Essay Writing Guide: Wearing School Uniform or Not? Example Essay

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How to write Language

introduction - let the reader know your idea I suggest + S + Vbare

Ex: I suggest students wear school uniform due to I believe + S + should + Vbare
these following reasons. I support the idea of having + S + V.bare

Body Argument 1 => state 1st argument => explain => First, …
example (if necessary => nếu cần thì đưa ví dụ) Second, …
Third, …
Ex: First, wearing uniforms encourages student’s Finally, … last but not least, …
pride in their own school, especially (đặc biệt là) Besides, … (bên cạnh đó), moreover, (hơn
when the students are studying in a very famous nữa)
school in the area. Students are likely to be more For example, … For instance,…
confident wearing a uniform bearing their own
school’s name or label on it.

Argument 2 => state 2nd argument => explain =>

example (if necessary => nếu cần thì đưa ví dụ)

Argument 3 => state 3rd argument => explain =>

example (if necessary => nếu cần thì đưa ví dụ)

Conclusion Sum up the arguments In summary,… In conclusion,… ( để kết luận)

- In summary, I personally suppose that school Therefore, ( do đó)
uniform is necessary because ... (name all the
arguments in short)

Essay writing guide: Wearing school Uniform or not?

Example essay

Wearing School Uniforms Every school in the world has its own regulation(nguyên tắc) about the way to
wear. Some schools require(yêu cầu) students to wear the uniform, while some allow them to wear
casual clothes. Besides, many people think that students should wear casual clothes to feel comfortable
when studying. However, in my opinion, wearing school uniforms is better for three reasons below.

The first and most important reason is to make everyone to feel equal, and make the class less straggler.
When students are allowed to wear casual clothes, they will wear what they like, and what they buy.
Many students wear expensive clothes, while(trong khi đó) the others wear the cheap ones. By the
wearing way, they know that who are rich, and poor. Therefore, it will make a difference between
students and create discrimination(sự phân biệt, kì thị), which means there are two group that exist in a
school: the wealthy and the poor. Besides, wearing many kinds of clothes can make the class look like a
mess(đống hỗn độn). For example, few students wear red clothes, some wear blue clothes, while some
wear clothes that have many colors, and they all study in a class. When teachers look the whole class,
they will feel that it is not so different from a big and colorful mess. Thus(do đó), I think schools should
require students to wear uniforms to prevent this situation(ngăn chặn tình huống này).

The second reason is that wearing uniforms can help everyone know they are students and their
schools. This is very convenient (tiện lợi) in many aspects(trên nhiều phương diện). For instance(ví dụ), if
a student do a lot of good things such as helping old people, or returning the things that they have
collected, people will think that the student are taught very well, and the school that the student are
studying is very good at education. Thus, the school’s reputation is spread out(lan tỏa), which is very
helpful for the school. Besides that, when students do bad things, their schools will know more easily
and have suitable(phù hợp) ways to punish(phạt) them.

The third reason is that wearing school uniforms is a beautiful tradition and very meaningful to
students. The uniform has existed(tồn tại) for thousand years and many schools still keep it to now.
Wearing uniforms is a beauty of schools’ cultural(truyền thống), so there is no reason to remove that
tradition. In addition, the uniforms show the prettiness(sự đáng yêu) of every student. Male students
look stronger, and female students look more beautiful while wearing uniforms. Moreover, wearing
them in a long time make students to feel sympathetic(đồng cảm) with them, and to love their uniforms
and schools more.

In conclusion, wearing school uniforms is better than wearing whatever students want. It is not only
convenient, but also very important to the school and students. Besides that, it is also a beautiful culture
of a school. Therefore, although few people do not like to wear them, students should wear them, and
feel proud of them because it is the symbol(biểu tượng) of their school.

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