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1. Atomic theory
● Centrifugal force (Lực li tâm): a force that appears to cause an object moving in a circle
to fly away from the centre and off its circular path
● Centripetal force (Lực hướng tâm): a force that acts on a body moving in a circular path
and is directed toward the center around which the body is moving.
● Atom: the basic unit of matter
● Electron:
+ Very small, most important in electronics
+ Move/ fly/ buzzle around the nucleus of an atom in paths: Orbit (quỹ đạo)
+ One unit of negative charge
+ Outermost orbit (quỹ đạo ngoài cùng) = Valance ring
=> Electron in outermost orbit= valence electrons
● Nucleus (hạt nhân nguyên tử): center of an atom
Mass of an atom is concentrated in nucleus
○ Proton:
+ 2000 times the mass of electron
+ One positive charge
+ N∘ of protons= N∘ of electrons => Atom has no charge (
Electrically neutral)
○ Neutron:
+ The same mass of proton
+ No charge
+ Keep proton together/ N∘ => isotopes (đồng vị) (tức là có chung số
● Friction is a simple way of generating an electric charge
● Electrons in the outermost orbit are subjected to the smallest attraction force (lực
hút) from the nucleus.
● Like charges repel, unlike charges attraction
● Particle (hạt): a very small piece of something
● An atom (nguyên tử) is the smallest particle of an element
● Molecule (phân tử): the smallest particle of any substance which still has the original
chemical properties of the substance


1. Atom consists of: nucleus + electron
● Nucleus = protons + neutrons
● Electrons circle around nuclear in different orbits
2. Valence electrons (điện tử hóa trị )
● Outermost orbits (quỹ đạo ngoài cùng)= valence ring (vòng hóa trị)
● Electrons in outermost orbit = valence electrons
● Important in determining chemical and electrical properties of element
● Number of valence electrons can vary from 1 to 8
● Attraction force to nuclear: directly proportional to product of the charge, inversely
proportional to square of the distance.
Q1. Q 2
F= K. 2
● More valence electrons=> more protons=> stronger force on each electron
3. Copper (conductor)
● Electrons easily escape from atom => free electron
● Atoms are arranged in regular rows and columns => A lattice
● Free electrons can wander about freely in the space
● Move in random => no total movement of electric changes
● Connect a battery to each end of a strip => Free electron move in 1 direction = electric
● Electron flow
○ Real direction: negative charge move from negative to positive
○ Conventional current flow: positive charge move from positive to negative
● Bounce on atoms => opposition to electric current = resistance ( sự cản trở dòng điện là trở
kháng )
p: resistivity ( trở kháng)
A L: length

A: cross sectional area

● Current intensity (cường độ dòng điện): Quantity of electric charges passing through the wire
in a given time
● Measured in amperes ( 1amp= 6.25 x 10¿❑8 electrons )
I= V: Voltage (hiệu điện thế)
Amplitude (biên độ): its maximum size
Period (chu kì): the time for one complete cycle from positive back to positive again
Waveform: the shape of its graph ➽ AC has a sine wave shape
Frequency (tần số) = 1/period (Reciprocal nghịch đảo)
4. Terms
● Repunction force: lực đẩy
● Electric current: movement of electric charges ( electrons or ions in one direction)
● Resistant: Điện tử : Movement of electron
5. Terms Task 3
also a volt-ohm meter, a handheld tester used to
multimeter measure electrical voltage, current (amperage), đồng hồ đa năng
resistance, and other values
a homogeneous mixture of two or more components in
which the particle size is smaller than 1 nm dung môi

the continuous framework in which atoms bond

Lattice together tinh thể

Conductor (n) a substance that allows electricity to go through it Chất/ Vật dẫn điện
Flow of electrons in a conductor
Electric current The average amount of negative electric charges Dòng điện
flowing in a conductor in a unit of time
Vật dẫn lỏng
Vật dẫn kim loại
Insulator (n) material or device that doesn't let electric current flow
Chất/ Vật cách điện
Non-conductor easily
Unit charge A charge of one in any system of measurement used. Đơn vị điện tích
Contains 4 element: load (consume electric power),
Electric circuit Mạch điện
source, conductor and control system
 The interatomic linkage that results from the sharing
Covalent bond Cộng hoá trị
of an electron pair between two atoms
The energy required to remove an electron from a Năng lượng điện
Ionisation energy
gaseous atom or ion hoá
Refer to the energy contained within a system that is
Thermal energy Nhiệt năng
responsible for its temperature
Terminal Connection into an electric circuit Cực / Điểm cuối
Conventional Current flows from the positive terminal to the
Dòng điện quy ước
current negative terminal
Atomic number The number of protons in an atom Số hiệu nguyên tử
Voltage The force of an electric current, measured in volts Điện áp
A thin rigid board containing an electric circuit; a
Circuit board Bảng mạch điện
printed circuit.
the current in which the electric charge (current) only
Direct current Dòng điện một
flows in one direction
(DC) chiều

Alternating the current in which electric charge changes direction Dòng điện xoay
current (AC) chiều
the maximum distance moved by a point on a vibrating
body or wave measured from its equilibrium position
Amplitude (n) Biên độ / cường độ
(from rest to crest)

the time it takes for a particle on a medium to make

Period (n) Chu kì
one complete vibrational cycle
Frequency (n) the number of period in one second Tần số/ suất
Waveform (n) Dạng sóng
The shape of the current’s graph
Sinewave (n) Dạng hình sin
Resistance (n) The opposition to electric current Trở kháng
Resistivity A measure of the electrical resistance of a substance Điện trở suất
Quantity of electric charges passing through the wire Cường độ dòng
Current intensity
in a given time điện
Potential The difference in the amount of energy that charge
Hiệu điện thế
difference carriers have between two points in a circuit.
Unit 3: Cells and batteries
Battery = Set of cells (in series or parallel)
❖ Definition:
A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical energy.
❖ Variety of shapes and sizes:
- Shapes: cylindrical cells (hình trụ), button/coin cells (pin cúc), prismatic cell (hình lăng
trụ), pouch cells (pin túi), rectangular cells (hình chữ nhật)
- Size: The AA battery is a standard size single cell cylindrical energy.
Electrochemistry (điện hóa):
❖ Definition:
Electrochemistry is the study about “Interconversion” (sự biến đổi lẫn nhau):
2 kinds of energy: Chemical energy (điện hóa) <--> Electrical energy (điện năng)
● Electrical -> Chemical: effects of electric current on aqueous solution (dung dịch gốc nước)
(nói về Tác động của dòng điện lên dd gốc nước) (Electrolysis: điện phân; electroplating:
mạ điện)
● Chemical -> Electrical: means talking about cells/ batteries
❖ 2 Kinds of conduction:
● Electronic (metallic) conduction (dẫn điện bằng điện tử/ kim loại): use metal, lead to
conduct electricity
● Electrolytic/ Ionic conduction (dẫn điện bằng chất điện phân /Ion):
● Experiment:
- Distilled water (nước cất): does not conduct electricity very well
- Put some NaCl - sodium chloride (muối ăn) and stir it well
-> Electrolyte (chất điện phân): the solution that electricity go through - dung dịch mà trong đó
dòng điện đi qua
- Electrolytic cell (Bình điện phân) consists of 2 electrode ( điện cực) - made of inert material
(chất trơ - chất ko sẵn sàng tham gia phản ứng)
- Connect 2 electrodes with 2 ends of a battery: 1 positive end (anode) , 1 negative
-> The movement: Cation moves to Cathode ; Anion moves to Anode. When they touch the
● Cathode has a lot of free electrons while Cation lacks electrons -> they take the electrons from
cathode -> they give off the charge, become neutral (atoms), and they stay around the electrode -
DEPOSIT. (kết tủa)
● Anode lacks electrons while Anion has a lot of free electrons -> they give the electrons to anode
-> they give off the charge, become neutral (atoms), and they go up (because chloride is the gas).
- LIBERTY (giải phóng)
★ Electrolysis is the process of using electric current to break a chemical compound to its
Some substances cannot be dissolved in water -> use other method: Melting - Molten (nóng chảy)
- Electrochemical equivalent (đương lượng điện hóa)
Electroplating (mạ điện)
- Cathode - Object to be plated (vật được mạ) connected to the negative end; Anode - the metal
that you want to plate on the surface (kim loại mà ta muốn phủ lên trên bề mặt connected to the
positive end)
- Electrolyte: muối của kim loại dùng để phủ
- Things happen:
+NiCl2 (muối) in water is ionizer into Ni++ & Cl- & Cl-
1, Ni++ goes to cathode and deposit -> Reduction (p/u khử
2, Cl- goes to anode -> oxidation (p/u oxi hóa - ăn mòn kim loại) and again form Ni++ -> 1
3, After a time, the Cathode is plated
Cells or Voltaic cells or Electric cells
● The negative end - Anode, The positive end - Cathode
● Where the oxidation (phản ứng oxi hóa) happens, that is Anode; Where the
reduction( phản ứng khử) happens, that is Cathode
● The most compact sources of electric power
● Chemical actions inside the cell: chemical compounds that are ready to react together ->
current is drawn
● 2 general groups:
❖ Primary cells (Disposable cells): be used until the voltage is two low to operate a given device ->
- Zinc-carbon,alkaline, zinc-chloride and lithium
❖ Secondary cells (Storage cells): can be reconstituted (recharged) - termed rechargeable cells.
- NiCad, NiMH,Lead-acid (Accumulator)
● Other facts:
- Reserve cell: electrolyte is in its inactive state until it is activated (type)
- Backup cell (battery): used when the main power is off (purposed)
Battery Charger
● Transformer (máy biến thế) -> step up/down voltage
● Rectifier (mạch chỉnh lưu)-> convert AC to DC
● Stabilizer (ổn áp) -> stabilize voltage
● Circuit to automatically turn off when fully charged
The amount of energy stored by volume Energy density Mật độ năng lượng

The situation in which batteries gradually lose their maximum Memory effect Hiệu ứng bộ nhớ
energy capacity after being only partially discharged . The
battery appears to “remember” the smaller capacity

The property of batteries that are designed to be stronger and Heavy duty Siêu công suất
provide more power than standard battery

The length of time a battery can remains in storage without Shelf life Thời hạn sử dụng
losing its capacity

A telephone that can be used anywhere you go because it Cellular telephone

operates with radio signals, also known as cell phone

The mixture of 2 or more metals, or a metal and another Alloy Hợp kim

The property of a substance that causes cancer Carcinogenic Chất gây ung thư

A portable telephone that uses radio waves, rather than a wire, Cordless Điện thoại không
to communicate with a base station that is connected to a telephone dây
standard landline

Unit 4: Source of energy

Source of DC power
❖ Chemical cells and batteries (see more in U3)
- Consists 2 electrodes + electrolyte
- Chemical reaction inside creates Electricity
- 2 Types: primary and secondary cells
❖ Fuel cells
● Fuel cell use Hydro oxygen (H2+O2) in a chemical process -> produce electricity & heat & by-
product - pure water (s/p phụ)
● Structure:
- 2 electrode: Anode and Cathode, Electrolyte is between them
- Use liquid hydrogen (liquify) + catalyst in Anode (chất xúc tác) -> H+ & electron
(electron flow from Anode -> Cathode)
- Oxygen + catalyst in Cathode -> O--
- O--+ 2H+ -> H2O (water)
● Advantages:
- Generate electricity as long as we have hydrogen
- Better than diesel generator: not make noise and release harmful gases
- Better than renewable energy: not đepend on weather
❖ Solar cells
● How does it work?
- Consists of 2 layers semiconductor: N-type (negative side) & P-type (positive side), seperated in
the middle by insulator layer
- Under the influence of the sunlight -> electrons move to 1 side
- Connect to electrical circuit: move from the point lots of electrons to the point lack of electrons -
> constitute current
❖ Charged capacitor (Tụ tích điện)
● Structure
- 2 plates (tấm bản cực) + dielectric (chất điện môi) -> Electrostatics field (trường tĩnh điện)
- The amount of electricity in electric field depends on:
+ Effective area (diện tích hữu dụng)
+ Distance between 2 plates (the closer, more electric)
+ Dielectric between 2 plates
Source of AC power
❖ Power plant:
● Main components:
- Generators (máy phát): convert mechanical energy (cơ năng) to electricity
- Prime movers (động cơ nguồn): device that create mechanical energy
- Transformer, grid
● Different types of power plant (Prime movers):
- Water turbine (wheel): hydropower plant
- Steam turbine: Thermal power plant
- Diesel (petroleum) engine:diesel generator/portable generator
- Wind turbine (windmill): wind power plant (wind farm)
● Hydropower plant
- Reservoir (hồ chứa nước) behind the dam
- Dams stops water -> high potential energy
- Water went through penstocks (đường ống áp lực) -> run the turbine connected to generator ->
generator runs -> create electricity
● Thermopower plant
- Coal-fired, gas-fired, nuclear power plants
- Boiler burns fossil fuel to create heat
- Inside the boiler, water inside the tube is converted into high pressure steam -> run the turbine
connected to generator -> generator runs -> create electricity
- Steam condenses into water in condenser -> water is fed back to the boiler
● Nuclear power plant
- 2 water lines: primary cycle & second cycle
- The second cycle:
+ Steam comes from steam generator -> run the turbine connected to generator -> generator runs -
> create electricity
+ Steam condenses into water in condenser -> water is fed back to the steam generator
+ The heat doesn’t come from the burning fossil fuel but comes from nuclear reaction
- Primary cycle: goes into the nuclear reactor to receive heat
+ Pressurizer (điều chỉnh áp suất)
● Wind turbine
● Solar power plant
- Heliostats (hệ thống gương xoay): consist of one or more mirrors which can be individually
controlled and moved in order to keep reflecting sunlight directed toward the solar tower (thiết
bị thu)
- Heat transfer fluid (dung dịch dẫn nhiệt) convert water into steam
- Solar steam generator -> run the turbine connected to generator -> generator runs -> create
- Steam condenses into water in condenser -> water is fed back to the steam generator
❖ Power supply unit (PSU)
● Def: The unit to supply power for electronic equipment
● Used to supply low voltage for devices from main supply
● Structure
- Transformer (to transform high voltage -> low voltage)
- Rectifier (chỉnh lưu - rectifying circuit) (converting AC -> DC)
- Regulator circuit (stabilizer - thiết bị ổn áp) (produce a steady voltage)
● Kinds of PSU
1, A plastic body that looks like a large main plugs
2, A case w 2 leads
3, A bench PSU is used in labs and workshops


1. Electric power system (hệ thống diện)

● A network of electrical components deployed to supply, transfer, and use
electric power Một mạng lưới các thành phần điện được triển khai để cung cấp, chuyển giao
và sử dụng năng lượng điện
● Subsystems: Generation (bộ phận phát điện), Transmission (truyển tải điện),
Distribution (Phân phối điện)
● Generation
● Power plants where electricity is generated: thermopower plants (coal-fired,
oil-fired, gas-fired), nuclear power plants, hydropower plants, wind power
● External energy => turbine (prime mover) (động cơ nguồn) => generator
● Voltage: AC, 2kV to 24kV
● Stepped up for transmission(step-up transformer) (máy tăng thế)
● Transmission system
● Transmission network, National grid
● 3 phase, High-voltage (110kV – 765kV)
● Transmission lines: Overhead cable (cáp trên không), Tower (Pylon) (cột điện
cao thế), underground cable, Stations
■ insulator string (chuỗi quả sứ cách điện)
■ cable
solid (cáp đặc)
hollow (cáp rỗng)
stranded/ bundled (cáp bện)
underground cable (cáp ngầm)
e aluminum steel reinforced conduction (dây nhôm lõi
armored cable (dây bọc kim loại thường thì dùng lead)

■ Substation
● Transformer (máy biến thế)
● Bus (thanh truyền) : group of copper
● Power factor correction capacitor (tụ bù)
● Voltage regulator (các thiết bị ổn áp)
● Circuit breaker (thiết bị đóng cắt)
● Distribution
● Pole (cột điện)
● Electricity meter (công tơ điện)
2. Main electricity
● Utility power, grid power, domestic power and wall power
● Electrical power that consumers use when they plug items such as domestic
appliances, televisions and electric lamps into wall outlets.
● AC, 100 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1 or 3 phase.
● 3-wire (live/hot, neutral, Earth)
○ Live wire (dây nóng, dây có điện): Brown- To carry the electric current to
the device
○ Neutral wire (dây trung tính): Blue- To provide a return path and complete
the circuit- Close to 0V
○ Earth wire (dây nối đất) : Green & Yellow: To provide a return path for
the current to the earth in case of electrical fault- 0V
● Cables, switch, fuse, circuit breaker, outlet (socket, female plug), plug (male
3. Cable and switch
● Cable:
○ Copper strands twisted together, surrounded by a layer of plastic
(insulation/ jacket) to insulate => makes the cable flexible.
○ Cross sectional area/ diameter/ wire gauge(cỡ dây) => current-carrying
capacity (ampacity)(khả năng mang dòng)
● •Switch
○ Connect and disconnect
○ Wired into the live wire of the supply
○ Different kinds: the toggle switch (công tắc gạt), rotary switch(công tắc
xoay), mercury switch (công tắc thủy ngân) ….
○ Cover/ lever (cần gạt) / contacts(tiếp điểm)
4. Socket and plug
● Plug (male plug)
○ Plastic body/ 2 or 3 pins (chân)
○ The body of the mains plug is made from plastic or hard rubber because
they are insulators
○ Earth pin: LONGEST => To make sure that the appliance is earthed
all the time it is connected to the mains
○ With fuse integrated inside
● Socket (female plug): Wall socket/ outlet/ movable (ổ cắm kéo dài)
5. Fuse
● Protection device
● Thin special alloy(hợp kim) wire that melts at a fairly low temperature
● Ratings in Ampere, and at a slightly higher current than the device needs
● Wired to live wire
● Cartridge (cầu chì hộp)
6. Circuit Breaker/ Relay
● Protection device; can be reset
● A home wiring system: Áp tô mát >< A transmission station : Thiết bị đóng cắt
Thermal circuit breaker
Most important component: bimetallic circuit (thanh lưỡng
Magnetic circuit breaker
O ● Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) (thiết bị ngắt dòng điện dư )
p ● When the RCCB detects that the live and neutral currents are
er unequal it switches off the supply (Không có dòng điện)
at ● The the live and neutral currents are still equal=> A person
io accidentally touching both live and neutral wires at the same time in
n the circuit with a RCCB receive a shock (Có dòng điện)
● RCCB switches off the mains supply to an appliance when it detects
a leakage of current to earth or to another circuit

Core the copper conductor inside the cable

Short circuit a connection that allows current to take the path of least
(Ngắn mạch, resistance
đoản mạch)
Cable the collection of two or three insulated wires surrounded by an
outer layer of rubber or flexible plastic.

★ Plastic appliances with no exposed electrical parts are "DOUBLE insulated”

★ A PLUG has an insulating case and is used to connect the cable from the appliance to a
★ A SOCKET is used to connect the mains plug of Nóa main appliance to the main circuit.
★ A fuse should be rated close to but ABOVE the normal operating current.
★ A CIRCUIT BREAK is an electromagnetic switch that opens and cuts the current off if
too much current passes through it.
★ The NATIONAL GRID is the electricity network that connects electrical energy
producers with consumers.


● First magnets were known as magnetite(quăng sắt từ) or loadstone.
● Can attract some materials: iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co) – ferromagnetic (vật
liệu sắt từ)), but not with aluminum (Al), copper (Cu)… – paramagnetic (thuận
từ), diamagnetic (nghịch từ).
● Attract and repel each other.
● Magnetism (hiện tượng từ, từ tính)- physical phenomena arising from the force
caused by magnets (hiện tượng vật lý phát sinh từ lực gây ra bởi nam châm )

● Magnets always have 2 poles: North and South
● Like poles – repel/ Unlike pole - attract
● The area around a magnet, in which magnetic force is exerted is known as a
magnetic field ( từ trường).
● Strongest attraction force of the magnet => At the poles

3. MAGNETIC FIELD LINES of a bar magnet

● Magnetic field can be visualized (hình ảnh hóa) as magnetic field lines(đường
sức từ).
● The field strength(cường độ từ trường) corresponds to the density of the field
● The total number of magnetic field lines penetrating (xuyên qua) an area is called
the magnetic flux (từ thông)
● Magnetic flux density (mật độ từ thông) is defined as the amount of magnetic
flux in an area taken perpendicular (vuông góc) to the magnetic flux's direction.
● The magnetic field lines leave the North pole and enter the South pole


● The interaction of electric currents (or fields) and magnetic fields.
● A current flowing in a wire produces a magnetic field around the wire.
When a conductor cuts a magnetic field, a current (an EMF- Electromotive Force
(xuất điện động)) is induced in it.

5. ELECTROMAGNET (SOLENOID) (nam châm điện)

● Magnetic field create by a current

carrying loops of wire
● B=nI/l (I: current density, l: length
of the coil, n: số vòng dây)
● Simple experiment: move a bar of
magnet in a loop of wire => electromotive force (voltage) appears
● Electromagnetic Inductance: wire placed in a changing magnetic field, E is
induced in the wire.
● Electromotive force
E = - ΔФ/Δt
ΔФ: flux (từ thông)
6.1. Mutual inductance (Hỗ cảm)
● Current i1 flowing through coil L1 => L1 becomes electromagnet.
● i1 from AC source; changing => magnetic field changing.
● L2 = coil place inside changing magnetic field => current i2 is induced in L2
6.2. Self inductance (tự cảm)
VL = the induced voltage in volts
N = the number of turns in the coil
dø/dt = the rate of change in magnetic flux in webers per second
7. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF A MOTOR ( a device/machine that converts electricity
into mechanical energy)
● When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, a force is exerted
on it.
F = B*I*L
F: độ lớn của lực
B: cường độ từ trường
I: cường độ dòng điện
L: độ dài đoạn dây nằm trong từ trường

Fleming’s Left -hand: Hold your thumb, first finger and

second finger at right angles (góc vuông), as in the
drawing below. Point your first finger in the direction of
the electric field and your second finger in the direction
of the current. Your thumb points in the direction of the

● Rotor (armature: phần ứng)(bộ phận quay): coil, core
● Stator (bộ phận ngoài tạo ra từ trường): create a
magnetic field
○ Permanent magnet
○ Electromagnet
● Commutator (cổ góp, thiết bị đảo mạch): acts as a current switching device
● Brush (chổi than): carry current to the commutator
● Shaft (trục)

● How a motor works: When a wire that carries electrical current is placed in a
magnetic field, the wire experiences a force.
● How commutator works: Swaps the contact every half turn, so that the left-hand
and right-hand arms of the coil always experience a force in the same direction.
(Đổi chỗ tiếp điểm cứ sau một nửa vòng sao cho bên trái và bên phải của cuộn
dây luôn chịu một lực cùng phương)
8. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF A GENERATOR (A device that converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy)
● A conductor cuts a magnetic field, an EMF (electromotive force) is induced in it
● Brushes
● Rotor (armature: phần ứng)(bộ phận quay): coil,
● Stator (bộ phận ngoài tạo ra từ trường): create a
magnetic field
○ Permanent magnet
○ Electromagnet
● Slip rings

● Fleming’s Right -hand: Hold your right hand with the thumb and first two fingers at
right-angles to each other. If the thuMb points in the direction of Motion, and your First
Finger points in the direction of the Field, your SeCond finger is pointing in the direction
of the Current.
● Fleming's right-hand rule helps to give which direction the induced current flows.
● Term
- retentivity: độ giữ từ
- residual retentivity: từ dư
- permitability: từ thẩm
- torque: momen xoắn
1. Electronic circuit
● Electric circuit: path for electric current; source (nguồn), load (tải: any devices
that convert electricity into useful form of energy), transmission (wire), control
and safety devices (protective devices: fuse, circuit breaker, switch,...).
● Electric circuit?
○ Components: Individual electronic components (linh kiện điện tử),
connected by conductive wires or traces.
○ Useful functions can be performed (amplifying (mạch khuếch đại),
rectifying (mạch chỉnh lưu chuyển AC=> DC), oscillating (mạch tạo dao
động chuyển DC-> AC), tuning (mạch chỉnh sóng)…)
○ PCB (Printed Circuit Board) bảng mạch in:
■ Substrate Chất nền
■ Interconnections (quan hệ nối liền nhau) by photolithography
techniques in khắc
=> The piece of component which allows all electronic components to
fix on it
○ Different components
■ asbestos: a-mi-ăng
2. Electronic components
● Active components: rely on a source of energy and usually can inject power into a
circuit: vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes … (không những tiêu thụ còn sinh
● Passive components: can't introduce net energy into the circuit, can't rely on a
source of power: resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers.
● Electromechanical components (linh kiện điện cơ): carry out electrical
operations by using moving parts or by using electrical connections
● IC (Integrated circuit) (máy tích hợp), microprocessors (vi xử lí)
● Passive electronic circuit components
● Resistors (điện trở): give resistance to circuit: limit current flow, to adjust signal
levels, bias active elements, terminate (chấm dứt) transmission lines ...
● Capacitors: Capacitance(điện dung): store energy electrostatically (tĩnh điện) in an
electric field.
● Inductors (cuộn cảm): Inductance: resists (chống lại) changes in electric current
passing through it
3. Resistor
● FUNCTION: control current flow
● COLOR CODE: the way to identify the value of resistor
● Tolerance (dung sai):
○ Indicates the plus and minus limits of a resistor’s ohmic value
○ Indicated by the fourth color band on a four-band-code resistor
● Nominal resistance value (trị số danh định)
● Nominal resistance (trở kháng danh định)

Fixed resistor Wire- wound ● Resistance wire wound on a non- conducting former
(fixed value) (điện (điện trở cuộn (core).
trở cố định) dây cuốn) ● Resistance ~ length, cross sectional area.
● Used when a high power rating (heat dissipation tản
nhiệt) is needed
Carbon ● Graphite + non-conducting material = tube
(composition) ● Resistance <= ß % graphite (thanh chì)
(điện trở các-
Thin-film ● Thin film of metal / carbon on former (core)
(điện trở màng ● Made by applying a film of metal or carbon to a
mỏng) ceramic rod in a vacuum
● Film càng mỏng, resistance càng cao
Variable resistor ● Resistive element (thành phần mang trở) (track) + sliding
(value change)
(potentiometer) contact(wiper) (moving part) (thanh trượt, tiếp điểm trượt)
DEF: A resistor ● Rheostat (biến trở): two terminals: Vary large amount of current
whose values can
be varied over a ● Potentiometers (pot) (chiết áp): three terminals
range of values
● DEF: The degree to which a circuit component opposes the passage of an electric
current, causing energy dissipation
● As the resistance of a circuit increases, the current will decrease
Lí do: I= U/R => R càng lớn, I càng nhỏ
5. Uses
● Dimmer (công tắc chỉnh sáng tối); Volume, contrast, brightness … control
● Adjustment, tuning, calibrating the circuit. (trimmer biến trở tinh chỉnh, trimpot,
preset pot chiết áp tinh chỉnh)
6. Resistor network/ circuit
● Many resistors connected together
● Series circuit:
○ Joined end-to-end
○ DEF: A path that only allows for one route for an electric current
● Parallel:
○ Joined in parallel
○ DEF: A circuit that has two or more branches for electrons to follow
● Mixed: Series + Parallel

● The total current arriving at a junction equals the total current leaving it. (tổng
lượng vào tại 1 điểm bằng lượng dòng đổ ra)
● The current is the same everywhere in a series circuit.
● The sum of the voltage drops in a series circuit equals the voltage across the
● In a parallel circuit, there is the same voltage across each component.

a part of an electrical circuit designed to produce a particular resistor điện trở

amount of resistance to the flow of current

ten multiplied by itself a certain number of times a power of 10

the percentage of error in the resistor's resistance tolerance dung kháng

nominal danh định

in name or thought but not in fact or not as things really are

a three-terminal variable resistor which acts as an adjustable potentiometer chiết áp

voltage divider

a potentiometer that is adjusted by sliding the wiper left or slider pot

a sliding contact connects to the third terminal of a wiper thanh trượt,
potentiometer tiếp điểm trượt

resistant to extensive wear; durable hardwearing chịu mòn

chống mòn
a tool with a flattened, cross-shaped, or star-shaped tip that fits screwdriver tu vít
into the head of a screw to turn it

a way of connecting components 'end-to-end', so that the in series mắc nối tiếp
current flows through each in turn

a way of connecting components so that each receive the full in parallel mắc song song
voltage at the same time, with part of the current flowing
through each component

Unit 8: Capacitors
❖ Definition:
● Capacitors (tụ điện) - simple passive (thụ động) device that can store an electrical charge on
their plates when connected to a voltage source
● Capacitance (điện dung) - Capacity of storing electricity (charges) , measured in Farad
(picofarad, nanofarad, microfarad)
● Have capacitive reactance (dung kháng) Xc which changes the frequency (tần số)
-> higher frequency, lower capacitance
Xc= 2 𝜋fC
❖ Structure
● 2 metal (conductive) plates and a dielectric (insulator - chất cách điện) layer in the middle.
● Dielectric layer - mica, plastic (polyester, polystyrene), nylon, paper, air, electrolyte (solution),
❖ How capacitors store electricity
● Communicating vessels (2 bình thông nhau): Tank A - a battery, tank B - capacitor
- The water or substance from tank A will flow to tank B -> tank B also has electric charge
-> tank B = tank A
● If connected to DC electric power -> electrons accumulate on the plated connected to the
negative supply terminal, repelling electrons from the opposite plate -> repelied electrons flow
toward the positive terminal
-> capacitor becomes charged
-> Voltage between its plate = V supply
-> If removed from supply -> remains charges
(Normally, 2 plates are uncharged. When connected to DC power, they become charged. Connect to the
positive end -> positive charge, connect to the negative end -> negative charge. The capacitor has the
same voltage as the battery)
❖ How capacitors work
When a capacitor connected to a battery :
● Polarization in dielectric (phân cực trong chất điện môi): negative electrons go through the
current to positive charge -> a complete circuit -> the bulb light.
❖ Capacitance
● Capacitance - the ratio of the charge Q (lượng điện tích) to the voltage (điện áp) V:C=Q/V
● Capacitance depends on effective area, distance, dielectric constant (hằng số điện môi)

❖ Types of capacitors
● Fixed (tụ cố định): paper, plastic, ceramic,
electrolytic (tụ hóa),...
● Variable (tụ số điện dung thay đổi) (turning - tụ
- Varying capacitance
- Structure: a fixed/stationary set of plates (stator plates) (bộ bản cực tĩnh)+ a moving set (rotor
plates) mounted on a shaft
- Turning shaft -> change effective area -> capacitance
- Used in turning circuit (resonant circuit - mạch cộng hưởng)
● Metallized polyester film capacitor ( tụ nhựa Polyester)
- quite high C
- Polystyrene film capacitor - low C, less tolerance
- Paraffin - impregnated paper capacitor: tụ giấy (tẩm nến)
● Electrolytic capacitor
- Polarized capacitor (tụ phân cực)
- Large Capacitance 1uF - 10000 uF
- 2 common types: aluminium electrolytic and tantalum bead capacitors
- Store large amounts of charge for hours -> danger of electric shock
● Trimmer capacitors
- Kind of variable capacitors
- Plastic film - insulator
- Some trimmers - compresses or loosens (nén hoặc nới lỏng) the plates and film
● Ứng dụng
- Flash light in a camera
- Flickering Flash (EC circuit): đèn nháy
- Filter circuit
- Capacitive reactance - inversely proportional to frequency
- Impedance (tổng trở kháng) Z= √ ❑ (dung kháng thấp=> tổng trở kháng thấp, dòng điện
và trở kháng tỉ lệ nghịch)
❖ Terms
1. The electrical conductors often in the form of metallic surfaces in capacitors are called
2. The amount of charge stored per unit volt is called CAPACITANCE
3. An aromatic polymer that is made from the monomer styrene, a liquid hydrocarbon and mainly
used for a wide variety of packing is POLYSTYRENE
4. The capacitor which has positive and negative terminals is said to be POLARISED
5. A type of capacitor that uses an electrolyte to achieve a larger capacitance than other capacitor
6. A type of capacitor which is named after its small, bead-like shape is called TANTALUM

1. ELECTROMAGNET (nam châm điện)
● Current flows in a wire => Magnetic field around the wire.
● Wire formed into a loop=> Magnetic field around loop
● Wire formed a coil => The magnetic field ~ that of a bar magnet
● Change in magnetic field => Induce a current (EMF) in conductor =>
Electromagnetic induction
● A bar magnet moves => A current is induced in the coil
● Moving toward a coil – the current flows in one direction/ away from the coil, the
opposite direction.
● Induced current => Magnetic field (coil becomes an electromagnet)
● Induced magnetic field opposes magnet’s movement – opposes changes in
inducing magnetic field
● Mutual induction (hỗ cảm): Current changes in coil A => Induce current in coil B.
● Self induction (tự cảm): Current change in coil => Change in magnetic field =>
Induce current in the coil.
● Induced current (EMF) opposes the change
3. INDUCTANCE (độ cảm)
● Inductance - the tendency of an electrical conductor (to induce a current/
voltage) to oppose a change in the electric current flowing through it.
● Inductance - the ratio of the induced voltage (V) to the rate of change of current
(di/dt) causing it.
● Inductance (of a coil) α number of turns; permeability (độ thẩm thấu) ; (cross-
sectional) area of coil; length of coil.
● L= (N*N*u*A)/l
● An insulated wire wound into a coil around a core (iron/ ferrite)
● Unique property – inductance (tendency to oppose the change)
● Higher frequency => Induce higher voltage to oppose the input
● Inductive Reactance (cảm kháng) XL (ohm) =2 π fL
5. A CHOKE (cuộn cảm kháng)
● A coil to block high-frequency signals from passing through
● “ferrite bead” (hạt sắt từ) in power supply circuit

=> Reduce interference (noise/hum)

=> Suppress (làm mất, xóa bỏ) high-frequency noise in electronic circuits
6. TUNING COIL (cuộn thu sóng)
● Used in radio transmitters and receivers
● Tune to particular radio frequency
7. RESONANT CIRCUIT (mạch cộng hưởng )
● Series resonant circuit
● Parallel resonant circuit
● XL= 2πfL; XC= 1/2πfC
● At resonant frequency XC = XL
● Device that transforms (steps up or steps down) voltages
● 2 coils (primary - source & secondary - load) wound on laminated (nhiều lớp)
➔ Core is laminated to reduce eddy current (dòng xoáy)
● Working principle: an example of mutual induction
● Energy from primary winding to secondary winding by magnetic field
● Full load operation (hoạt động có tải)
● No load operation (hoạt động không tải)
● Calculation/ Kinds
❖ α the number of turns in primary and secondary coils
❖ NS>NP: Step-up transformer (biến thế tăng áp)
❖ NS<NP: Step-down transformer (biến thế hạ áp)
❖ NS=NP: Isolation transformer (biến thế tách mạch)
Ns Us Ip
❖ Np = Up = Is

induction the production of an electromotive force (i.e., voltage) across cảm

an electrical conductor in a changing magnetic field is called

mutual the property of a coil to produce a voltage that opposes the hỗ cảm
induction changes in the current in another coil placed near it.
self induction the induction of a voltage in a current-carrying wire when the tự cảm
current in the wire itself is changing
inductor a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores energy cuộn cảm
in a magnetic field when electric current flows through it
induce current the current caused in a conducting loop that is exposed (tiếp EMF
xúc) to a changing magnetic field

induction When there is a change in the current or magnetic flux of the cảm
coil, an opposed induced electromotive force is produced.

inductive the reduction of current flow in a circuit due to induction cảm kháng
reactance (XL)
laminations the thin sheets of metal used to make up the core of an iron- lá sắt
core transformer

tuning coil a tuner consisting of a coil of variable inductance used to tune cuộn thu sóng
a circuit to a particular radio frequency

UNIT 10. Active Circuit Elements

1. Electron (Vacuum) tube (đèn điện tử)
● Def: A device that controls electric current flow in a high vacuum between
electrodes to which an electric potential difference has been applied
● Glass/ metal tube, vacuum inside, electrodes {cathode, anode, grid (lưới), heater
(sợi đốt)}
● Base on number of electrodes => name: diode, triode, tetrode, pentrode
2. Diode
● Def: Electron tube that conduct electricity in one direction
● 2 electrodes: anode (plate) & cathode (filament) (dây tóc) which is heated by
● The cathode emit electrons when heated
● Forward bias (phân cực thuận): When anode is connected to the positive end of
the source, while cathode is connected to the negative end => current can follow
Lí do: Khi cathode gắn với cực âm nguồn điện thì các electron ở cathode bị đẩy
sang anode và khi về cực dương nguồn điện => dẫn điện
● Reverse bias (phân cực ngược): when anode is connected to the negative end of
the source, while cathode is connected to the positive end => current can’t follow
Lí do: Cathode là nơi chứa nhiều electron nhưng lại gắn với cực dương nguồn
điện=> Các electron bị hút về cực dương=> không dẫn điện
=> Diode conducts current in one direction only.
3. Triode
● 3 electrodes: anode, cathode, grid (lưới này mang điện tích âm)
● Grid controls the flow of electrons ( anode - positive, cathode - negative, grid -
negative => cho nguồn điện khử điện âm => electron có thể sang anode => có
● Function:
○ It switches the circuit (switching effect: hiệu ứng chuyển mạch): When
there is a current applied to the grid, there will be a current in anode circuit
○ It amplifies the current (amplifying effect: hiệu ứng khuếch đại)
(Amplify weak signals): a small change in current into the grid will cause a
large change in anode current.
4. Semiconductor (chất bán dẫn)
● Def: Substance that can conduct under certain condition, while not under other
● Types:
○ Intrinsic/ Pure semiconductor (chất bán dẫn thuần): made of only one
element (Silicon/ Germanium)
○ N type semiconductor: doped (cấy) / added with some donor impurity
(thêm tạp chất cho) (pentavalent element), has a lot electrons => dẫn điện
■ pentavalent element: Antimony, Arsenic, Phosphorous
○ P type semiconductor: doped/ added with some acceptor impurity (tạp
chất nhận) (trivalent element), has a lot holes => cũng dẫn điện tốt
■ trivalent element: Boron, Aluminum, Gallium
● Semiconductor diode: small size, low cost, lack of heater
5. P-N junction diode (lớp tiếp giáp)
● 2 layer of semiconductor: 1 n-type & 1 p-type
● Forward bias: P-type semiconductor is connected to the positive end, while n-
type is connected to negative end, depletion zone gets smaller and the disappear
=>diode conducts electricity
● Reverse bias: p-type semiconductor is connected to negative end, while n-type is
connected to positive end, depletion zone gets bigger and bigger => diode cannot
conduct electricity
6. Ứng dụng của diode: Rectifier (chỉnh lưu, chuyển AC sang DC)
● Allows Unidirectional flow of current (cho phép dòng điện 1 chiều đi qua)
● Half wave rectifier chỉnh lưu nửa chu kì

Khi có dòng điện AC đi qua cuộn primary thì sẽ có dòng
điện đi qua cuộn secondary. Tuy nhiên mach secondary có
diode D. Nên nếu phía trên là dương phí dưới là âm thì
dòng điện sẽ đi qua diode theo chiều của tam giác và
ngược lại
Nhược điểm bỏ phí 1 chu kì, khi AC cho diện âm thì
khong có dòng điện đi qua diode

● Full wave rectifier (chỉnh lưu toàn phần) với biến thế trích ra ở giữa

Khi có dòng điện chạy ở secondary

+Trên là dương dưới là âm thì dòng điện đi qua D1 chạy qua
R và không đi qua D2
+ Trên là âm dưới là dương thì dòng điện đi qua D2 chạy qu
R và không đi qua D1
Nhược điểm chỉ 1 nửa cuộn thứ cấp được sử dụng mỗi lần

● Bridge rectifier (chỉnh lưu mạch cầu)

+ Khi trên dương dưới âm thì dòng điện đi

theo chiều mũi tên xanh lá
+ Khi trên âm dưới dương thì dòng điện đi
theo chiều mũi tên xanh lục
=> 2 diode đối nhau sẽ dẫn theo 1 nửa
7. TRANSISTOR (bóng bán dẫn) (đèn bán dẫn)
● Act like tiny "Switch"
● Function: A current amplifier

3 legs:
● Base : very thin
● Collector
● Emitter
3 layers: n-p-n hoặc p-n-p tạo ra 2
depletion layers (miền rỗng)

● Emitter là phân cực thuận, Collector là phân cực ngược
● Base là phân cưc thuận

● Trong mạch Vbe, thì p- layer nối với cực dương, n-layer nối với cực âm=> Phân cực thuận =>
Lớp tiếp giáp n-p ngày cảng nhỏ và dẫn điện
● Mà lớp p rất mỏng và có rất ít holes, các electrons ở lớp N-layer bên Emittor lao sang bên
● IE = IC + IB
=> Có dòng vào B thì có dòng vào C, không
có dòng vào B thì không có dòng vào C =>
Switching effect

Amplifying effect : Một thay đổi nhỏ ở dòng base dẫn đến 1 thay đổi lớn ở collector.
Ví dụ: ban đầu ở B chỉ có 10 hole, E có 100 electrons thì khi có dòng Vbe thì sẽ còn 90
electrons bắn sang C. Khi tăng B lên 20holes, E có 200 electrons thì khi có dòng Vbe thì sẽ có
180 electrons bắn sang C. Như vậy B chỉ tăng từ 10 lên 20 holes mà ở C tăng từ 90 lên 180
electrons => B thay đổi nhỏ dẫn đến C thay đổi lớn
● The word 'wafer' in the term "pure silicon wafer" mean lát
materials whose conductivity falls between those of semiconductors chất bán dẫn
conductors and insulators

a physical material which when added to a acceptor impurities tạp chất nhận
semiconductor can form P-type region by creating
positive charges in the semiconductor material

a physical material which when added to a donor impurities tạp chất cho
semiconductor can form N-type region by allowing the
semiconductor material to gain an extra electron

an element that has 5 valence electrons pentavalent element nguyên tố hóa trị

an element that has 3 valence electrons trivalent element nguyên tố hóa trị

the positive charge that can attract a covalent electron Hole lỗ trống
from a nearby atom

a device that controls an electric current so that it can diode

only flow in one direction

the negative charge mixture created by doping an n-type

intrinsic/pure semiconductor with electron donor semiconductor

the positive charge mixture created by doping an p-type

intrinsic/pure semiconductor with an electron acceptor semiconductor

an arrangement of diode in which the current is reverse bias

prevented from flowing through the device

an arrangement of diode in which the current is allowed forward bias

to flow through the device

the juncture of p-type and n-type materials in depletion region miền rỗng, vùng
semiconductors, in which there is neither an excess of hiếm, vùng cạn
electrons nor of holes kiệt

an electrical device that converts alternating current rectifier diodes chỉnh lưu
(AC), which periodically reverses direction, to direct
current (DC), which flows in only one direction:

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