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MC: Phú

Speaker affirmative: Anh , ngân , Conclusion: Nguyên

Speaker negative: Huy , Quỳnh Conclusion: Duy
MC:Mở đầu: MC: Welcome to today's debate. I am the host of the
debate. Today, we have a negative team and affirmative team. The
controversial issue raised this time is “Viet nam is one of the happiest
countries in the world". Let's wait and see how the two teams will
defend their point?.
Invite the two speakers of the affirmative team to give their opinions.

Anh: Vietnam is a very peace-loving country, without wars or riots.

According to, Violent crime is not a serious problem in
Vietnam, although theft and scams are not unknown. In general, you
should not feel afraid to walk around any Vietnamese city at
night.Vietnam's murder rate is only 1.52 per 100,000 inhabitants
according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and
CrimeFurthermore, intentional homicide of a foreigner by a
Vietnamese local is almost unheard of . The small number of
foreigners that do die in Vietnam are mostly due to accidents and
Next evident. According to, Living in modern-
day Vietnam is safe and fun. I’ve had to shake my head when people
asked me over the years whether there is still a war being fought here;
that war officially ended over 40 years ago and Vietnam has moved
forward. According to the 2019 Global Peace Index, Vietnam ranks
57th out of 163 countries in safety—well above the United States in
the 114th position.
Ngân : Happiness comes not only from love of family and friends but also
between strangers and strangers, between 2 countries. Do you know
Quang Linh’s Youtube channel? According to Vietnamnet - April 26, 2021,
Linh organized an engagement party in traditional Vietnamese style for a
poor Angolan couple. Recently, Linh and his group launched the latest
project called "5,000 children go to school". These activities have been
warmly supported by Vietnamese around the world.
Sau khi speaker đội affirmative nói xong thì MC nói tiếp.
MC: Next, invite the two speakers of the negative team to give their
Huy: we cannot deny that money, or income plays an important role in
the quality of our life . Money is not the most important thing, but it
shows the value of yourselves in society. Therefore, you still need
money for life and happiness.
According to the World Bank, Vietnam's GDP per capita is about
$3.700 dollars a year, ranking 42nd in the world. While in the same
Southeast Asia region and the same developing country, Thailand
ranked 25th, at a higher level than Vietnam.
Quỳnh: Okay, now let’s talk about corruption and social support in
Viet Nam.
Corruption in Vietnam, this is a social problem and very painful for our
country. Talking about corruption, we have to talk about CPI. CPI
score is a score that show how corrupt a country is. The higher score,
the less corruption/, the lower score, the higher corruption. Vietnam's
CPI score is 39 out of 100 points .In VietNam, there are some people
who are still plundering the people's money and social benefits.
According to a report from the government, in 2021, 618 party
members were disciplined for corruption, an increase of 132 members
compared to 2020.
Phú: Continue , invite the conclusion of the negative team to
summarize .
Duy: My name is Ho Anh Duy. I am a real Vietnamese. The blood of
Vietnamese people / is flowing in my body, I am happy for that. I'm
standing here today, I want you to look into the truth out there, so that
young people like us have to ask the question "what should we do
next". This is the golden time for us to act. Today in 2022, I can say
NO with Vietnam being one of the happiest countries in the world. But
I hope that someday in 2 years, 5 years or 10 years I will stand in a
big place and dare to affirm that Vietnam is a really happy country.
And finally, my class - Negative team wants to send you a beauty of
Vietnam through the song - HELLO VIET NAM
Phú: Continue , invite the conclusion of the affirmative team to
summarize .
Nguyên: Speaker: We are Vietnam . We are Vietnam . I don't know
how you feel after you watch this video . But I am really happy and
proud that I am Vietnamese . So what is a happy country ? The
Happiness Report says that contribute to making this life better in
each country include a high GDP per person , a strong social support
system , healthy life , freedom to make life choices , corruption in
government and the business world , and donating to charity .
However , happiness can come from the things around us but we
don't see . In Vietnam , We have a history that we are very proud of it .
Besides , people's love is a thing that vietnamese always put on top .
Moreover , we are trying to make Vietnam happier during the
pandemic . According to the BBC , Vietnam had a lot of achievements
in this time . With all of the above , If you don't feel happy and proud of
the things that VietNam has , You need to change your mindsets !!
Thank you.
Phu:Thank audience for watching debate. See you later.

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