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Application of perception theories in organization

Perception is the process of organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory

information in order to represent and understand the presented information or
environment. And organization is a place where different types of individual having
common interest work together. So, in the process of interpersonal communication
within organization, one’s perception plays an important role. The following is the
application of perception theories for managers and subordinates for better performance
of organization:

1. Make accurate self-perception: Self-perception helps manager be aware and

understand their subordinates or other’s behaviour in an organization to deal with
them effectively. But first, for managers it is necessary to perceive themselves
correctly. As, it helps them understand why they do the thing they do and how their
beliefs and behaviour affect themselves as well as others in the organization.
2. Enhance self concept: Perception theories helps managers to enhance self
concept. A person's self-concept helps them define who they think they are and
how they fit into the world. That in itself makes self-concept important because
every individual wants to know themselves and feel as though they belong.
Similarly, managers having proper self concept can perceive others accurately.
3. Being empathetic: Perception helps manager to be empathetic. Being empathetic
means understanding others view while dealing with them. It helps managers to
understand the problems of their subordinates from their perspective. Doing so can
help them come to a mutual solution that can be acceptable by both.
4. Develop positive attitude: People having positive attitude always focuses on right
judgement. Developing positive attitude is important for managers as it makes their
perception positive and accurate. A positive attitude keeps them trying new things,
feeling brave about brainstorming new ideas, and makes people feel excited to go
to work with their co-workers
5. Avoid perceptual distortions: Perception helps to avoid one’s perceptual
distortions about an object, people or event. Perceptual distortions are incorrect
understanding or abnormal interpretation of a perceptual experience. So, managers
having knowledge of perception can develop perceptual skill to avoid such
distortions about certain problems.
6. Facilitates open communication: Perception helps to facilitate open and
interpersonal communication in an organization. Perception guides an individual’s
behaviour in an organizational setting. Perception therefore is an internal process
that occurs from interaction between perceiver, target and the situation. This
facilitates for development of open communication system in an organization.
7. Avoid attribution: Attribution is the process by which people interpret the causes
of their own and other’s behaviour. Therefore, perception helps the manager to
understand the external or internal factors affecting their subordinate’s behavious.
Perception can help managers to make right attribution about someone’s behaviour.
8. Healthy organizational behavior: Perception theories helps managers to develop
perceptual skills which will help them understand their subordinate accurately. Not
only is perceptual skill necessary to managers but is equally important to
subordinate to understand their employee as well. It helps create mutual
understanding and together they can work to achieve their goal.

Therefore, knowledge of perception is important not only to managers but to all

people working in an organization. Perception theories helps you to develop
perpectual skill in order to analyze and interpret other’s behaviour as well.

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