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Clinical Brief

SLE Presenting as Epistaxis

Mathew Pathrose Kallingal

Department of Pediatrics, Ministry of Health, Sultanate of Oman


Epistaxis as a presenting complaint in systemic lupus erythematosus is very rare. An 11-yr-old girl presented with an episode
of profuse epistaxis, self limiting, and was seen to be anemic with deranged coagulation profile. Subsequent work up showed
the child to have thrombocytopenia, and she had blood and platelet transfusion. However, the epistaxis of the
thrombocytopenia persisted, despite the corrective measures. Investigations for the cause of thrombocytopenia, lead to the
discovery of laboratory features, suggestive of systemic lupus erythematosus. [Indian J Pediatr 2010; 77 (5) : 561-562]

Key words: Epistaxis; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Child

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a rheumatic showed low platelets and no blast cells, which was further
disease, of unknown cause, characterized by corroborated by bone marrow study which showed active
autoantibodies directed against self-antigens, resulting in marrow and reduced platelets
inflammatory damage to target organs.1
Based on these findings, treatment for autoimmune
Epistaxis is a common complaint in any pediatric idiopathic thrombocytopenia was initiated. The child had
setting, and evaluation of such a minor complaint may be blood and platelet transfusion and was commenced
a worthwhile pursuit, as this case illustrates. What started adjunct with oral steroids (40mg prednisolone three times
as a first time epistaxis, ended up as a case of SLE. a day). However, the epistaxis persisted for more than
two days with bleeding from injection sites, even after the
initiation of the treatment. The only cause of bleeding was
found to be thrombocytopenia, all other parameters being
normal as per subsequent evaluation. The cause of the
An 11-yr-old Omani girl presented in a primary health thrombocytopenia remained elusive until the elucidation
care facility with severe bleeding from the nose, which of laboratory features suggestive of SLE (Table1). The
was self limiting. There was no history of bleeding in the child was discharged on prednisolone 40mg, three times
past or any bleeding disorder in the family. On a day. A few wk later the child presented with occipital
examination, the child had fever (39oC) and appeared to
be very pale. Her blood pressure was normal for her age TABLE 1. Laboratory Findings
and height. She was pre-pubertal in development with no
other significant clinical findings. An initial blood work Parameters Patient Value Normal range
up showed profound low hemoglobin (7.6g/dl), bleeding Hemoglobin (g/dl) 6.6 11.4 - 14.5
time of 8 min and prothrombin time of 24 sec (control, 14 Platelets 17.5×109 150-400×109
sec). She had self limiting episodes of recurrent epistaxis IgG (g/L) 29.3 6.5 - 16
later. The child was further evaluated in a secondary IgA (g/L) 3.5 0.4 - 2.5
facility where the primary findings were anemia and IgM (g/L) 2.03 0.5 - 2.7
ANA Strongly Positive
thrombocytopenia (Table 1). A peripheral blood film
C 4 (mg/L) 62 160 - 380
C 3 (mg/L) 449 790 - 1520
Correspondence and Reprint requests : Dr. Mathew Pathrose Anticardiolipin IgG (u/ml) 18.4 0.1 - 15
Kallingal, MBBS, Dch, Junior specialist in pediatrics, Bidaya Health Anti ds DNA Positive
center, P.O.BOX 380, Post code 316 Ministry of Health, Oman. Epstein Barr virus IgG Positive

[DOI-10.1007/s12098-010-0069-2] ANA-Anti nuclear antibodies, Ig-Immunoglobulin, C- Comple-

[Received April 28, 2009; Accepted January 25, 2010] ment, ds - double stranded

Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 77—May, 2010 561

Mathew Pathrose Kallingal

scalp abscess, which was draining. A check on the blood hence insulin was tapered off with the change of therapy
sugar revealed high values (29 mmol/L). Pus culture to Azathioprine. The disappearance of Anti ds DNA can
from the abscess revealed methicillin resistant be attributed to therapy as it is a serological marker of
staphylococci for which hospital stay was attributed. disease activity.1 A suspected trigger of disease can be
Insulin therapy was started for diabetes mellitus and the attributed to Epstein Barr virus, as Epstein Barr virus
child was placed on a regular review. The steroids were Immunoglobulin were found positive in the child.2
tapered off over a period of time and replaced with
This case illustrates the varied presentations of SLE.
Azathioprine. Subsequently, over the next few month, the
Early diagnosis and treatment of SLE can improve the
child had the following significant developments: Insulin
prognosis, of what used to be a fatal disease.1
was weaned off; the child had arthralgia of the wrist, knee
and ankle joints and the Anti ds DNA disappeared. Acknowledgements
I acknowledge with thanks, the help rendered by Dr Promod
Kumar, specialist in Dermatology, Saham hospital, North Batinah,
DISCUSSION Sultanate of Oman, in preparing the manuscript.
Contributions: MPK; the sole author, the case presented in his clinic
and was followed up.
The presence of four or more criteria is compatible with a
diagnosis of SLE, with a sensitivity and specificity of 75% Conflict of Interest: None.
and 95%, respectively.2 However, these criteria may be Role of Funding Source: None.
present serially or simultaneously, and current literatures
are advocating treatment as for SLE even if less than the
four of the eleven criteria have been satisfied as in this REFERENCES
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562 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 77—May, 2010

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