I Never Should Have Done It

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I never should have done it!

The Human Events article was titled, "Barney's Boyfriends" and was accompanied by a picture of Massechusett's Congressman, Barney Frank. That alone was enough information to know if I read the article my blodd was going to boil. Yet, I read on. By the time I completed the article by Daniel J. Flynn, I was predictably angered that Mass. keeps electing this corrupt individual to office, now 16 times. People will remember Barney Frank as the Congressman, who in 2003, assured Congress that Mortgage lender Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were in great shape. After the initial federal bailout of the mortgage giant to the tune of 153 Billion dollars CNN Money news writer Chris Isidore, in his February column, stated that Freddia and Fannie could need an additional 210 Billion in bailout money. Forty to ninety percent of that will be used to pay the U.S. Treasury dividends on the stock they took in exchange for the bailout, nevermind actually solving the fundamental problem. The insanity of this boggles the mind. Massachusett's voters continually turn a blind eye to Franks's personal and professional corruption. He has had so many house ethics problems that the committee has their own definition for BFF; no longer Best Friends Forever, it now means Barney Frank Fridays. From his petitioning to get his male lover a federal job (according to Frank, lots of spouses work for the Feds)and then having him fired after the love was gone, to his serial lovers' involvement in trafficking pot and using his home for male prostitution the ethcis committee must wonder if they are Congressman or panel members on a Jerry Springer Show! Frank declared he is not an outdoorsman and so he didn't know what the pot plant looked like and he was appalled that the lover he picked up as a prostitute and invite into his home would actually engage in prostitution while living there. If Frank ever left public service (that alone is enough to gag the reader) he could surely start a career writing his memoirs for some porn magazine. For how much longer can America endure a Congress being run by corrupt lawmakers? Our current economic state would indicate not much longer. America's great founding father, John Adams wrote long ago, "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and true religion. Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Libertarians and fiscal conservatives say that we must get our fiscal house in order or we will witness the fall of America as we know it. Social conservatives belive if we don't turn back to an adherence of the Ten Commandments our culture will further erode, our families disintegrate and the fabric of society unravel. Both are correct in my opinion. The good news is that America is waking up. People are turning back to the basics of our society; faith in God, family and our Constitutional heritage. It is imperative that we unite and organize. Will it happen in time to save our great nation? There is only one way to find out and that is to work like it is all up to us and pray like it is all up to God!

Next time I see an article with the word Barney Frank and boyfriends in it, I'll probably pass it by. Neither will I hold my breath that I will see a headline such as, "Frank Repents, Resigns, and Remits Payment for Billions Squandered from the Taxpayer Due to His Corruption," I will also remind myself that with God, all things are possible, even the saving of America, even the saving of a lost soul.

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