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3 Battery Road Kingston, Georgetown Guyana, South America | Tel: (592) 225 - 6723
Grade 7
20 Week Sequence
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
1 Number The set of integers includes: 1. Defining factors, integers and A Compl. Mths. Quiz
Theory Types of numbers: 1). Identifying the different set of numbers. 1. Positive integers {1, 2, 3…} multiples. Crse for Sec
odd, even, prime, 2). Ordering and comparing numbers on the 2. Negative numbers {-1,-2,-3…} 2. Listing integers Schools Bk 1
composite number line. 3. Zero 3. Listing prime and composite Oral questions
3). Identifying patters in sequence numbers. Mathematics for
Z = {…, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3…}
Integers: 4. Expressing composite Sec School in
Odd numbers are numbers when divided by two leaves a
NOTE: numbers as the product of prime Guyana Bk 1
remainder of 1.
This should be revision only from Grade 6. Don’t factors.
Even numbers when divided by 2 leaves no remainder.
need an entire week. The main focus in these 2 Prime numbers are numbers with 2 distinct factors. 1 and Written Exercise
weeks should be factors and multiples, and itself.
HCF/LCM 1 is not a prime number;
2 is the only even prime number
Composite numbers have more than two factors. E.g. 4, 6, 8,
9, …
Composite numbers can be expressed as a product of prime
factors eg. 6 = 2 x 3
1 /2 Factors and multiples 4). Identifying multiples, factors (including If a number can be exactly divided by another number, the 6. Listing factors and multiples A Compl. Mths. End of Unit Test
negative multiples and factors) and prime first number and the second number are factors of the given 7. Differentiating between Crse for Sec
factors of natural numbers number. E.g. 3 and 5 are factors of 15. prime numbers and composite Schools Bk 1
5). Recognizing that the multiple of a number A multiple of a number has that number as a factor. E.g. The numbers.
has that number as a factor set of multiples of 3 can be denoted as M = {3, 6, 9, 12, …} 8. Expressing numbers in index Mathematics for
6). Recognizing that a composite number can form Sec School in
be expressed as a product of prime factors Guyana Bk 1
2 Highest Common 7). Finding sets of factors The HCF of two or more whole numbers is the highest whole 1. Determining the Highest A Compl. Mths. Quiz
Factor 8). Stating multiples of numbers number that divides exactly into each of them. E.g.: the HCF common factor and the Lowest Crse for Sec
9). Expressing numbers as repeated of 12 and 16 is 4. common multiple of numbers. Schools Bk 1 Oral questions
Lowest Common multiplication 2. Small group activities finding
Multiple The LCM of a set of numbers is the smallest number into HCF and LCM of given Mathematics for Written Exercise
which each of the given number will divide. E.g.: the LCM of numbers. Sec School in
4, 5 and 10 is 20. Guyana Bk 1
3 Computation 1 Rational numbers 1). Listing the set of numbers that make up Decimals are added and subtracted the same way as whole Solving mechanical problems A Compl. Mths. Quiz
rational numbers numbers. When decimals are added or subtracted, decimal Crse for Sec
2). Adding and subtracting rational numbers points are aligned vertically. The digit should be placed under Schools Bk 1 Oral questions
3). Multiplying and dividing rational numbers each other according to their respective place value.
Mathematics for
Sec School in Written Exercise
Solving worded problems Guyana Bk 1
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
1 6. 7 3
6. 3 8
+ 1. 4

If both factors are decimals, do an ordinary multiplication and

then locate the decimal point in the product with as many
digits to the right of the point. E.g.:
0. 6 2 ---------2 d.p
x 0. 0 4 --- 1 d.p
0.025 -- 3 d.p

In division with decimals, first make the divisor a whole

number. If there is one decimal place the divisor is multiplied
by 10, if there are two decimal places the divisor is multiplied
by 100 and so on. Whatever is done to the divisor must be
done with the dividend. E.g.: 8 ÷ 0.5
(8 x 10) ÷ (0.5 x 10) = (80 ÷ 5) = 16

4 Fractions and decimals 4). Changing fractions to decimals. Converting fractions to decimals and vice versa Solving mechanical problems Quiz
5). Changing decimals to fractions
6). Adding and subtracting decimals and 3
= 0.75 7
= 0.35 Oral questions
4 20
Written Exercise
7 3 ; 7 3
+ − Solving worded problems
8 4 8 4
5 7). Multiplying and dividing a decimal by a Solving problems orally and in A Compl. Mths. Quiz
decimal 123.8 × 3.9 23.48 ÷ 3.6 written form Crse for Sec Oral questions
8). Multiplying and dividing fractions Schools Bk 1
7 10 15 18 Written Exercise
× ÷
8 21 Adding two to three terms Mathematics for
24 72
Solving mechanical and worded Sec School in
problems. Guyana Bk 1
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
6 Algebra 1 Addition of directed 1). Identifying absolute values of integers and When adding or subtracting two positive integers the answer 1. Adding and subtracting A Compl. Mths.
numbers characteristics of directed numbers is positive. E.g.: +5 + 3 = + 8 positive and negative integers. Crse for Sec Quiz
Subtraction of directed 2). Using the identity element for addition +10 + 5 = + 5 2. Adding and subtracting Schools Bk 1 Oral
numbers 3). Adding directed numbers When two negative integers are added or subtracted the negative and positive integers. Game
4). Subtracting directed numbers answer is negative. E.g.: -7 + (- 3) = - 10 Applying rules Mathematics for
-8 - 5 = -13 3. Identifying inverse (opposite) Sec School in Written work
When a negative and a positive integer are added the answer integers. Guyana Bk 1
takes the sign of the absolute value of the greater number.
E.g.: 4. Recognizing that sum of an
(-10 )+ ( +5) = -5 integer and its inverse is equal
(+12) + ( - 6 )= + 6 to zero.

Identity element for addition is zero. The sum of an integer 5. adding directed numbers in
and its inverse (opposite) is equal to zero. E.g.: -5 + 5 = 0 any order

6 Use of symbols 1). Using symbols to represent ideas Use of symbols. 1. Using concrete object to A Compl. Mths. Oral questions
Addition and 2). Expanding algebraic terms Functions, Constants, Variables and Coefficient. E.g.: 5b + 4 show addition of two like sets. Crse for Sec
subtraction of Algebraic 3). Identifying parts of a term: coefficient, where b is the variable, 5 is the coefficient and 4 is the E.g.: 3 pens + 2 pens = 5 pens Schools Bk 1 Written exercises
terms variable, index, constant constant. 3p + 2p = 5p where ‘p’
represents one pen Mathematics for Quiz
4). Adding and subtracting like algebraic terms Function of variables and coefficient. E.g.: 5b indicates the Discussion on the value of p in Sec School in
number of b’s required where ‘b’ could vary in value. terms of its coefficient. Guyana Bk 1 Games
Expand: 3a = a + a + a or 3 x a
5c = c + c +c +c + c or 5 x c 2. Discussion on the function of
Addition and subtraction of algebraic expression with like the terms in expression
terms. E.g.: a + 3a + 5a = 9a e.g. a + b + 6
Different coefficient and same variables
3. Discussion on the functions of
Addition and subtraction of algebraic expression with like and variables in an expression e.g. 4b
unlike terms. E.g: a + b + b = a + 2b + 3b + 1
a + b + e + a + b = 2a + 2b + e 4. Using the examples of b = 4
x + 2y + y = x + 3y elements, explain the function
a – 6b – 2b = a – 8b of a co-coefficient and a
5. Discussion on the expansion
of algebraic terms and vice
6. Discussion on the relationship
between an expanded and
contracted term
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
7 5). Multiplication and 1). Multiplying and dividing algebraic terms Multiplication of algebraic expressions with like variables, 1. Discussion on the steps to be A Compl. Mths. Oral questions
division of algebraic 2). Replacing variables with numeric value e.g.: a x a x a = a3, 2a x a x a = 2a3 , taken to multiply algebraic Crse for Sec
terms 3). Expressing verbal statements in algebraic 4b x 3b =12b2 expressions with like and unlike Schools Bk 1 Written exercises
6). Substitution terms Type equation here. variables.
Multiplication of algebraic expressions with unlike variables. 2. Demonstration of division of Mathematics for Quiz
e.g.: a x bc; 3b x 4c x 4c; 4x x 5y x 6c terms by expanding them before Sec School in Games
Division of algebraic terms e.g.: x ÷ x = 1; a ÷ b =
canceling. Guyana Bk 1
Division of algebraic expression with unlike terms 3. Demonstration of division of
unlike terms by subtracting
e.g.: a ÷ 5b = indices.
Division of unlike terms by subtracting indices e.g.: 4. Discussion on steps to be
x3 ÷ x2 = x1 or x taken when substituting
When variables are replaced with a numerical value, this is variables with numerical values.
called substitution. E.g.: when x = 2, find the value of 4x and 5. determining value of an
3x . expression by replacing variables
4x = 4 x 2 = 8; 3 x2 = 3 x 2 x 2 = 12 with numerical values

Conversion of verbal statements into symbolic expressions, Converting verbal statements A Compl. Mths.
8 Algebra 2 1). Verbal statements 1). Expressing verbal statements in algebraic e.g. if the length of a rectangle is x cm and the width is y cm, into symbolic expressions. Crse for Sec Oral questions
and symbolic terms then an expression for the perimeter of the rectangle can be: Encouraging students to practice Schools Bk 1
expressions 2). Simplifying algebraic expressions using the Perimeter = converting verbal statements into Written exercises
2). The distributive law distributive law (x + x + y + y ) cm = (2x + 2y) cm symbolic expressions Mathematics for
= 2(x + y) cm Applying the distributive law to Sec School in Quiz
The distributive laws: simplify algebraic expressions, Guyana Bk 1
(a × b) + (c × b) = b(a + c) e.g. (3 × y) + (4 × y) = y(3 + 4)
(a × b) - (c × b) = b(a - c) = 7y

Solve Simple equations in one unknown: e. g Solve simple equation by: A Compl. Mths. Oral questions
8 3). Equations 3). Identifying and balancing equations 5x = 15; 3y = 21 i) inspection Crse for Sec
4). Inequations 4). Using the symbols < and > m + 9 = 17; p – 5 = 13 Schools Bk 1 Written exercises
2m – 7 = 29 ii) balancing
5p + 9 = 36 Mathematics for Worksheet
Sec School in
Guyana Bk 1
5). Converting verbal statements to algebraic Use the symbols < and >to convert verbal statements into Converting verbal statements A Compl. Mths. Oral questions
9 5). Inequations expressions highlighting inequality algebraic expressions. e.g. If the length of a rectangle is b cm into algebraic expressions using Crse for Sec
and the width 4 cm less than the length, then the statement the inequality signs. Schools Bk 1 Written exercises
can be expressed by the inequation (b – 4) > b
Mathematics for
Inequations, e.g. 12 >11 or 11 < 12.
Sec School in
Guyana Bk 1
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
10 6). Indices 6). Identifying base and index of an expression Identify the base and index of an expression 3d : Use the laws of indices to: Quiz
7). Multiplying expressions of like terms and d is the base and 2 is the index.  Multiply
writing the answer using indices Write algebraic expressions in index form e. g. 3 x a x a x a Worksheet
8). Dividing terms with same base = 3a  Divide
Multiply expressions of like terms and write the answer using terms with the same base
indices Prepare worksheet with
4 problems on indices.
2 2 2 2+2+2 6
c xc xc =c =c
95 ÷ 93 = 95-3 = 92 Make and mount a chart with the
16g10 ÷ 8g6 = 2g10-6 = 2g4 rules of indices ( student

11 Geometry 1 1)Mathematical 1) Identifying the four main Mathematical Identify Mathematical instruments Display mathematical A Compl. Mths. Scrap
Instruments instruments and discussing the use of each instruments Crse for Sec book/dictionary
2)Lines instrument Define the terms: Geometry, point, line, surface, solids Schools Bk 1
2) Defining the terms: Geometry, point, line, Make a scrap book/dictionary with Worksheet
surface, solids Name points and label line segments mathematical terms identified. Mathematics for
3) Showing line segment as a set of points Prepare worksheet on Sec School in Quiz
4) Naming points and labeling line segments Identify and define the types of lines geometrical terms. Guyana Bk 1
5) Identifying and defining the types of lines Draw, name and compare lines
6) Drawing, naming and comparing lines

11 3). Angles 7) Identifying , drawing, naming and Identify, draw, name and measure angles. Classify Draw, name and measure angles Written exercises
measuring angles
angles according to size:
8)Estimating angles Practical
 Acute Classify angles according to size
9)Classifying angles
 Obtuse Make a table/chart to show same
10)Calculating angles
 Reflex
 Right-angle Calculate angles from
 Straight worksheets
Calculate angles: Complementary and supplementary
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
12 4). Polygons 11) Defining and recognizing polygons Define Polygons Draw, name and measure angles A Compl. Mths. Scrap
12) Drawing and naming polygons A polygon can be defined as a plane shape bounded by line Crse for Sec book/dictionary
13) Classifying polygons segments. Polygons are classified into three types as follows: Classify angles according to size Schools Bk 1
Make a table/chart to show same Worksheet
Convex: Mathematics for
Calculate angles from Sec School in Quiz
Each interior angle in a convex polygon is less than worksheets Guyana Bk 1
180°. Oral questions
Add definitions to scrap
Regular: book/dictionary made in
previous lesson.

Use worksheet to name and

A regular polygon has all its sides of equal length and all its classify polygons.
angles of equal size.
Use solids to identify properties
Use worksheet to calculate
interior angles of polygons.
In a re-entrant polygon, one or more of its interior angles is
greater than 180° and less than 360°.

Drawing, naming and classifying polygons.

1. Triangle: is a polygon with three sides. Triangles are

classified as:
 Acute: All angles are acute; i.e. Each angle is
less than 900
 Obtuse: One angle is obtuse; i. e. the angle is
greater than 900 but less than 1800.
 Right-angled: One
angle is a right
angle; i. e. the
angle is 900

 Scalene: All sides are unequal.

 Isosceles: Two sides are equal.
 Equilateral: All three sides are
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
2. Quadrilateral: A polygon with four sides.
Quadrilaterals are classified as:
 Parallelogram: Opposite sides are parallel and
 Square: A square is a parallelogram with
opposite sides parallel and equal. All four sides
are equal and each angle is a right angle.
 Rectangle: Opposite sides are parallel and equal.
Each angle is a right angle.
3. Pentagon: A polygon with five sides.
4. Hexagon: A polygon with six sides.
5. Heptagon: A polygon with seven sides
6. Octagon: A polygon with eight sides.
7. Nonagon: A polygon with nine sides.
8. Decagon: A polygon with ten sides.
9. Icosagon: A polygon with twenty sides.

13 Assessment
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
1. SI System of unit 1).Identifying SI units of length: mm, cm, m, Identify SI unit of measurement for length. Showing on chart the SI unit of A Compl. Mths.
14 Measurement 2. Perimeter of regular km, etc measurement for length. Crse for Sec Chart
1 shapes 2). Drawing regular and irregular shapes Draw regular and irregular shapes. Use graph paper to draw regular Schools Bk 1
3. Perimeter of irregular 3). Calculating the perimeter of regular and and irregular shapes. Worksheet
shapes irregular shapes Calculate perimeter of: regular, irregular and composite i. Measure to find the perimeter, Mathematics for
4. Area of polygons 4). Calculating the area polygons– squares, shapes. ii. Use given measurements to Sec School in
rectangles, right-angled triangles, parallelograms find perimeter. Guyana Bk 1
Calculate area of polygons. iii. Count the number of squares
within the shapes to find area.
iv. Use formula to find area of
given shapes

Geometry 2 6). Construction 14) Constructing angles Construct given angles: 600, 300, 900, 450, 1200. Use mathematical instruments to A Compl. Mths. Chart
15 15) Constructing triangles and rectangles Construct triangles and rectangles: construct triangles and rectangles. Crse for Sec
Triangle: given two sides and an angle; three sides; three Schools Bk 1 Worksheet
Rectangle: two sides; two sides and an angle. Mathematics for
Sec School in Practical
Guyana Bk 1

Relations 1. Relations 1). Recognizing the domain is the object of a Arrow diagrams. Listing the members of A Compl. Mths. Oral
16 relation The objects and image in any particular relation can be shown the Crse for Sec
2). Recognizing the range is the image set of a on an arrow diagram. domain for a set of ordered pairs. Schools Bk 1 Written
relation The arrow always leaves the object in the domain and points Listing the members of the range
to the image in the range for a set of ordered pairs. Mathematics for Worksheet
Sec School in
Guyana Bk 1

16 2. Arrow diagrams 3). Using arrow diagram to show relationships Types of relations: Listing all the ordered pairs Oral
4). Identifying that the object and the image form  One-to-one - each object has only one image. shown on an arrow diagram. questioning
the components of the ordered pairs.  Many-to-one - two or more objects have the same Writing sets of ordered pairs
image. that satisfy given relations. Written exercises
 One-to-many - one object has more than one image. Writing the rule of a Diagrams
 Many-to-many - one object has more than one image relation. Worksheet
and also two or more objects
Week Topic Sub-topics Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation
3. Ordered pairs 5). Stating ordered pairs from arrow diagrams The co-ordinate plane is sometimes called a rectangular grid. Showing on chart: A Compl. Mths.
17 4. Coordinates and nets Drawing a number line using 0 and positive integers from 1 to X = {-6, -5, -4, …4, 5, 6} and Crse for Sec Quiz
6). Plotting points 6 and negative integers from –1 to 6. Y = {-6, -5, -4, … 4, 5, 6}. Schools Bk 1
7). Reading ordered pairs of coordinates Up turning the paper and drawing another number line Pointing out that the elements Oral
intersecting the first at right angles and using 0 and the of X are called the x-co- Mathematics for questioning
positive integers from 1 to 6 and from –1 to –6. 0 remains at ordinates and the elements of Sec School in
the same point. Y are called the y-co-ordinates. Guyana Bk 1 Written exercises
When the two lines come together this way they form a co- The point at which the x and y
ordinate plane. are both 0 is called the origin.
x-co-ordinates, y-co-ordinates, origin. Guiding students in
Points on a co-ordinate plane, e.g. (2, 3) (0,0) plotting points on a co-
ordinate plane. Guiding
students in locating given
points on a co-ordinate

18 5. Graphs 8). Plotting and connecting points Graph of a relation represented by ordered pairs. Small group activities: Oral
 plotting ordered pairs
of the given relation on Written
a co-ordinate plane.
 joining the points
corresponding to
each ordered pair.



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