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Port State Control &

its Human Element

2 Oct 2019, Singapore

Tang Sau Weng 邓守荣

1. Introduction of Liberian Registry

2. MOUs statistics

3. Detention Prevention Program

4. Case Studies

5. Conclusions

The Liberian Registry Today

ISO 9001: +4,500 Over 166 mil 12% Market Share +500,000
2015 Certified Registered Vessels Gross Tons of World Fleet Active Seafarers

Liberia’s Global Network
Of Auditors & Inspectors

Quality Reputation (White-Listed)
First-Class PSC Record & Quality Reputation (ISO 9001:2008 accredited company)

Average Fleet Age 12 years

Tokyo MOU – White List

Top Tier Records
Paris MOU – White List
Port State Control
US Coast Guard – Qualship 21
Top Ranking in INTERCARGO
Flag State Performance INTERTANKO
INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF SHIPPING (Liberian Shipowners Council-member of ICS)
* As determined by the Round table of INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING FEDERATION
International Shipping Associations

Liberia was reelected as a Member of the IMO Council since 2017

China & Liberia’s Maritime Agreement
On Maritime Transport

▪ Shipowners and charterers will enjoy

favorable treatment when calling at
Chinese ports.
▪ Liberian flag vessels will be charged the
preferential rate for port dues when
visiting any port in China.
▪ The preferential rate savings equates to
a 28% discount for each vessel’s port
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of Liberia
have signed an historic reciprocal agreement designed to develop
friendly relations between the two governments and to strengthen their
co-operation in the field of maritime transport.

1. Introduction of Liberian Registry

2. MOUs statistics

3. Detention Prevention Program

4. Case Studies

5. Conclusions

Port State Control Finding and Observations

No. of Inspection No. of Detention Detention %

2014 2214 89 4.02%

Tokyo MOU 2015 2346 97 4.13%

2016 2448 63 2.57%
2017 2520 73 2.90%
2018 2819 85 3%

Liberian Flagged Vessel Performance in Tokyo MOU

3.96% 4.02% 4.13%

3.00% 3.44%
3.00% 2.96% 3%


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Tokyo MOU Overall Liberian Vessels Tokyo MOU
No. of Inspection No. of Detention Detention %
2014 551 37 6.72%

China MSA 2015 856 44 5.14%

2016 781 34 4.35%
2017 876 44 5.02%
2018 847 38 4.49%

Liberian Flagged Vessel Performance in CHINA

7.00% 6.72%
5.45% 5.46%
5.50% 5.14% 5.14% 5.02%
5.00% 4.77%
4.35% 4.49%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
China Overall Liberian Vessels in China
Paris MOU
Liberian Flagged Vessel Performance in Paris MOU
4.00% 3.84% 3.84%
3.38% 3.42% 3.29%

3.09% 3.11%
3.00% 2.84%
2.50% 2.02%
2.00% 1.67%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Paris MOU Overall Liberian Vessels Paris MOU

Paris Overall Paris Liberia

Inspections Detentions Detention % Inspections Detentions Detention %
2014 18451 624 3.38% 2014 1444 41 2.84%
2015 17882 611 3.42% 2015 1336 44 3.29%
2016 17848 686 3.84% 2016 1390 43 3.09%
2017 17923 689 3.84% 2017 1379 23 1.67%
2018 17935 558 3.11% 2018 1436 29 2.02%

Source: Paris MOU Annual Report and Database

Liberian Flagged Vessel Performance in US
2.50% 2.34%

1.50% 1.22%
1.15% 1.10% 1.16%
1.00% 0.95%
1.00% 0.86%


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
USCG Overall Liberian Vessels USCG

USCG Overall USCG Liberia

Inspections Detentions Detention % Inspections Detentions Detention %
2014 9232 143 1.55% 2014 1041 12 1.15%
2015 9265 202 2.18% 2015 1109 26 2.34%
2016 9390 103 1.10% 2016 1051 9 0.86%
2017 9105 91 1.00% 2017 1048 10 0.95%
2018 9025 105 1.16% 2018 1151 11 0.95%

Source: USCG Annual Report and Database

The Liberian Registry has been admitted to the United States Coast Guard’s QUALSHIP 21
(QS21) program for 2019-2020.

QS21 recognizes vessels and flag States which have successfully met specified safety and
quality requirements and regulations when calling ports in the United States.

1. Introduction of Liberian Registry

2. MOUs statistics

3. Detention Prevention Program

4. Case Studies

5. Conclusions

Detention Prevention Program
Liberia pioneered and introduced this unique system in 2015,
and is the only registry to provide this vital service free of

An average of 5,200 monthly zone notifications are processed

each month, with multiple detentions prevented globally.

Benefits :

▪ Ensures compliance and prevents overdue inspections

▪ Provides zone-specific info and checklist prior to arrival
▪ Vessels with PSC history receive support to prevent future detentions

Paris MoU China

Positive Results :

▪ Paris MoU (Low Risk Flag Qualification) – DECREASED detention rate

▪ Tokyo MOU White Listed – DECREASED detention rate.

United States Australia


1. Introduction of Liberian Registry

2. MOUs statistics

3. Detention Prevention Program

4. Case Studies

5. Conclusions

Port State Control – Top 5 Detainable Deficiencies
Port State Control – Inspection vs Detention

My perspectives – due to :

➢ Hardware
– Certification, Machinery, Navigation, Emergency, Operations, Safety,
Pollution prevention, Design, etc

➢ “Software”
- First impression & housekeeping
- Communication & Language
- Transparency & Open
- Take immediate action(s), etc
Case Study - MLC

➢ A vessel had come under scrutiny due to a report of poor working conditions and lack
of food. The Flag Administration, upon receiving the report, engaged the DPA, the
local Flag inspector and notified the local port authority of the report and Flag’s plan
for action.
➢ The Administration provided instructions to the DPA of what information to provide to
port authority, and the Flag inspector attended and provided an additional report to
port authority.
➢ The local port authority, upon receiving the updates from the Flag and the DPA
ensuring the working conditions and proper provisioning of the vessel, closed the case
WITHOUT attendance.
➢ Failure to provide this information to port authority in a timely manner would have
resulted in an “Seaworthiness” detention which would have delayed the vessel for
several days while the PSC conducted their investigation.
Case Study – Fire fighting

➢ An oil tanker arriving a port discovered they did had lost some of their low expansion
foam during the transit, and they unfortunately could not account for the loss. The
vessel notified the operator who in turn notified Class and Flag.
➢ The Flag advised the local PSC office and arranged for an inspector to attend the
vessel upon arrival.
➢ The PSCO arrived to conduct a PSC exam, and the Flag inspector was able to assist the
Master in providing the necessary documentation to show they had ordered the foam
and had also put in place risk mitigation measures to ensure the safety of vessel
despite having less than the necessary amount of foam.
➢ As a result of the open communication, the PSC did not issue any adverse PSC actions
on the vessel, and it was allowed to resume normal operations without restrictions.
Case Study
➢ Vessel was inspected by PSC. A total of 12 deficiencies was issued by the PSCO consist of
various defecs and 6 x code 17.

➢ PSC notified Liberia office at the same time on the findings.

➢ Liberia office immediate carried out Flag State Inspection on the same day.

➢ A total of 14 new deficiencies were found during Flag State Inspection, including:
➢ Illegal modification on fuel oil line
➢ OWS date entry not working for long period of time.
➢ Oil Record Book record show serious discrepancy; after investigation, more than 20MT
of waste oil and bilge water unaccounted.

➢ Vessel Class is notified of the detention and serious contravention.

➢ Vessel under monitor by both Flag and Class.

Port State Control – Some suggestions

➢ Don’t try to hide things

If in doubt, report it
have rectification actions / plans

➢ Be honest
Req’t as per SOLAS Ch I Reg 11
Relaxation afforded with plans

➢ Be fully aware of your ships and how things work

➢ Question finding / clarifications

Make sure you understand what the deficiencies mean
Port State Control – Inspection vs Detention

My perspectives – due to :

➢ Hardware
– Certification, Machinery, Navigation, Emergency, Operations, Design,
Safety, Pollution prevention, Design etc

➢ “Software”
- First impression & housekeeping
- Communication & Language
- Transparency & Open
- Take immediate action(s), etc

1. Introduction of Liberian Registry

2. MOUs statistics

3. Detention Prevention Programme

4. Case Studies

5. Conclusions

• Who is actually responsible to ensure quality shipping ?

Owner, Crew, Ship Management, Manning agency, ….. Class, Flag, PSC, IMO, etc

• Taking care of the “Hardware” of the vessel is important AND ….

Please remember the “Software” side of things as well.

I believe there is no single answer to the above but

it should be a combination of all of the above ++.
Thank You, 谢谢您

LISCR Singapore LISCR Singapore 24/7 DUTY OFFICER
Tel: +65 6323 1048 Tang Sau Weng, MD +1 703 963 6216 DUTYOFFICER@LISCR.COM

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