Energy Work Power Efficiency Assessed Prep Qs

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Energy Dissipation

Take g, the gravitational field strength near the surface of the Earth, to be 10 N/kg

1. A ball of mass 2.0 kg is dropped from the top of a cliff.

a) How much GPE has it lost after falling 30m?




b) What sort of energy has it gained?


c) Assuming all the energy in a) has turned into the type of energy named in b), how fast
is the ball now moving?




Total (8marks)

2. A bullet of mass 5.0g is travelling at a speed of 150 m/s

a) Calculate its kinetic energy.



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This bullet then hits a target and is stopped by a uniform force.

b) Write down how much work has been done, if all of the kinetic energy in a) is used
doing work on the target.


c) If the bullet stops in 2.0 cm, calculate the size of the steady force which stopped it.



Total 7marks

3. A ball of mass 10g is thrown vertically upwards at a speed of 10 m/s

a) Calculate the kinetic energy of the ball



b) It stops rising when all of its initial KE has been transferred to GPE. How much GPE
will it then have?

c) Calculate the height it reaches.



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4. A force of 5.0N pushes a supermarket trolley for a distance of 30m.
a) Calculate how much work has been done.



b) Write down how much KE has been gained (assuming no energy has been converted
into heat while the trolley does work against counter-forces).


c) If the trolley has a mass of 12 kg, how fast will it now be travelling?



Total 6 marks

5. A sack of rubbish of mass 5.0 kg slides down a refuse chute, dropping through a height of 20m
a) Calculate how much GPE it has lost.


On its way down some of its energy is used to do work against friction, so it does not all
go into KE. At the end of the chute its speed is 16 m/s
b) Calculate its KE.




c) How much work was done against friction and air resistance (the counter-forces)?
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d) If work was done against the counter-forces, energy is transformed into something
other than KE. What form of energy is this? What objects gain this energy, i.e. where
does the energy go?


Total 6 marks

6. The diagrams show what happens to each 100 joules of energy from burning coal on
an open fire and in a stove.

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(a) Add the missing figures to the diagrams.

(b) Which is more efficient, the open fire or the stove? Give a
reason for your answer.

(Total 4 marks)

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