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Geomorphological mapping

Article  in  Geological Society London Engineering Geology Special Publications · January 2001

DOI: 10.1144/GSL.ENG.2001.018.01.08


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Edward Mark Lee

Ebor Geoscience Limited


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Geomorphological mapping

E. M. Lee
Department of Marine Sciences and Coastal Management, University of Newcastle,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Introduction Egypt (Bush et al. 1980; Jones, 2001)); the delineation

of gypsum-related subsidence problems in the Ripon
There has been a long tradition of geomorphological area of the UK (Thompson et al. 1996); the assess-
mapping to support land use planning, especially in ment of landslide and erosion hazard at Ok Tedi
Poland (e.g. Klimaszewski 1956, 1961; Galon 1962) and copper mine, Papua New Guinea (Hearn 1995).
France (e.g. Tricart 1965; for a history of geomorpho- 9 Specific-purpose surveys to delineate and characterize
logical mapping in Europe, see Verstappen 1983). The particular landforms (e.g. the investigation of pre-
Geological Society Working Party Report on maps and existing landslide problems in and around the Channel
plans (Anon. 1972) identified examples of geomorpho- Tunnel terminal area, Folkestone (Griffiths et al. 1995;
logical mapping that could be of use to engineers. How- Griffiths 2001); the assessment of coastal erosion haz-
ever, the value of the technique was best highlighted by its ards at Blackgang, Isle of Wight (Moore et al. 1998)).
application to road projects in unstable terrain in Nepal
and South Wales during the early 1970s (e.g. Brunsden There is no single approach to geomorphological map-
et al. 1975a, b; Doornkamp et al. 1979; Jones et al. 1983).
ping. The method chosen will generally reflect the nature
The techniques have also been successfully applied to of the problem to be solved, the resources available and,
dryland problems (e.g. Brunsden et al. 1979; Bush et al. not least, the training and experience of the mappers.
1980, Doornkamp et al. 1980; Cooke et al. 1982, 1985; However, all maps should seek to subdivide the land-
Jones et al. 1986), soil erosion (e.g. Morgan 1995) and scape into units with similar surface form, materials and
river management (e.g. Doornkamp 1982; Richards et al. process characteristics. At the smaller scales these units
1987). Despite these applications, BS5930, C o d e o f Prac- will, inevitably, be terrain models or land systems (see
tice f o r Site Investigations (British Standards Institution
Phipps 2001; Fookes et al. 2001). Individual landforms
1981), contains little reference to geomorphological maps or terrain units (e.g. escarpments, dune ridges, river
(Griffiths & Marsh 1986) and the technique remains a channels, landslides) might be recorded on medium-scale
marginal skill practised by a few experienced engineering maps. Landform elements or geomorphological units
geomorphologists. Examples of good mapping practice (e.g. individual landslide blocks, within-channel bars,
can be found within the references cited in this paper. gullys) might be recorded on large-scale maps.
The method of recording geomorphological informa-
tion may change with map scale, but the basic approach
Methods to data collection should remain the same: mapping of
surface form, description of materials and recording
The style and format of a geomorphological map needs evidence of process. However, a key distinction must be
to reflect the nature of the environment and the prob- made between desk-based approaches (i.e. aerial photo-
lems that need to be addressed. The following are some graph interpretation and desk study) and field studies
of the more common types of map. (i.e. morphological mapping, recording near-surface
9 Regional surveys of terrain conditions, either to materials and evidence of surface processes).
provide a framework for land use planning (e.g. the
1:25 000 scale geomorphology map of the Torbay area Mapping surface form
(Doornkamp 1988)and the 1:50000 scale resources
survey maps of Bahrain (Doornkamp et al. 1980)) or as At the smaller scales, topographic map contours can
part of the baseline studies for environmental impact be used to subdivide the landscape into units, based on
assessment (e.g. Lee 1999). slope steepness (i.e. from the spacing of contour lines)
9 General assessments of resources (e.g. the Bahrain and slope form (i.e. from the shape of the contours).
Surface Materials Resources Survey (Doornkamp et al. However, at larger scales contours reveal little about
1980)) or geohazards (e.g. the investigation of ground landforms and their assemblages. The technique of mor-
problems and flood hazard in the Suez City area, phological m a p p i n g is the most convenient and efficient

From: GRIFFITHS,J. S. (ed.) Land Surface Evaluation for Engineering Practice. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology
Special Publications, 18, 53-56. 0267-9914/01/$15.00 9 The Geological Society of London 2001.
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54 E.M. LEE

I~ 10 5

,.! ,; V4--q '-;

Morphological mapping symbols

9 . Angularconvex v ~, Angularconcave v--v Srnoothh/c~wex

breakofMope breakofsiope changeof~ope

~_.~ Smoothlyconcave 11 . Dirtmionofslope i ,' - , . m Cliffs(bedrock

changeofslol~ (sngle in degreeS} 40"ormom)
....... * BmaksofMope -r-r-rr *Changemofslope ~',, -- Convex slope untt

* Convex and concsve too close together t o allow I , Concs~slopeunit

use of separate symbols

Fig. 1. Morphological mapping system (after Savigear 1965, from Cooke & Doornkamp 1990).

way of recording the surface morphology and allows Hand-held Global Positioning System equipment may
later interpretation of form and process (Waters 1958; be used, although it is of restricted value in densely vege-
Savigear 1965). Breaks or changes of slope are identified tated terrain. In some instances it may be appropriate to
from aerial photographs or in the field, and recorded record slope morphology 'by eye' or to use conventional
using standard symbols (Fig. 1). The degree of generali- survey equipment to accurately record the detail of
zation used in a morphological mapping survey will surface features (e.g. using a series of surveyed markers).
depend upon the scale of the base map used and the
purpose of the exercise.
Morphological mapping in the field often involves two
Recording near-surface materials
people and the use of a tape measure (25-50 m length) and
compass. One person walks along a fixed traverse The distribution of near-surface materials should be re-
(oriented up and down the slope) with the tape until a corded at all exposures (e.g. landslide backscars, stream
break or change in slope is reached. The second person or wadi channels, cliffs, quarries or borrow pits), using
then records on the field map (i) the position (i.e. distance standard methods of description (e.g. BS5930; Geotech-
and compass bearing from the last point), (ii) the change nical Control Office 1988; Geotechnical Engineering
in slope form (e.g. a convex change of slope) and (iii) the Office 1996). The descriptions can be recorded in a note-
slope angle using a clinometer or Abney level, and 'fills-in' book or on a pro forma developed or adapted for the
the map by joining this break or change in slope with the mapping exercise. The second team member (i.e. the non-
same feature recorded on previous traverses, adding to mapper) should be responsible for making the field notes
the map any features observed between the traverses. A or filling in the pro formas. It is essential to record the
useful rule is that all morphological lines must join up. location of the observations. Photographs should be
The morphological map is built up through repeated taken of the exposure and the photo number and subject
traverses up and then down the slope (or vice versa). The recorded in the notebook or on the pro forma. Particular
distance between traverses will be dependent on the com- attention should be given to describing the nature of
plexity of the landscape and the density of the vegetation: weathered materials and the texture of transported soils
in dense undergrowth traverses need to be closer together as these may give an indication of their origin and the
than out in the open. A scale-rule, pencil, rubber (eraser) nature and scale of the processes that occur within
and sharpener are essential parts of the field kit, as on- the landscape. For example, debris flow deposits consist
going modifications in the mapping are commonplace. of poorly sorted, large clasts embedded in a matrix of
It is pointless to continue mapping if you are unsure of fine material. Boulders may be concentrated at the top
your location: it will either lead to a poor map or large of the deposit (i.e. reverse grading) because of the
amounts of rubbing out. buoyant forces and dispersive pressures within a debris
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flow. By contrast, flash flood deposits tend to be cross- the area. In terrain susceptible to debris flow activity, the
stratified and show fining-upward grading. mapping exercise should consider the way different land-
scape elements (e.g. hill slopes, valley floors and stream
channels) interact to generate the potential for large flow
Recording evidence of surface processes events. In other circumstances, the recognition of clay-
Evidence of surface process should be recorded (either rich solifluction sheets indicates the potential for pre-
active, recent or historic). Landsliding can be identified by existing shear surfaces that might be reactivated by
the presence of characteristic landslide morphology or inappropriate construction works.
'indicators of instability' (e.g. tension cracks, back-tilted
trees, heave structures, etc.); floods or debris flows can be
recorded by the upper limits of flow (e.g. from damaged Engineering geomorphology
tree trunks or strandlines) on the margins of floodplains;
the net direction of sand transport can be identified from The geomorphological map should provide a spatial
the build-up of material adjacent to groynes, nebkha framework for appreciating the processes and mechanics
(bush mounds in deserts) or windbreaks. The recording of of landscape change over a range of timescales, particu-
surface drainage features, including areas of seepage, larly timescales relevant to engineers. The spatial frame-
should form part of the mapping exercise. This is particu- work provides 'context' for investigating problems. The
larly important in areas of known or suspected instability. old adage "site and situation' is clearly important in en-
suring that potential geohazards are identified at an
early stage in the investigation process (e.g. Fookes &
Geomorphological map production Vaughan 1986; Fookes 1997). Hillside sites need to be
seen in the context of the whole slope, river valleys as
A geomorphological map is produced by an ongoing part of the whole catchment, coastal sites as part of a
interpretation of the data collected in the field (or from sediment transport cell (see Lee & Brunsden 2001).
satellite imagery or aerial photographs). A key stage in Experience has shown (e.g. Cooke & D o o r n k a m p
map creation is the identification of suitable mapping 1990) that it is often necessary to produce some form of
units to reflect the scale of mapping and the objectives of summary statement about the significance of the geomor-
the study. Ideally, each unit should have consistent geo- phological conditions (landforms, near-surface materials
morphological characteristics, although internal varia- and surface processes) to the engineering project for
bility of materials or rate of process may be a feature of which it was undertaken. The summary information can
the unit (e.g. in areas mantled by glacial tills). Three broad be presented as"
categories of geomorphological unit can be recognized: 9 a hazard map, e.g. showing the nature and distribu-
1. units reflecting the control of the underlying geology tion of landslide features within the area, suscept-
(e.g. plateau surfaces, lithological benches, cliffs); ibility to landsliding, etc. (e.g. Hearn 1995);
2. units reflecting the activity of surface processes (e.g. 9 a resource map, e.g. showing the distribution of
landslide, fluvial, aeolian features, etc.); aggregate resources (e.g. Cooke et al. 1982);
3. units reflecting modification of the landscape by 9 an extended map legend describing each map unit in
man (e.g. areas of cut-and-fill, quarries, made- terms that are relevant to the end user e.g. the land-
ground, etc.). slide hazard or aggregate resource potential within
each unit (e.g. the Ground Behaviour maps of the
Geomorphological map unit boundaries should gener- Ventnor area (Lee & Moore 1991)).
ally follow morphological boundaries, although some
Geomorphological mapping, however, is only one of a
of the boundaries on the morphological map may be
number of complementary approaches which, when used
redundant. Depending on the map scale these units can
in combination, can lead to the development of an effec-
be portrayed in blocks of contrasting colour or shading
tive geological model. The technique needs to be suppor-
(as used on the 1:2500 scale geomorphological maps of
ted by, inter alia, subsurface investigation, monitoring,
the landslides at Ventnor, Isle of Wight (Lee & Moore
desk study, historical records analysis (e.g. sequences of
1991)) or as stylized symbols (see Demek 1972; Demek &
aerial photos) and a review of the environmental con-
Embleton 1978; Gardiner & Dackombe 1983; Cooke &
trols, in order to fully establish the potential for geohaz-
Doornkamp 1990) or a combination of both.
ards or the availability of resources.
Geomorphological maps should not be limited to a
description of what has occurred; they should also be
able to convey to the user what might occur, i.e. the References
potential for geohazards or sensitivity to change. For
example, the combined body of evidence (site-specific ANON. 1972. The preparation of maps and plans in terms of engi-
and landform assemblages) can allow certain judgements neering geology. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology,
to be made about the potential for landslide activity in 5, 293-381.
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56 E . M . LEE

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