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Arise, O become patriots.

Patriotism, surely, is the least of the worries of every mind reading this. Why? Is it not
evident? Is it not evident that the country is in such saddening, sorry state of no return?; that
citizens are dying from banditry, hunger, unhealthy healthcare system, and a host of other things,
and the government doesn’t give a finger about them?; that electoral malpractice has become the
status quo, and there is no room for the credible candidates to attain any leadership position of
note without slightly or fully becoming polluted? that Nigeria is past repairs, and there is no hope
in sight, is it not evident? But, what if there is hope? What if there is a messiah that is ready to
bear the cross for us, and at least, put our dear –or not dear- Nigeria on the path of progress?

Next year, another presidential election takes place in Nigeria. And as you know, there is
a very high probability that whatever government gets into power come 2023, will remain in
power for eight solid years. Now, add eight years to your present age. Yes, that’s how old you’re
going to be when that government will leave. We’re approaching the time where we’ll be
directly hit by whatever goes on in Nigeria. The time our parents shielded us from Nigeria will
soon be over. It’s our turn now. That’s why it’s our responsibility to take this country back, or try
to, for our future, for our unborn offspring. A lot of you pray and plan to be out of Nigeria once
you’re done with your tertiary education, but I hope your plan includes everyone you care about,
because if Nigeria happens to even one of them, you’ll feel it in any part of the world you’re in.
And how’re you so sure you’ll even leave? A lot of us dream to leave this country, same way
beggars dream to live in a palace, but wishes are never horses. Or are they?

I once stumbled on an interesting presidential aspirant, Peter Obi, whose excellence I

heard from the mouth of a 300 level student of the faculty of humanities. I checked up on him,
watched his interviews and I saw him immediately as the truth that will set our country free. I
urge you to do your research about him, too. Check his antecedents and like me, you’ll find that
he’s the closest we have to a great governance. He is the flag-bearer of the Nigerian Labor party,
and he’s that messiah I speak of. I won’t say much about him because I don’t want it to appear
like I’m imposing a candidate on you. Read up on him yourself, also, read up on other
candidates, and make your choice. You may think there is no use making your choice since you
are unable to vote but you can tell your parents about him, spread his gospel, and tell everyone
you know. Don’t stop singing his song. If that’s all you can do, do it. Tell them to read up on
him. Care less about the candidate more likely to win the election, you are not the INEC
chairman. Just do your part in ensuring that your future is secured. If you’ve never been a patriot
before, this is the one time to be a patriot. This might be the last chance we will ever get in
reclaiming Nigeria from the hands of parasitic politicians.

Don’t let anyone deceive you that God will save Nigeria. God will not descend to elect
good leaders for us. The future of this country, our future, and our children’s future, is totally in
our hands. Remember the second line of the National anthem? I wish it was clarion enough, but
this is the call you were asked to obey. And to God, I hope you do.

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