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2020 International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, University o f Tabuk, Kingdom o f Saudi Arabia.

Volume: 01, Issue: ICCIT- 1441, Page No.: 397 - 400, 9th & 10th Sep. 2020.

Cloud Cryptography: User End Encryption

Sameer A. Nooh
Computer Science Department, Umluj
University of Tabuk
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Abstract— Cloud computing has made the life of individual Security, Availability, Integrity and Confidentiality are the
users and work of business corporations so much easier by three primary elements that users consider before signing up
providing them data storage services at very low costs. for cloud computing services. Confidentiality or privacy or
Individual users can store and access their data through
security is the key challenge, for cloud service providers.
shared cloud storage service anywhere anytime. Similarly,
business corporation consumers of cloud computing can store,
Many public and private cloud services have experienced
manage, process and access their big data with quite an ease. security breaches and unauthorized access incidents.
However, the security and privacy of users’ data remains Microsoft’s employees suffered the consequences of a
vulnerable in cloud computing Availability, integrity and security breach in 2010 and Apple’s iCloud went through a
confidentiality are the three primary elements that users similar security hack in 2014 [1].
consider before signing up for cloud computing services.
Many public and private cloud services have experienced Cryptography is the way to take care of the security worries
security breaches and unauthorized access incidents. This of both users and service providers. Cryptography is the
paper suggests user end cryptography of data before
technique of encoding users’ data to make it
uploading it to a cloud storage service platform like Google
Drive, Microsoft, Amazon and CloudSim etc. The proposed
incomprehensible and impenetrable during storage or
cryptography algorithm is based on symmetric key transmission [2]. The very basic security threat that users
cryptography model and has been implemented on Amazon face, while signing up for a cloud service, is giving open
S3 cloud space service. access to a service provider to their personal data. The
second threat comes from other users in a shared virtual
Keywords— Cloud Computing Security, Cryptography, Key environment and the third security hazard is privileged
Generation, Encryption, Decryption access abuse from an outside source [9]. Most cloud
computing security solutions are related to cryptography of
I. INTRODUCTION user’s data on service provider’s end so that no shared user
Cloud computing is the technology where service providers or outside source can violate a particular user’s personal
use network for distributed processing and parallel data access rights. However, the primary element of
computing of users’ data. They facilitate their users by encryption, the key that encrypts any user’s data and is used
providing software, platform and infrastructure services all to decrypt it, still remains in service provider’s knowledge
in one package [10].They make virtual environment known and can be used for unwanted intrusion. In order to free the
as cloud for users to upload, store and access their data user from all kinds of security threats, the best step will be
anytime anywhere they want. Users can take advantage of to implement user end encryption algorithm before
this cloud service using just internet without going through uploading any personal data onto a cloud service. This can
the trouble of downloading the application or running out of be done for both individual user case and any business
storage [3]. Simplest example of this type of public cloud enterprise scenario.
computing is Google drive, where any individual user can
sign up and store and access hundreds of megabytes of data. II. CRYPTOGRAPHY
Cryptography is the art of encoding secret information in
Business companies also use cloud computing for storage illegible hidden format using an encryption key. The data
and maintenance of their enterprise tools and contents. is retrieved in its actual form on receiver end by decryption
Cloud service providers offer these companies a shared data using the same secret key [3]. Only the person with the
storage space at low costs. Small business companies pay secret key knowledge has access to the encrypted data and
them depending upon their data size requirements and the right to decrypt it. The main ingredients of any
utilize the remote control of cloud space. An example of cryptography process are: plain data, secret key, encryption
such community cloud is Amazon. However, bigger algorithm, cipher data and decryption algorithm [2].
business corporations or government agencies have Cryptography has two main types: symmetric or private or
developed their own cloud computing platforms for trouble single key type cryptography and asymmetric or public key
free storage and practical applications. Well-known type cryptography [8, 12]. Fig. 1 explains the regular flow
example of business enterprises’ private cloud computing of a cryptography process.
platform is SharePoint by Microsoft [4].

Cloud computing offers impressive set of advantages to all

types of clients, individual or business, like flexible storage,
easier access, automatic updates and pay per use service etc.
The modern technique of data, applications and information
storage has also brought one important issue to contemplate:

978-1 -7281-2680-7/20/S31.00 ©2020 IEEE Volume: 01, Issue: ICCIT- 1441, Page No.: 397 - 400, 9th & 10th Sep. 2020.

Authorized licensed use limited to: MIT-World Peace University. Downloaded on July 26,2022 at 04:27:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
S. A. Nooh: User End Encryption...

era, everyone is highly concerned about their privacy from

every other person. Users (individuals or business
enterprises), while choosing their cloud service, cannot trust
their service providers with open access to their data. Users
need to have full guarantee of security when they store their
personal data on a shared cloud space and their data moves
internally between datacentres of service providers.

The cloud service consumer himself/herself can encrypt

a. Symmetric Key Encryption their data before uploading it to the cloud and make it
In symmetric type of key cryptography, a single key is used unbreakable. This can provide them security from all kinds
for encryption and decryption of data. The person who of authorized access abuse. Many of the times cloud service
encrypts the data in a commination and transmits it to the providers guarantee end-to-end encryption of users’ data,
other end shares the encryption key with the receiver, who but in fact their cryptography algorithms are not good
then uses it to decrypt the cipher information. Data enough, encrypting the data all by themselves and
encryption standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption decrypting it on the time of their personal access can solve
Standard (AES) are the two well-known examples of this issue of lack of standardization. Similarly, cloud service
symmetric key encryption process. In terms of cloud providers do not enforce data security measures while
service, the service providers use single key for encryption moving users’ data internally between their own
and decryption algorithms to secure user data. Fig. 2 shows datacentres. This can encourage hackers and other outside
the flow of symmetric key style. sources like government agencies to penetrate the loopholes
in cloud services and access users’ data without
authorization. This problem of data theft in transit and
another important concern of users about trusting the service
providers to grant open access to their data can be solved by
adding an extra layer of encryption on user end. As shown
in Fig. 4, the user can encrypt their data before loading their
files in cloud storage and get their mind clear of all the
worries of data privacy and security.

b. Asymmetric Key Encryption

In asymmetric scheme of key cryptography, two different
keys are used for encryption and decryption of data. A
public key is used to encrypt plain text information and is
known to everyone involved in the communication process.
A different private key is used for decryption of the cipher
information and is only known to the receiver. The two
secret keys are generally mathematically related but
knowledge of public encryption key is not enough to
determine the private decryption key. Asymmetric
a. Cryptography Model
encryption algorithm examples are RES (Rivest Shamir
Simple symmetric type of cryptography can be utilized for
Adleman) encryption and Diffie Hellman algorithm. Fig. 3
user end security of data because user will be the only
shows the flow of asymmetric key design. Asymmetric type
person on both encryption and decryption ends. The
of cryptography is preferred over symmetric type in the
disadvantage of key sharing procedure will also be
context of security because it does not have a key
subtracted as the user does not need to share the secret key
distribution problem but is slow in its process [6].
information with anybody else except himself. Users can
encrypt their data using a symmetric/ private key encryption
algorithm before uploading it to a web based cloud space
and then download the data from cloud, decrypt it with the
help of encryption key and decryption algorithm and be the
only ones to have useful access to their personal data. The
proposed cryptography algorithm is based on symmetric
key cryptography model. Single private key will be used for
data encryption and decryption. The algorithm is explained
step by step in the following subsections and in Fig. 4:
Although many service providers have implemented
b. Data Encryption
different types and layers of cryptography algorithms in
their cloud services to ensure user data security from outside Encryption part of proposed cryptography algorithm does
sources, but the confidentiality of information from the the following steps as illustrated in Fig. 5:
service provider itself remains an issue. In today’s digital 1. Extraction of text file character by character.
Vol. 01, No. IC C IT - 1441, pp. 397 - 400, 9th & 10th Sep. 2020.

Authorized licensed use limited to: MIT-World Peace University. Downloaded on July 26,2022 at 04:27:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
S. A. Nooh: User End Encryption...

2. Conversion of character into ASCII code. value into four sets of two bits and switching their places
3. Conversion of ASCII code in binary value. and conversion of the resulted binary number into decimal
4. Addition of zeroes in case the binary value is less than value. The ASCII character of that final value is written
8 bits. back into the decryption file. At the end of the decryption
5. Division of the 8-bit binary value into four sets of two algorithm, the cipher data is converted back to original file
bits and switching their places. as shown in Fig. 7.
6. Attachment of the switched four sets back together into
8-bit binary code.
7. Binary 1’s complement of the above binary value.
8. Conversion of step 7 binary value back into ASCII
9. Transmission of the ASCII value character as cipher


The proposed encryption, key generation and decryption
algorithms have been implemented on Amazon S3 cloud
space service. After starting the homepage, Amazon S3
requires data owner to log in and then the encryption process
initiates. User needs to create a bucket and folder for his/her
account and then upload the data file for encryption. The
c. Key Generation and Verification web based cloud service encrypts the data in an encryption
For key generation, the binary value of cipher text from step file and stores it in user’s local system. It also generates a
6 of encryption is added with 00001111 i.e. decimal 15, key encryption file and saves it along with the encryption or
converted into an ASCII character and is written in cipher data file, which is also uploaded and stored in user’s
symmetric key file. On the receiver end, characters are Amazon S3 account folder he/she created in the start. Once
extracted from receiver’s key file and converted into ASCII the file is successfully stored on the cloud service and user
and then binary values. The binary value of number 15 i.e. gets the key encryption file on his/her system, he/she can
00001111 is subtracted from binary value of key character download the encrypted cipher data file from the cloud and
and is matched with the binary value of encrypted cipher apply decryption algorithm on it by verifying the key. In the
character. If the two values are 100 percent similar, end the user successfully retrieves the original file after
decryption is kicked off. Fig.6 shows the complete decryption. All of this work has been done and the
procedure. algorithms have been verified using the proposed
cryptography model with Amazon S3 platform.


This research provides the first step towards users’ self­
effort in securing their personal data and information before
giving it all away on a cloud storage service. The research
has explored the method of encrypting and decrypting text
files using symmetric key cryptography [11-15]. More
complex data like audios, videos and images can also be
encrypted and decrypted in the same but advanced manner.

The paper suggests user end cryptography of data before
Fig. 6. Proposed Design Symmetric Key Generation and Verification uploading it to a cloud storage service platform like Google
Drive, Microsoft, Amazon and CloudSim etc. All these
d. Data Decryption service providers facilitate individual and business
company consumers with efficient maintenance of their
Decryption algorithm is just the reverse procedure of applications, data and information at low costs. However,
encryption after verifying receiver’s key file and goes like security and confidentiality remain the top hot areas of
this: extraction of cipher text file character, conversion of these cloud services.
character into ASCII code and then to binary value, 1’s
complement of the binary value, division of the 8-bit binary
Voi. 01, No. IC C IT - 1441, pp. 397 - 400, 9th & 10th Sep. 2020.

Authorized licensed use limited to: MIT-World Peace University. Downloaded on July 26,2022 at 04:27:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
S. A. Nooh: User End Encryption...

Different types of unauthorized data access incidents can Communications and Networking, 2019:88, Pp. 1-15, 2019.
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For user end cryptography of storage service data, the paper
presents a symmetric key encryption algorithm along with
secret key generation. They secret key file will only be in
user’s knowledge who will download encrypted data stored
on cloud service and retrieve it through decryption.

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Vol. 01, No. IC C IT - 1441, pp. 397 - 400, 9th & 10th Sep. 2020.

Authorized licensed use limited to: MIT-World Peace University. Downloaded on July 26,2022 at 04:27:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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