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Business Law

Divisible and Indivisible Obligations Quiz

Explain or state briefly the rule or reason for your answer.

(1) John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson bind themselves to pay Richard Nixon their loan of
P 10,000 on a certain date. Is the obligation divisible or indivisible?
- The obligation is indivisible.

(2) Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan oblige themselves jointly to deliver to
George Bush a particular horse on a certain date. The agreement among Gerald Ford,
Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan which was made known to George Bush, is that they
will contribute the amount in buying the horse. The horse was not delivered on the due
date because of the failure of Jimmy Carter, to give his share of the purchase price.
State the rights and obligations of the parties.
- Since this is a joint obligation and only Jimmy Carter failed to comply in his obligation
to give his share in buying the horse, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan are both not
liable. Since they cannot buy the horse for them to be able to deliver it to George,
the obligation is converted into a monetary obligation where Gerald, Jimmy, and
Ronald have to pay the specific amount for the horse. Gerald and Ronald are obliged
to pay there share of the payment, while Jimmy is indebted to George for his share.

(3) Barack Obama, finds himself to pay his loans of P 10,000 in four equal monthly
installments. Is the obligation of Barack Obama divisible or indivisible?
- The obligation of Barack Obama is divisible.

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