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Year Review Problem Set

I Due at the beginning of class on the 9th of May.

I Solve these problems on a separate paper written neatly by hand or typeset using LATEX.

1. The Australian Koala Foundation estimates the there are about 45 000 koalas left in the wild in 2019. A year
before, in 2018, the population of koalas was estimated as 50 000. Assuming the population of koalas continues
to decrease by the same percentage each year, find:
(a) the exact population of koalas in 2022;
(b) the number of years it will take for the koala population to reduce to half of its number in 2018.
2. Consider b = log80 81 × log79 80 × log78 79 × · · · × log3 4. Given that b ∈ Z, find the value of b.
 2 6
x a
3. Consider the expansion of + . The constant term is 960.
2 x
Find the possible values of a.
4. (a) Express 2x2 − 8x + 9 in the form a(x + b)2 + c where a, b, c ∈ Z.
(b) Given that f (x) = x − 2 and (g ◦ f )(x) = 2x2 − 8x + 9, find g(x).
5. Let f (x) = 0.2ex+2 − 4, for −3 ≤ x ≤ 2.
(a) Find the coordinates of:
[i] the x-intercept;
[ii] the y-intercept.
The graph of f is reflected in the x-axis and then translated by the vector to obtain the graph of a function
(b) Find g(x).
6. A botanist measured the diameters of silver birch trees, in cm, in a forest and recorded the results. The
following box and whisker diagram shows a summary of the results where m and n are the lower and upper
quartiles respectively.
diagram not to scale

25 m 44 n 62

The interquartile range is 10 cm and there are no outlier in the results.

(a) Find the minimum possible value of n.
(b) Hence, find the minimum possible value of m.
7. Consider two events A and B such that P (A) = 3k, P (B) = k, P (A ∩ B) = 2 and P (A ∪ B) = 0.78. Find:
(a) the value of k;
(b) P (A0 ∩ B).
8. Let f (x) = kx3 .
(a) Show that the point P (2, 8k) lies on the curve of f .
At P , the normal to the curve is parallel to y = 16 x.
(b) Find the value of k.

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