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MECHANICUM TAGHMATA Rutes APPENDIX ‘THE SECUTARII TITAN GUARD ‘Annllitary formation developed in parallel withthe Skitarii Legions of Mars inthe lost and ancient days long before the Imperium was founded, the Secutari w crested as the honor guard and protectors ofthe Titan Legions. While the power of Titans is prominence lead theses close protection and defence —not against war machines and the serred legions ofan enemy—the solute upon the battlefield, their sheer scale and sand needs the Sec in valners re designed to meet The foremost of Titans themselves ae more than capable of eradicating such foes, but from cover assault, infiltration Nt ed Sys at Cane Sage by warn GF wellcraediadentry evtn Titan all 4 righty beast might be flled by venomous insects. The Secutaifs second battlefield role most as important asthe fis, to sweep ane destroy inthe Titan wake. For while a batle Titan might shatter « mighty fortress or blast tank company to rin, itsfor the jursue and eradicate such threats its survivors might stil pose as the Titans press on to {important targets and to hunt down and sly those who seek to le fom the Machine God's wrath, The third, pechaps less prominent but stil vital role the Secutari serve is as part ofa more general auiiary force including the Titan Autokratoris magos ofthe Machine Cult and the Scuarii machine labour corps who attend tothe sustenan f Titans inthe eld Here isthe rept re-arming and refueling ofthe Leg swvorn duty of the Secutas to defend the Titan force’ landing fields and supply lines from assaults well as reach the hulks of damaged or disabled Titans on the battlefield and defend them from plunder or sabotage by the enemy. tis also considered a sacred charge by the Secutati oasis and if neds be retrieve any Titan ‘crew who have been forced to abandon thei god-engines or who have been lft in their wreckage, alive or dead, Isa tsk in which the Secutari consider their own live uterly expendable in order to accomplish The history ofthe Secutarit Titan Guard san ancient one, and though they were developed and deployed first in the lost past ofthe Age of Strife i was in the later glories ofthe Great Crusade that they reached thei zenith, Atthe height ofthe Imperium’s power, cach lly operating Titn Legion posteaed its own attendant regiments of Sectari, Justa the apocalyptic conflict ofthe Horus Heresy sundered the might ofthe Space Marine Legions, soit did che Lego Titanicus, splitting the Legos allegiance between Traitor and Loyalist in frariidal bloodshed, and with them the Secuart fought and died on both sdes ofthe wa, fulessly loyal to the godsmachines alongside which they had long served ‘The Corpus Secutarii Much a8 with the Skitz, n hose origins they share the Secutari undergo a high level ofcybereti ‘ebuild with the majority oftheir organs and tissues either significantly augmented or outright replaced ‘wit circuit, bio-plastic and metal This st them a fanatical sign oftheir faith in the Omnssih, th Machine God in whose soaring avatars —the Titans ofthe Legio in which they serve— are daily focus for ‘veneration and blessed submission. The particular alterations of form and peculiarities ofthe cybernetics ‘which infuse ther bodies vary greatly save for one device, the Kyropstrs field generator, which while visually taking the form of a backpack, it is actully Fully integrated into a Secutaifs ribcage and chest cavity “his harmonic field generator creates an stmosphetic impedance arte which is capable of deflecting projectiles, bast fragmentation and similar debris before they strike the Secutait nd a greater field ddensiry,even deflecting heavy weapons fre and powerful kinetic waves lke an invisible wall The sectet ofthis device's power is thats single Kyropstrs eld generators lone of hit effect, but in proximity t others attuned its wavelength, ftmoured mil, granting ia defensive potency tha allows the Secutsrit to endure inthe tempestuous and savage batilefields in which they are expected ro ope ‘energy form is amplified and woven together with those around i ik scm Secotamtn Ace or Danses Ber Secutari units may be included in the Taghmata Omnissiah army list and its Ordo Reductor variant, but unless the Detachment they are part of also includes a Titan (of any classification), they may not be used to fill compulsory choices as par ofa Force Organisation char 1 Roes aso Wancea To the Secutar, the guardianship ofthe god-engines ofthe Legio Titanicus isa sacred charge which spurs them on ta fervour which overcomes any fear for aty of leh, When any unit with this special rue within 24” ofa allied Titan of any type they may re-ol failed Morale checks and Feel No Pain rolls Secutarit Hazard Protocols At the start oftheir player turn, player can declare tha al of thet Secutari with this special rue wil ols using thei imple 1. Where this the cas, their standard BS is increased by +1 and they engage hazard pr 3 to create seamless fields of interlocking fie, although atthe make at BS 2. However, the units may not make Run moves, and their WS and Initiative are reduced expense of individual acti by-t These effects last until the start ofthe controlling players next player turn, ‘The Kyropatrisfeld So lng asa unit contains at eat five models equipped with a Kyropatris field generator all models in the unit may e-rol failed armour saves ofa rn addition, ifthe unit contains a least 10 models equipped with Kyropatris field generators then shooting attacks against them ate reduced by-1 Strength, Omnispex CCover saves taken against attacks made by aunt that contains at lest one model equipped with an omnispexare made with a-1 modifier As or nat Waaiions oF Ma The officers and adjutans of the Secutari bear varery of unusual weepons seldom seen outside of the panoply ofthe armies of Mats, and these patterns ae held a reliquaries ofthe Ommnissia’ faith by the Titan Legions and their retainers. Where such arms cannot be eal obtained owing to distance or some doctrinal schism, they will be supplanted by even more esoteric weapons provided by the masters ofthe Taghmata Weapon Range Str AP Type Are pistol 1” 6 5 Pistol Haywire Ate rifle 16 Rapid Fite, Haywire Radia pistol 13 —_Pistol,Rad Posoning Radium carbine 1835 Aseault 3, Rad Poisoning Aremay = +24 Melee, Concussive, Haywite Shattersphere grenades 84 §—Asstulr, Blast 3"), Pinning, Rad Poisoning Rad Poisoning: Wh the target unit, regardless ofthe targets Toughness. Each wound i allocated and saved against separately. firing a weapon that has this special rule, a To Wound rll of 6 causes 2 wounds.on erctre Base Galvanie-caster ‘This isan elecro-galvanically driven, laser-guided mult! function projectile Launcher akin in some ways to ‘acombi-veapon. With its main weapon mechanism, it i able to ie rapid bursts of low velocity, razor edged ietallic flachetts or with its secondary dscharger, atack concealed targets with reins burning gnis charges Some of these weapons ae further upgraded with a high-intensity capacitor and by compressing the galvanic charge, can fie an armour piercing inert slg shot at supersonic velocities. This complex but flexible weapon system allow the SecuariPeltasts to engage + wide variety of targets with etal eect. mn which ammunition is selected for use ~the Te galvanic-caster has several weapon profiles depending re squad must use the same type of ammunition when fring Weapon Range Str AP Type Galvanic-aster Flachette burser 4 Salvo 2/4, Shred Ignis blaze 18 35 Heavy 1,Parabolie Sho, Blind, Blast (3 Kinetic hammersbot so 43 Hey z,Rending Parabolic Shot: Weapons with this special ule can be fired at targets out ofthe unit’ line of sight, solong ss they ate not in an enclosed space ‘ArcLance ‘A powerful spearike weapon, akin both tothe arc mauls ofthe Skitari Clade officers and the far larger ‘weapons wielded by the mighty Cerastus Knight Lancers the ac lance infits damage by shoreange blasts of coruscating energy its power supply augmented by the inversion generatria mounted in the puted mag Inverter shield. The ae lance has two weapon profiles depending on whether sured to make shooting attacks o close ‘combat attacks Weapon Range Str AP Type Aclance Close combat 4 Melee, Concussive, Haywire Shooting attack re 5 5 Assault, Haywire Mag inverter Shield ‘The mageinverter shield cari by the Secutart is «highly sophisticated relic technology incorporsting a powerfl inversion generatori tits core. Tie generator is sulicient both to enhance the resilience ofthe Shield fat beyond the limite of ts material serengeh, so t may ess lows which would otherwise sly is Jbeaer instantly and further provide the copious power needed by the arc lance cavied by the Hoplite 2s thei principal weapon. “The mag inverter shield provides its bearer with a 5+ invulnerable save and, in addition, they count as being armed with defensive grenades when charged SECUTARIT AXIARCH ‘SecutariiAxiarch ‘Unit Composition + Secutarii Axia, Unit Type + Infantry (Character) Wargear + Refractor field ‘Aremaul Radium pistol Kyropatis eld generstor “Titanshard armour Special Rules + Secitait Hazard Protocols Titan Guard Binaric Statagems Feel No Pain (64) Stubborn Precision Shots [inaric Stratagems implanted in replacement snd historical information Ifthe Detachment contain Secutari Hazard Protocols single bonus may be given Detachment + Pain Suppression Over ability are at +1. + Extinction Interlock ‘Titanshard Armour successfully preserved for ‘Asa masterwork ofthe Tit Lepiones As machine spirit sil haunts “Titanshard armour cases Die special rue. ‘As wellas the Axiarchs own wealth of strategic experience, the datacores which have been surgically can be accessed and stratagems enacted based upon them before battle by being downloaded directly. the forebrsins ofthe Secutarit under their command, + Explorator Synaesthesis: Gains the Move Through Cover special tule, + Deconstructive Confluence: Results on the Vehicle Damage table inflicted by models with this Each and every Secutarit Axiarch i sheathed in Titanshard armour, Secutaii warplatere-orged ‘with fragments of one ofthe Legios Titans fallen in glorious battle, and whose revered remains were aid ithaca cng the g-gn mascidaee rc talc lready been included in their profiles characteristics) nd, in addition it grants them the I Will Not 60 POINTS ws * Bs 5 s se * Options + The Secuari Axiarch may exchange their radium pistol for one of the elowing weapons: + Are pistol Bet +5 poins = Wolhite erp nnn in Fee Photon gauntlet 5 points - Archaeotech pistol ee +5 points + The SecutariAxiarch may exchange their are maul for one of the following weapons: Free ~Free = Power weapon. 3 - Corposant stave E - Power it. #5 points “The Secutari Axarch may alternatively exchange both their radium pistol and are maul for an: Arc lance and mageinverter shield . ‘The Secutari Axlarch may upgrade a single weapon tobe: = Master-eafted, +5 points ‘The SecutctiAxiatch may be equipped with ny ofthe following +15 points = OMS PEE ne “0 points ~ Shattersphere grenades + points ~ Augury scanner. 45 points for parts oftheir cerebellum contain dedicated stores of tactical doctrines on the myriad foes tie Titan Legion has faced in the past. Such programs sone ot more Secutatt Axiatchs then ll units in the Detachment with the special rule may be given one of the fellowing bonuses. Note that only 10 the units, regardless of how many Secutarii Axiarchs are present inthe sre: Feel No Pain increased 10s ‘The unit gains the Preferred Enemy (Infintry) special rule the Legioby the blood and faith ofthe Secutart who now beats the armout in Tech Priest art,it offers a defence equal tothe power armour ofthe the armour, making the Axiarch something truly inbuman, dhe Axiarchs physical powers beyond human levels (these bonuses have SecUTARM PELTAST PHALANX 120 POINTS ws ms os T Wor A WM & Secutari Peltast Rieti tecri Bnd Oe reece BTA Peas Alpha Be ee gk AE IEP ae ‘Unit Composition Dedicated Transport + 9 Secutari Pelass + A SecutariPeltast Phalanx may take a Triares Armouted Conveyor + x Peltst Alpha asa Dedicated Transport for +435 points. ‘Unit Type options + Secutarl Pelast: Infantry + The SecutatiPeltast Squad may include + Beltast Alpha: Infantry = Upto ro additional Secutai Peltass 11 poins per model (Character) +The entre squad may be upgraded to have «Kinetic himmersbot rounds Wargear for their galvanic casters points each + Galvanic-caster with flichette (1th option i taken all galvaniccastersin the uni mast be o upgraded Durstercignisblaze rounds + Any model inthe squad may exchange thir galvaniccaster for + Kyropatis field generator Radium carbine Free + Secutarti war plate = Arc rifle 10 points each + The Peltast Alpha may take one ofthe following additional weapons Special Rules options + Secutaii Hazard Prococols = Radium piso. s points + Tian Guard Ar pistl 0 points + Feel No Pain (64) = Volkite serpents points + Relentless +The Peltast Alpha may exchange their galvanie-caster fran + lind Barrage Arc maul ora power weapon. Free + The Peltst Alpha may be equipped with any ofthe following + Refractor eld +10 points Omnispex. +10 points hattersphere grenades +s points ~ Augury scanner 4s points standard panoply of shells and munitions, Secutari Peltasts cary limited supply of blind canister shot. These explode into dense storms of thick particulate muli-spectrum clectromagnet confuse the most able targeting system and utterly blind the enemy to their intended target. radiation that occlude both sight nd augury scans. These storms offickering fog can So long asthe unit contains atleast five models equipped with galvanc-casters,once per game the units controlling player may declare the use ofa Blind Barrage bythe nit instead of that uniting its weapons inthe Shooting phase. In this cate, elect fiendly uit within 18" and within ine of sight ofthe Peltas uni. That friendly unit guns the Shrouded special ule until the beginning ofthe controlling player's nex player tur, Super-heavy units may not be Shrouded unless two Secutari units simultaneously use thet Blind Barrage ability to conceal it ‘| Secutant Hopuire PHALANX Secutari Hoplite te Alpha Unit Composition + 9 Secutaii Hoplites + Hoplite Alpha Unit Type + Secutari Hoplite: Infantry + Hoplite Alpha: Infantry (Character Wargear + Arclance + Map-inverter shield + Kyropatts field generator + Secutaii war plate Special Rules + Secutaii Hazard Protocols + Titan Guard + Feel No Pain (64) + Relentless Dedicated Transport + Asquad of Secuati Hlplites may uke a Tratos Armoured Conveyor asa Dedicated Transport for +135 poi ‘options pte Phalanx may include: mal Secutatii Hopitesonw-n-t12 points per model + The Hoplite Alpha may tke one ofthe following additional = * swespons options: Radium pistol. Are pistol = - Volkite serpents . +The Hoplite Alpha may exchange thie ae lance fora Arc maul ora power weapon. Free + The Hoplite Alp may he equipped with any ofthe following: = Omnispex ro points hattersphere grenades +S points +5 points +spoins +0 points + points Brtoelsy ce Cece eerie rote ee ene peer perenne onan! fee ener eee tae ee eet fener) from the crackling ener eects et eee een Papert tet these surgically implanted eects eens ocr ce eat Karacnos Assautt TANK 225 POINTS Armour BS Front Side Rear HP Karacnos oak, esas « Unit Composition Options +: Karacnos Asstule Tank + "The vehicle may take any ofthe fllowing options Extra armour +s points Unit Type Upto two hunterkller missiles +s points each + Vehicle (Tank) = Smoke launchers. +5 points Blessed Autosioulera, ss points Wargear + One Karacnos mortar battery + Two lightning blaster sentinels + Flare shield shock rtm? searchlight *See the Trias Armoured Conveyor sn the Mechanica Taghmate Army ist book ford, Spectal Rules + Galvanic Trction Drive + Hazardous Munitions Cale Tcton Drie 4 The vee mut eo ald Denes Tries I Hazardous Munitions Ifthe Karacnos explodes a result of damage, it has a D612” Blas radius and inflicts Str s AP 4 hits. Lightning blast Sentinels ‘Slaved weapons operated and targeted by their own sevitor-brains the lightning blasters which are sponson-mounted on the Karacnos ae able to respond automaticaly to any threat while the vehicles crew manage the operation oftheir temperamental and powerful primary ‘weapons system. Each lightning blaster sentinel may target units separately fom the Karscnoe’ main weapon and has the following profile. reduced t9 firing Snap Shots, it may do so at BS 2 . ‘Weapon, Range Str AP Type Lightning blastersentinel 18" 7 §_— Heavy Shred, Rending Karacnos Mortar Battery ‘A truly balefal weapon which Flly occupies what would have been the transport bay ofthe Tiaras Conveyor on which the Karacnos is bused, this weapon system isa galvanic multiple bombardment mortar whose shells are unleashed in deadly slvosto saturate a target area. Designed to slaughter fe but leave resources largely intact, the warheads employed bythe Karacnos ae small plasima-implosion devices wrapped around highly toxic radium- cobalt isotope cores. The result isa mixture of blast fragmentation and highly lethal radiological effect. ‘Weapon Range Str AP Type Karacnosmortarbawery 60" «5 “Heavy 3, Barrage, Bag Rad-phage Ignores ws Vultarex Stratos-autom 3 Unit Composition + Vulatax Stratos-auromata Unit Type ‘VULTARAX STRATOS-AUTOMATA ManrPLe 175 POINTS BRE Wok tks Ad oe eee ae Ty a ks Options + The maniple may include: = Upto two additonal Vlarx Strats uromaa. +175 pints each + The miple may be upgraded to bave = Blessed Autosimlacea +10 pintsper model + Flying Monstrous Creature Wargear + Volearx arc blaster + Two Setheno paren havoe launchers + Enhanced targeting array + Flare shield! + Searchlight Special Rules + Cybernetica Cortext + Reactor Blast + Night Vision ‘tor the purposes ofthis special rule, a Stratorautomata counts sa Batle-automata excep that the Methodial provision does not ‘ppl and the as of the Target ity provision ofthe special re the contrlling player may always tempt to tare the nearest enemy Flyer or Flying Creature rather than just the closet enemy madl wher ‘hie special ral comes into ef. (afthisis chosen all modes inthe manip mus be upgraded) ‘Any Vultaax may be upgraded tbe equipped with Barle-automata power blades. 25 points each fa ‘When a model with cis special rule loses is lst wound ol Reactor Bl Dé. On the result ofa 6 itexplodes, inflicting a Str AP-hiton all. | models within De’ ~in the cate ofthe Vularax. measure from the | edge ofthe models base. | Valtarax Weapons Systems Weapon Range AP Type Vularaxare blaster 24 5 Heavy, Shred Haywire Setheno pattern havoclauncher 48" ss) ——Heavya,Bhast(3 Twin Linke, Setheno-Djinn Batdle-auromata power blades = AsUser 2 Melee,Rending Paired Weapons Setheno-Djinn: Successful cover saves agains this attack must be re-rolled, Paired Weapons: Battle automata power blades ate paired weapons and so add +x to the model’ attack and count as being ‘Two-handed, (are shield: Nore that this instance, he flare shield applies ro all ranged aticks against the automata as it has no’ Front ac Acastus Knicut PorPHyRion ws ‘Acastus Knight Porphyrion 4 Unie Composition + 1 Acastus Knight Porphyzion Unie Type + Vehicle (Super heavy Walker Wargear + Two ovin linked magna lascannon + Ieonstorm misile pod + Ion shield Armour BSS Front Side Rear I A HP wee oe as 5k Special Rules + Household Rank (Questris only + Bleed Autosimulara (Mechanicum Taghin Lammer of Wrath Invincible ‘ver, Relentless Smash and Strikedowrn + (Guperheavy Walker) Fea Behemoth, Move Through ( options + "The Acastus Knight Porphyrion may be upgraded with = Ocular sugmedes ro points + The Acastus Knight Porphyzion may upgrade any of ts autocannon to the allowing options: Irad cleanse Free Lascannon ‘x points each +The Acastus Knight Porphyrion may exchange it ronstorm missiles Heli fence missiles Free eau ae oe ‘When used as part ofthe Questoris Knight Crusade army list, the models subject othe Houschold ‘Rank special rule, which may grant tan alteration ots basic profile and additional special rues as showin in the Questoris Knight Crusade Army special rules, but may not be chosen for those of the rank of Scion Aspirant or Scion Uhlan Blessed Autosimulacra (Mechanicum Taghmata only) ‘When used as prt of Mechanicumn Taghmata army list, the Acastus Knight Porphyrion has the Blessed Autosimulacra special rue. Ift has suffered Hull Point damage at the end ofthe controlling player's turn, roll Dé, On a 6,one lst Hull Points restored Ion Shield ‘When the Knight is deployed, and subsequently at the start ofeach ofthe opposing side's Shooting phases, the Knights controlling player must declare which facing each Knight's ion shield is covering The choices are front, left side, right side of rea: The Knight hasa 44 inv next Shooting phase. tion shield are reporitioned before any atacks ate caried out in the Shooting rable save agninst ll its on that facing until the start of the opposing side's ‘hase and may not be used to make saving throws against close combat attacks cular Augmetics The Knight has the Night Vision special ule and may reroll results ofa 1 on the Vehicle Damage tubleand Destroyer Weapon Attack table, which ae inflicted by their shooringartacks at ange of 12° ‘Acastus Knight Porphyrion Weapons ‘Weapon, Range Str AP Type Magna ascannon re 102 Ordnance 2, Large Blast(s") 4 Ordnance 1 Massive Blast (7") Ironetorm missile pod | Helios defence missles Go" 8 Heavy 2, Skyfire, Interceptor | Autocannon Lascennon

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