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The Geomorphotechnical Map: a highly detailed geomorphic map for railroad

infrastructure improvement. A case study for the Prahova River Defile
(Curvature Carpathians, Romania)

Article  in  Journal of Maps · January 2011

DOI: 10.4113/jom.2011.1155


15 387

3 authors:

Dobre Robert Bogdan-Andrei Mihai

University of Bucharest University of Bucharest


Ionut Savulescu
University of Bucharest


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Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137

The Geomorphotechnical Map: a highly detailed geomor-

phic map for railroad infrastructure improvement. A case
study for the Prahova River Defile (Curvature Carpathians,


Department of Geomorphology-Pedology, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, 1, Nicolae Balcescu Blvd, 010041, Sect 1,
Bucharest, Romania;

The paper proposes a new type of geomorphic map, a selective fusion of geomorphic data with land
engineering and transport infrastructure features at the detailed scale of 1:5,000. The map focuses on the
interaction between landforms, morphodynamics and transport infrastructure, having as interface the
land engineering works. The “geomorphotechnical map” as it was named was developed in a digital
format as a GIS project for the Prahova River Defile (Curvature Carpathians, Romania), a sector along
the main transcarpathian route which links Bucharest with Brasov and Transylvania. Geomorphic data
was collected through detailed field mapping, during summer and autumn periods, together with GPS
surveying. The technical infrastructure elements were located also using orthophotos from different time
periods. The map reflects the main favourable geomorphic conditions (and limitations) for the impro-
vement of a difficult sector along the Bucharest-Brasov main railway; this has national and European
importance (a sector of the 4th Pan European Corridor). Since 2008 this railway (double and electrified
since 1969) is the subject of complex and costly improvement works supported by European Financed

(Received 6th September 2010; Revised 9th February 2011; Accepted 18th February 2011)

ISSN 1744-5647
Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

1. Introduction

The geomorphic map is a cartographic representation of Earth processes and resultant

landscapes, and as such can be used to address numerous societal issues. In recent de-
cades, geomorphologists have not only considered the scientific contribution of geomor-
phic maps, but also sought to improve representation methods by creating and adapting
map legends and manipulating scales and regional relief to produce map perspectives
best suited to desired outcomes. As a result, publications of various theoretical and
practical value have appeared (Tricart, 1955; Joly, 1962; Demek et al., 1972; Demek and
Embleton, 1978; Klimaszewski, 1963; 1982; 1990; Schoeneich, 1993; Reynard et al., 2005;
Gustavsson et al., 2006).

In the context of geographic information system (GIS) applications, geomorphologic

cartography again has become a field of interest, especially considering new algorithms
that now allow the modelling of topographic data, or the passing from classic 2D maps
to 3D maps, to map-server applications that allow the user to design a map according
to personal needs (Häberling and Hurni, 2002). Differences in portraying geomorphic
maps in a GIS has required that standard methodologies for creating databases and ge-
nerating symbols be used because of the problems encountered in redefining cartogra-
phic language, and because new possibilities for combining and visualising information
require more precise representation of landforms (Gustavsson et al., 2006; 2008).

During the last 30 to 40 years, the Romanian geomorphological school focused on regio-
nal analyses of relief and used detailed mapping as a basic research method (Posea and
Popescu, 1964; Posea, 1966; Martiniuc, 1971; Grigore, 1972; 1979; Ungureanu, 1978; Ba-
dea and Sandu, 1992; Buza, 1997; Ielenicz, 2000; Posea and Cioaca, 2003). Map legends
have been designed for various research projects, and the relief of Romania has been
mapped at medium and large scale (1:200,000, 1:50,000, 1:25,000); these projects were
initiated but never completed.

A new challenge in the field of portraying relief on a cartographic representation of Ro-

mania was the development of computerised GIS techniques. Although a lot of contem-
porary geomorphologists are less interested in geomorphic mapping (Radoane and Ra-
doane, 2007), some of the geomorphology schools continued to improve map legends
and representation methods, and more important, they moved forward by imposing
GIS standards (Armas et al., 2004; Condorachi, 2006; Mihai, 2005; Mihai et al., 2008).

The map we present here integrates a unique cartographic approach with geomorphic
and technical infrastructure features. The contribution is not the first (Abbott et al.,
1998; Barbieri et al., 2002; Bonachea et al., 2005), but there are few maps showing the de-
tailed relationship between landforms, morphodynamics and existing (or developing)
transportation routes (Panizza et al., 2003). Surdeanu (1975) used detailed geomorphic

Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

mapping of landslides for assessing the impact upon the national Poiana Teiului-Bicaz
road in the Eastern Carpathians.

The area covered by the map is in the southern sector of the Upper Prahova Valley.
This is a narrow valley sector in the Western Curvature Carpathians, named the Posada
Defile. The sector is a system of short gorges and small basins, cut by the Prahova River
and its tributaries in Lower Cretaceous Flysch deposits of the Sinaia Strata (marl with
limestones, marl with sandstones Ielenicz, 2000). The main terrace (the 60-80 m relative
altitude rock terrace, according to Ielenicz, 1981 and Grigore, 1989) is fragmented by
semi-active streams. The main connection between Bucharest and Brasov is a double
electrified railway and the European 60 highway (Figure 1), which reside in this stream
sector. The region has undergone considerable development during the last decade,
with the construction of the road, and since 2008, the building of the railway. There is
also a project to build a motorway along this valley sector (the future A3 from Bucharest
to Brasov).

Figure 1. Rail traffic in narrow valley sector of the Prahova River Defile (January 2008).

The mapping area was selected because it is a relatively small region with numerous
morphological features of different genetic types (Oprea, 2005), and exhibits complex
morphodynamics (e.g. active floodplain dynamics and gravitational processes toge-
ther with stream erosion with different intensities depending on the state of mainte-
nance of the special anti-erosion developments). Also, this is a sector with complex
human impacts, where anthropogenic landforms, together with special slope and flood-
plain works intersect an important transport infrastructure: busy railway traffic (Dobre,

Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

2005; 2007), a European highway (with over 30,000 cars during weekends, and heavy
truck traffic during the week), a secondary maintenance service road (along the valley
stream), and many forestry roads and footpaths. The map associated with this text inte-
grates, at a detailed scale (1: 5,000), all of these features in order to provide an overview
of the anthropogenic impact upon the relief (Panizza and Piacente, 1993) and to offer
solutions for improved environmental management via geomorphic hazard mapping.

The mapped area was selected as it is one of the most problematic regions in terms of
the latest transport infrastructure improvements in Romania. The narrow valley sec-
tor present complex engineering problems and this map can assist by visualising these

2. Methods

2.1 Digital Data Sources

Mapping of this sector was performed within a GIS framework, with the primary base
data a digital elevation model (DEM). The detailed scale (1:5,000) precluded the use
of existing digital topographic data (e.g. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission), with a
requirement for a DEM layer with about 5 m spatial resolution. Maps from the National
Geodetic Database (rom. Planuri topografice scara 1:5,000) were transferred from paper
to digital format. They were scanned at a resolution of at least 300 dpi and geometrically
corrected to the Stereographic 1970 projection with the S-42 Romanian datum. A digital
mosaic was produced, and contour lines and other topographic features were digitized
using a combination of automated and manual methods.

The final output DEM was subsequently filtered due to a high level of rugosity (obser-
ved when the slope land surface parameter was derived). This is related to the inter-
polation method of elevation data on slopes developed in flysch rocks; this lithology is
heterogenous on small surfaces (sandstone, limestone, marl, clay) and each rock stra-
tum has a different resistance to erosional process.

Other digital data include the stream network and Prahova River channel, transport in-
frastructure, power line and built-up areas. Built-up areas were generated from 1:5,000
topographic maps and recent orthophotos (2005). The topographic maps also show fea-
tures such as streams, houses, properties and simplified versions of the main road and
railroad, together with local roads (including the forestry roads).

Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

Digital orthophotos were a secondary data source with high quality images (0.5 m spa-
tial resolution, scale 1:5,000) available from the National Agency for Cadastre and Land
Registration. Unfortunately vegetation introduces problems in visual interpretation.
However, these images still help with the identification of features along the main road
and railway, like bridges and viaducts, former tunnels, main line and electric catenary,
technical devices within the railway stations and stops, railway signals, etc. The natural
colour imagery is helpful, however the high compression rate maks the interpretation
of small details difficult. It was therefore necessary to identify many geomorphic and
technical features through field inspection, together with photography and GPS sur-

A solution to improve the readability of the digital imagery was to integrate older aerial
photos within the study. For this purpose, grayscale aerial photos taken in October
1977 were used. These images were selected only for the areas with a higher density
of technical infrastructure (the Posada and Valea Larga railway stations, the village of
Posada, or some thalwegs with dams for flow control). The resolution of about 0.2-0.3
m made possible a precise differentiation of many features. In addition a 150 m section
of the Prahova River channel was mapped.

2.2 Field survey

Detailed and complete geomorphic mapping is possible only after field investigations.
Orthophotos and other data sources did not offer a real opportunity for reliable map-
ping within the narrow mountain valley (defile).

The field survey combined together three methods.

• classic field mapping at a detailed scale (topographic maps - 1:2,500 scale) based
on field recognition of processes, landforms, engineering works, and technical in-
frastructure features;

• digital photography and short film making along the railway and the highway in
order to record and describe the density of features to be mapped;

• GPS survey (3-4 m of accuracy after calibration) of key points for the features
which are difficult to be mapped precisely (mainly polygon type features like slope
deposits, alluvial fans, debris cones, some landslide bodies, etc).

Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

2.3 Map Legend Design

Once established, the above mentioned features had to be grouped within a legend.
The main principle was to use a limited but complete series of symbols that are easily
read by all stakeholders, from scientists to engineers, and from building technicians to
land planners and state authorities. These symbols were derived from other symbols
within existing legends (Schoeneich, 1993; Reynard et al., 2005; Gustavsson et al., 2006;
Grecu, 2007), but numerous new features are introduced to best accommodate the map

All symbols are based on simple drawings which simplify and portray the real features.
For example a tunnel (abandoned) is represented by the both entrances and a dotted
line showing the out-of-use state. A retaining wall is shown as a main wall with other
subsequent features as they appear (drainage devices or anchor devices).

The legend of the geomorphotechnical map is divided into three groups of mapped fea-
tures to best illustrate the interface between geomorphic features (processes, landforms)
and transport infrastructures (railway and roads). These groups are as follows:

• Geomorphic features are focused on the most relevant features adapted to the detai-
led scale of the map layout (1:5,000). The primary objective is to offer a symbology
which can be understood by people having a limited knowledge of geomorpho-
logy or geology; the legend is designed to be more applied than scientific because
the map is drawn for engineering purposes;
• Slope engineering works are the interface features between geomorphic features and
the transport infrastructure features. They were subject to detailed mapping (more
than ten symbols), including the emerging works related to recent improvements
along the railway;
• Transport infrastructure features are the third part of the legend and they focus both
on the railway and the road. The scale of the map allows for mapping of all the
relevant features, but it was necessary to select the features which are easily dis-
played at the map scale.

Basic mapping features (the map background) were selected to improve map understanding.
Contour lines (5 m interval) were considered as a basic layer for displaying different
spatial information. For increasing map readability, a specially designed hillshade layer
(5 m) was created, generated using the DEM compiled from the digitized contour lines.

Other elements which were digitized manually are the stream networks, including all
permanent tributaries feeding in to the Prahova River, as well as streams that become

Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

active after heavy rainfalls. We consider the stream network as a pressure factor on the
transport infrastructure. Built-up areas were mapped according using the topographic
map (1:5,000, since the 1970s) and updated with the help of the orthophotos.

The map legend combines, for the first time, geomorphic features with transportation
infrastructure features in Romania. Engineering works were not included in the anthro-
pogenic landforms group, because they are an expression of the transportation infra-
structure integration within the geomorphic landscape.

The geomorphotechnical map was created in ESRI ArcGIS, and subsequently processed
in ENVI 4.7. Symbols were partly produced in ArcGIS, with some created using image
processing software (adapted to the map scale).

3. Results

The main goal in creating a geomorphotechnical map was to produce a detailed map
for engineering applications, and to select information from different sources to create
a map that is easy to read. The map also applies a vignette which facilitates the unders-
tanding of the regional features such as slope and geology (e.g. lithology, main tectonic

Portraying geomorphic features is the result of a complex selective process, as the map
preserves only the key morphodynamic features which have a practical interest: the ri-
ver floodplain and channel configuration, superficial deposits covering slopes and rock
outcrops, gravitational process features such as active and inactive scarps, stream net-
works and alluvial fans.

The channel configuration and floodplain of the Prahova River were mapped based on
a multi-temporal formula and the result was successful because it is straighforward to
explain the changes that have occurred over a 28-year period. This evolution was cor-
related with the dynamics of complex slope processes such as rockfalls and landslides
combined with gully erosion (Figure 2).

The technical features were selected on the criteria of their size and importance. These can
be divided in three groups: drainage network related works and slope control works,
railway engineering works and road network engineering works.

The mainline railway is improving in terms of quality (speed and frequency of trains)
and for this reason it was necessary to modify the radius of curvature for some of the

Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

Figure 2. Active morphodynamics (March 2008) in the southern sector of the Prahova Defile (close to Posada railway

(a) (b)

Figure 3. Engineering works emerging along the Prahova River channel (April 2010).

bends along the route. This action required the development of special works along the
Prahova River channel and to strengthen slope protection works (Figure 3).

The map structure is based on the intersection between geomorphic features and tech-
nical infrastructure features. The main goal is to help civil engineers make informed
decisions for infrastructure maintenance and planning. The changing floodplain and

Journal of Maps, 2011, 126-137 Dobre, R. et al

river channel configuration, determined from multi-temporal imagery analysis, offer a

good decision support for riverbank strengthening works.

4. Conclusion

The geomorphotechnical map represents a new direction in applied geomorphic map-

ping designed specifically for civil engineering applications. The map is mainly based
on qualitative analysis, but can be improved with the addition of quantitative data, for
example selective geotechnical data (stability coefficient within landsliding areas where
houses and infrastructure occur). Selection of quantitative data should be performed
cooperatively with civil engineers and geologic engineers. This makes the geomorpho-
technical map an interdisciplinary mapping product, an interface between geomorphic
expertise and engineering expertise.


The map was created using a DEM produced using ESRIs ArcGIS 9.3. The DEM is
based on contour lines obtained using the automatic digitization tool, ArcScan. The
orthophoto mosaic was obtained using georeferenced imagery in ENVI


The research for the geomorphotechnical map was partly financed through the frame-
work of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research in Higher Education
(CNCSIS), Grant number 1933/PN II, (2008-2011), project manager Laura Comanescu
and grant number, cod 270/2007-2008, type TD - PN II, coordinated by Dr. Robert

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