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Cambridge English Qualifications NEW FOR THE 2020 EXAM Practice See Oe A2 Key... ae for Schools NEW EDITION TEACHING NOT JUST TESTING Pe Re eRe Sena Secure corse Sa Cle UC ULL Ud SaaS [Ul aet yo) Pearson Practice English ‘App Practice. = Tests Plus with Key A2 Key also suitable for Schools NEW EDITION Kathryn Alevizos * Sharon Ashton * Joanna Kosta with Rose Aravanis Questions 1-6 For each question, choose the correct answer. Quiet please! Students are using this room to practise for the end-of-term concert. ‘Mr Jones ‘eta mca) Hi everyone, I've lost my phone so don’t try to call or text me! However, I'll be near my computer most of the day. Hannah Highlands Park Outdoor fitness equipment for over 12s only Danger - don’t use in rain ‘A MrrJones would like students to practise quietly. B Mr Jones does not want people to talk loudly here, © MrJones wants to know which students were noisy. Why did Hannah write this message? A to tell her friends how to contact her B to find out if anyone has seen her phone © tocheck if her friends are going out today ‘A You should not exercise here in wet weather. B__ It's not safe to use this equipment at the moment. © Children under 12 must be with an adult when using this equipment. READING AND WRITING PART | Pete, Have you still got those football boots | lent you? My brother's ones are too small for him now so he wants them. Jenny 5 Superstars Sports Store We're closing on Saturday May 18th. Big discounts on clothes until then! 6 PNewessine x) To: Harry come From: Mrs Kenton ‘The art exhibition's next week and I'd love to include your wildlife painting, Do you think it'l be ready by then? Jenny is asking Pete to ‘A__ lend her some football boots. B return some football boots to her. borrow some boots from his brother. ‘A. Opening hours will change on May 18th. B Abig clothes sale begins here on May 18th, It won't be possible to shop here after May 18th. ‘What is Mrs Kenton doing in this email? ‘A suggesting a subject for Harry’s painting B__offering to help Harry with his painting © checking how soon Harry can finish his painting READING AND WRITING PART | ‘eto mmc cant) Questions 7-13 ‘omemmmbeantise) For each question, choose the correct answer. 10 1" 12 13 Who always visits museums when they travel? Who says it is important to visit the same museum several times? Who likes museums where the exhibitions often change? Who says that museums should have friendly staff? Who says that they sometimes only look at a few things in a room? Who learns more ina museum than in a classroom? ‘Who prefers going around a museum with a guide to going alone? Chris Emily Daniel A B c A B c A B c A B c A B c A B c: A B c READING AND WRITING PART 2 How important are museums to you? We asked three young people this question and this is what they told us. Alot of my friends think museums are boring but | love them. | prefer ones where they move things round regularly, and bring in new things to keep it interesting. | also lke to have things to listen to as well as look at. | suppose | like museums because I'm realy interested in history and art. We study these subjects at college, but I've actually found out a lot more about them from museums than from my textbooks. Emily I?m lucky because | live in New York, so there are lots. Of great museums for me to visit. Orie thing I've learnt is that you should never try to see a whole museum the first time you go. Just go to one or two rooms, and then return as often as you can to see the rest. For me, it’s important that the people who work in the museum are pleasant, and happy to talk to me about the things in the exhibition. That makes a big difference. | Daniel | don't go to museums much, except during my | holidays in new cities. Then | make sure | spend at least a day going to the most famous ones. Ifit's a big museum and | don't have much time, | sometimes | walk into a room and choose just five things to look Tae ed be SPS Ses es at. | also take a tour if there is one, as I learn so much more from listening to the person showing us round than | do if 'm by myself, i4 PART 2 READING AND WRITING plese) Questions 14-18 For each question, choose the correct answer. How I spend my free time Jay Portman describes his unusual hobby, hill running, and tells us why he enjoys it. Hill running is the sport of running up and down hills NG Ly i ‘and mountains, through open countryside. It's not popular among my friends, but I love it. My dad took a z 6 ie] ca a me fer od me and my brothers out running when we were ttle, and then when I was about fifteen, | joined a hill running club, called the York Merlin. There are some excellent runners in the club. When we do our practice runs, Pm always a long way behind them. But that doesn't bother me. They're all really nice and often give me advice. What | love is being outdoors and finding all these | beautiful places | never knew were there, | We race against other clubs at the weekends. In these races, runners are told where | | to finish, but not how to get there, You need a good map and compass so you don't get lost. Everyone starts together at the beginning, but later in the race you often | find yourself running alone. ‘Anyone can enter these races ~ you Just get there in the morning, pay your £5, and run. There are no T-shirts or medals for the winners. The most you get is a piece of cake! Often there are international hill running champions taking part, but they are That doesn't mean it's an easy sport. Last weekend | did a race in heavy rain and high winds, and | was asking myself what I was doing out there. But | got to the end, | | | acca | | | | and that was an amazing feeling. | { 6 PART 3 READING AND WAITING 14 15 16 7 18 Jay's first experience of hill running was with A actub. B some friends. © his family. How does Jay feel about the good runners in his club? A He'd like to be as fast as them one day. B_ He doesn't mind that they are better than him. © He thinks they should help slower runners improve. ‘What does Jay say is important in the races he enters? ‘A. listening to the instructions B staying close to other runners © being able to find your way What do we learn about the races from the fourth paragraph? A They don’t have big prizes. B__ They are only for local runners. © They are free for some people to enter. What does Jay say about the last race he did? ‘A The bad weather made it dangerous. B He was very happy when he finished it. It wasn't as difficult as some races he has done. ‘eta mca) READING AND WRITING PART 3 ‘Questions 19-24 For each question, choose the correct answer. Dakota Fanning Dakota Fanning was bom on February 23rd 1994, in Georgia, USA. She began acting classes at a very (19). she was just five years old. age and starred in her first TV advert when After that, she had a long and successful (20) ‘asa child actor in both TV shows and films. In 2001, she 21)... | film Jam Sam. Over the next ten years, she acted with many big Hollywood stars, an important prize for her part in the including Reese Witherspoon, Tom Cruise and Kurt Russell Dakota Fanning is different from many child actors because her success continued as she (22). up and became an adult. In 2078, she (28). to TVfor the first time in ten years, starring in a popular police drama set in the nineteenth Century, (24). uu The Alionist. | a = a J 19 A small B early cite 20 A career B job © occupation 21 A did B eamed © won 22 A got B grew © went 23 A retumed B changed C amived 24 A said B told called READING AND WRITING PART 4 Questions 25 - 30 For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. Example: From: Tom Ce Bec To: Rob mmm I'm writing Jabout| my party on Saturday. Thanks so[ 25 |__| for offering to help me get everything ready. [ 26 don’t you come over to my place tomorrow| 27 ] school? We can have dinner together and start planning. | 28 are lots of things to think about! Also, I wanted to[ 29 you know that I'm going to invite a girl called Hannah to the party. She's just moved into the house next door to mine, so it will 30 [a good way for her to meet people and make friends. Text me if you can come tomorrow. READING AND WRITING PART 5 Question 31 "mmm You want to go shopping for some new clothes on Saturday. Write an email to your English friend, Ashley. In your email: © ask Ashley to come with you explain why you need new clothes © say where you'd like to go shopping. Write 25 words or more. READING AND WRITING PART 6 ase | i : g Question 32 READING AND WRITING PART 7 rt | Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. 4 What time will Josh and Hannah meet? ap Gy ee 2 How much did the girl pay for her tennis shoes? 3 Which notebook was left in the classroom? “ter mmntcaion) 30 PART I LISTENING 4 Which after-school sport will the boy do this term? 5 LISTENING PART | ee toa Questions 6 - 10 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time. You will hear @ git leaving a message about band practice. REAR a ‘tab mca) Band practice for school concert Date of concert: 2st May Day of practice: (6), Name of room: (M.cne Time: ) pam. What to bring: (9). Number to call: (10)... USTENING PART 2 Questions 11-15 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘tab mca) You will heat Maria talking to her friend Darren about a dance school. 441 The dance schoo! Maria goes to is A near her home. B inthe town centre, Cather college. 42 What kind of dance is Maria leering at the moment? A moder dance B street dance jazz dance 13 How much did Maria pay for her dance classes? A £25 B £75 c £100 14 Why does Darren want to do dance classes? A toget fit B tohave fun © to make new friends 15 Darren agrees to meet Maria next Saturday A atthe bus stop. B atMaria’s home. © atthe dance school. (Seana LUSTENING PART 3 a Questions 16 - 20 For each question, choose the correct answer. 46 Youwill hear two friends talking. Where are they? A athome B inarestaurant © onatrain 47. You wil hear two tends taking in a clothes shop. What doesn't the man ike about the jacket? A itscolour B_ itsprice © its length 48 You will hear a woman talking on the radio. What is she doing? ‘A giving instructions B describing a meal © offering advice 49 You will hear two fiends talking at home, What have they just broken? A agame B aglass © some furniture 20 You will hear a man describing a painting. What is the painting of? A astreet B aforest © aperson LUSTENING PART 4 —————————————— iiniisbel wscotataoas iz taae) | ‘Questions 21 - 25 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear Pete talking to a friend about his holiday plans. What is his plan for each day? Example: 0 Monday ‘tio mca) Days. Plans 21 Tuesday A dosome sport go shopping 22 Wednesday B _ © go sightseeing | 23 Thursday | D gotothe theatre oa Friday | & rest = er 25° Saturday | G@ study H_ visita friend LISTENING PART 5 ————————————— ttt The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself * What's your name? * How old are you? * Do you work or are you a student? = Where do you come from? © Where do you live? Now, let's talk about food. ‘A, what do you usually have for breakfast? How often do you go to cafés or restaurants? B, where do you eat lunch at weekends? In your family, who cooks the best food? Extended response Now A, please tell me something about your dinner yesterday. | | Now, let's talk about evenings. | B, how often do you go out in the evening? ‘What work or studying do you do in the evening? ‘A, what do you like doing best in the evening? When do you usually go to bed? Extended response "snarsmatanttps lr i ae Now B, please tell me something about what you will do this evening. | Extra questions the end of this evening? Extra questions Where did you have dinner? Who did you eat with? What did you eat? ‘Where will you spend this evening? | Wil you play computer games this | evening? | How do you think you will feel at —| SPEAKING PART 1 Part 2 (5-6 minutes) ‘The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the things they show. Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together. (Tum to the pictures on page 164.) Here are some pictures that show different sports. Do you lke these different sports? Say why or why not. I'll say that again. Do you like these different sports? Say why or why not. All right? Now, talk together. CD enone -2 he evar bak vou tga cr rection aoe Do you think | Extra questions a . playing basketball is fun? | Why2Why not? * sailing is expensive? | What do you think? running in a race is hard? riding a horse is easy? *. cycling is good for you? So, A, which of these sports do you lke best? ‘And you, B, which of these sports do you like best? QD avout +2 minutos Thank you. Now, which is more interesting, playing sports or watching sports, B? (Why?) ‘And what about you, A? (Which is more interesting, playing sports or watching sports?) (Why?) Did you enjoy sport when you were at school, A? (Why2/Why not?) ‘And you, B? (Did you enjoy sport when you were at school?) (Why?/Why not?) (Cpe 2 rig SOT ay Thank you. That is the end of the test. SPEAKING PART 2 46 TIP STRIP Question 1: What does the notice say abou ‘ive books? Which option matches this sentence? Question 2: What does "0 get to school mean? Fd an option that has ‘his meaning, in diferent words Question 3:Read the Cptions carefully: What does the notice sy about aduls/children and price! Do options Aad match this ‘Questions 1-6 For each question, choose the correct answer. a @ A Nostudent can take more than five it of the Ii Siu tee books out of the library. Use your student card to B Ifyou need more than five books you must get a student card, borrow books © Five students stil need to collect Only five books per student their books from the school library. ‘tibetan 2 2 7 This notice gives students information : out Greenview School oe Cycling allowed, ‘A where to leave cycles and but students may not eos use skateboards to B why skateboards are dangerous. get to school. i <)@ _how they can travel to schoo! 5 A. Each child must have an adult with UTES aad them ; There is more information to read ETL indoors. © Find out about prices in the office. Dee a eo aR Ei ‘TEST 2 READING AND WRITING 4 ce cies 28 c= ee Where dogs Jack thik his gloves are? c From: Jack A inthe classroom | can't find my new black gloves — please check you didn't take them B athis home ea school by mistake! GRR RS HEHE Thanks TIP STRIP Question 4: Who Jade writing to? What does he thirk has = wie happened to his ves? Question 5: Read 5 the message carefully ‘Wat plan jackie and oe What is Susan doing in this message? ‘Susan haved What isthe Be problem? What does ‘A= oferng be go ahopplng with Jackie) mneet est Jackie, Question 6: Read the ‘The weather's really B suggesting she and Jackie change _—_—ratce. Whst does i 537 bad. | don’t think it's a their plan about paying and about ‘good idea to go to the ‘the form! What wil town centre, de you? © asking Jackie where they should heroes, Let's find another date. meet each other Pe SUSAN stmamn umn eC ermtanin 6 What must club members decide? Longdrrve Football Club | A where to keep important documents ‘You must pay by this Friday to how much new members should pay continue being a member next year. © ifthey want to stay at the club Forms available from the manager's office READING AND WRITING TEST 2 Part 2 Questions 7 - 13 For each question, choose the correct answer. ymarnan Mant Active Art Dance! You and Me 7 Which show is on twice a week? A B © 8 Which show is about a group of friends? A B c 9 Which show teaches you how to A B ce do something? 10 Which show is a comedy? A B c 11 Which show is about someone who A B c wants to change her life? 12. Which show has a well-known star? A B ° 13 Which show is good for people of all ages? A B c TIP STRIP E ‘You may find information about atopic in more than one tet, bt cnly ane text wil answer the question correct {Question 7: Be carefull The word twice! isin text C, but does this it of information answer the question? ‘Question 8: What does They become close’ mean in text BY ‘Question 9: Which two texts have information about teaching and lesring? Which one gives the answer to this question? {Question 10; Which two shows will make you laugh? What is a‘comedy? What kindof show ie Active Art? ‘Question I: Which two shows are about a gi? Which of these girs wants a ciffeent kind o ie? ‘Question 12: One text mentions 'a bg star’ and another has the phrase Wworke-famcus: Read these sections ‘relly and decide which gives you the answer to the question. ‘Question 13: Find the information in each tex about who the show i for. Find a phrase that has 2 sinar meaning to ‘people of al ages. 48 ‘TEST 2 READING AND WRITING Youcion memanicambeisge!| A Active Art ‘Active Artis a new show for 12-15-year-olds. Each week, the world-famous artist | Tony Moldino shows viewers how to make an amazing work of art. He's great in ‘front of the camera and surprisingly funny. Last week's show was all about painting faces, This week, it’s drawing with pencil and next week, it’s digital photography. You can see Active Art every Tuesday and Thursday at 5.00 p.m. B Dance! Dance! is a new drama for teenagers, about the lives of teachers and students at a dance school in New York. The most important person in the story is Tina Giles, a young girl from a poor part of town who dreams of becoming a big star. | On her first day at the school she meets Joe, Heather and John. They become | close and together they have many exciting adventures. Darice! is on every Monday night at 7.00. © You and Me The new series of You and Me returns this Saturday at 6.00 p.m. with a special show | that’s twice as long as usual. This show is perfect for the whole family to watch together, as everyone will ind something to laugh at. Each week, we get a diferent story about the life of Harriet, a high school student. In this week's episode, her younger brother gets a part in the school play. Harriet wants to be in the play too and does everything she can think of to make this happen! READING AND WRITING TEST 2 izle) Questions 14 - 18 For each question, choose the correct answer. TIP STRIP Ifyou arent sure of an answer toa question, then guess, fon 14: Find sated ne it Playing music in a rock band is a great way to mest people who are interested in paragraph that names the instruments. Which the same things as you, and to have a lot of fun. The first thing you'll need to do instrument does the writer say you must is decide what instruments you want in your band. Most bands have one or two have? | guitars, a singer, drums and keyboards, but you can change this. However, every Question 15: Inthe second paragraph band must have drums - you will need someone who can play those. the writer tas about making a poster and The next thing is to find your bandmates. Begin by making a poster. Describe the putting it up in your school or college. Which option matches the ‘meaning of thi? kind of music you want to make and the instruments you want in your band. Put the poster up in your school or college and ask your fiends if they know anyone who Question 16: Locket would ike to join, the pragaph about chatgrg the band rar Which bformation shows that Cis wrong ‘Why is A wrong? Isthee anahngin the paraph about changing th ne? ‘Once you have a band, you'll need to quickly think of a name. The best way to do this is to spend two hours with your bandmates, writing down hundreds of ideas. Most will be really bad, but there will be a few good ones. Choose something surprising and interesting, that people won't be able to forget. Next, you'll need to practise as much as you can. You will need a place where you can make a lot of noise without making your neighbours angry. Trying to play quietly will not help you get better. Don’t spend time learning songs written by other people. ‘Try witing your own. And don't be afraid of writing about your normal everyday experiences. All bands begin like this. ‘TEST 2 READING AND WRITING 44 Which instrument does the writer think is most important in a band? A drums B guitars keyboards 45. What does the writer suagest in the second paragraph? A listen to your classmates’ bands B advertise in the place where you study © ask your friends to join your band TIP STRIP " Question 17: Rnd 46 What does the writer say about choosing a band name? Gites A Make sure it is easy to remember. ‘carefully. Find the text enn pratg rig B Be ready to change it if it is not popular. ‘other bands songs and igsongs Which © Spend a few weeks thinking about it ee Trewin ofan opin 147 The writer thinks it is important for new bands to question 172 ‘A write songs about unusual things. Question 1: Thnk B begin by leaming famous songs. enema thewrie srg th fi play loudly when they practise. Locsin another banc! isthe 18 What is the best title for this article? writer ging ace? Iso, A The world's best rock band ic ln rn B Howto starta rock band rrianen Man Se ttn © Myiife in a rock band READING AND WRITING TEST 2 las Questions 19 - 24 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘tibet Tasmanian devils Tasmanian devils are about the size of a small dog. They have a coat of dark fur with a few lighter areas on some (19), of their bodies. Their heads are large and they have very strong teeth. In the (20)... Tasmanian devils lived all over Australia, but today they are only (21)... on the island of Tasmania in the south-east of the country. Tasmanian devils are meat-eaters and are active at night. They usually eat animals sigeaaate that are already dead, but also catch (22), like snakes, birds, fish and eared Gatnne, lian animals, including the k Te devil eee insects. Like many Australian animals, including the kangaroo, Tasmanian devils are try toaraner the ‘marsupials’. This (28)... their babies are very small when they are born. Their | questions mothers carry them in a special pocket (24), _..@ ‘pouch’ on the front of their Question 19:Only ne of these words completes the phrase Which one is? bodies until they are big and strong, 2ueetion 20: Which wordcanyouuse wth «19S A_—opleces, B places © parts ‘the! to tak generally shout thetime before agg B past © century now? Question 21: This aA B looked © watched sentence tls you where Tasmanian 22 A examples B things © ways which verbs eonrect? mada eTR 23° A means B decides © thinks sentence i vin Sramplesbatdocsthe 24 A told B said Cc called word examples itn the gap? Can sakes, birds and fich be ‘ways? 2 23: This sentence giving defintion of marsupial 0 which option fits here? Use to gv the are of something? 52 ‘TEST 2 READING AND WRITING Lita) Questions 25 ~ 30 For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. Example:| 0 | are a “x From: Jason seman a Co Boo Serene To: Tania How |__| ave ]you? I'm writing to ask about the swimming club you belong to. I'm having swimming lessons at my local pool and my coach says | am now | 25 best in the group. He says I'm TIP STRIP good[ 26 to join a club and swim in a team. What's yours like? . estion 25: Which a you enjoy it? Is it expensive to join? ‘word do you putin front of sper — ‘ a Question 26: The missing word means ‘the necessary amount, Question 27: Youneed foes 2 question word here, From: Tania and notice that it is the reset snp tense To: Jason = Question 28: Youneed My club is great! We're practising tomorrow, so[ 28 don't a gstniert feb wil complete aprvase you come and meet everyone? 29 you decide you like it, you ve use when makrga can join immediately. It not expensive 90 don't worry about Question 29: Which the cost, word do we vet jen two ideas when one vi = cone fonlyhappeniftheotber istrue? Question 30: Youneed 2 word to introduce a result. READING AND WRITING TEST 2 54 TIP STRIP Begin your email with Dear Gis or Hi Chi End with Fram, Best, wishes or See you soon, and your name, Remember to include information about al three ofthe points. sal Part 6 Question 31 Your English friend Chris was ill and hasn‘t got the information about the schoo! trip. Write an email 10 CHTiS. ——srpamon sans ‘ett mca) Tell Chris: = when the school trip is happening © where you are going = how much it costs, Write 25 words or more. TEST 2 READING AND WRITING Question 32 Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 35 words or more. TIP STRIP Look carefuly tthe pictures. Think about what is happening in ‘each one. Who are the people? What are they cing! Wry? ‘Think about the order ‘of the eventslactions in the story Use worse then and after that to link ther, READING AND WAITING TEST 2 56 Lea ac) Questions 1-6 For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 What will the weather be like tomorrow? TIP STRIP You will hear each recording twice, so dont worry if you are not sure ofthe answer after the first stening Question I: Look carefully at the pictures. Yu hear something about each one. Which = picture shows today’s ‘weather? What does the man say about rain? What did the woman hear on the radio? Question 2: How do you know they will not ‘meet atthe cinema? How many people re pingto the burger Pace? Question 3: There are ‘wo things Nicole does not want on her card. ‘What are they? What oes countryside mean Which card shows this? TEST 2 LISTENING 2 oe aa ‘abc ant) 4 What did the woman repair? TIP STRIP Question 4: Be carefull “The werman uses the weed ‘eps’ when 5 Where will they stay when they are on holiday? talking about the lamp. But what does she soy? Did she repair it? Question 5: What the problem with camping? ‘And what does the man say about hotels! Which ides does he ke best USTENING TEST 2 —————— ‘TEST 2 LISTENING flaws Questions 6 - 10 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number o date oF @ iM. jermaman saan aoe) You will hear a woman leaving a message for a friend about a trip to the theatre, Theatre Name of show: Forest Day: ) Price of my ticket: me. ‘Travel by: Gir. Name of café to meet at: (9) Café Time to meet: (10), pam. TIP STRIP (Make sure you understand the context before you start stening, What will the recording be about? ‘Who wil the speaker bel ‘Questlon 6: You hear two diys mentioned, but only one completes the gap correct (Question 7: You wi hear two prices mentioned here, but only one completes the gap correctly: Write your answer in cumbers, not words, as you wile less ely to make a rita. ‘Question 8: What words do you know for ways of traveling? Bus, car tron bike? Listen careful ‘Question 9: The question wil test your ability to take down a speling, Practise the English alphabet often, ‘Question 10: Here you will write atime, Write it in numbers, not words, as you wal be less Hkly to make a mistake, Questions 11 - 15 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear Ruben and his friend Amy talking about their computers. 11 Ruben bought his tablet because ‘A ithas free games. B he liked the size. © the camera was good. 42 Ruben plans to sell his tablet A atalocal shop. B__ tohis brother, © onthe internet, 43 How much does Ruben want for his tablet? A £200, B $300. c £500. 44 What does Amy like most about her laptop? A the speakers B the memory C the screen 45 Ruben and Amy will meet on A Saturday afternoon, B Sunday moming. © Sunday afternoon, TIP STRIP Before the recording starts, ou wil have time 10 read through the questions. The questions waltellyou what you are going to hear and guide yeu through the Question 11: Ruben talks about the se, the camera and games, but which one was his) reason for buying the sublet! ‘Question 12: Ruben says he is going to put an acvertsement online, ‘Which option does this match? Question 13: Ruben says Te lke to get around Is this ahope forthe future or about the past? Question 14: Amy Bees all these things ~ but which does she say isthe best ‘Question 15: When is Amy busy? When is she free? ‘tibet LISTENING TEST 2 ita) Questions 16 - 20 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘etic ant) 16 You will hear two friends talking about a birthday present. ‘What kind of present is it? A aticket B amagazine © acamera 17 You will hear two friends talking about running. What does the woman say about running? A it’s easy to hurt yourself. B It's the best way to exercise. TIP STRIP : Question 16: Lock at © It’s becoming more popular. the options and then Titan cach ly tats 18 You will hear a woman talking about her new job. vocabulary the speakers How does she feel about it? Use, What has‘artcles iphoto, pages and ‘A. surprised itis so much fun Eompettions? B_ worried because it's difficult | (Question 17: Lookat C__upset about some of her colleagues options A. Band CA the Rew astro 19 You will hear two friends talking. eee eS What nave they just done? Question 18: Listen to A seena film ‘what the woman sas at B had ameal | the beginning and end of the conversation. Which © meta friend ‘option does this match? 20 You will hear a man talking on the phone. Sauestlon I They tat What is he doing? abouta friend, but dd they see him tonight? A explaining a problem “They tak about a meal bust have they eaten ye? Basking for advice {Question 20: Listen © making an appointment carefully for why the ran is taking, Does he ask for advice! Does he already have an appointment? 60 TEST 2 LISTENING Questions 21 - 25 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear Rita talking to a friend about her family's hobbies. What hobby does each person have? Example: 0 cousin | D | samen sn as People Hobbies 21 sister A acting . |B collecting toys 22 brother © computer games TIP STRIP “ou it hear the people 23 mum D cooking inthe same order as in the letening ex You wl erent hear the act word 24 dad | & making msi eine | options A= Hasthey | F photography are writen or ou my 25 grandad fear words tht mea |G travelling the sve ting Listen | crf H_ watching films Question 21: Which ‘option matches going round the world, Ses in Thaiand a the moment ‘Question 22: You hear something about music and something about video games. Which fs the answer? ‘Question 23: Mum buys od dol and has los of them. Which hobby does this match? Question 24: IF semeone sin a play hat are they doing? ‘Question 25: You hear the word computer bt what isthe correct answer? USTENING TEST 2 TIP STRIP Part | Phase | My names Fim. yoors fd ma student working bank | come fom... fom (Which country? How do you say your country in English) Vien... (You can say the name of your vilage, ‘town or ety) TIP STRIP Pare | Phase 2 Home A.Say how many and ve their names, eg etching room! bothroomibecreoms. Say which room and why. Isit comfortable! \warmlattractive? B Say which room Do you always eat inthe same room? Say the actities. Do you watch TViisten to ‘musiclchat with your family? Extended response Say how many and who they ae. Your parents! brother(s)ister(s friend(s)? ‘Also, what are theie ames? How old are ‘they? Do they work or study! 62 TEST 2 SPEAKING Part | G4 ‘tab mmc cant) The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself * What's your name? * How old are you? * — Doyou work or are you a student? © Where do you come from? © Where do you live? Now, let's talk about home. ‘A, how many rooms are there in your home? Which is your favourite room? B, where do you eat meals in your home? What do you like to do in your living room? Extended response Now A, please tell me something about the people you live with. Now, let's talk about reading B, how often do you read a book or a magazine? ‘What kind of books do you like? ‘A, where do you lke to read? | Extra questions Where do you get your books and magazines? | What's your favourite book about? When did you read the book? Why do you like it? | extra questions How many people live in your homes | Do you have any brothers or sisters? ‘Who is the youngest person in your home? Extended response Now, B, please tell me something about your favourite book. TIP STRIP Part | Phase 2 Reading Extended response B Say how often. eg every doyin the everngsionce a weekdonyotthe Give the tile and say what ts weekendstrever about Say the kind of books, Do you ike books thet make you laughstories! Ao, say when you ead itand books about fact? ‘why you lett interesting! Say where. In your room n bed? At schoo? On the bus? ‘excting/sadeasylonglshort? Did Do you borrow them from the ibraryfrom fiends? Do you get them * teach you something? as presents? Do you buy them in a bookshop? sini inom lnacmanoes sa TIP STRIP Pare 2 Phase | “The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the Name the five ways of things they show. aveling ou can see in ‘the pictures, Now, low, in this part of the test you are going to talk together. canoe (Turn to the pictures on page 165.) dont ike each ones Here are some pictures that show different ways of travelling it expensivestowast? exctingboringhealhy? Do you lke these different ways of travelling? Say why or why not. Ill say that again. ae Do you like these different ways af travelling? Say why or why not. Say whichis your Al Now, talk te ae ae i ght? Now, tk together few ne wisege. he : eee QD avout 1-2 minutes ee aiean ek the best wey to rove! ‘The examiner will ask you at least one question each. 2 you think. _. travelling by train is fast? j SOR = gringo boats fun? Eira auansine ... Sitting in a car is comfortable? neat st fiding a bicycle is good for you? _What do you think? “sing the buss expensive? == 0, A, which of these ways of traveling 6o you the bet? And you, B, which of these ways of travelling do you like best? Q aout -2 minutos eae Thank you. are se? Try to explain why you prefer traveling alone o° ‘with finds. What do {you Tike to do when you travel —talkor listen to Now, do you prefer travelling alone or with other people, B? (Why?) usc ‘And what about you, A? (Do you prefer travelling alone or with other people?) (Why?) srubaceneruts ‘What new way of travelling would you like to try, A? (Why?) of traveling that you ‘And you, B? (What new way of traveling would you like to try) (Why?) have never tried, but you would lke to. tray ‘ot be inthe pictures, eg thing ina plane or helicopter or going on a motorbike, Say why. maximum 2 minutes Thank you. That is the end of the test. SPEAKING TEST 2 Questions 1 - 6 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘A to1ask Jenny what time she is goir Jenny, to the cinema ' Are you still OK to go to the cinema this evening? B__ tofind out if Jenny would like a lift My brother's taking me the cinema there and if you like, we ‘can pick you up. © to suggest that Jenny meets her sally outside the cinema Q Why has Sally writen this message? 2 D ‘A Ifyou join the club, you must bring your own equipment. Club Mem bers B You should return the club's tennie If you borrow tennis rackets after using them. juipment, you must x 5 ‘a 4 © Members must let reception know fake it back to reception. when they have finished playing. 3 CCLEEEEEEEEEEE —Stucionts going on the castle trip tomorr To: Students Ge 80 ill have to From: Castle trip 3 A Tomorrow's trip includes entry to the Delig Some fmoney seth ther castle but: you'll need to buy lunch. B arrive at college at 8.00 a.m. Please arrive 15 minutes before bus leaves college at 8 a.m. © _buyaticket to gat into the castle, eo ‘TEST 3 READING AND WRITING & No swimming class today — Mr Grey's ill. Next week’s lesson is 30 minutes longer. Chris, rang the restaurant to book a table for Jon's hday meal, but one isn’t available until 7 p.m. Is that time OK? Zac City Museu! } Visitors must leave all backpacks with staff at front desk. The swimming class today will be 30 minutes shorter than usual. Everyone should arrive 30 minutes before the swimming class begins. It will be possible to swim for an extra 30 minutes in the next class. What is Zac doing in this message? A checking if Chris minds starting a meal at 7 p.m. suggesting somewhere to go for ameal inviting Chris to a birthday meal You cannot enter the museum until you have bought a ticket, Museum staff will need to look inside visitors’ bags. You are not allowed to take a backpack into the museum. READING AND WRITING TEST 3 ‘eben ———— St 66 Questions 7 - 13 For each question, choose the correct answer. Liam 7 Who says their favourite computer game was a gift? An 3B Ae 8 Who often plays computer games with other people? A BoC 9 — Who hes seen anew computer game they would like tobuy? A BG 10 Who prefers playing computer games to doing sport? Are \BoIE: 11 Who has got better at playing their favourite computer game? A BOG. 12 Whois not allowed to play computer games every day? Anja cBs>*'C 18 Who prefers computer games that teach something? Me aS TEST 3 READING AND WRITING Computer games Three teenagers talk about playing computer games. Kamit | spend about five hours a week playing computer games. My parents don't mind because they know it’s less time than some teenagers spend ‘on the computer. I've got al kinds of games, but the ones | ike most are those where you learn things. I've got a brilliant game called "History Ship’ It shows you what life was like on sailing ships hundreds of years ago and it's fun to play. There's another interesting game I'd like to get called ‘Space Joumey’. It's quite expensive, but | think I'l have enough money for it soon. Mia Both of my brothers love being outdoors playing footbal, but the hobby | enjoy most is playing computer games. My parents are OK with that because they think you can lear a lot from playing games. The only thing they say is that | can’t play games on the evenings | have homework. I've got a variety of games, but my favourite is called ‘Forestworld’. A friend said it was an amazing game, so | was really pleased when | got it as a present for my birthday. Liam ve enjoyed playing computer games for as long as | can remember. | have lots of different games, but the one | like most is called ‘Sea Adventure’ I's really great game. | wasn't very good at it at first, but I've improved and can complete the different levels really quickly now. Several of my friends like computer games too, so they come round to my house at the weekend and we play together. It's great fun! ‘ett mca) READING AND WRITING TEST 3 8 izle) Questions 14 - 18 For each question, choose the correct answer. A round-the-world trip ‘Alice Woods and her brother Luke went on a special holiday. ee ss € When | was 16, eny parents decided to take me and my brother Luke out of schoo! | for six months to travel around the word. They wanted! us to visit sof diferent | countries and have raw experiences. They said we were old enough to do that kind of trip and believed it was better for us than spending six months in the classroom. | We both had to continue with our studies during the trp, so nearly every day we | had online classes in subjects ike maths and science. Our parents also made sure we studied the history of the places we visited, and when we had time, we went fo museum exhibitions or read quidebooks. | We did some fantastic things on the trip, sailing along the Mekong River in Vietnam and visiting the Taj Mahal in India. Luke enjoyed traveling around the ‘Amboseli National Park in Kenya. He's interested in willfe and loved seeing the elephants. | enjoyed that 100, but for me the best part was visiting the Rocky Mountains in Canada. We camped there for a few days and the views were amazing! It was a great trp, but now we're home again, I'm happy to be back at school and pending time with my classmates. Everyone asks if | missed things while | was away ~like my favourite food or having my own room ~ but I tell them not realy. tt ‘was an adventure and | enjoyed everything about it. TEST 3 READING AND WRITING 44 Why did Alice's parents decide to take the family on a round-the-world trip? ‘A They were alittle bored with life at home. B Theybelieved it was a good way to lear new things. © They wanted to visit other countries while the children were stil young. 15 Alice says that most days she and Luke A. visited an exhibition. Bread a guidebook. © did lessons on the internet. 46 Whats Alice doing in the third paragraph? A explaining how to plan a trip B describing some activities they did © giving advice to people who enjoy travelling 47 Which place did Alice enjoy visiting the most? A the Taj Mahal in India B_ the Rocky Mountains in Canada © the Amboseli National Park in Kenya 48 How does Alice feel now that their trip has finished? ‘A glad to see her friends again B_ happy to eat meals cooked at home pleased to be back in her own room READING AND WRITING TEST 3 | ieoeras ot, ae ena Questions 19 - 24 For each question, choose the correct answer. Life before mobile phones Today, (19)... all teenagers have a mobile phone and cannot imagine life without one, But most of their parents did not have a mobile phone when they were young ~ the (20)... of one did not even enter their heads. “Twenty-five years ago, young people did not (21)... {0 their fends on the phone very much. There were phones in the home, but these were used by the (22), family. Instead, young people often met up with their friends and did a variety of activities with them, ‘Today, many parents are happy for their teenage children to have a phone. They think there are good (23), _.for them having one. For example, if their children are out, they can call them to (24), where they are and what time they will be home. 19 A already B nearly Cc easily 20 A idea B thing difference 21 A say B tell © speak 22 A whole B full extra 23 A ways B reasons © sorts 24 A lookout B goout © find out ‘TEST 3 READING AND WRITING ‘ation izle ae) Questions 25 - 30 For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. Example:{ 0 | for | tmaman mu ‘etic cant) Reed err. From: Stefan Cc Bec To: Josh Thanks[_0_| for |your email. It was good to hear from you. Are you doing anything this Saturday? The weather's going to be good, so how| 25 going for a bike ride? 26 you want, | can meet you at 10 in the morning and we can cycle to Bluewater Lake.[ 27 | _|do you think? From: Josh eo Bee To: Stefan That's a great idea. I'd [ 29 to come. Can we meet a little later? | have[ 29 work on my history project for a few hours in the morning because I'm visiting my grandparents all day on Sunday. [ 30 12 o'clock OK with you? See you Saturday! READING AND WRITING TEST 3 Part 6 Question 31 momrneantenttes Your friend Jo wants to know about your new home. In your email say: © how far itis from the centre of town * which room is your favourite ‘* what your new neighbours are like. Write 25 words or more. ‘TEST 3 READING AND WRITING Write an email to Jo. ‘etic cant) Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. 4 What does Lucy decide to buy? A 2 What time will they mest at the cinema? A 3 Which photo are they looking at? if TEST 3 LISTENING 4 How far will they oycle tomorrow? sere emancamio a a 5 Where is Anna going on holiday next year? A USTENING TEST 3 TEST 3 LISTENING ‘Questions 6 - 10 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time. ‘You will hear some information on the radio about a competition to win tickets for a film festival, PARUUCER SAREE CREE RS ERE EE | Competition to win. val tickets Date of this year’s festival: Time festival starts: ) aM Number to send message to: za | What to include in message: (©) your name, and your favour film Day you will know if you have w (10), 7 | Questions 11 ~ 15 For each question, ‘choose the correct answer. You will hear Oliver talking to his friend Noah about a camping trip. se/maman anh 1" 12 13 14 15 ‘tab mca) Where is the campsite they will visit? A inthe mountains B next to the sea Cina forest ‘Why does Oliver think its a good campsite? A. Ithas got a small shop. B The people are friendly. © You can do activities there. How will they travel to the campsite? A bybike B bycar by bus What does Noah say the weather will be like on Saturday? A wetin the morning B sunny all day © cloudy in the afternoon What does Noah need to bring? A some food B atent © boots USTENING TEST 3 78 TEST 3 LISTENING Questions 16 - 20 For each question, choose the correct answer. 16 17 18 19 20 You will hear a man talking about an art exhibition he went to. Why did he like the paintings? A They were beautiful. B They were unusual, © They were vary old. You will hear a man talking to his friend about his cycling trip. What was @ problem for the man? A He felt very tired. B The weather was bad. © He forgot to pack something to eat. You will hear Alice talking to Chris about a history project they are doing together. ‘Why can’t Chris do the project on Wednesday? A He's going to a concert B He's playing sport. © He's going toa party. You will hear a teenager talking to her friend about a science competition she took part in. How did she feel about the competition? A excited that she won B happy that she made new friends pleased that she learnt something new ‘You will hear two friends talking about the volleyball club they belong to. What does the git! ike most about the club? A the club coach B the place the club meets the people who belong to the club Questions 24 - 25 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear 2 boy talking to a friend about the activities their classmates are doing on Saturday. What activity is each person doing on Saturday? G Visiting a family member Example: 0 Leo ea seen Classmates Activities 24 Emma A doing homework B going eyeing 22 Ben | Lt | going shopping 23 Sophie D__ playing computer games Ba tien |e practising piano Gas | preparing ameal 25 Tim | 1H watching television USTENING TEST 3 nema, 80 TEST 3 SPEAKING ‘The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself. + What's your name? + How old are you? + Do you work or are you a student? + Where do you come from? + Where do you live? Now, let’s talk about watching TV. A, how often do you watch TV? ‘Who do you like watching TV with? B, when did you last watch TV? Do you watch sport on TV? Extended response Now A, please tell me something about your favourite television programme, Now, let's talk about studying, B, how many hours do you study each day? Do you like studying? ‘A, do you study at home in the evening? Do you like studying alone or with other people? Extended response Now B, please tell me something about the subjects you enjoy studying. [Extra questions | What is your favourite programme about? Which day is your favourite programme on TV? Do you watch your favourite programme with your family? | Extra questions ] Which subject do you enjoy studying the most? Do you prefer doing sport to studying? | Which subject do you not like studying? The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the things they show. Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together. (Tum to the pictures on page 166.) Here are some pictures that show different places in a city. Do you like visiting these different places? Say why or why not. I'llsay that again. Do you like visiting these different places? Say why or why not. Al right? Now, talk together. QD avout 1-2 minutes Tho examiner wil ask you atleast one question each Do you think | Extra questions --- watching football ata stadium is exciting? | Mey2AWny not? + shopping in a market is cheap? | What do you think? 5 castles are interesting? recat going to a park is nice? ieeren a ey « going to a museum is boring? So, A, which of these places in the city do you like visiting the most? And you, B, which of these places in the city do you like visiting the most? QD avout 1-2 minutes Thank you Now, do you prefer visiting places with family or with friends, B? (Why?) ‘And what about you, A? (Do you prefer visiting places with friends or with family?) (Why?) Do you prefer spending time in a city or the countryside, A? (Why?) ‘And you, B? (Do you prefer spending time in a city or the countryside?) (Why?) © maximum 2 mintes Thank you. That is the end of the test. SPEAKING TEST 3 82 Questions 1-6 For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 etree) ho OR Climbing Centre Open Tuesday-Sunday B Bring comfortable sports c | clothes - climbing shoes } available at centre 2 eeack A Steve, I've just seen online they've got a few tickets B left for the Bluejay concert Saturday. | know you like them. c Text me back. Felix 3 & & fe Gamestore Hs 25% discount on all computer games c Over 50 titles available Offer ends tomorrow a & TEST 4 READING AND WRITING You will need to bring special sho to wear. You can do this activity on any da of the week. You should take the right kind of clothes with you. Why hes Felix written this message? to find out if Steve is interested in going to a concert to tell Steve that no more tickets ¢ available for a concert to suggest to Steve that they go t different concert on Saturday You have to be quick if you want | buy a cheap computer game. All the computer games in this ste are new titles. ‘Some computer games are half- price in the sale 4 Le 4 To: Students Oe Bee From: Mr Garside B You can do your geography project in pairs — but you have to agree on the topic. You must finish it: by Friday. c = wie 5 A Interested in learning to cook food from around B the world? Go to Room AC Friday 7 pm, Everyone welcome - you do c rot need to bring anything, Jess, Your volleyball coach rang. B Practice has changed from Friday to Thursday evening (the same time). Can you go then? He wants c to know. Carla Students need to decide on their project topic by Friday. ‘Students are allowed to work on their projects with a classmate. Students should talk to the teacher for advice about their project. You need experience of cooking to join this class. ‘You must bring with you the food you'llneed for cooking a meal. You should go here if you'd like to cook a variety of dishes. ‘The coach wants Jess to know there will be practice twice a week now. Jess should contact the coach to tell him if she’s available on Thursday evening. ‘The coach is telling Jess to stop being late for basketball practice. READING AND WAITING TEST 4 sal eae Questions 7 - 13 For each question, choose the correct answer. Toth meron) Becky Dom Josie 7 Who travels a long way to a pool? A B c 8 Who has come first in a swimming race? A B c 9 Who does swimming practice daily? A B c 10 Who writes online about swimming? A B c 11 Who swims faster now than 12 months ago? A 8 c 12 Who does various sports? A B c 18 Who swims at the same club asa family member? A B c TEST 4 READING AND WRITING ‘Swimming Three teenagers talk about their sport. Becky ‘eta mca) P've always loved swimming and a few years ago, | joined a ‘swimming club with my older brother. Our mum drives us to the local pool every morning. It’s not far in the car, but practice starts at 6 a.m., so we have to get up early. My brother does other sports and is fitter than me, but I'm hoping to improve and get faster. Maybe one day, I'll even win a competition! My mum took me to the poo! a lot when I was very young and I've belonged to a swimming club since | was about seven. | now swim for three hours every day except Monday. I need to stay fit, so I run and go to the gym as wall. I've always been a fast swimmer and I'm lucky enough to have won a few competitions. I'd like other teenagers to do more sport, so I've started a blog about swimming and staying healthy. Thad to change my swimming club about a year ago because my family moved house. | like my new club, but the coach makes us work hard. In many ways, that’s a good thing. I'm much fitter and my swim times have improved ~ for example, | can swim a length of the pool more quickly now. Unfortunately, our new house isn't close to the pool and it takes about an hour to get there. I'm sometimes glad when it's the weekend and | can stay at home! READING AND WRITING TEST 4 8% Part 3 Questions 14 - 18 For each question, choose the correct answer. My fashion blog 17-year-old Jayden Spahn talks about her love of fashion. I've loved clothes since | was about five. Each morning, | spend time thinking about what to wear, My mum gets angry sometimes and tells me to hurry up, but | don’t think it's something you can decide quickly. It's far to portant, Last year, after reading a fashion blog by Rachel, a 19-year-old student, | decided to start one myself. Almost immediately, | posted my first blog. | was really pleased when friends said they loved it ~ they especially liked the video | made called A world of fashion. | post something new each day. I Keep a fashion diary, where | describe what I'm wearing, and every week | also post a photo of myself in my favourite clothes. Most people say they like the photos. But, for me, the best partis getting messages from fans. My parents think it's good for me to have a hobby, and | still do all my homework, 80 they're happy for me to do the blog. The only thing they tell me is to be careful about what | read online. They tell me not to worry if people post things that I don’t agree with. 'm not really interested in becoming a fashion model ~ | think I might get bored with someone taking my photograph every day! Maybe, when I'm older, I'l start my own | | clothes company, but before that I'm going to do a fashion course at college. I'm | already trying to choose the best one! TEST 4 READING AND WRITING 14 15 16 7 18 What do we learn about Jayden in the first paragraph? A She gets her love of fashion from her mother. B She chooses carefully which clothes to put on. © She has many clothes she likes wearing to school, Jayden began her fashion blog after ‘Ashe watched a video of a fashion show. B__ she talked to her friends about starting one. © she read a blog written by another teenager. ‘What does Jayden enjoy most about her fashion blog? ‘A posting photos of herself B writing sin her fashion diary © receiving messages from her fans How do Jayden’s parents feel about her doing a fashion blog? ‘A pleased she is doing something she enjoys B worried she will spend less time doing college work © glad she is sharing her ideas with other young people ‘What has Jayden decided to do in the future? ‘A start her own company B work asa fashion model © study fashion at college READING AND WRITING TEST 4 eta) Questions 19 - 24 For each question, choose the correct answer. The Galapagos Islands ‘The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean, about 1000 km off the coast of Ecuador. There are thirteen main islands and seven smaller islands, as (19), ‘as a number of large rocks. The largest island, which is called Isabella, is 4670 square km. ‘The islands are famous for their wide (20) of plants and animals, ‘The nineteenth-century British scientist Charles Darwin visited several of the islan | and (21), the many different animals and plants he saw there. | Today, over 30 percent of the plants and animals on the Galapagos Islands cannc be found anywhere else in the world, so many people who are (22) in nature visit the istands. (23), , itis important that the islands are (24), safe for the many animals that lve there. 19 A soon B well much 20 A kind B sort C variety 21 A leant B studied © looked 22 A special B interested © pleasant 23 A However B Actually © Unfortunately 24 A put B kept © taken 88 TEST 4 READING AND WRITING Questions 25 - 30 For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. Example:| 0 | for From: Rafzel To: Thomas Ce Bee Thanks[_0 | for |for agreeing to be my online friend. Let [25 tell you a bit about myself. My name is Rafael and I'm 16 years old. | live in Madrid [ 26 my parents and my brother Xavier, who is two years older[ 27 [_|lam, | go to[ 28 ]same school as my brother. We walk there together 29 day. | like school and have lots of friends there. 30 you got any hobbies? My hobby is football and I'm a Real Madrid fan. If | can get a ticket, | go to the Bernabéu stadium to watch them play. How about you? READING AND WAITING TEST 4 ea Question 31 ‘You want to go for a picnic on Saturday with your English friend, Alex. Write an email to Alex In your email: * ask Alex to go for a picnic with you on Saturday ‘© say where you want to go for a picnic © tell Alex what to bring. g Write 25 words or more. 90 ‘TEST 4 READING AND WRITING Question 92. * Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 35 words or more. | a || READING AND WRITING TEST 4 Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 What is Zac doing at the moment? 2 What time will Sam leave home? Ry Say Sy 3 Which animal did Jack see on his holiday? 2 TEST 4 LISTENING 4 What will the weather be like tomorrow? A B c 5 — What will Cara eat in the café? USTENING TEST 4 | en ee 94 TEST 4 LISTENING Questions 6 - 10 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap, Write one word or a number or a date or a time. ‘tab mca) You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about a {rip to a science museum. Listen and complete each question. You will hear the information twice. PeREDRER ESTER VEE eae ‘Trip to Science Museum Day of trip: Thursday Time to arrive at college: ©. am. Number of students in each group: (7) Name of most important exhibition: (8) What to take: Total cost of trip: (10) €. Questions 44-45 tmmemmemcantige) For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear Amy and her friend Daniel talking about going to the cinema. 11 Which day did Amy go to the cinema with her cousin? A Friday B Saturday © Sunday 42 What time did Amy and her cousin arrive at the A 615 B 630 Cc 645 43 How much did Amy's cinema ticket cost? A £8.00 B £10.00 c¢ £10.50 44 What did Daniel enjoy least about the last film he saw? A the actors B the music C the story 45 What does Daniel say about the restaurant he went to after the cinema? A His order took a long time. B The food was delicious. © Everything was expensive. USTENING TEST 4 ed ‘Questions 16 - 20 For each question, choose the correct answer. nc inantigenitipg Sean ee ee 46 You will hear Ben talking to his friend about his holiday. What does Ben still need to pack for his holiday? A some winter clothes B__agood book © ski equipment 47 You will hear Lisa telling a friend what she did after college yesterday. What did Lisa do first? A She cooked dinner. B_ She watched television. © She did a college project. 48 You will hear David talking to a friend about running. ‘What's David's favourite time of day to go running? A inthe morning B atmidday © inthe evening 19 You will hear Sara talking to a friend about starting university. ‘What's Sara going to do in the year before she starts university? A getajob Bread lots of books © travel around the world 20 You will hear Jack talking to a friend about playing the guitar. What advice does Jack give his friend? A finda teacher B practise every day © get. amusic book for beginners, 6 TEST 4 LISTENING Questions 21 - 26 For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘You will hear Tess talking to a friend about the things her family enjoy reading. What does each person enjoy reading? Example: 0 Sister D ‘tab mca) $$ _______— People Things they enjoy reading 21 Mum A adverts |B blogs 22 Brother | © books 23 Oat | D comics 24 Grandma | = emaits | | F magazines 25 Cousin G newspapers H_ text messages USTENING TEST 4 Part | (24 minutes) Cee The examiner will sk you and your partner some questions about yoursel. © What's your name? + How old are you? * Do you work or are you a student? © Where do you come from? © Where do you live? a Now, let’s talk about musi A, do you like listening to music? How often do you listen to music? B, where do you listen to music? Do you like going to concerts with friends? Extended response Now A, please tell me something about your Extra questions favourite music, | Do you and your frends like Now, let's tak about holidays. listening to the same kinds cof music? B, how often do you go on holiday? i | What's your favourite band called? | wr i it nat do you like best about going on holiday? — | Wig ake this band? ‘A, what do you like doing when you are. ere on holiday? ‘Who do you go on holiday with? Extended response Now B, please tell me something about the Extra questions last holiday that you went on. | Where did you go for your last holiday? | What was the weather like on your last holiday? How did you feel after your last | holiday? | 98 TEST 4 SPEAKING. lig-ta a ee eo) ‘The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the things they show. Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together. (Tum to the pictures on page 167.) Here are some pictures that show different activities. Do you like doing these different activities? Say why or why not. Ill say that again. Do you like doing these different activities? Say why or why not All ight? Now, talk together. D avout s-2 minutes The examiner will ask you at least one question each. Do you think... | Extra questions skateboarding is fun? Why?/Why not? cooking is difficult? What do you think? | «chess is exciting? ymuman wane uo reading is boring? “rnc playing computer games is a good idea? So, A, which of these activities do you like best? ‘And you, B, which of these activities do you like best? Devout 1-2 minutes Tank you. Now, do you prefer doing activities alone or with other people, B? (Why?) ‘And what about you, A? (Do you prefer doing activities alone or with other people?) (Why?) Which is more fun, doing activities indoors or outdoors, A? (Why?) ‘And you, B? (Which is more fun, doing activities indoors or outdoors?) (Why?) B mani 2 ines ‘Thank you, That is the end of the test. SPEAKING TEST 4 Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. London-Brighton “ Buses every hour B from 07.00 until 22.00 [Mon-Sat] S I 2 2 ay A SCIENCE MUSEUM 8 £5.50 (under-16-year-olds £3) c Online tickets half price : Hi Matt B I won tickets for the > basketball match on Saturday. It was in a c ‘competition on Radio Sport! Do you want to go? ‘Adam 400 ‘TEST 5 READING AND WRITING There are no buses after 10p.m. on Tuesdays, ‘There is a bus at 8 o'clock on Sunday. ‘There are only seven buses a day to Brighton. Children under three are not allowed in the museum. 16-year-olds pay the same as adults It’s cheaper to buy your tickets at the museum, ‘Adam wants to tell Matt about a competition on the radio. ‘Adam is inviting Matt to a basketball match. ‘Adam has bought Matt tickets to a basketball match. g : Can you get me some suget on your way home, please? | want to make some cakes for the picnic tomorrow. Rosie Thanks! seymaman wash Emily Towne manana & & Room in house to rent! Available from March. Discount for students. 07787 652542 & Hi Harry, Can we change your guitar lesson this week? Are you free on Wednesday? Give me a call and we'll find another time. Tory Emily would like Rosie to A help her make some cakes. go to a picnic tomorrow. buy some food for her. ‘Students pay less for the room. You can rent the whole house. ‘Anyone can rent the room now. ‘What should Harry do? A Write an email to Tony. Speak to Tony. ‘See Tony on Wednesday. READING AND WRITING TEST 5 ——————————— 02 Questions 7 - 13 For each question, choose the correct answer. 7 Who does their hobby with a family member? 8 Who began to be interested in their hobby at college? 9 Who won a prize for their hobby? 10 Who would like to do their hobby in different countries? 11 Who often spends money on their hobby? Chloé tan Ben A A 12 Whois planning to buy some expensive equipment for their hobby? A 13 Who had help with their hobby from a friend? TEST 5 READING AND WRITING A ic) c What's your hobby? Chios Ben My love of windsurfing started when | was a child. I's quite an expensive hobby for most people, but I'm lucky because my uncle owns a windsurfing school. | can go windsurfing for free with my cousins. They've won prizes for windsurfing in diferent countries. I'm getting better at windsurfing now. Next year, I'd like to buy my own board. | need to save a lot of money first though! ove art, My grandfather was an artist so maybe it's in the family! Unfortunately, | never met him, but I've seen his pictures. My love for art started at college. | don't go to college now, but I go to an art class with my friend. | won't win any prizes for my art— I'm not that good, but | enjoy it. also love art shops. | probably buy too much — usually buy something every week! | My hobs. tm realy cy because my fens cunts | She's taught me alot. now play the drums ina group. lenly joined the | ‘group last year, but we've already played five concerts - two were at a local college. We entered a music compatition last month and won £500! I've always loved music and my dream is to play in different cities around the world, | READING AND WRITING TEST 5 Part 3 ‘Questions 14 - 18 For each question, choose the correct answer. My Love for Photography By Bliza Brinkman How did I get interested in photography? People usually think it's because of my uncle, the famous, photographer Oliver Brinkman. Maybe you've seen his TV show, Pictures of the World. However, | started taking photos on a school trip. I remember my grandma lent me her camera. ‘When I was 16, | studied photography at college. I remember feeling really worried | about the course. | loved taking photos but | wasn't sure how good | was. And sometimes it's difficult having a famous uncle. People think you'll be amazing too! My first job was at the local newspaper. My neighbour heard that the newspaper was looking for a photographer and suggested it to me. My mum said I should try and get the job and | got it! When | arrived for my first day, | found out that an old school friend was also working there. Aiter five years at the newspaper, | moved to London and started a job at the | fashion magazine Dream. | loved this job. | worked in a great team; I'll aways. remember how kind they were to me. | went to very interesting places and worked with some famous models. I now have my own company, ABC Photography. | have a team of photographers Who take photos for different magazines. My newest project is a photography course that I've started at my company. | really want to use my experience in the photography business to help new photographers. It's very exciting! | lot ‘TEST 5 READING AND WRITING 14 15 16 7 18 Eliza first became interested in photography when A she saw her uncle’s photographs. B she borrowed her grandma's camera. © she watched a TV programme about photography. When Eliza started college she felt... ‘A worried that she was not good enough. B excited about studying photography. © lucky that she knew a famous photographer. Who told Eliza about the job at the newspaper? ‘A anold friend from school B hermum © someone who lived near her What will Eliza never forget about Dream magazine? A her colleagues B__ theplaces she visited the famous models Eliza is teaching photography at her company because A she thinks her team needs more training. B she hopes to make more money. © she wants to share what she has learnt. READING AND WRITING TEST 5 all is ‘tsb mca) Questions 19 - 24 For each question, choose the correct answer. Nettie Polano Nettie Polano is an unusual university student. So what makes her (19)... from other university students? Nettie is amazing - she started university when she was 14! Nettie is a teenage genius ~ a teenager who is (20), on Clever. ‘She completed primary school in four years and secondary schoo! in only three years! Her teachers saw she was much (21)... than other students her age when she was seven years old. They (22). Nette's parents how brillant she was. ‘Two years later, Nettie's parents decided to take her out of school. Nettie (23)________ her school studies at home with teachers who came to her house. Nettie studies science at university. She chose ths (24)... because she dreams of one day becoming the youngest person to travel into space. 19 A strange B different © alone 20 A especially B immediately C exactly 21 A older B bigger C better 22 A spoke B told C said 23° A finished B made © took 24 A level B © term C subject 106 TEST 5 READING AND WRITING ‘Questions 25 - 30 For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap- exemple:[ 0 | at ‘tenant From: Ce Boo To: Dear Jack, the moment. I've just | 25 swimming and soon I'm going to play beach volleyball with my sister \'m sitting on the beach| 0 and some friends. We're [28 [__]2 wonderful time. its beautiful here. The water isa little cold[ 27 | __ Jit doesn't matter because it's so hot outside. We've visited some really interesting places and tomorrow we're going to spend[ 28 whole day walking in the mountains. 've taken lots photographs. I'l show you them [90 | ]!see you. We'll be back next week. I'l call you then. Love, Kim, READING AND WRITING TEST 5 _———————— Question 31 You have lost your mobile phone. You want your English friend, Sam, to help you find it. Write an email to Sam. In your email ‘* tell Sam where you lost your mobile phone ‘* say why your mobile phone is important * ask Sam to help you find it Write 25 words or more. os TEST 5 READING AND WRITING Question 32 Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures. Write 85 words or more. READING AND WRITING TEST 5 Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. Re Me & A B c 2 What's Sue doing now? 0 TEST 5 LISTENING 4 Whois Dan mesting at the weekend? a USTENING TEST 5 42 TEST 5 LISTENING art ‘Questions 6 ~ 10 For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time. ‘etic amt) You will hear Damien telling his friend about Anna's surprise party. TRUCE ERS TREE Ree eee EE Questions 11-15 ‘ommrmmmamcansigs) For each question, choose the correct answer. a ee ee You will hear Vivienne talking to her brother, Andy, about buying a new video game. 44 What was Vivienne doing when Andy came home? A. playing a video game B shopping online eating 42 What's the name of Vivienne’s new video game? A Race Week B Winner © Star Driver 43. Vivienne bought the video game because A she sawit ona TV show. B her friend said it was good. © she heard an advert for it on the radio. 44 Why does Vivienne prefer the shop Small World to Top Computers? ‘A there are more things for sale B___ the prices are better © the staff ae friendlier 45 Andy says the shop Small World was Avery crowded. B toonoisy. © not very light. USTENING TEST 5 ———————_ 4 TEST 5 USTENING Questions 16 - 20 Agee For each question, choose the correct answer. 16 a7: 18 19 You will hear Jack leaving a message for his friend. What does Jack want his friend to do? A buy some tickets B_ come to aconcert on Saturday © meet Jack's sister after work ‘You will hear a girl, Annabel, talking about her weekend. What does Annabel say about cycling in the mountains? A It’s dangerous. B it's hard work. © It’s beautiful. ‘You will hear a basketball coach talking to the basketball team. Why must the team do extra practice before the match? A He thinks they can win the match. B The team isn't playing very well. © Some players have missed practice. You will hear a boy, Daniel, talking about a restaurant. What does Daniel say about the restaurant? ‘A The prices should be cheaper. B__ The meals should be bigger. © The food should be better. ‘You will hear a wornan talking to her neighbour about the weather. What was the weather like last night? A Itwas cold. B itwas wet. © twas windy. ‘etic momcancanttige Fhom Vin Minh Questions 21 - 25 For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear Tim talking to a friend about an activity holiday. What activity did Tim do on each day? Example: 0 Wednesday Days 21 Thursday 22 Friday 23° Saturday 24 Sunday 25 Monday Activities fishing horse-riding playing board games swimming tennis volleyball walking windsurfing USTENING TEST 5 u} Z a ss wa) a D he TEST 5 SPEAKING cae (G-4 minutes) The examiner will ask you and your partner some questions about yourself. + What's your name? * How old are you? + Doyou work or are you a student? + Where do you come from? © Where do you live? Now, let's talk about shopping. A, when do you like going shopping? How often do you go shopping for clothes? B, who do you like going shopping with? When did you last go shopping? Extended response Now A, please tell me something about your —_| Extra questions ] favourite shop, | Where is your favourite shop? | Now, let's talk about sport. Why do you like this shop? | 2 By wha SVU? vous fore? What are the shop assistants like’ ‘Where can people play sport in your town? ‘A, who plays the most sport in your family? What sport did you play when you were younger? Extended response Now B, please tell me something about the Extra questions last time you played or watched sport. ‘What sport did you play/watch? ‘Who did you play/watch the sport | with? How did you feel when you were playing/watching the sport? eta ay ee To) ise | [ween ‘The examiner will show you some pictures and ask you and your partner to talk about the things they show. Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together. (Turn to the pictures on page 168.) Hore are some pictures that show different places to eat. Do you like these different places to eat? Say why or why not. I'l say that again. Do you like these different places to eat? Say why o whi not All right? Now, talk together. QD avout 1-2 minutes Tho examiner wl tk ou atleast one question each, Do you think Extra questions | picnics are boring? | Why27Why not? | “eating at home is intresting? Wat do you think? restaurants are expensive? cafés are a good place to eat? eating at a market is cheap? So, A, which of these places to eat do you like best? And you, B, which of these places to eat do you like best? Debout 1-2 minutes ‘Thank you. Now, do you prefer eating outside or inside, B? (Why?) ‘And what about you, A? (Do you prefer eating outside or inside?) (Why?) Which is more fun, cooking for friends or going to a fast food restaurant together, A? (Why?) And you, B? (Which is more fun, cooking for friends or going to a fast food restaurant togeiher?) (Why?) CD resstuin cmten Trani ols tate tho ape os te SPEAKING TEST 5

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