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Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121

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Safety assessment in plant layout design using indexing approach:

Implementing inherent safety perspective
Part 2—Domino Hazard Index and case study
Alessandro Tugnoli a , Faisal Khan b , Paul Amyotte c,∗ , Valerio Cozzani a
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Mineraria e delle tecnologie Ambientali, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna,
via Terracini n.28, I-40131, Bologna, Italy
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B 3X5
Department of Process Engineering & Applied Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada B3J 2X4

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The design of layout plans requires adequate assessment tools for the quantification of safety performance.
Received 5 November 2007 The general focus of the present work is to introduce an inherent safety perspective at different points of
Received in revised form 24 February 2008 the layout design process. In particular, index approaches for safety assessment and decision-making in
Accepted 25 February 2008
the early stages of layout design are developed and discussed in this two-part contribution. Part 1 (accom-
Available online 4 March 2008
panying paper) of the current work presents an integrated index approach for safety assessment of early
plant layout. In the present paper (Part 2), an index for evaluation of the hazard related to the potential of
domino effects is developed. The index considers the actual consequences of possible escalation scenarios
Domino effect
Index assessment and scores or ranks the subsequent accident propagation potential. The effects of inherent and passive
Inherent safety protection measures are also assessed. The result is a rapid quantification of domino hazard potential that
Hazard indices can provide substantial support for choices in the early stages of layout design. Additionally, a case study
Layout design concerning selection among various layout options is presented and analyzed. The case study demon-
Process industries strates the use and applicability of the indices developed in both parts of the current work and highlights
Safety assessment the value of introducing inherent safety features early in layout design.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Section 3 of the current paper presents a case study concerned

with the selection of plot options on the basis of the inherent safety
The present paper is Part 2 of a research effort aimed at imple- criteria identified in Part 1 (accompanying paper). The indexing
menting an inherent safety perspective within the early stages of approaches introduced in both Part 1 and Part 2 are applied and
layout design. In Part 1 (accompanying paper), the main focus was demonstrated in the case study.
on the use of inherent safety guidewords and the development of
a safety assessment tool for early layout analysis. The hazard of 2. Domino Hazard Index
domino escalation was identified as a critical element for consid-
eration during such analysis. Additionally, a reference index able The Domino Hazard Index is specifically aimed at assessing the
to quantify the domino hazard was identified as being essential domino effect hazards caused by a unit in a specific layout. The
to reduce subjectivity and to support the assessment of design index is able to consider the effects of both inherent and passive
options. Thus, in the current paper (Part 2) a purpose-developed measures on the domino escalation potential. The specific use of the
reference index, termed the Domino Hazard Index (DHI), is intro- index as a reference within the framework of I2SI for layout assess-
duced. For each unit, this index considers the actual consequences ment decides whether to account for the effects of passive measures
of possible escalation scenarios and scores or ranks the accident in the DHI calculation. (I2SI is the overall Integrated Inherent Safety
propagation potential. The contributions of inherent and passive Index as described in the accompanying Part 1 paper.)
protection measures are assessed in the score attribution. Fig. 1 illustrates the assessment procedure for the Domino Haz-
ard Index. Table 1 summarizes the definition and range of the main
indices of the procedure. The starting point is the plant layout plan,
from which the relative distances of the geometric centres of each
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 902 494 3976; fax: +1 902 420 7639. possible pair of units are evaluated. The distances can be arranged
E-mail address: (P. Amyotte). for ease of use in a matrix form (Di,k ). In subsequent steps of the

0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121 111

I2SI approach [3] is used as the hazard indicator for the units in this
Nomenclature procedure (Eq. (1)):

CConvSafety cost of conventional safety ($) If DIk > (min(DIi ; )) then
CInhSafety overall cost of safety with inherent safety imple- k-th unit is assessed as secondary unit
mentation ($)
CLoss value of expected loss ($) else k-th unit is skipped (gives only minor consequences) (1)
CSCI Conventional Safety Cost Index
where  is an arbitrary threshold value that defines the lower limit
db distance from explosion source where overpressure of DI for units considered highly hazardous ‘per se’; in the Section
effect is of concern (m) 3 case study,  is taken as having a value of 25.
de distance of explosion source from centre of primary For each identified primary accidental event (h-th event) for
unit (m) the assessed unit (i-th unit), a Domino Hazard Score (DHSi,k,h ) is
df spatial dimension occupied by flame envelope (m) evaluated for each of the secondary targets (k-th unit). DHSi,k,h is
dr spatial dimension affected by radiation from flame therefore a ranking that represents the score given to the hazard
envelope (m) in terms of an escalation from unit ‘i’ to unit ‘k’ by event ‘h’. The
ds characteristic dimension of secondary unit on the maximum value for DHS is 10, meaning that escalation is highly
layout plan (m) probable; the minimum value, 0, represents the inherently ‘safest’
Di,k geometric distance between i-th unit and k-th unit level for domino escalation (i.e. elimination of the escalation haz-
(m) ard). The value of DHSi,k,h for each possible event is derived by
DHI Domino Hazard Index comparison of the physical effect distances associated with that
DHS Domino Hazard Score particular event to the actual distance between units on the lay-
DHSi,k maximum Domino Hazard Score for escalation from out plan. The rules for assigning DHSi,k,h values are summarized in
i-th to k-th unit Table 4 and are discussed in detail in Sections 2.1–2.4.
DHSi,k,h Domino Hazard Score for h-th propagation scenario Once the DHSi,k,h values have been assessed, the worst possible
from i-th to k-th unit scenario is selected as a reference among all the possible scenarios,
DI Damage Index yielding DHSi,k for every pair of considered units (Eq. (2)):
HCI Hazard Control Index
DHSi,k = maxh (DHSi,k,h ) (2)
HI Hazard Index
I2SI Integrated Inherent Safety Index where subscript h identifies the scenario.
ISCI Inherent Safety Cost Index The final index (DHIi ) for the i-th primary unit is the sum of the
ISI Inherent Safety Index scores (DHSi,k ) for all possible secondary target units (Eq. (3)):
ISIa Inherent Safety Index for guideword attenuation 
DHIi = DHSi,k (3)
ISIl Inherent Safety Index for guideword limitation of k
effects An upper limiting value of 100 is imposed on DHIi for practical
ISIla Inherent Safety Index for guideword limitation of applications.
the affected area The rules for assigning DHSi,k,h values are now presented accord-
ISIlb Inherent Safety Index for guideword limitation of ing to the classification of escalation vectors given in Table 3.
the damage potential to target buildings
ISIle Inherent Safety Index for guideword limitation of 2.1. Flame impingement/heat radiation
the effects of domino escalation
ISIsi Inherent Safety Index for guideword simplification Fire could cause escalation due to equipment overheating (by
ISPI Inherent Safety Potential Index direct flame impingement or by far-field heat radiation effects from
LSI Loss Saving Index the flame surface), or due to direct ignition of flammable vapors.
PHCI Process and Hazard Control Index Different fire scenarios therefore need to be analyzed in detail,
SWeHI Safety Weighted Hazard Index as each scenario would have different flame properties and heat
 cutoff value for DI in domino escalation analysis loads—thus influencing the escalation mechanism.

2.1.1. Short duration scenarios

In short duration scenarios (i.e. flash fire and the thermal effects
procedure, each single unit is analyzed, with the ultimate goal being associated with vapor cloud explosions, VCEs), escalation is likely to
to evaluate the DHIi for a particular unit. occur only by direct ignition of flammable vapors ([4,5] and refer-
The primary accidental events that may result in domino effects ences cited therein). Thus, only secondary units likely to release
arising from the assessed unit (i-th unit) must be identified. These vapors (e.g. a floating-roof tank) are considered in the analysis.
events depend on the chemical characteristics, inventory and oper- Affected secondary units within a distance (Di,k ) that can possibly
ating conditions relevant to the primary unit. Methods for primary be reached by the flame, receive a score of DHSi,k,h = 10; otherwise
event identification are widely available in literature (e.g. [1,2]). DHSi,k,h = 0. In usual industrial practice, passive measures are not
Table 2 provides an overview of the possible primary events which considered to be effective in limiting this mode of escalation.
can trigger domino effects. Table 3 classifies the accidental events Fireballs involve high thermal radiation levels in the area occu-
according to the involved escalation vector (i.e. the physical phe- pied by the flames, even if the duration of the event is short.
nomenon that causes the escalation from one unit to another). Previous work concerning escalation likelihood has shown that
Each possible pair of units (‘i’ being the assessed primary unit escalation is reasonably possible only for impinged atmospheric
and ‘k’ the secondary unit) that can potentially result in a domino vessels, while pressurized vessels are generally unaffected. More-
escalation scenario is analyzed. A selection criterion is defined in over, escalation phenomena are unlikely to occur for radiation from
order to account only for the units that have significant potential for a distant source without impingement ([4–6] and references cited
an increase in accidental adverse consequences, or that are consid- therein). The fireball radius (df ) is the key dimension for evalua-
ered highly hazardous ‘per se’. The Damage Index (DI) of the original tion of escalation possibility. Thus, the presence of an atmospheric
112 A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121

Table 1
Summary of the principal indices of the DHI assessment procedure

Name Description Range

DHI Domino Hazard Index Score of the domino hazard of a unit with [0, 100]
respect to the maximum potential to affect
possible escalation targets. It can either
consider or not consider the effect of passive
protection measures.
DHS Domino Hazard Score Score of the domino hazard of a unit with [0, 10]
respect to triggering escalation on a specific
target unit. It can either consider or not
consider the effect of passive protection
DHSi,k Maximum DHS for escalation from i-th to k-th unit Domino Hazard Score considered to assess the [0, 10]
worst case of escalation potential between a
given pair of units.
DHSi,k,h Domino Hazard Score for h-th scenario from i-th to k-th unit Domino Hazard Score with respect to a specific [0, 10]
escalation scenario selected among the
possible scenarios that can trigger escalation
between a given pair of units.

Table 2
Possible primary events likely to give domino escalation as a function of material hazardous proprieties and operative conditions

Material classification

Flammable Explosive/reactive Stable and non-flammable

Physical state
Liquid Pool fire, flash fire, VCE Condensed phase/confined explosion –
Liquefied gas Pool fire, jet fire, VCE, flash fire, fireball, Condensed phase/confined explosion, Physical explosion, BLEVE
BLEVE, physical explosion physical explosion, BLEVE
Gas Jet fire, flash fire, VCE, physical Condensed phase/confined explosion, Physical explosion
explosion physical explosion
Solid/dust/mist Fire, dust explosion, confined explosion Condensed phase/confined explosion –

Table 3
Accidental events likely to give rise to domino escalation (classified according to the escalation vector involved) [5]

Escalation vector Accidental event

Flame impingement/heat radiation Pool fire, jet fire, flash fire, fireball, VCE
Blast wave Condensed phase explosion, confined explosion, physical explosion, BLEVE, VCE
Fragment projection Condensed phase explosion, confined explosion, physical explosion, BLEVE

unit within the fireball area (Di,k < df ) means a score of DHSi,k,h = 10; 2.1.2. Pool fires and jet fires
otherwise DHSi,k,h = 0. Escalation scenarios triggered by pool fires or jet fires involve
Fire insulation is a passive measure that is effective in protecting both flame impingement and continuous heat radiation from a dis-
vessels from fireball effects. It should be noted, however, that in tant source. Impinged unprotected vessels are reported to undergo
general practice fire insulation protects only the lower 10 m of a failure in a relatively short time [4,6], and the distances occupied
vessel [1], and fireballs can reach significant heights because of the by the flame envelope (df ) encompass an area where escalation
lift forces involved. Similar considerations apply when protection is highly possible (DHSi,k,h = 10). The flame dimension (df ) can be
is provided by fire resistant walls. Nevertheless, if the insulation roughly considered equivalent to the pool radius for a non-tilted
is complete, some degree of protection is afforded to atmospheric pool fire. For jet fires, the worst case of horizontal-axis release
vessels and the appropriate value is DHSi,k,h = 5. directed toward the secondary equipment is considered. Thus, the

Table 4
Summary of rules for assignation of Domino Hazard Score (DHS) as a function of the escalation vector

Escalation vector Secondary unit Inherent DHS Protective device Passive DHS

Flame impingement/radiation
Flash fire, thermal effect VCE Free flammable vapors 10 –
Other cases 0

Fireball Impinged atmospheric vessel 10 Fire insulation 5

Other cases 0

Pool fire Impinged equipment 10 Fire resistance wall 1

Bund +1
Thermal radiation as distant source Fig. 2 Fire insulation Fig. 2

Jet fire Impinged equipment 10 Fire resistance wall/mounding 1

Thermal radiation as distant source Fig. 3 Fire insulation Fig. 3

Blast wave Unprotected equipment Fig. 4 Barricade 1

Fragment projection Unprotected equipment Fig. 5 Barricade 1

Inherent DHS and passive DHS refer to the possibility of accounting for passive protection devices in DHS evaluation.
A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121 113

Fig. 1. Conceptual flow diagram of DHI assessment.

distance enveloped by flames (df ) is the sum of the characteristic be calculated as:
dimension of the primary unit on the layout plan (i.e. the distance
dr = Di,k − df − ds (4)
of the leaking boundary from the geometric centre) and the max-
imum flame length. Diagrams are available in the literature for a where ds is the characteristic dimension of the secondary unit on
quick estimation of flame length [5]. the layout plan (i.e. the distance of the failing unit boundary from
Concerning the effects of heat radiation, a correlation can be the secondary unit geometric centre). DHSi,k,h can be evaluated by
identified between the distance from the flame boundary and the entering dr from Eq. (4) in the graphs in Figs. 2 and 3, according to
expected time to failure of exposed units [4]. Elaboration of these the scenario and the secondary unit characteristics.
data results in the DHS values reported in Figs. 2 and 3. The distance Fire insulation is a passive measure that is suitable for protect-
from the flame envelope, or radiation-impacted distance (dr ), can ing equipment from these types of escalation events. In the case

Fig. 2. DHS as a function of the distance from the flame envelope for pool fire scenar- Fig. 3. DHS as a function of the distance from the flame envelope for jet fire scenar-
ios. Solid line: unprotected vessels; dashed line: fire-insulated vessels; atmospheric ios. Solid line: unprotected vessels; dashed line: fire-insulated vessels; atmospheric
equipment (a); pressurized equipment (b). equipment (a); pressurized equipment (b).
114 A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121

of flame impingement, however, even small defects in insulation hemispheric stoichiometric cloud centered on the unit and assum-
continuity nullify the protective behavior [7,8]. Defects can easily ing the flammable cloud radius to be the explosion source distance
originate from damage or ripping, but also from incorrect opera- (de ).
tions (e.g. removal for inspection and missed replacement). Thus, Passive measures for limitation of escalation due to overpressure
even for protected targets, no reduction of DHS is accounted for in waves mainly consist of barricades such as blast walls or cubicles.
the case of fire impingement (i.e. DHSi,k,h = 10). On the other hand, These passive devices, within the extent of their feasibility and
in the zone of radiation from a distant source, fire insulation is con- reliability [9], are considered effective in limiting overpressures in
sidered to effectively decrease the risk of escalation by heat load the desired propagation direction (i.e. DHSi,k,h = 1 in the protected
and the values of DHS can be derived from Figs. 2 and 3. zone).
Fire resistant walls provide effective protection from both flame
impingement and radiation, and the DHS value is reduced to 2.3. Fragment projection
DHSi,k,h = 1 for equipment in the protected area. The hazard is not
completely eliminated because passive devices have an intrinsic The projection of fragments is considered an important cause
probability of failure on demand [9]. Mounded equipment is con- of domino effects in industrial accidents [1,11–14]. Detailed analy-
sidered in the present analysis to have a protection value equivalent sis of the cinematic records of missile projection has enabled the
to fire resistant walls. identification of probabilities of hitting targets of a given size as
For pool fires, a bund limits the area subjected to flame engulf- a function of distance [5,13]. From these data, values for DHS as a
ment. However, as with any passive protection measure, bunds are function of distance and vessel size were derived and are reported in
not fully reliable and a one-point increase of DHS (a penalty of +1 Fig. 5. These cited studies on missile projection, as well as reports
to the DHS value in the radiation zone) is assigned if units can be from industrial accidents [15,16], show that fragments are capa-
reached by flames in the event of bund failure. ble of generating secondary accidents at large distances from the
primary source. Thus, no practical action in layout design (e.g. seg-
2.2. Blast waves regation) can result in a complete negation of escalation possibility.
This is recognized in the DHI assessment by a lower limit of unity
Blast wave consequences are affected by numerous parameters for the DHS score (see Fig. 5).
including the explosion characteristics, blast wave characteristics The same passive protection measures used for limiting blast
and reflection phenomena. When far-field interaction between the wave effects (e.g. blast walls) can also be designed to be effective in
explosion source and the target equipment is of concern, or when blocking missiles. Thus, in the protected area, the appropriate value
low pressures are considered (static peak overpressure less than is DHSi,k,h = 1.
50 kPa), the static peak overpressure can be effectively used to
assess the damage caused by the overpressure wave. Hence, it is 2.4. Toxic release
possible to identify overpressure threshold values for different lev-
els of damage for typical classes of equipment [4,10]. DHS scores In the present contribution, only primary events that result in
have been defined using these thresholds for different magni- physical effects likely to cause direct escalation were considered.
tudes of loss-of-containment in target vessels, and are reported Toxic releases may exert an escalation influence because of indi-
in Fig. 4. Using a suitable blast wave model (e.g. multi-energy or rect effects on emergency procedures and crisis management [11].
Baker-Strehlow), the static peak overpressure can be related to the Such considerations are, however, beyond the scope of the present
distance (db ) from the explosion source once the energy released analysis.
by the explosion is estimated. The distance (db ) is defined as:
3. Case study
db = Di,k − de − ds (5)
In this section, a case study is presented to demonstrate the
where de is the distance of the explosion source from the centre
application of the proposed index methodology. The aim of the
of the primary unit, ds is the characteristic dimension of the sec-
study is to select an inherently safer layout for an acrylic acid pro-
ondary unit (as previously defined), and Di,k is the relative distance
duction plant.
between the two units. The distance of the explosion from the pri-
mary unit (de ) can be considered as the geometric position on the
3.1. Case study description
layout plan of a failing boundary (e.g. a wall) or a vent in the case
of confined explosions, physical explosions and BLEVEs. In the case The same process was studied earlier from the perspective of
of VCEs, since weather conditions play a direct role in cloud disper- inherent safety considerations in process design using the I2SI
sion, conservative assumptions may be adopted; e.g. considering a

Fig. 5. DHS as a function of the secondary unit distance for fragment projection;
Fig. 4. DHS as a function of the static peak overpressure for blast wave scenarios for curves for different geometrical size of target unit are presented (very large storage
different classes of equipment (T: handling toxic material; F: handling flammable vessel (a), large storage vessel (b), medium storage vessel (c), process vessel or small
material). storage vessel (d)).
A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121 115

Fig. 6. Layout plan of the three options in the case study.

methodology [17]. This particular acrylic acid process is based on solution for the design of both the overall plot plan and the process
the one-step catalytic oxidation of propylene in the vapor phase. area configuration:
Further process details are described by Palaniappan et al. [18]. In
addition to the process units discussed in the previous I2SI applica- • Option 1 (base option) was designed in accordance with typical
tion [17], the storage section for feedstock materials and products safety rules used in industrial practice for separation distances
(propylene, acrylic acid, acetic acid, solvent for make-up), the tank- ([1,19] and references cited therein). No passive protection
truck loading facility, and the principal plant utilities have been devices were considered for this option. The units of the process
included in the current layout assessment. area are arranged in a single block, in two parallel rows following
Three possible layout options are proposed and compared here. the process flow order. The storage area can be sub-divided into
Figs. 6 and 7 provide details of the general plot layout and the pro- two main blocks—the pressurized storage of liquefied propylene
cess area layout, respectively. Each option thus presents a different (comprised of several horizontal vessels) and the atmospheric
116 A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121

Fig. 7. Layout of the process area of the three options in the case study.

tank farm for storage of the liquids (acrylic acid, acetic acids and comes of the analysis. In general, there is no requirement for the
solvent). base case to completely lack passive safety measures. However, the
• Option 2 presents an improved layout in the process area. The base case is considered a starting option and the other options are
units are segregated in two blocks (reaction and product recovery designed as possible inherent safety improvements with respect to
block, and separation block). A wall, acting as both a fire resistant the base case. Thus, the base case is always expected to have a poor
wall and a blast wall, is erected at the edge of the first block. All safety performance.
units have fire insulation in place. The layout of the loading and
storage area has the same plot plan as option 1; however, passive
3.2. Analysis and discussion
protection measures (bunds and fire insulation) are considered
in this case.
The case study is now analyzed from the perspective of the pro-
• Option 3 incorporates segregation of units, a modified spatial
cess area layout and the overall plot plan.
arrangement and passive protection devices, all aimed at enhanc-
ing layout safety. The units in the process area are arranged in two
segregated blocks on a single row. The control room and labora- 3.2.1. Process area layout
tory are placed at a conveniently safe distance. Fire insulation The results of the analysis of the three options are presented in
is in place on all units. In addition, two firewalls to protect the Tables 5–12. The process area is discussed first because it consists
quencher, and a bund to contain possible spills from the split- of closely linked processing units and displays several hazardous
ter, are in place. The layout of the tank farm is improved to limit features that can trigger escalation events. The process area units
escalation consequences (maximizing segregation). The distance considered for all options are listed in Table 5. Data on the relative
of the loading facility from the propylene storage area is also distances of the units were organized for each layout in the form of
increased. a distance matrix; an example for option 3 is given in Table 5. Rel-
evant primary events were identified and the DHI was calculated.
It is worth noting that the assumption of an absence of protec- An example of the domino hazard scoring is reported in Table 6 for
tive devices in option 1 was made in the current case study to create option 3. As explained in the Part 1 (accompanying paper), assess-
an extreme case that better demonstrates the application and out- ment of the DHI is required for evaluation of the Inherent Safety
A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121 117

Table 5
Example of distances among unit geometric centres in process area of option 3

# Unit 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

01 Compressor – 10.2 12.6 20.3 26.7 25.0 31.0 26.0 26.2 21.8 23.0
02 Feed mixer 10.2 – 6.8 17.0 24.1 24.9 38.8 35.7 33.7 33.0 33.7
03 Reactor 12.6 6.8 – 10.2 17.3 18.4 35.7 33.7 30.5 33.6 33.0
04 Quencher 20.3 17.0 10.2 – 7.1 9.5 33.2 33.2 27.0 37.0 34.5
05 Absorber 26.7 24.1 17.3 7.1 – 6.3 33.2 34.6 27.1 40.7 37.2
06 Splitter 25.0 24.9 18.4 9.5 6.3 – 27.0 28.7 20.8 35.8 31.8
07 Acid extractor 31.0 38.8 35.7 33.2 33.2 27.0 – 6.8 6.2 20.1 13.5
08 Distillation I 26.0 35.7 33.7 33.2 34.6 28.7 6.8 – 9.2 13.3 6.7
09 Solvent mixer 26.2 33.7 30.5 27.0 27.1 20.8 6.2 9.2 – 21.0 14.9
10 Distillation II 21.8 33.0 33.6 37.0 40.7 35.8 20.1 13.3 21.0 – 6.6
11 Distillation III 23.0 33.7 33.0 34.5 37.2 31.8 13.5 6.7 14.9 6.6 –

Table 6
Example of DHSi,k matrix for process area

# Secondary unit Primary unit

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

01 Compressor – n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
02 Feed mixer 1 – 10 10 1 1 1 1.1 1 1.4 1.6
03 Reactor 1 10 – 10 1 1 1 1.3 1 1.3 1.7
04 Quencher 1 10 10 – 10 2 1 1 1 0.8 1
05 Absorber 1 10 10 10 – 5 1 1.2 1 1 1.5
06 Splitter 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. – n.a. n.a. 1.4 1.1 n.a.
07 Acid extractor 1 1.3 1.6 1 0.3 1 – 10 7 10 10
08 Distillation I 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. – 2.1 10 n.a.
09 Solvent mixer 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
10 Distillation II 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.4 – n.a.
11 Distillation III 1 1.6 1.7 1 1 1 2.5 10 1.8 10 –

DHI 10 33 33 32 13 12 7 25 18 36 16

Data refer to option 3, considering the effect of passive protection devices. Shaded areas correspond to negligible escalation effects (negative escalation test). Dashed lines
group together units belonging to the same block. (n.a.): not assessed, as for condition in Equation (1).

Index, or ISI. This further requires consideration of the extent of within the block are extremely likely. However, some units have
applicability of the inherent safety guidewords attenuation and lim- the potential to trigger escalation events at longer distances than
itation of effects; thus DHI must be calculated twice for each option others. When this distance is higher than (or at least compara-
(i.e. both with and without passive protection measures). Assess- ble to) the block characteristic dimensions, placing these units in
ment of the damage distances for each option (again, a requirement the same layout block implicitly means accepting a heightened
for ISI computation) was accomplished in the present case study escalation possibility. On the other hand, for units that trigger
by means of the SWeHI methodology [20]. Values of the principal escalation only at short distances, the location within the block
indices for the case study analysis are reported in Tables 7–9. largely determines the possibility of initiating an escalation chain.
Some general observations can be made concerning the DHS In block layout design, therefore, the location of these latter units
data such as those reported in Table 6. Units located in the same is of strategic importance in limiting the magnitude of accident
block are placed at close relative distances and domino effects consequences.

Table 7
Summary of all indices evaluated in the assessment for option 1 (case base)


01 Compressor 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 11 0.45 7 43 0.17 2.71

02 Feed mixer 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 31 0.16 29 56 0.53 0.31
03 Reactor 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 42 0.12 47 92 0.52 0.23
04 Quencher 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 26 0.19 25 51 0.48 0.40
05 Absorber 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 31 0.16 30 57 0.53 0.30
06 Splitter 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 21 0.24 21 51 0.41 0.58
07 Acid extractor 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 21 0.24 30 47 0.65 0.37
08 Distillation I 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 21 0.24 22 45 0.49 0.48
09 Solvent mixer 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 21 0.24 20 42 0.47 0.51
10 Distillation II 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 21 0.24 21 58 0.36 0.67
11 Distillation III 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 21 0.24 27 45 0.59 0.40

12 AA storage 1 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 24 0.21 36 56 0.64 0.32

13 AA storage 2 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 24 0.21 36 56 0.64 0.32
14 AA storage 3 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 24 0.21 36 56 0.64 0.32
15 AcA storage 1 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 24 0.21 38 56 0.68 0.31
16 AcA storage 2 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 24 0.21 38 56 0.68 0.31
17 Sol storage 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 24 0.21 14 55 0.25 0.82
18 P storage 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 36 0.14 40 73 0.55 0.25
19 P tanker 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 36 0.14 27 73 0.37 0.38

AA: acrylic acid, AcA: acetic acid, Sol: solvent, P: propylene.

118 A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121

Table 8
Summary of all indices evaluated in the assessment for option 2


01 Compressor 1.0 1 1.4 5.0 11 0.45 7 43 0.17 2.71

02 Feed mixer 1.0 −10 5.7 5.0 25 0.20 29 56 0.53 0.38
03 Reactor 1.9 1 6.2 6.5 36 0.18 47 92 0.52 0.35
04 Quencher 1.1 1 6.7 6.8 22 0.31 25 51 0.48 0.65
05 Absorber 1.5 −10 7.1 5.0 23 0.22 30 57 0.53 0.41
06 Splitter 3.0 −10 21.5 19.3 17 1.13 21 51 0.41 2.74
07 Acid extractor 5.3 −10 32.6 31.5 17 1.85 30 47 0.65 2.86
08 Distillation I 2.4 1 15.0 15.2 17 0.89 22 45 0.49 1.82
09 Solvent mixer 2.2 1 28.9 29.0 17 1.71 20 42 0.47 3.64
10 Distillation II 3.7 1 9.3 10.0 17 0.59 21 58 0.36 1.66
11 Distillation III 2.0 1 32.3 32.3 17 1.90 27 45 0.59 3.23

12 AA storage 1 1.0 −10 45.1 44.0 24 1.83 36 56 0.64 2.85

13 AA storage 2 1.0 −10 34.1 32.6 24 1.36 36 56 0.64 2.11
14 AA storage 3 1.0 −10 34.5 33.0 24 1.38 36 56 0.64 2.14
15 AcA storage 1 1.0 −10 36.8 35.4 24 1.47 38 56 0.68 2.17
16 AcA storage 2 1.0 −10 41.8 40.6 24 1.69 38 56 0.68 2.49
17 Sol storage 1.0 −10 69.4 68.7 24 2.86 14 55 0.25 11.3
18 P storage 1.0 1 1.4 5.0 36 0.14 40 73 0.55 0.25
19 P tanker 1.0 1 1.4 5.0 36 0.14 27 73 0.37 0.38

AA: acrylic acid, AcA: acetic acid, Sol: solvent, P: propylene. Option 1 (base case). Table 7 depicts the I2SI values for than the expected losses. That is mainly due to the possibility of
option 1. Since this is the base case, these overall index values are domino effects which significantly increases the loss parameter
mainly influenced by the HI values. Most of the units in the process values.
area yield results for I2SI that are significantly less than unity. On
the other hand, the (air) compressor displays relatively safer perfor- Option 2. Focusing on option 2 (Table 8), the segregation
mance. This is a consequence of the low damage potential (low DI of the two unit blocks in the process area is effective in reducing
and hence, low HI) and the modest requirement for hazard control the escalation hazard of the units located close to the gap between
devices in the layout definition (low HCI, yielding an ISPI above the the blocks. This leads to reduced values of DHI and increased val-
average value). Concerning the other units, distillation II is identi- ues of ISI for the attenuation guideword as compared to the base
fied as being somewhat safer than the average—again, because of case (option 1). Safety is further enhanced when passive devices
a lower HI, but this time due to extensive application of control are considered, because the separation wall poses a physical bar-
devices (this is the product refining column and monitoring is crit- rier to escalation from one block to the other. The new position of
ical for quality control purposes). As expected, the reactor, because the manned buildings (control room and laboratory) is verified as
it requires a high level of safety devices, has the poorest inherent safer because these buildings are now located further from the units
safety performance (lowest I2SI). of the product separation block. As a consequence, the value of ISI
The results of the cost indexing for option 1 are reported for the limitation of effects guideword is significantly increased. On
in Table 10. Again, no inherent safety measures are considered the other hand, ISI for the simplification guideword yields a negative
to be applied because this is the base case. Hence, the con- contribution to all the units close to the wall, since the wall repre-
ventional and inherent safety cost indices are identical. It can sents an obstacle. However, the absolute value of this contribution
be observed, however, that the cost indices for all units are is judged to be quite small, because in the base option the same
below unity, meaning that the cost of safety devices is lower units were similarly obstructed by the absence of the gap between

Table 9
Summary of all indices evaluated in the assessment for option 3


01 Compressor 1.0 1 1.4 5.0 11 0.45 7 43 0.17 2.71

02 Feed mixer 1.7 1 12.0 12.1 21 0.58 29 56 0.53 1.10
03 Reactor 1.7 −10 12.0 6.9 38 0.18 47 92 0.52 0.35
04 Quencher 1.6 −30 12.8 5.0 22 0.23 25 51 0.48 0.47
05 Absorber 8.3 −30 38.3 25.1 27 0.93 30 57 0.53 1.75
06 Splitter 12.2 −30 55.5 48.2 17 2.84 21 51 0.41 6.86
07 Acid extractor 36.4 −30 75.2 78.0 17 4.59 30 47 0.65 7.10
08 Distillation I 3.1 1 16.4 16.7 17 0.98 22 45 0.49 1.99
09 Solvent mixer 5.8 −30 37.8 23.7 17 1.39 20 42 0.47 2.97
10 Distillation II 2.8 −10 13.1 8.9 17 0.53 21 58 0.36 1.48
11 Distillation III 2.7 1 27.0 27.1 17 1.59 27 45 0.59 2.71

12 AA storage 1 1.0 −20 54.6 50.8 24 2.12 36 56 0.64 3.29

13 AA storage 2 1.0 −20 54.6 50.8 24 2.12 36 56 0.64 3.29
14 AA storage 3 1.0 −20 54.6 50.8 24 2.12 36 56 0.64 3.29
15 AcA storage 1 1.0 −20 71.3 68.5 24 2.85 38 56 0.68 4.20
16 AcA storage 2 1.0 −20 71.3 68.5 24 2.85 38 56 0.68 4.20
17 Sol storage 1.9 −30 99.5 94.9 24 3.96 14 55 0.25 15.5
18 P storage 1.1 1 1.5 5.0 36 0.14 40 73 0.55 0.25
19 P tanker 42.9 1 42.7 60.5 36 1.68 27 73 0.37 4.54

AA: acrylic acid, AcA: acetic acid, Sol: solvent, P: propylene.

A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121 119

Table 10
Summary of cost indices evaluated in the assessment for the three options

# Common to all options (base case) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

CLoss ($) CConvSafety ($) CSCI CInhSafety ($) ISCI CInhSafety ($) ISCI CInhSafety ($) ISCI

01 32,680 23,500 0.72 23,500 0.72 20,500 0.63 20,500 0.63

02 127,868 44,500 0.35 44,500 0.35 44,423 0.35 37,434 0.29
03 138,266 63,000 0.46 63,000 0.46 54,313 0.39 46,120 0.33
04 126,140 25,500 0.20 25,500 0.20 24,333 0.19 23,985 0.19
05 47,699 32,500 0.68 32,500 0.68 22,588 0.47 25,851 0.54
06 101,186 21,000 0.21 21,000 0.21 17,324 0.17 16,706 0.17
07 69,381 21,500 0.31 21,500 0.31 18,234 0.26 19,738 0.28
08 105,368 20,000 0.19 20,000 0.19 17,652 0.17 17,743 0.17
09 113,504 24,000 0.21 24,000 0.21 17,134 0.15 16,695 0.15
10 114,921 22,000 0.19 22,000 0.19 19,751 0.17 20,259 0.18
11 57,392 18,000 0.31 18,000 0.31 15,554 0.27 15,698 0.27

12 118,432 33,500 0.28 33,500 0.28 30,135 0.25 30,135 0.25

13 118,432 33,500 0.28 33,500 0.28 30,178 0.25 30,135 0.25
14 118,432 33,500 0.28 33,500 0.28 30,176 0.25 30,135 0.25
15 118,432 33,500 0.28 33,500 0.28 30,165 0.25 30,028 0.25
16 118,432 33,500 0.28 33,500 0.28 30,146 0.25 30,028 0.25
17 218,434 33,500 0.15 33,500 0.15 30,081 0.14 32,354 0.15
18 437,977 287,500 0.66 287,500 0.66 275,500 0.63 309,028 0.71
19 389,648 69,500 0.18 69,500 0.18 69,500 0.18 59,664 0.15

For item number, refer to Table 7. CLoss , CConvSafety and CSCI are the same for all options (being based on the values of the base case).

the blocks. The final result for I2SI is an increase above unity for all for option 2. In particular, safety costs are significantly decreased
units belonging to the product separation block. This reflects the for the reactor (due to unit segregation and the firewall), solvent
limited possibility of escalation from hazardous units (such as the mixer (due to location), absorber (due to location), and splitter (due
reactor) in the other block. to location and bund). It can be observed that the ISCI values are
From a cost perspective (Table 10), segregation of the process comparable to the results for option 2; thus both options can be
layout into two blocks and the presence of passive measures reduce considered to be at the same approximate level of cost effectiveness.
the requirement for further safety measures—thus lowering over- It should be remembered, however, that option 3 generally displays
all safety costs. The costs of applied devices and of additional land better performance from an inherent safety perspective.
(i.e. increased space requirements) were considered in the evalua- The analysis of the Loss Saving Index (Table 11) reveals that
tion of the inherent safety cost. The overall effect is one of reducing options 2 and 3 are by far more cost effective in limiting the
the unit ISCI value from the base case (option 1). This decrease in expected loss from accidental events. This is once again due to the
ISCI is limited to a maximum factor of about 1.4 (reference unit 05, integrated effect of passive and inherent measures. The presence
the absorber, in Table 10), meaning that the safety savings are usu- of several negative values means that the cost of these measures is
ally an order of magnitude lower than the total costs. The units fully compensated for by the expected decrease in loss in the event
exhibiting better performance in this regard are those near the of an accident. Analyzing the details for each unit generally results
block spacing gap and thus protected by the wall—for example, the in the same outcomes already discussed for the I2SI results. This is
aforementioned absorber as well as the solvent mixer (unit 09 in due to the predominant effect of the values of DHI on both indices
Table 10). (LSI and I2SI). Option 3. In the process area of option 3, the unit arrange- 3.2.2. Overall plot plan
ment increases segregation, effectively reducing the DHI values as Application of the proposed index methodology to the plot plan
compared to the base case. This yields high values of ISI for the of the base case (option 1) reveals that the safety distances from the
attenuation guideword (Table 9). However, it also creates limita- literature are effective in preventing escalation from storage to pro-
tions on applicability of the simplification guideword, since the pip- cess area and vice-versa. This is also due to the choice, derived by
ing network for connection of the various units is made longer. The safety experience and common to all proposed layouts, of locating
increased unit segregation makes the passive devices more effec- the propylene storage at the furthest feasible distance from the pro-
tive, since the escalation vectors to be countered are mitigated by cess area. This enhances the evaluation of the whole layout, since
distance. This results in high values of ISI for the limitation of effects no significant interactions are then possible between the process
guideword. Some contribution to this index is also provided by the and storage areas (except fragment or missile projection—which,
better building location (ISIlb ) and the fire resistant wall that lim- as previously discussed, is difficult to limit in practice). Another
its the possible affected areas (ISIla ). Focusing on I2SI, values above observation concerning the propylene storage is that this area has
unity are obtained for most of the units. In particular, the highest the same tank layout in all options and therefore does not require
values are obtained for the splitter and acid extractor because the assessment of safety improvement possibilities. (This again high-
arrangement and the passive protection measures serve to limit lights the fact that indices such as I2SI are intended to be used in
escalation possibilities as compared to the base case (option 1). a relative, not absolute, manner to effect risk reduction.) Thus, in
On the other hand, the units with the poorest performance are the the following discussion, only the effect on the other storage units
reactor and the quencher. This is due to the domino effect from from a single propylene vessel is considered.
explosions which is not countered by the fire resistant wall. As shown in Table 7, the I2SI values for the storage and loading
In option 3 the values of ISCI for all units in the process area area in option 1 are below unity. The Inherent Safety Index (ISI)
are lower than the corresponding CSCI values (Table 10). These cost has low values, as expected for the base case. The values of Dam-
reductions are limited in extent for the same reasons discussed age Index illustrate that all units have significant damage distances
120 A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121

Table 11
Loss saving indices of the case study

# Unit Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

01 Compressor 0.72 0.36 0.33

02 Feed mixer 0.35 0.42 0.49
03 Reactor 0.46 −0.19 −0.27
04 Quench tower 0.20 −0.03 −0.07
05 Absorber 0.68 0.16 −0.06
06 Splitter 0.21 −0.32 −0.65
07 Acid extractor 0.31 −0.24 −0.37
08 Distillation I 0.19 −0.36 −0.41
09 Solvent mixer 0.21 −0.60 −0.65
10 Distillation II 0.19 −0.32 −0.30
11 Distillation III 0.31 −0.30 −0.27

12 AA storage 1 0.28 −0.46 −0.47

13 AA storage 2 0.28 −0.44 −0.47
14 AA storage 3 0.28 −0.44 −0.47
15 AcA storage 1 0.28 −0.45 −0.50
16 AcA storage 2 0.28 −0.46 −0.50
17 Sol storage 0.15 −0.81 −0.82
18 P storage 0.66 0.57 0.52
19 P tanker 0.18 0.18 −0.47

AA: acrylic acid, AcA: acetic acid, Sol: solvent, P: propylene.

and hence significant potential to trigger escalation. As expected, Table 12 reports the system I2SI for each of the three options. The
propylene storage appears as a critical safety issue. The storage of better performance of the whole plant clearly belongs to option 3
solvent, however, is a relatively low hazard unit with respect to due to the positive contribution of every unit. The contribution to
escalation. the system index of the two identified plant areas (process area and
In option 2 (Table 8), the spatial disposition of the units is the storage area) is equally balanced in options 1 and 2, while a differ-
same as in option 1. Thus, the I2SI values principally reflect the ence of one order of magnitude is shown by option 3. This is mainly
effect of passive measures in escalation limitation. The combined due to the good performance achieved by coupling segregation and
protection of bunding and fire insulation increases the index values passive protection in facility layout.
of the atmospheric storage units for flammable liquids well above
unity. 4. Conclusion
In option 3 (Table 9), the improved unit spatial disposition has
no effect in preventing escalation among unprotected atmospheric An index approach for the evaluation of domino hazards in the
storage units (low values of ISIa ); however, if combined with passive early stages of process design has been developed. The index is
protection, enhanced safety performance is obtained (high values based on the assessment of scenarios able to trigger domino escala-
of ISIl , mainly due to limitation of the effects of domino escalation). tion. A quick scoring system was developed to quantify the domino
On the other hand, the increased segregation does prevent, from an hazard related to each single unit. The scoring is able to account
inherent safety perspective, escalation triggered by the propylene for the effects of inherent and passive measures which are imple-
tank trucks at the loading station. The I2SI values are well above mented in the design. In the general framework of the methodology
unity for all units, with good performance of the solvent storage unit described in this two-part contribution, the Domino Hazard Index
made possible by adopting both inherent and passive measures. provides a reference for the analysis of layout performance in the
Tables 10 and 11 show the results of cost indexing for the stor- early stages with respect to safety and implementation of inherent
age and loading area. From Table 10, it can be observed that storage safety principles (thus reducing the subjectivity usually associated
units usually have large costs of losses, mainly due to the large with an analysis of these aspects).
extent of damage propagation by domino effect. For storage, ISCI Application of the proposed safety index methodology to a case
values are therefore lower than unity, suggesting that further pro- study has demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach. The
tective measures should be applied. Option 2 shows only a minor methodology permits identification of the critical units within a
decrease in ISCI values compared to those for CSCI for the stor- given layout, and assessment of the inherent safety performance of
age area. This is a direct consequence of the similar values of costs alternative options. General conclusions drawn from the case study
for conventional safety and inherent safety. The same conclusions include:
generally hold for option 3. Here, though, the inherent safety cost
for propylene storage is higher than the conventional safety cost • The use of segregation is indeed effective in preventing domino
because of the high land cost for unit separation. chains, thus improving the inherent safety of the layout. Con-
Analysis of the Loss Saving Index results in Table 11 leads to the sidering the whole plant, however, an integrated application of
same conclusions as those drawn for the process area. The loading inherent and passive measures appears as the desirable way to
facility offers a clear example of the previously discussed effect of achieve the best layout safety performance.
DHI performance on both LSI and I2SI. • Grouping the units in blocks generally implies accepting the
domino effects within a given block. The position of minor units
Table 12
System I2SI values for process area, storage area and the whole plant
should be carefully designed to limit initiation possibilities for
chain effects.
Process units Storage and loading units Whole plant • The economic consequences of loss for domino effects are
Option 1 (base case) 1.8 × 10−2 1.6 × 10−2 2.9 × 10−4 typically significant. Therefore, limiting domino possibility by
Option 2 5.2 × 100 8.6 × 100 4.5 × 101 improved layout design yields important savings in terms of the
Option 3 3.2 × 101 1.1 × 102 3.4 × 103
avoided costs of accidents.
A. Tugnoli et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 160 (2008) 110–121 121

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