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The calculus was invented by______(well-known scientist)and_______(less well-

known scientist). It was invented to solve ____(adjective) mathematical problems. The frac-

tional calculus is a branch in it. 1There are two approaches in this type of calculus. One is the

____(one approach) which is based on iterating the integral operator n times and then replac-

ing it by one integral via the famous Cauchy formula where then n! is changed to the Gamma

function and hence the fractional integral of non-integer order is defined. The second ap-

proach is____(second approach) which is based on iterating the derivative n times and then

fractionalizing by using the Gamma function in the binomial coefficients. After studying

more about fractional calculus. One can see that the_______(rule that is used in products)

and____(calculus rule used when multiple variables are in the function) are very helpful.


When I first encountered the topic that I am going to transform a well-estab-

lished and peer-reviewed paper into a different genre, I was excited because this is a

new experience to me and I felt it would be interesting to turn an article into a totally

different kind of style. The first kinds of articles that came to my mind are related to

my major which is Math. So, I found a rigorous peer-reviewed article about fractional

calculus from UCSB library. Meanwhile, I am really into puzzles and I solved multiple

sudokus and crosswords puzzles in my leisure time. As a result, I decided to transfer

the professional article into a puzzle.

1 Thabet Abdeljawad, ‘Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics’

Academic articles and puzzles, these two genres are fundamentally different

in both the construction and the purpose. One is carefully structured and meant to in-

form or teach some significant knowledge, while the other is mainly for people to

solve and entertain. Meanwhile, in the article, the author lists a variety of sections to

show the audiences about steps to solve the topic-related questions. However, the

puzzles usually just have several words or a certain pattern for the solvers to find

and finish the puzzle. That’s when I met my first dilemma: I was not sure which spe-

cific kind of puzzle I wanted to use to comprehend the main idea of the academic ar-

ticle. It is impossible to change one article into a sudoku because it is only limited to

a set of numbers while the article is mainly about arguments and logic. For cross-

word puzzles it could not help illustrate my point because the puzzle is just con-

structed with multiple words. What I need should be a puzzle that could be in a small

paragraph and people actually can learn from it.After careful discussions and consid-

erations, I decided to use what my writing teacher told me that I could do a mad-lib. It

is fundamentally like a crossword puzzle because it also requires people to guess

the words but in the form of a paragraph. It fits perfectly for my purpose of translating

one article into a more interesting genre like puzzle. Meanwhile, in this form, it can

also be a summary of the article.

“On conformable fractional calculus” describes the fractional calculus in a de-

tailed way that this method’s two approaches have multiple examples. When I read

this article, I can see that the author put a lot of effort in it and he tries to explain ev-

erything very carefully so that the readers can understand. This could be one of the

reasons that this article is mainly targeting the students. Its form is mainly the combi-

nation of functions and explanations. It is when I find the next difficulty that it is very
2 Thabet Abdeljawad, ‘Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics’
difficult to translate one large and math related article into the form of a puzzle be-

cause all the functions with a series of clarifications are complicated. It is kind of im-

possible to include all the information into one whole mad-lib. I began to struggle with

the idea that I wanted to combine all of the ideas together in one single puzzle. Then,

I saw the reflective essays by other students. They didn’t include every aspect of the

article they chose. 3They selected part of the article and then showed the thesis of

the article most importantly just like the girl chose to depict the importance of having

a dog. I got the sense that I could give this article a general summary of what the

topic is and I could get important information from the introduction, background infor-

mation and the final conclusion and comparison. These all would make a great intro-

duction for the passage and get the readers more engaged into it.

It is not only about how to translate the article into a puzzle. The most fre-

quently asked question when constructing a puzzle is what should readers know be-

fore solving the puzzle. First of all, I believe readers should have enough background

knowledge in the mathematics field and should understand calculus. Secondly, read-

ers should have great passion for mathematics to grasp all the important ideas for

both the article and the puzzle. However, the article could be difficult to understand

and the concepts are confusing sometimes. As a result I tried to make this mad-lib

simple but the process could be challenging. In order to let more people understand

the topic and get them engaged in the reading, I make a description of the word after

every space in the puzzle so that the readers can somewhat guess the word in the

space. I started with the easiest ones that invented calculus and most people know it

was Newton. The second one is less well-known and his name is Lebniz. In case

some people don’t have background information about it, they can still get their an-
3 .Wednesday In-Class Activity - Reflective Essay Example, Kasey Bohney’s reflective essay
swers by searching online or reading. For the approaches which essentially con-

struct factual calculus, I intended to get the readers curious and let them find it in the

article by explaining the methods after each space. I believe someone with their pas-

sion in mathematics will definitely try to find the answers. Also, as mainly an intro-

duction puzzle to the passage, the puzzle should be straightforward. Thus, it in-

cludes most information from the conclusion and introduction so that people won’t

get lost solving the puzzle. While they finish solving the puzzle, I expect the fulfill-

ment the readers will achieve because they combine their newly learnt knowledge

and their mathematical understanding to solve this puzzle. The process tends to be

fun and easier.

In conclusion, changing one academic article into a different genre can be dif-

ficult and one may face many obstacles during the process. When catering with the

genre choices, translation process, and readers’ consideration problems, it can all

be laborious. As a result, I put a lot of effort in it and change my thoughts frequently

to make the mad-lib as excellent as possible. I always keep in mind that difficulties

will only make me closer to success. Solving puzzles is interesting but it never oc-

curred to me that making one is much more complicated and fun. Therefore, I really

appreciate and enjoy the process of translating one academic article into a different

Work Citated:
1.Thabet Abdeljawad, ‘Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics’,Journal of computational and applied mathe-

matics, 2015-05-01, Vol.279, p.57-66



2.Wednesday In-Class Activity - Reflective Essay Example, Kasey Bohney’s reflective essay, June 29, 2022

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