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Steps for mainstreaming gender and social inclusion • Awareness and skills developed
within partner institutions
• Pacific-based researchers and actors
drive the research agenda
• Gender and social analysis • We unpack the issue of ‘research
Understanding who is excluded and why from the development documented and interventions
proposed to addresses inequalities
for who, by who?’ and reflects the
lived experiences of women and
process is a critical first step to designing gender and socially • GESI embedded within grant design marginalized groups
mechanisms • Research critiques gendered-
inclusive interventions. • # of grants led by women and dimensions of power structures and
marginalised groups or those that gender norms
represent them

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thi an nism te lise t h
1. Identify GE w iai
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• Who is excluded and why?
itis hip
s r nd to tio wi g ct on
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r ior ers a i g Re n
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• What is their existing le qu ting -d f g nd se
Re exis Co ut o ity a ent ad arc
situation? llo n m vo h a
ca nd
ro mu vern cy
o m go Create targeted positions
MERL processes c within CSO partners.
intentionally create space
for diverse actors
GESI Develop new evidence and
Monitoring, integration Development tools that can provide more
information on inequalities and
Reflection sessions led by evaluation, policy,
women and marginalised reflection
in Gov4Res planning
intersectionality of risk.
groups and learning budgeting Mechanisms to ensure diverse

Governance for
groups meaningfully contribute
Gender baseline and power processes and M&E and influence the budget and
analysis planning process.
project staff Wider engagement with civil
National baseline analysis society and private sector actors

Resilience - Gender
conducted through partnerships capacity as part of all interventions.
with key government actors /
GESI experts to contribute and
CSOs review policies, plans, tools &
Monthly upskilling sessions
4. Monitor, reflect, 2. Design
Specific commissioned

and Social Inclusion

research with CSOs on GESI issues Create risk informed
evaluate 3. Implement development posts
in gender
Management are accountable
5. Learn,adjust for GESI related results machinery.

All staff have a GESI

• Have planned inputs and

interventions reached
marginalised groups?
• Interventions to address
Key Performance Indicator
Action Plan
• Institiutional
• Have results been arrangements and
achieved as planned? accountabilities • Diverse voices contribute to learning • Decision making and steering Those who face the greatest levels of risk
and reflection processes processes and structures that are
• Programme interventions more inclusive
• Policy and plans that are gender and
– and therefore require the highest levels
• Budget allocation • # of women and people from
marginalised groups in project team
socially responsive
• Tools and guidelines that include GESI
of resilience – are often those who face the
• Selection criteria, control
of decisions and funds
(including government posts)
• Knowledge and skills of team are
• Greater understanding among civil
highest inequality and barriers to accessing
• Monitoring and reporting.
enhanced society and private sector actors of
how to influence the development
their rights in everyday life1.
planning, budgeting and M&E
processes and use tools to highlight
Adapted from ADB: Sectoral Perspectives on Gender and Social Inclusion (2011) inequalities

Examples of actions and commitments

Gov4Res Project
Gov4Res will use entry points across various areas of Pacific Office in Fiji
the programme to test approaches, promote learning and United Nations Development Programme
integrate gender equality and social inclusion considerations. Level 7, Kadavu House 1
BRACED: Resilience intel: Intersectional approaches to vulnerability
Indicators have been identified that will be tracked as part of 414 Victoria Parade, Suva, Fiji reduction and resilience-building
the monitoring evaluation reflection and learning framework. Tel: +679 322 7500 documents/12651.pdf
Beneficiaries Experts
Our values are the beliefs that underpin the way we approach INCLUSIVE We recognise that women and marginalised
Gender equality and social inclusion strengthening governance systems within the programme. Our groups are development experts and are best
placed to articulate the way in which climate
operating principles illustrate how we translate those values
are central to the development into ways of working. They reflect the transformation that is
change and disaster risks affect them. We
partner at community, sub-national, national and
process. If we want to ensure needed within the broader development space to fully and regional levels to support those at risk of being
intentionally provide space for diverse actors who currently marginalised and to advocate for their access to
that the process is equitable and face structural barriers. information and decision-making processes.
Participation Decision makers
benefits reach marginalised groups, We work to effect change through multiple entry points, COLLABORATIVE We respect and value the knowledge, connections
the development process must be strengthening the ability of individuals, groups, networks and and partnerships of multiple actors as part
of the development process. We co-facilitate
systems to generate sustainable behaviour change. Our key
informed by diverse voices. partners are development decision makers within government
spaces, processes and resources to enable
women and girls, and marginalised groups, to
including development planners, budget officials, economists participate, engage and make decisions to risk
It is impossible to risk-inform development without and social policy officers. informing development. We recognise that we
understanding and addressing the underlying vulnerabilities can’t understand risk without understanding
that arise due to structural inequalities that prevent women the underlying and intersecting vulnerabilities
These apply to our own team and the way we work, our caused by structural inequalities that prevent
and marginalised groups from contributing to and benefitting partnerships with government, civil society organisations and some women and marginalised groups from fully
from that development. the private sector. The ‘we’ refers to all of these. participating in the development process. We work
to create a deep understanding of the context
and embed GESI analysis within any tools or
approaches utilised to promote inclusive resilient
Additional Integral
PACIFIC STATISTICS TRANSFORMATIVE Understanding and managing risks are a core
part of development, and a prerequisite for
resilient development. We take a human-centered
More than 60 % of women in some Women and girls in PICs with and ‘development first’ approach to managing
risks and recognise that integrating climate
PIC have experienced domestic disabilities are 2 to 3 times more change and disaster risk and gender equality and
violence.2 likely to be victims of physical and social inclusion jointly is critical to promoting
sexual abuse than women with no sustainable, inclusive risk informed development.

Men outnumber women in paid disabilities.8 Planned Agile

employment by approximately 2 to 1.3 ADAPTIVE We are agile, flexible and adapt the programme
to the context. We intentionally and continually
Only Fiji, Nauru and Vanuatu have reflect and learn to identify how we can strengthen
Women make up just over 7 % decriminalized same-sex sexual our approach to promote inclusive risk informed
conduct in the Pacific.9 10 development. We consider GESI as a key measure
of parliamentarians in PICs of success for the Gov4Res programme and will
(the lowest rate in the world).4 5 conduct regular evaluation of how we are tracking
There is a substantial and visible our GESI indicators and ensure lessons learnt are
PIDSOGIESC+ community in taken onboard.
1.7 million people in PICs, or nearly the Pacific, and traditional third Power blind Power infused
15% of the total population of the gender communities have been ACCOUNTABLE We are accountable for ensuring that we lead by
region, are living with a disability,6 recognised in Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga example to affect inclusive, resilient development.
a figure which is likely to significantly and Tuvalu, but discrimination
We recognise that we and many of our are
partners are power holders and are responsive
increase.7 and stigmatisation against these to the needs and priorities of marginalised
communities has increased as groups. We learn from mistakes and adjust our
programming as needed. We consider GESI as an
modern religious and cultural values integral part of planning, preparation, decision-
2 have evolved.11 making, implementation, monitoring, evaluation
Outside the agricultural sector DFAT. Development assistance in the Pacific. and reporting in all outcome areas. We will ensure
5 all Gov4Res team members have the necessary
6 knowledge, tools and capacity to do this.

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