Reflection Paper 2 - Bigay

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Bigay, May B.

BSA 1-1
Reflection Paper No. 2
Module 2: Personal Ethical Biases and Four Approaches to the Study of Ethics

“What makes me move forward in life?”

When I am alone, I usually think of my pursuit. Sometimes, I feel like daydreaming about
my future and the things that I want to pursue. And of course, just like everybody I always think
of the things that are worth pursuing. For me, the biggest pursuit that I have is to be happy in life
knowing that I am not hurting anybody while focusing on my goals that are to be successful, to
make my family proud and give them the things that they deserve, and to build a happy family of
my own. It seems common but for me, it is different. The process going there is different from
others. My past and present, the experiences that I had, and the way I live makes it different. It
was tough during my childhood because we are not rich and for us to sustain our living, we must
work hard. At a very young age, I have learned how to become independent. My parents taught
me how to be independent in life. I really worked hard in every aspect of my life. Be it in school,
society, and in home. I became much stronger because my experience taught me to become one.
That is why, now I see things differently. I have learned to see the importance of it and to value
and be grateful of everything that I have right now.
After the discussion that we had, I have realized at some point the things that I value the
most. The most significant thing that I really value and will not be forgotten in the list is, Life. Life
because I think it is the most precious gift that I have received from above. Without life,
everything that I do and have now would be impossible. Other things that I also value is our
beliefs, behavior, feelings, emotions, and standards. Those things are basically in line with
person’s emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. I am a selfless person that is why I value those
things. They are very important for me. I also value one’s goals, aspirations, and thoughts. As a
person who has plans and goals in life, it makes me happy when people also value their own
goals, aspirations, and thoughts. Thinking about their future is I think one of the biggest turn-ons
for me towards other people. I love it when they see themselves successful in the future and
most importantly, putting their words into actions. Above anything else, let us not forget to value
ourselves. Let us make it as our number one priority because if we do not value ourselves, it
would be impossible for us to value other things.
All the things that we have learned today are very significant in our lives. From the values,
determining right and wrong, to the four approaches in the study of ethics, all of them are things
that we must know as a person. I am really captivated of the four approaches because before I
thought ethics is not that broad, but after this lesson, I have learned that we have a lot of things
to know when we talk about ethics. It is not just a mere right and wrong, or good and bad. It is
way more than the things that I have mentioned. Now that I knew those things at least, I will be
able to determine and think of my decisions before making a step and an action. Now I know how
essential these things are especially in our community. Some people may think that it is not a big
deal but for me, I really value those things and from this day onwards, I will keep moving with
those approaches in my mind.

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