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Student Name: Group #:

Grader: Grader Signature:

PRELAB / LAB REPORT #__________________________

Pre-lab grading (Mark ‘X’ for violation) Total: _________/4

Section Errors* Points deduction Comments

Purposes Copy and paste from manual -0.5
No applications -0.5
Methods No techniques -0.5
No experimental methods -0.5
Safety precautions No fully chemical threats -0.5
No preventions -0.5
No accidents solutions -0.5
Suggested questions Not fully answer all questions -0.75
All Minor mistake -0.25/each
Plagirism Failed course
Lab report grading (Mark ‘X’ for violation) Total: _________/15

Section Errors* Points deduction Comments

Introduction No theory -0.5
No application -0.5
No brief explains the experiment -0.5
Methods No techniques -0.5
No procedures -0.5
Wrong techniques/procedures -0.5/each
Results & Not showing work calculation -0.5
Discussion Not explaining the results (linking with -0.5
No refering no figures/tables -0.5/each
Conclusion No adequate summary -0.5/each
ALL No passive past tense -0.5/each sentence
Outline -0.5/each section
Spelling errors -0.25/each
Grammar errors -0.25/each
No label for pics/tables -0.25/each
Wrong fonts style -0.75
Wrong fonts size -0.75
Wrong fonts color -0.75
Wrong paragraph spacing -0.75
Plagirism Failed course
Section Extra stuff Points addition (pt)
Abstract 200 words max about the report +0.5
Methods Additional pictures on the instruments +0.25
List out all chemicals use +0.25
Results & Additional pictures on the results +0.25
Conclusion Future works +0.25
Student Name: Group #:
Grader: Grader Signature:
PRELAB / LAB REPORT #__________________________

* If students make additional mistakes that are not listed in this grading parameters, they are subjected to additional
points deduction.

** These points deduction can be exceed the numbers of total points in that specific section if students violated them

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