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Back to Basics 2022

- Casting *
- Classic STL *
- The Special Member Functions *
- Templates (Part 1 of 2) *
- Templates (Part 2 of 2) *
- Concurrency *
- Pointers *
- Designing Classes (Part 1 of 2) *
- Designing Classes (Part 2 of 2) *
- Compiling and Linking *
- Lambdas *
- Object-Oriented Programming *
- Undefined Behaviour *
- const and constexpr *
- Overload Resolution *
- Move Semantics *

Back to Basics 2021

- Exceptions *
- Smart Pointers *
- Design Patterns *
- Unit Tests *
- Algebraic Data Types *
- The Structure of a Program *
- The Abstract Machine *
Back to Basics 2022
- RAII and the rule of Zero *
- Type Erasure *
- Lambdas From Scratch *
- Test Driven Development *
- const as a Promise *
- Virtual Dispatch and its Alternatives *

Back to Basics Old

- Essentials of Modern C++ Style *
Miscellaeous Videos
- 105 STL Algorithms in 1 hour *
- The Bits Between the Bits - How we get to main() *
- Writing Standard Library Compliant Data Structures and Algorithms *
- Applied Best Practices *
- Hello World from Scratch *
- Algorithm Intuittion (Part 1) *
- Algorthm Intuition (Part 2) *
- C++ Seasoning Sean Parent (Out of Context) *
- STL Algorithms - How to use them; How to write your own (Out of Context) *
- Simplicity is not just for beginners - KateGregory (Out of Context) *
- Generic Programming, Pacific++ Sean Parent (Out of Context) *
- How to choose the right C++ standard library container, and why you should want
some more *
- Calling Functions: A Tutorial *
- Breaking Dependencies: The SOLID Principles *
- The Beauty and Power of "Primitive C++" - Bjarne *
- Test Driven C++ - Phil Nash *
- C++ 20 An (Almost) Complete Overview *
- C++ 20 STL Features *
- Building an Intuition for Composition *
- Constructing Generic Algorithms: Prinicples and Practice *
- The Science of Unit Tests *
- C++ 20 Ranges in Practice *
- Exceptional C++ *
- The Foundation of C++ Atomics *
- A (Short) Tour of C++ Modules *
- Just Enough Assembly for Compiler Explorer *
- Design Patterns: Facts and Misconceptions *
- Composable C++: Principles and Patterns *
- A Crash Course in Calendars, Dates, Time and Time Zones *
- Software Design: Factory Pattern *
- std::accumulate Exploring an Algorithmic Empire *
- constexpr ALL the things *
- A Test a Day Keeps Your Manager Away *
- Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures *
- Writing Good C++14...By Default - Herb Sutter *
- Lambdas From First Principles: A Whirlwind Tour of C++ *
- constexpr: Introduction *
- constexpr: Applications *
- STL Algorithms in Action *
- Give me 15 minutes & I'll change your view of GDB *
- Better Code: Data Structures *
- Learning and Teaching Modern C++ *
Just for fun
- Rich Code for Tiny Computers (Jason Turner) *

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