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we xo TT TTT TLL Question Paper Code : 77138 B.B/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2015. Fourth Semester Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 6403 — APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS AND FLUID DYNAMICS (Common to Instrumentation and Control Engineering) (Regulation 2013) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum ; 100 marks > Pe me = Answer ALL questiona. PART A (10x 2 = 20 marks) State the First Law of thermodynamics. Compare petrol and diesel engines. Define COP of a heat pump and refrigerator. State Fourier’s law of heat conduction. State Pascal's law. Define Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line in fluid flow studies. Dede the onal ratio far Pressure Intensity and Power, What do you mean by distorted and undistorted models? Define specific speed of a centrifugal pump. ‘What is meant dicator diagram? What is its signi is : a ini m' ite significance in 1. (@) b) 12, (a) ) 13. (a) ) (5 x 16 = 80 marks) PART B— item undergoi: of state. @ State the frst law fora closed sys rgoing a change of s! 7 wo State and Prove Clausius Inequality. 6 Gi) Batablish the equivalence of Kelvin-Planck: and Clausius statements. 6 Or (® How do you classify the thermodynamic properties? @ Gi) State and explain the Corollaries of second lav of thermodynamics. = 8) Gis) you mean by thermodynamic equilibrium and state the conditions necessary to attain that state? @ Derive the efficiency of tho Rankine cycle with the help of graphi representation. FA) a6) ey 4) Define a reverted heat engine. @ (ii) What do you mean by boiler mountings and accessories? Discuss ‘any five accessories in dotail with a neat sketch. (ad) (i) Claseify the types of fluid with a rheological graph. ® Gi) A U-tube difforéntial manometer connects two pressure pipes A and B. Pipe A contains carbon tetrachloride having a specific gravity 1.594 under a pressure of 11.772 Nem’ and pipe B contains oil of spetific gravity 0.8under a pressure of 11.772 Nlem*. The pipe A lies 2.6m above pipe B. Find the difforence of pressure measured by mercury as a fluid filling U-tube. ® - Or (@) An open circular cylinder of 20em diameter and 120cm long contains water up to a height of 80 cm. It is rotated about its vertical axis at 400 rpm. Find the difference in total pressure force (1) at the bottom of the cylinder and (2) at the sides of the cylinder due to rotation, ® (i) Derive Bernoulli's equation for the flow of an incompressible frictionless fluid aes consideration of momentum. ® @) (b) (@) b) @ Gi) @ Gi) @ Gi) What is similitude? ‘ ‘ec tacities that exist between the modal fare types of similarit 6) The drag force exerted by a flowing fluid on a solid body depends upon the length of the both 'L: velecity of low 'V", density of fluid Pp" and viscosity ‘47. Find an expression for the drag force using Buckingham’s theorem. (10) Or What is a dimensionless number? Di 6 important dimensionless numbers. NS @) In 1:30 model of a spillway, the veloci dnd iachargo are 1.5 misce and 2m*sec. nd 2 8 Find the corresponding velocity and in the prototype. 2 Describe the principle and worki: ‘a reciprocating pump with a neat sketch. (8) Why is that the speed pump without air vessel not high? Explain with 8) Explain with a the components of a centrifugal pump and its working (0) How will you determine the possibility of the cavitation to occur in the installation ine or a pump? ©

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