseD ws Possessed Legionary + Possessed Auliary 3 Unit Composition + 10 Possessed Auxiliaries Unit Type + Infantry Bes on wer Rade 4 3 50 POINTS ere a Gare 7a) te ee ice = Upto 10 additional Possessed Aula for n¢5 points each All Possessed Auxila i the unit may exchange their Auvilia rifle for = Lasplstob Meda Bicd ‘Wargear (Possessed Ausilia) Forevery ive Possessed Aula nthe unitone model may + Close combat weapon ‘exchange its Auxilia ifle for one ofthe following options: + Aula rifle = Heavy stubber +10 points per model = Rotor cannon .. +10 points per model ‘Wargear (Possessed Legionary) - Flamer +10 points per model + Close combat weapon ~ Plasma gun... “415 points per model * Bolrgun > Meltagun... “+45 points per model + Power armour + Grenade launcher (rag & kral) 40 pots per model All Possessed Auli in the unit may be upgraded to: Special Rules Possessed Legionares.. --45 points per model + Slaves to Darkness All Possessed Legionaresin the unit may exchange their bolgun + Suppore Unie for Bolt pistol... Free For every five Possessed Legionaies inthe unit, one model may ‘exchange its boligun for one ofthe following options: ~ Flamer. ~+10 points per model ~ Plasma gun, vw» #15 points per model = Melta gun +15 points per model ‘One Possessed Leplonay in the unt may choose o exchange ts lose combat weapon for one ofthe following: +10 points +415 points “35 points #20 points Slaves to Darkness ‘This unit may not control objectives and Independent Characters may not join it. In addition, no player muy ever score Victory points forthe destruction or removal ofthis unit from play. ‘Note that as thsi doe not ave he Daemon of the Ruinstorm pcial rl ain no benefit from an Atheic Dominion and does not start the game in reserve automatically or deploy using Warp Rifts. Instead, itis deployed ‘normally within the standan deployment zone in we forthe mision Being played. This allows fora numberof tactical gambits on the part of a Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm player, from protecting eiial rifts sel up within their ‘nadtonaldeplayment oe, increasing available fireower in aly urs of he game or providing a cheap, Aiggsbl foc for ching doum flanks end dispersing enemy wis 249) ees RuinstorM DAEMON CALVARY (FAST ATTACK) 125 POINTS ws mB os T W Tr A id Sv RuinstormDaemonCavalry 4 4 4 #2 HO Unit Composition Special Rules +s Ruinstorm Daemon Cavslry + Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness Unit Type + Parting the Veil + Cavalry Options ‘Wargear + The unit may take: + Close combat weapon (claws, ‘Upto 5 additonal Ruinstorm Daemon Cavalry ..+25 points each Daemonicblades,horns.et:) + The unit may select upto two options from the Emanations of Horror ist. RUINSTORM DAEMON SHRIKE (FAST ATTACK) 160 POINTS we ialea tw Mg a ta: «by, | Ruinstorm Daemon Shrike 4 4 7 6 S$ 4 4 10 4 Unit Composition Special Rules + 1 Ruinstorm Daemon Shrike + Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness Unit Type + Parting che Veil + Flying Monstrous Creature (Character) Options + ‘The unit may select upto :wo options from the Emanations of + Wargear Hortor list. + Close combat weapon (claws, Daemonic blades, horns, etc) lying Monstrous Creature ‘When entering pla, 2 Ruinstorm Daemon Shrike may choose tweither enter play Gliding or Swooping in its initial movement. ‘The movernent mode used must be declared before the Reserves roll forthe units made. a SS ae a Gaearer Ruinstorm DAEMON Beast (HEAVY SUPPORT) ws Greater Beast ‘ Unit Composition + 1 Greater Ruinstorm Daemon Beast Unit Type ‘+ Monstrous Creature Wargear *+ Close combat weapon (claws, Daemonic blades, horns etc.) RuinstoRM DAEMON BEHEMOTHS (HEAVY SUPPORT) ws Rainstorm Daemon Behemoth 4 Unit Composition + Ruinstorm Daemon Behemoth Unit Type + Monstrous Creature ‘Wargear + Close combat weapon (claws, ‘Daemonic blades, horns, ete 100 POINTS Be! igh C0 lp ee PERI ON 14 ns 8/0665, en ie gers Special Rules + Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness + Parting the Veil Options + The Horror lis. 12y seleet up to three options from the Emanations of + The unit may take: - Upto wo additional Greater Ruinstorm Daemon Beasts +200 points each 300 POINTS ea Sw A ae ir ae ee ae eee Special Rules + Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm + Tides of Madness + Parsing the Veil *+ Unstoppable Options + The unit may select up to three options from the Emanations of Horror list, Unstoppable | ny racket normal inf nant Death sta te target del removed from ply ten inflies D3 wounds ons mode with thi spec ral Ta adn, aac made with | Batcparceetecoud pechlanes cal anes yeond os sal ofstunlesrtheanacker¥Snengthwouldeaucawoundoas | lower seul Runstorm Arcu-DAEMON 600 POIN ESB Won BA: Tay (8 Ruinstorm Arch-Daemon 6 5 9 8 1 3 6 10 4 Unit Composition Options + 1Ruinstorm Arch-Diemon + The Arch-Daemon may seler up to three options from the following Unit Type = Lord of Chaos nn 4$0 points + Garganraan Creature ~ Reaper of Souls. E 425 pints (Character) + Breaker ofTians as pale Fontof the Warp ee en #100 points Wargear = Wound in Reality ee +2 points *+ Close combat weapon (las, Beyond Death 450 points Daemonicbladeshornsete.) __~Tortent of Unreality e430 points Warp Blast i monot3S points Special Rules Rend Time and Space 450 points + Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm = Warp forged Pate nnn +50 points + Tides of Madness + May change ts type to + ering the Vell Flying Gargantuan Creature (Character) #100 points ‘The following comprises options for use by Ruinstorm Arch- Daemons: ‘Lord of Chaos: A model with this option gains. 4+ Invulnerable save against Shooting attacks and a 3+ Invulnerable save while locked in combat. Reaper of Souls: A model with this option may choose to sacrifice its normal attacks in close combat to make a number of attacks equal tothe number of models in any one unit itis locked in combat with. These attacks are resolved at half (rounding down) is current Strength, AP2 [Breaker of Titans: A model with this option may choose to sacrifice its normal attacks in close combat to make a number of attacks that are equal to half (ounding down) ofits current Attacks score, but at SwrD,AP1. Font of the Warp: A model with this option gains the Psyker special rule, Mastery Level 4 and may generate Peychic Powers from any discipline in The Horas Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook except ‘Sanctic or Malefic Daemonology. In addition, the controlling player does not add this models Mastery Level tothe total of Warp Charges ‘generated fora given Psychic phase, but instead adds this model's ccurrent remaining Wounds. ‘Wound in Reality: A model with this option that loses its last ‘Wound explodes as hough it had the Catastrophic Damage special rule (see page 90 of the The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook) and had lost its final Hull point. Beyond Death: A model with this option that loss its last Wound ‘snot immediately removed from pla. Instead, the controlling ‘player rollsa Dé. On 244, the models instead placed into Ongoing Reserves with Dé Wounds remaining, Ona 3 ores, itis removed from play asa casualty This effect may only be triggered once per model in any game. ‘Torrent of Unreality: A model with this option may atack during the Shooting phase using the following profile: Weapon Range Str AP Type ‘Torrent of Hellstorm 6 + ‘Assault 1, Soul Blaze Unreality ‘Warp Burst: A model with this option may attack during the ‘Shooting phase using the following profile: Weapon Range Str AP Type Assault 1, ‘Warp Burst a eas Massive Blast (7) Rend Time and Space: A model with this option may,at the end of any oftheir own player turns, place an additional Warp Rift marker anywhere within 2” ofthe models base. This new Warp Rift marker ‘may not be placed in dangerous terrain or difficult terrain, and may not be within 6 of another Warp Rift marker or Objective marker, “This special rule may only be used once per game and may not be used while the Arch-Daemon is locked in combat. ‘Warp forged Plate: A model which has this option gains 22+ Armour Save. DAEMONOLOCY Using Daemonology in games of The Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness ‘The Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm army list adds Daemons and heir servants to the ranks of those factions vying to control the destiny ofthe Imperium, and as such forces some changes tothe Malefic Daemonology psychic discipline. The altered version ofthat discipline presented here should be used instead of that presented in The Horas Heresy: Age of Darkness Rulebook. ‘When models from the Daemons ofthe Ruinstorm army list are summoned using Malefic Daemonology powers, they ose the Daemon ofthe Ruinstorm, Tides of Madness and Parting the Veil special rules and. {instead have the Daemon and Fearless special rules. Daemon units summoned using a Malefic Daemonology power may choose a single Emanations of Horror but no other options, this Emanation of Horror must be declared when the unit is deployed into the game, Summoned Daemons do not benefit from an Aetheric Dominion taken by any Detachment ina friendly army and may not select one for themselves. ‘Summoned Daemons ae counted as having the same Allegiance as the model which manifested the CConjuring power that causes them to enter play. In some instances this may result in Daemon units with the Loyalist Allegiance, an example ofthe tools ofthe enemy being used against him or the wanton destruction, caused by the Traitors working against their overall plans for conquest. nas | ‘This update is intended to bring summoned Daemons in line with the new rules for Ruinstorm ‘Daemons, though it should be noted that summoned Daemons are intentionally less powerful than their unbound kin. In terms ofthe narrative of the Horus Heresy, this helps to reinforce the idea that L to the more clearly defined and understood menace they represent in later millennia. me ‘DAEMONOLOGY ~ MALEFIC Powers Warp Charge 3 ‘The payer completes a ileal that echoes though the male, summoning Dacron into the mortal alm. ‘Summoningisa conjuration with arange of 12° that creates one unt of ro Ruinstorm Lesser Daemons. x.Cursed Earth ‘Warp Charge 1 “The psyer becomes conduit through whick the energies ofthe Warp flow; tainting the very ground and sustaining the Daemons tat walk upon it, (Cuned Earth isa blessing that targets the Psycer. Whilst the power isin effect all models with the Daemon special rule (friend ot foe) within 12" ofthe Psyker have a +1 bonus to their invulnerable save normally increasing itto 44). Thisis cumulative with any other ‘modifiers to a Daemon's invulnerable save. In addition whilst the ‘power is in effect, friendly units withthe Daemon special rule will ‘not scatter when arriving from Deep Strike Reserve solong as the ist ‘model is placed within 12" ofthe Psyker. 2. Dark Flame Warp Charge 1 “The pyker projects a dark ball of rch lame tat immoltes tei fs’ souls aswell as ther bodies 2 Dark Flame isa witehfire power with the following profile: Range Str AP Type Dark Flame Template 4 © 5 Assault r,Soul Blaze, Torrent 3. Infernal Gaze ‘Warp Charge 1 ‘Unholy power streams forth from the psyker’ ees carving and melting all {fesh, tal and some caught in ts path. Inferel Gaze is a beam with the following profile: Range Str AP Type Assault 1, Armourbane, Fleshbane Infernal Gaze wos 4 4 Sacrifice ‘Warp Charge x “The ayer saris one ofthe fellowes souls summa fron ofthe (Chaos ode’ most tras servants Z Sacrifice is a conjuration with range of 6 that creates one unit consisting ofa single Ruinstorm Daemon Chosen. Ifthis powers successfully manifested one friendly model within 6 ofthe Psyker (or the Pyker themselves) immediatly suffers single wound with no saves ofany kind allowed. 5-Incursion ‘Warp Charge 3 “The psyker opens a portal tothe Realm of Chaos through which the daemonic legions spl into the mortal plane. ncuron sa conjuration witha range of 12" chat creates one unit of three Ruinstorm Dacmon Beats or Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes. 6. Possession Warp Charge 3 “The paper scrfes their wn soul and a Greater Daemon of Chaos Iungriy posses them, Bursting forth rom he het’ dyin a explain of pschicenegy. Posesson 2 conjuration with a range of 6 that creates one unit consisting ofa single Ruinstorm Greater Daemon or Ruinstorm Daemon Shrike If this power is successflly manifested, the Payker isimmediately removed as a casualty (ifthe Psyker was part ofa unit ‘with the Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorceres special rule, remove the ‘entite unit as casualties). i, when using this power the Poyker fils their Psychic test, they automatically suffer Perils ofthe Warp.

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