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Following statement correct – 2 3 (design thinking prod dev, DT find rightd)

2. BEST describe… sprint length in scrum – the team must collectively agree
3. Reading multiple source – professional scrum
4. Not an xp practice – extreme reviews
5. The product owner in a scrum project – 2 4 (has the final auth, collobrate… but product
owner has the final say)
6. Kris ia an experienced… how can he help the tcs agile vision – proactively upskill with skills
needed to word
7. Daily scrum is not rec for collocated team – false
8. Lee joins a project … wt can be sugg for this env – apply design think firt
9. Who manage the team work during a aprint – the team manages the work by self org
10. Agile manifesto has value and principles – 3(4.12)
11. Agile teams need to comply by the agile values – true
12. The res for holding regular sprint retrospective is – provides an opportunity for the scrum
team to
13. Noor’s scrum team… missing in the env – flow
14. Best describe a scrum team – 1,2,4 (small but, collaborate, cross func)
15. Agile vision. He was recom to attain EID……how could agile knowledge – agile priciples can
help in countinu improving BPS
16. A team having the first sprint palnning meeting…must perform during meeting – team
choose the product backlog items to work in….
17. Increasing no of tcs custm are moving to the agile way of working – both 1 and 2
18. Sprint itself is an event in srum – true
19. A scrum team where the scrum master magneto.. to collect the percentage of task – be
prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with..
20. Who owns quality in a scrum team – scrum team.
21. Which of the following best represent the scrum approach to planning – 3,4 (whole team
together , only palnning in scrum is the sprint planning)
22. Which of these are the needed action to realize TCS vision of 0.4.2 – 1,3,4,5 (agile Partner ,
agile workforce , top to bottom, agile workplace)
23. Provide additional features…. What is this category of waste – over prod
24. Change requ in soft dev are correct – 1,4 (in traditional way, organization must adapt)
25. Which framework prescribe user story as the format od BL items – scrum
26. Consumer device with embedded soft……contradictory statement abount user needs. What.
– apply design thinking first
27. A scrum team work on the 4 week sprint… - adopt practices like test automation
28. Scrum define role event artifacts – 3-5-3
29. The time box for a daily scrum is – 15min
30. On the last day of the sprint…. SM recommend ? – close the sprint on time
31. Toyzon and team zan – team zon
32. Match the framework to its authors in he order of listing – 3 ( ken schwaber and jeff suther,
Alistair cock, kent)
33. Jerald ….. understood TCS aspiration – false
34. John a team member .. EO,agile – Account leadership
35. Improves the flow of business idea – devops practices
36. Activaties that the team must perfm during the meeting – team chooses the prod BL
37. Agile estimation tecq – planning poker , tshirt sizing
38. Best.. y agile is winning – agile increase the chance
39. Owner is not available during a sprint – the team self-org itself
40. Owns Product backlog – prod owner
41. Not match with Agile manifesto – process and tools over, .. contract nego
42. Allocated to the team in a scrum pro – team members must volunteer
43. Prod owner keep change… makes contradict statem abt user need. What – apply design
think 1st
44. Allow to attend sprint retrospective – scrum team
45. Munnabhai – agile principle
46. Benefits of agile – all of these
47. 100agile by 2020 means – tcs to be regarded as 100%
48. Scrum same time same place – the consistency reduce complx and overhd
49. The agile way is – to produce working soft of high business value
50. Purps of sprint burndown chart – used to measure how much work is yet to be done
51. Scrum anti patterns – prog, 20mem, 6wk
52. Popular agile soft – Jenkins
53. Kanban board – a visible chart
54. Kanban cannot be interred from the board - % completion
55. Approach to doc – do just enough doc to support
56. Not satisfied with the tradition waterfall methos – not a lightweight, failed to meet the
57. Eric so he can be prepared to help the cus – SAFe prog consult(SPC)
58. Learn about agile so that you can become – agile practioner
59. Juaraz.. setup what is recomd – understate the TCS point

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