Eco Notes

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Excess Demand and Deficient Demand

1. Excess Demand and Deficient Demand:-

Excess Demand -The situation when Deficient Demand -The situation when
aggregate demand is more than aggregate demand is less than aggregate
aggregate supply.corresponding to full supply corresponding to full employment
employment level of output in the level of output in the economy.
Inflationary Gap -The gap by which Oeiflationary Gap -The gap by which actual
actual aggregate demand . :_':. <. ... aggregate demand' .. -::.. . .
· · ex~eedsthe ,_: .- .:. , -' fall short of aggregate demand
aggregate demand required-to required to establish full employment
establish full emp·loyment equilibrium. equilibrium.
Diagram - Diagram-
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j.'T\,- F -- -- --
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E (f~I\ E:.""'p \~ rr, cnt)

Reasons:- Reasons:-
a) Rise in Propensity to Consume -It · a) Fall in Propensity to Consume -It arises
arises because of increase in because of decrease in·consumption
consumption expenditure due to rise in expenditure due to fall in propensity to
propensity to consume. consume.
b) Reduction in Taxes -It may occur b) Increase in Taxes -It may occur due to
due to increase in disposable income decrease in disposable income and
and consumption demand. consump_ t ion demand.
c) Increase in Government c) Decrease in Government expenditure-
expenditure- Rise in government Fall in government qer:nand for goods arid
demand for goods and services due to services du2 to decrease in public
increase in public expenditure. expenditure.
d) Increase in Investment-It is due to .d) Decrease in Investment -It is due to
decrease in rate of interest or increase increase in rate of interest or decrease in
in expected. returns. expected returns.
e) Fall in Import -It is due to higher e) Rise in Import-It 1s due to lesser
international price in comparison to international price in comparison to
domestic price. . domestic price.
f) Rise in Export -It is due to f) Fali in Export-It is due to comparatively
comparatively lower prices of domestic higher prices of domestic goods or due to
goous or due to decrease in the increase in the exchange rate of dumestic
exchange rate of domestic currency. currency.

ri;;pact:- - - - -- -- - --- - -- -- - - - - - - -- ·- - - - - -1

lmpact:- 1
1 a) Effect on Output -It does not affect
a) Effect on Output -
: the level of ?utput because economy is Due to lack of sufficient aggregate
already at full employme nt level and . there will be an increase in the inventory
there is no idle cap~city in the stock .It will force the firms_ to plan for lesser
economy. production for the subsequent period. As a
result planned output will fall.
b) Effect on Employme nt- It does not b) Effect on Employme nt- It causes
affect the employme nt because fTuvoluntary unemploym ent/in the economy
economy is already at full employmen t due to fall in the planned output.
level and there is no involunta_ry
c) Effect on General Price Level -It c) Effect on General Price Level -It leads to
leads to rise in general price level as fall in general price level as aggregate
aggregate demand is more than demand is less than aggregate supply.
aggregate supply.
Fiscal Measure:- Fiscal Measure:-
a) Government Spending- Governme nt a) Government Spending-Government will
will decrease the spending to maximum increase the spending to maximum possible
possible extent on defense and extent on public works with a view to
unproductive works. provide additional income to people.
b) Tax Rate -Governm ent will increase b) Tax Rate -Governm ent will decrease the
the tax rate that will reduce the tax rate that will increase the purchasing
purchasing power and hence the power and hence the aggregate demand.
aggregate demand. ,
Monetary Measures :- Monetary Measures :-
a) Bank Rate/Repo Rate -Increase the a) Banlc Rate/Repo Rate -Decrease the
bank rate/repo rate, which discourages bank rate/repo rate, which encourages
borrowers from taking loan. It reduces borrowers from taking loan. It increases the
the availability of credit in the availability of credit in the economy.
b) CRR/SLR -Increase the CRR/SLR b) CRR/SLR-Decrease the CRR/SLR which
which reduces the amount of effective increases the amount of effective cash
cash resources of commercial bank and resources of commercia l bank and enhances
limits their credit creating power. their credit creating power.
c) Margin Requireme nt-Increas e the c) Margin Requireme nt -Decrease the
rnargin requir:ement which restricts the margin requiremen t V1hich enhances the
credit creating power of the bank. credit creating power of the bank.
d) Open Market Operation -Central d) Open Market Operation -Central bank
bank offers security for sale which offers to buy security which increases the
reduces the reserves of the commercial reserves of the commercia l bank and its
bank and its ability to create credit. ability to create credit.

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