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Learning Modern C++

1. The Abstract Machine (2020)
2. The Structure of a Program (2020)
3. Compiling and Linking (2021)
4. Algebraic Data Types (2020)
5. Pointers (2021)
6. Classic STL (2021)
7. Smart Pointers (2020)
8. Move Semantics (2021)
9. Templates - Part 1 (2021)
10. Templates - Part 2 (2021)
11. Lambdas (2021)
12a. Lambdas From Scratch (2019)
12b. Lambdas From First Priciples
13a. constexpr Introduction
13b. Const and Constexpr (2021)
14a. Object Oriented Programming (2021)
14b. Breaking Dependencies the SOLID Principles
14c. Composable C++ Principles and Practices
14d. Bulding an Intuition for Composition
15. Designing Classes - Part 1
16. Designing Classes - Part 2
17. The Special Member Function (2021)
18a. Design Patterns (2020)
18b. The Factory Pattern
19. Unit Tests (2020)
20. Test Driven Development (2019)
21. Exceptions (2020)
22. Concurrency (2021)

STL and Algorithms

105 STL Algorithms in Less Than an Hour - WATCHED
C++ Seasoning - Sean Parent
Algorithm Intuition - Part 1
Algorithm Intuition - Part 2
STL Algorithms - why you should use them, and how to write your own - WATCHED
Writing Standard Library Compliant Data Structures and Algorithms
Better Code: Data Structures
How to Choose the Right Standard Library Container, and Why you should want some
Constructing Generic Algorithms Principles and Pratice
Simplicity Not Just for Beginners
STL Algorithms in Action
In-Place Construction
Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures
C++20 Ranges in Practice
C++20 STL Features

Dive Deeper
Hello World from Scratch
The Bits Between teh Bits How we get to main()
Just Enough Assembly for Compiler Explorer
Calling Functions A Tutorial
Rich Code for Tiny Computers
Design Patterns Facts and Misconceptions
constexpr ALL the things
constexpr Applications
The Foundation of C++ Atomics
Exceptional C++
Test Driven C++
The Science of Unit Tests
Understanding Value Categories
Generic Programming
Give me 15 minutes & I'll change your view of GDB
A Crash Course in Calendars, Dates, Time and Time Zones
A Test A Day Keeps Your Manager Away
Applied Best Practices
Essentials of Modern C++ Style
Writing Good C++14
Overload Resolution (2021)
Casting (2021)
Undefined Behaviour (2021)
RAII and the Rule of Zero (2019)
Type Erasure (2019)
Const as a Promise (2019)
Virtual Dispatch and its Alternatives

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