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No. 11038/1/2022-Estt.

Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Directorate of Printing
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Datod 18" July, 2022

Office Memorandum

Subject: Engagement of Consultant-I (Legal) for effective monitoring of court cases

and related matter in Directorate of Printing (Hqs), Nirman Bhawan, New
Delhi - Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith this Directorate Vacancy Notice

dated 18.07.2022 enclosing therewith three nos. Annexures.

2. It is requested that the vacancy notice alongwith annexures may be uploaded on

the website of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs .

Encl. : As above/ . ~'

sni # [31y
Deputy Director(A-11)
Tele No.23061307

SO(IT Cell), MoHUA

Copy to:
( i) AD(CDN)- with the request to upload the vacancy notice in the website of
Directorate of Printing .
(ii) Assistant Controller(Admn.), Department of Publication, Civil Line, Delhi - with
the request to upload the vacancy notice in the website of Department of
(iii) Deputy Controller(Admn.), GISO, Kolkata - with the request to upload the
vacancy notice in the website of GISO

s% nzj,
Deputy Director(A-I) '] \\

Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Directorate of Printing
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi


No..A-11038/7/2022-Estt. Dated 18" July, 2022


Directorate of Printing (DoP), Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA)

require the services of one Consultant-l(Legal) for effective monitoring of court
cases and related matter in the Directorate of Printing (Hqs), Nirman Bhawan, New
Delhi. The Consultant-I(Legal) will be appointed as per the MoHUA guidelines
dated 20.12.2017(Annexure-I).

2. The details including brief job-description, eligibility criteria, terms of

reference, form of application etc. for engaging one number of Consultant-I (Legal)
are available in the website of Directorate of Printing (;
MoHUA(; Dept. of Publication ( and GISO

3. Directorate of Printing reserves all rights to accept or reject, in part/full, any or

all the applications, without assigning any reasons, whatsoever. Last date for receipt
of application is 15 days from the date of issue of this Vacancy Notice published in
the newspaper. Applications received incomplete or after the due date, will not be

4. The details of engagement of consultant are enclosed herewith (Annexure-II).

Interested candidates, having good health and willing to work as Consultant in
Directorate of Printing, Nirman Bhawan may submit their application in the enclosed
format (Annexure-III) to the undersigned by e-mail/post within 15 days from
uploading of this vacancy notice at the following address within due date:

Shesh Kumar,
Deputy Director(A-II),
Directorate of Printing,
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
,,' 51­
(Shesh'Kumar) \)
Deputy Director(A-II)
· Np,: · .EW~Mi~~~I
wrist.,as. nttp\//~itk~hv~.~QYJfl, .

··· ···' ~,fil'.i¥,.·· · · · ·

Nittr.iort, Shuwah, N~W:.Delhf. .

b~d ;l-Yfot~ii:'¢iTib~rW17

J.Procedure and~Guidelines
J_r~~"-~~1,s· . • .. in. the.·.· Ministry
. ·. ofConsultants
~~~; ..•fQr:e}ig'l!if~iti~hj . of . . . g and.
. . Housin
... . . ."a:721,z2 sarans««.«
· f. :· ::ta~n~~htmdttt4n&fsit,
..... ... . . • •
. . ··• ·•·· .· ·• . • . . l

1J consultants w6u · for a fi'xed period for providing hrgh q1;1~tity tefvke;$ to tha .
Mlt\klt~of~oqsln~::~riifp. _ . ·. fot.~er1mtlg tQ·sr,te:cttl\:::a~d Urnt1-lbocind!Jobs· ohoocarnad
.· (?Msiq~s• of-10rrirsiW:b:t~~VS½!i\~6~;:µr.~~i.tI-#ff~fr~ (ful,iiiHµA~.

•·i=1i1Jf:~.i'fA~~"""~~~-- -
14, The appoint
ment !ti{t~~tl~l:a(l.!;s would be ofa temporary (on-permanent) nature and the
appointment can be canc
,.' . ,' . elledat any time Mfnlstry wlU1out assigrling
.. , ., ' • ., ' '....· . ai1y. reas-0111. :,

1.i _ _ JM~fll)l)~~'oni~~(jf·w®td-fi\e~)ta,c:o~u[,z;tilfe~llainme tategt,'}f'fe~n,~n~1:n_1~(!b~~W,

!9r}~hl~furtp~~t1J}:~tr~~~r-aZt~d.ih:Pak:l: · · . · . ..· .
•tt~· -·· :, ,er;in$:fifta.ijt;rt
:~11~ .'g)f:isu~~ij~Jn·-

eisting ea#desi respectivegradeaspertegain«toned ,

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t~te~11y'. ~~~~~~~,-....~~-~~:tr"-::::
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t I
Rs, 35000• 45000 1 section Ofnc¢d$Qf'
_i;,fus Rs.1500 towards
· ·-·---.. i,-Rs:4S000
· (;On$Ui~nt ll
local conveyanc~
. --'-·--,,."'Graduation
· ~5000 p!as . Under Secretary level
; :- --, ,.,.-,--,, ,_., .in.,Technical
, . ,. ,. ,. .,., , subjed
--,__ ...f

Rs.2000 towards f$tal :sitth as E:ng~ne-er'iM[:j; Jaw;

C◊.t1V¢y~nae Cotrlpl!ter $oenc~·Cilr>lomain
Ma!l'~.•rri'i;inL -dt<QMBA·. :r.,.
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fo@f ccin~yan6$.
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rili~~~rntt1t Cit tlif• Dlvl$ion
4. ':f~l~~'~ •iftj®-."

5. Agelimits
N¢'ft~fr~ct;ovi;t11rn~r.ift~iv~:t:$i\;<ii;ll~ \'.ii:i ·· ·ged as a consultant beyond 65 years' age. The

f f$#$f$.2fess#et±ea
• ChapteronProcurement of Serices :(!hit';' 1 :ra,teo,f0'i:i1.~,t~1 and 195) ofGFR, 207;and
• hr/&War 1.2.1, 7.1 & 7.2) ot ManualotPote&esan@«@eaoreot mtorentcot

• 8/f~tid QI)' ~k r,q~lr~Jttefjf, fhe:01vtsroit toi1~1'!l,lll4Wfltpt~i:,~re i:m l!ldVelil!!ernetjt•irr'the ~t ..•

l)UtliMd at ·.• . .·.· .•. . ·-" . tf'rrat can be expanded bythe division concer. fasperrequirement)fer
in . fet-1=n9ag~rnenr~fctmsoft~n~fand~tE1tl1~:$'artie ~ . . . ...W~sl~o,f:~~~tMl~ls~r}'.; •·
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ions recelved in response totha lid~~,.~m.ertt•Wiirb~·.Sl'.rtitinized ynd. irflq,¥J~i

·. Olv~t~q, as , t their requirement and in ;t1:!~ 1;gh1 ¢jf · · g~,d~llm~~
. med: fJJi ,Would ,shbh1[t:a •. tli~: .·.·· .·· ...· .... ··••· ~va4u.atl~i1
, - ~' . . 1panel o . .ich wiltinclude a waitlist f2esans, per
!'Oenti • •J'fi ,.· · .. beservced bythe concerned subject Diision, the
.· . tt.{1a<,t~b~r :~fr 'the ~~a.'Qtr1;,s pf Ci:ln~t.i~l! :$K$1t l:\e as und~· · · ·

· . ·pf co_t1i.11roeP ,Wtng Chairn'!.<lrt

:tAt:1mfo1~rmtipnJ · Member
o.t~itc. i r;t:is~ FJ~;llMe
:,:.·,-:::-··:.·:"."•,·.: ..
.. .. ' . , ·:· :' ·' ,
&al. secretary Chc)Frtttcln
J~l~( . . . ·. ·.· . fcofii:E!ined Wii½l Mernber
l>~c :(Admtritlitratibrll . M~roQer
;~Jr~orl fi!lhant~ ONisfon Member

•~.s·. . , . Afterrecommendationof the CEC,theconcerned subject Dision wit

t~. ~~c(husistu
A f~ired Gqvert1m~nt · 11fflcl~I Cllt,p6w;terl $!;_ ~rys9 ~ant •. 111, any ctf the three cat~ggrfe,; stall
•OOntfhU~ to draw
Pension and the Dearness Relief on Pension ~riRQ~•.Plltr~-of his engagement as
totisult~t~ ·f-tls/fu~r ~ngag~e,nt .Ill!>· t:Cll'&t1iant,&hall11~{ ti~:~Qns1~er~tl ata ¢ki~-t>ffe•~tnpJp~ nt.
a . ii~ ~r:~~~ ·
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""1~t~WM al/ii~9\~rJ; .. ~~~4~---

..... •·.:

,· , ·- .. · :· .--. ;


1(t ~-t
No TA/DA shall be admissible forjoining the assignment oron ~ ~mpl,atipn. Ctii<l$µt~ t$,will
•ootbe .1trpWt<:t forti~n tr$vel atGovernmentexpenses. However, Consultants shall be allowed TA/A
for their'travel, Inside· tl'fe r;ourrtrJin corni~¢Ui;)n with. the offidal work at followingrate: ·. . ' .

'"ffi~~t1 1
;,; .~··!la~ P<fil~li,1,.,,.1
dty aira r~lm!}urs~m!:lnt offt:iou bfl!s noi exce~t;i'iHst ~ st10/• per
-----~--.---·-"i-~. 4--
. -
· -··-·· .......,,.,.,...,.,. .. . .

, ... ·-·· ._, . ' -.·- .

. . • 1'~i!~Qi\ihsult~rii'.s shallhave access to the Ministry et Housingand urtanAffairs' Lubrayduring .

th¢per:fP'd'oitheit enseglkm$1:lien~tl~alf'be-anowed to 8ortbvrbn6ks ~ p$;r-f~~µ~~aty~uJ~ • .

f#ET=ans±es Existingconsultants;


Thee swillcontinueas per their existing entitlements/remuneration. Their


AlDivisions/wgsunder Mistiy of Housing and Ur«tan j#sis

liJ · .ipr,~!~e;,t;:tle1ti8?.t ~f ctt~,. ~~tiv~s

.. ·:(~$btpll1'.1$;Qtthitorn!clin,.Whe.~~··~bo~CJ~rne.r;it~fc<mi~1ijiii~t$,l$.,®<:1Ulredt;H6·01Gi•~·~~¢,§~~),
:, - : ·.- ,, : ..··: ' . . :, . ·. ·:-·:·:·: ·. ·· ,. · · . · .-:: · ·:~;_.. : . :·:· - ·i· . .' ··-I··:· ., · :- · ·· . .:" ..... ,. . ...

.• fli} · · . • .. Outline of thetasks tobe carried out•

(Details oft work requiredto be. carried out! specifio Ila:~!® activities to be assignedto
OQ11s_ulra~~:~~v1~ ~~ u,~~t$d) . ·· · ·· ·

' ' , .
-:.- forcompletion
' ~---:
. ... ··,.
of Task(s)
...·, : : . .. . :: '" . ·:.· : .. ' ,. · .. :·. .. . . . ' ' . ·.

±2gs szz: zma±tests±

The support O't inputs to be provided by ifhtll Mlriittey of Houslng and Urban
•• .
Affalrs to facilitate the Consultancy
' •,• < ' ' ·, ' ' , ', :' • . , • •. , ,,_ ' . -· . • ·, . : ., ;

·· ~'=/IFJ;u~l9 ~,con$~1Wl\ ~l;I ~ "'~i<tli/~~ ..

· i"h~t1nat.:Qtitp~
ti:pr.,µf$tp••o.~rertuirtd ofthe {fonsolmnta.t the end of the consultancy periodshould
' ~ . . . .

12/Narne_.,~~~~~-~'"",;,......~......~"'".,...;,...~~Ht"~J,4.,~a•,.}r~J;~:.s.,~;.; ·•·
13. Father's
14-,.)~~~~:;~!Bit°Q1•·-:w-.....;-~..---~""'~,i,-,.....;""~~-... .:....--~......... J,h.-.....~~;:-...;.;:--~.....~ ... ~.;;~;,;~~ ...

l~·r;·D,9t~~Je~~~~-~---iii. .~~~-""H0~ 4
~ ..~-~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ..~- .. 7~-~~~~-~%~4
16.Nationality --------- ·• · ____._.:.;;;.,;;;µ;;.C.~;_~:,.~:,.;;:,.~~~~~~
17.Mailing Address(ith Tel/Mo. And E-mailaddress)---......--­
ans.or»or«i«or«o+or@««r+««+« u« so»or
. . . .

• •. J$~~~,tr1~~~-~d.t~s.!~~i'. •ryJ1•.•.• .. ii., .... ,..._,,;4,-,~~;..;,,..~,;-~;,..~~

19:Eduti~~l9tiaI•~ltff6ati~ ~~--.w_..,.._....,.......;.~~.....~...,_.,..


· Instifute
Qrg~isafi()W . Peifotf
Ptfltn. .·'.J'.',o. .•. Na,ttiie•ot'.·1. ..i··£l·tii··~
W:t>rck ···' .·.'··.; •. : ..·i_.·]
.:. .·...·:

'----- - ----n-<--------~
- -- - - - -'-~~--
-_ ~ ---.-.- - - --......- ·J---,a"--- - ~ -i,

22.Re ference
(lv} ; .

. 8ft1~(PSP-II)
I:;· ,,;·

RQI-·,} ' · e Mfnlfflrlei.Qr f.'.i'.eparttnt';ln~ may Jir-r~_~ternal. pr~$sl<>.nats~ ~n~11a~~;fvl!I~

· .o ~ferr~ci. ro: as @nsutt®t na~ttaft~tforJ:i-•~ peclflti Job~ which' iswsn de.~)\l~' In
, ·~f:oonfent ~nrl.1lmirfr_arnid6r. l'fu· f.i~m~l~lhtl:. ,

· Qotis.uttif'I~ sho til~ attg be clearly identifiedat .tffite stage. ,
· Rule 185. Preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR): The TOR should include

the:ftn~routputs- t~at\li.lll:oe r.equkoo oft:ne. C¢nso:1t~n1;

J~~represent.J•~naturalcontinuatrion .,~-T
a work carted; out the
ofprevious by
m case of an emergency situation, .s.1tua1ions arising after natural ·
%""ns where urety completionofhe assignment lsofutmost
tect;inkt~ or Qf\(f Qn~9ijf1$ultant'bs1 ·rcequlsitet:®ii,ertllil~.; .· . . . · .•.•., . . . ·
· · · · · •. · circumstances, itmay beoom,f., · · ·•: J<iiL~~li!i'd,ta
wn),~,~cle@~Jt1tim-~a,1l'Jn'1s • · . ijr,. f $!fr ti-
. · :f~dt•~/~~~~.xf ,~f1H~·i~¥~i{:i'iJ: :in:t~e$t:. · or··
!It\ ..
8/iB .f2E


·. · ., ·• ·--~~M·til~~~ ·• ' . . .

s forwhich(a)teams
Isupportis required,
arethe paramount
9/S8 125
.. ffl~(PSP-11) I
-~·-::r:;;;. _
- . "c -
Ministry ofHousing and Urban Af:fl.)tts·
Mrp:ttwww·:h'i~~o~~gi5,qn -
.s+-.. .D Mlnlslwof quires services ofN
or-·appoit1ti.1:ienf .· · · -.·
.· · -
e:$~~rW; .··· ·.·
±±%± three categories) ».
· J6b requirement As per detailedTerris 6fReference at Annexure-l.:
- .:descriptklitM _ - •·


· (it) ... ;(::~~:uJt1.tiitJ
.. {¢) • ..• ~~~~m:!11~.
l'mvlij~ :or~dmtt .Jn Technical subject suh as
:~ n~b1~ering..µa\V~.Compmer Soi . ... . . IBfu:a irt.M!tn~tnel\t e~JM'irster
Degree in other :s_ubJ~tsor~~-'••--·····tli!l :eerrr,u1!~Jent ~.111¢ ~QUC~l'+I®
- Division(to be specifiedbytheconcerned Division before issue).
·-· -·· -- < .. · .· . ,Qr - . ·•····.• .· · ..·.,... - ·.
- - . e,roJ)19)~~~i9t:t\\i~~l!lt1; ~~!~ ()'.i'til®fJiASO) lmd

• q9~J~ijJ1fU . .·. . .. .
(b) Professionals havingGraduationinTechnical subject suchas Engine
- ta.w, .t¼µipu~r Stiietice$/ J;fploma iti M~~ment etc;-

t>r .
Rt\tif&i'•Govetmtieht.ernpfoy®-sa pf'Lfil"1et •S ~~~r,lbi?~lil.Jt$~ 1
Pirectot Jev~fs-. · ·- · ·· -
<:·'-, ·_ :·.:_ ·;,·

10/SB:C 2E

III Desirable
. ·~· ~bd)\cad~tnfo Redlird .
• Ji®d. CCin'll1lUllioation skills, bothoral and written .
• :A.@.WtiC.~ and pr1;1senfuii61rsldi1s With abUltytct:g~l!leratea·w ~d·•writte~
·•• '.!lli~perlence m .~JJ~H6n~: ¢6' · "~t~$ti~l.d~~.·•~t;i'llpUt:ef skills
andpreparation ofProjectRe .iefs etc.

p~f◊tl'ml@aftfu'fc~~da,t¢11r •
ttow¢ver. ro~uin dliJ11;tfon of l

·2.,. :111tere$ted~andt~teftrttty s!rid-thefrCV inthe

t$ d~s from''p n~Ue.ttt~•of.thti:va~oy:Jri ·il~wspap~ri~
. Ji(PSP-11)

·. itt,gflli4ia .
'tftbmi :Affsdts

available ori: · i ·. art(!:

nderlink .••••..· . . . Urhari?· . ·.· . . . .
Tbe last date for receiptofapplications is 15 days fromthe date ofpublication
;·' ': ...
.. ·
in the newspaper.
'.··· ·, . . . .,
' ··
12/98 • 11,
1 es8'1'WaQ~fflJS(PSP-II)
. .

. . . • ·. C.Ct: ·.,;;. .,·

· ···'nfug:~mih>jiaJ.:oflFI>•.·ij•

. · !he duly e~nst!futed conmufa:ticy Evaluation
C~mmittee(CEG)? . N~

[2:zEs5.5%z.ze s

Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Directorate of Printing
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

Terms of Reference(TOR) for the post of Consultant-l (Legal):

Post: Consultant-I (Legal)-01Post

I. General Conditions for engaging Consultant-I (Legal}:

(a) Consultant would be engaged for a fixed period for providing quality service to
the Directorate of Printing, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and for
attending to specific and time-bound jobs;
(b) The appointment of Consultant would be on Full-time basis and they would not
be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of Consultancy with
the Directorate of Printing;
(c) The appointment of consultant is of a temporary (non-official) nature and the
Directorate of Printing can cancel the appointment at any time without assigning any

II. Essential Qualifications:

Essential Qualifications: LL.B Degree or an integrated course of B.A. LL. 8 from

a recognized university with good knowledge of legal matters, service
rules/regulations etc.

Ill. Desirable:
(a). Experience in dealing with court cases including CAT, High Court and
Supreme Court on service matters/administrative matter;
(b). Candidate should be well versed with Drafting Counter affidavits/Written
Submission etc.;
(c). Candidate must have good communications skill and proficiency in working on
- 2-

(IV) Scope of Work:

a. Deal with the court matters and legal issues for examination and
recommendation of appropriate action to be taken by the Directorate;
b. Examine the draft counter reply affidavit prepared by the Central Government
Standing Counsel and suggest appropriate and adequate
amendments/improvements /developments in the draft counter reply affidavit
to be filled in the CAT/Courts where UOI/DOP/GIP is/are impeded as
respondents/defendants parties;
c. Monitor filing of counter replies in time and suggest to take appropriate and
adequate action in time to be taken in the court cases;
cl. Assist the officers/officials in briefing/discussing/attending the court matters
with the concerned Central Government Standing Counsels;
e. Examine Orders of CAT/Courts and advise further course of action to be
taken in respect of the Court matter;
f. Maintain copies of judgments/orders of the courts/CAT reached finality on
different issues on service matters of Central Government employees and
submit a weekly status report of the court cases to the Director(Printing);
g. He will be responsible for keeping official records in his/her safe custody. Any
loss of the records under his/her custody will accrue to him/her.

(V). Age Limit :Maximum of 62 years, as on the last date of application.

(VI). Duration: The initial engagement as Consultant would be for a period of one
year, which is extendable beyond one year depending upon the requirement of DoP
and performance review of the consultant but shall not be extended beyond his/her
attaining the age of 65 years.

(VII). Remuneration: The emolument to be paid to the consultant is fixed at

Rs.35,000/- p.m. + Rs.1,500/-p.m. as local conveyance fee as per guidelines issued
by MoHUA's vide Order dated 20.12.2017.


1. Name (in Block Letters)

2. Father's Name :

3.Date of Birth:

4. Nationality:

5. [Address for correspondence. ­

• Telephone/Mobile No. & email DD:

7. Permanent address:

8. Educational Qualifications:

Sl. Course Subject University/ Year of Division/

No. Institute passing Class

9. Brief particulars of work experience (Attach a separate sheet, if necessary) (Self

attested with signature)

SI. Organisation/Institute Post held Period Nature of Remarks

No. From ITo work

I ..
10. Additional relevant information, if any, in support of your suitability for the said
engagement (Attach a separate sheet, if necessary).

11.Whether belongs to SC / ST/OBC I General Category:

I hereby declare that all the statements in this application are true and complete to
the best of my knowledge and belief. I have read this document and ready to
accept the terms and conditions for engagement of Consultant. I do understand that I
will be declared guilty, if I am involved in any type of misconduct.

Signature of candidate: _

Mobile No.: .
Date: ------------

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