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Reflective Video Assignment

Group - A1






Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution techniques usually fall along two dimensions, which

 Assertiveness - The degree to which one party attempts to satisfy

his or her own concerns)
 Cooperativeness - The degree to which one party attempts to satisfy
the other party’s concerns).

This helps us identify five conflict-handling intentions:

 Competing: being assertive and uncooperative

 Collaborating: being assertive and cooperative
 Avoiding: being unassertive and uncooperative
 Accommodating: being unassertive and cooperative
 Compromising: being midrange on both assertiveness and

Conflict resolution techniques showcased in the video

1. Dysfunctional conflict

In the Scene 1 of the video what we saw was an instance of dysfunctional

conflict. This conflict arose due to the egos of the participants and
consequent competing ambitions.

It was more important for the Class Representative [Bitan] that everyone
attend the batch address on time while the student [Amrit] gave more
priority to clearing his doubts in class. Hence there was an incompatibility
in their agendas, and this led to the ensuing conflict.

Furthermore, the aggressor (in this case the CR) employed a competing
style of conflict resolution i.e., assertive, and uncooperative which further
exacerbated the situation.
 Possible solution to dysfunctional conflict:

To mediate the conflict i.e., try to negotiate a resolution by using reasoning

and persuasion. Another possibility could be to control the conflict i.e.
reducing the intensity of the conflict by smoothing over differences.

2. Intragroup Conflict

In the Scene 2 of the video, we saw that a conflict arose due to inactive class
participation of the students. When the CR of another class [Vinay]comes
to address this issue, he employs a very competitive style of conflict
resolution wherein he threatens everyone with negative consequences to
their actions, but we see that that when the CR of section 1 [Bitan]comes in
he employs a more collaborative style i.e., assertive and cooperative. He
apologizes for Vinay’s behaviour and more than that he even creates a
superordinate goal for everyone to achieve which brings some much-
needed harmony to the situation. This approach is seen to be much more
constructive as it gets the message to all the parties involved without
antagonizing them.

 Possible solution to Intragroup conflict:

In the Scene 3 of the video, we saw Bitan attempting to employ a

compromising style of conflict management i.e., midrange on both
assertiveness and cooperativeness in the hopes that they could come to a
mutually beneficial solution that satisfies all stakeholders. We see his
efforts are futile as the other section’s CR, Vinay is highly competitive and
antagonistic in his approach.

The conflict arose between members of the same group due to differences
over the goals and functions of communication via a CR. Some possible
solutions for this could be to first and foremost acknowledge that a conflict
has occurred, then reiterating the goals of both parties involved and finally
allowing both sides to air their grievances so the full nature and impact of
conflict is understood by all parties involved.
In the Scene 4 of the video, we saw a person with authority i.e., the teacher
initiates a conflict as his students are unprepared for the class. Later when
both the CRs approach the teacher, he employs a collaborative method of
conflict resolution i.e., assertive, and cooperative wherein he explains the
consequences but ultimately relents to the CR’s given a guarantee that this
will not be repeated in the future.

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